Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1100: Can't bear to look back

In Vienna Palace, Franz was still very interested in the czarist government's smuggling proposal.

The money delivered to the door is not made for nothing. Although most of the money was borrowed from his own hands, every time he earns one more Aegis now, it means that one less Aegis will be lost in the future.

For the Russians to "fulfill their debts," the tsarist government must have money. Let alone the Russo-Japanese War, the gold swallowing beast, the key is the revolutionary wave brewing in the country.

Because of the decline in population, the current social contradictions in the Russian Empire should be slightly relaxed in the original time and space.

However, this relaxation is limited to traditionally ruled areas. For example, in the newly occupied Poland, Bulgaria, Afghanistan, and several khanates in Central Asia, it was a day without peace.

Originally, what Nicholas II took over was a super mess. For a long time, the Russians ruled the above-mentioned areas by adopting traditional feudal models, relying purely on force to suppress local resistance.

If it were a hundred years ago, there would be no problem with such a rule. After a long time, everyone will get used to it.

In this regard, the Tsarist government also has extensive experience, as the vast territory of the Russian Empire came from this way.

Regrettably, we have now entered the 20th century. Nationalist trends are sweeping the world. Traditional feudal rule models are increasingly unable to keep up with the times.

If the Russians can win the Russo-Japanese War, then it will be fine. Victory can suppress domestic social contradictions. If you suffer defeat, it is hard to say.

In particular, there is a behind-the-scenes man behind the scenes who is remotely controlling, constantly bringing the Russian Empire into the pit, for fear that they will not fall.

Well, I dug the hole with my own hands. Franz knows how deep it is.

Even if the tsarist government can escape, it will inevitably have to peel off the skin. Other sequelae are temporarily uncertain, anyway, government financial bankruptcy will certainly occur.

Destined to lose money, then you have to find a way to lose a little less. As for the "smuggling trade" that would offend the Japanese, that is not a problem at all.

It's not that he has not offended him. As early as the Philippine War, Shinra had already offended Spain when he pulled Spain sideways. Now it is nothing more than a deeper offense.

In this regard, Franz had to admire the Meiji government. In the true sense, they have brought the words "being able to stretch out" to the extreme.

He gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart, but he just held back. On the dark side, he slumped down and made small, even secretly he didn't take revenge.

Whatever you pay, you will gain. The Japanese government has been so obedient that Franz the Great, who wanted to find their bad luck, was a little embarrassed to start.

In fact, the Shenluo Navy also has an actual combat training plan. The main thing is to go directly to the war with Britain. Everyone has no idea. They want to find a weaker enemy and practice their hands first to strengthen their self-confidence.

Unfortunately, the Holy Roman Empire just lacks such enemies.

Except for beating the Kingdom of Sardinia and attacking the Ottoman Empire in the past, the navy had made appearances. At other times they were playing soy sauce.

Originally, the European War was also a good opportunity. It's a pity that the French navy is a little too strong. After some tentative battles, both sides tacitly chose a land battle.

Facts have proved that this decision is completely correct. Military training does not mean death. The strength of the Faoist navy was very close, and decisive battles would only make the British.

Then, there is no more. In recent years, the Holy Roman Empire has fully fulfilled Franz's "peace-loving" diplomatic declaration.

Not only did it fail to launch a foreign war, but it also mediated international conflicts many times and made important contributions to the maintenance of world peace.

The Navy wants to find an opportunity to prove itself, and Franz also supports it. The problem is that apart from the arrogant British Empire, no country is willing to accept the move?

For example: Japan.

The European War had just ended. Under Franz's instruction, the Vienna government immediately intervened strongly in the Philippine campaign, and it also took a clear stand.

He even clearly told the Japanese government that we have just finished the European war and are now at the weakest time. It is impossible to expedition for Spain.

It is a pity that the Japanese government has not been fooled, and has read the "quack talk" early. It's a fact that you can't work your way on expedition, but it doesn't mean that Shenluo has no ability to interfere.

If you don't give face, you can beat them at the door of the Austrian Nanyang home.

The wise Meiji government not only gritted its teeth and accepted the terms of the European Union, but even retaliated against Spain afterwards. There was nothing about Shinra.

The Vienna Peace Conference has just ended, and Franz personally led the formulation of international rules, saying that he can't beat himself in the face!

Immediately after the Anglo-Japanese Alliance was formed, if you want to find the bad luck of the Japanese, there is no chance.

Not only Japan, but also other countries. All of them are slippery, and the Vienna government has not caught the handle enough to start a war.

Franz has always believed that face is given to each other. Since other countries give face to Shenluo, the Vienna government must also give face to others.

The only Britain who refused to give face, but the Shenluo Navy couldn't win others, the actual combat training plan naturally died.

In the end, the Shenluo Navy could only choose to calm down and work **** its internal strength. It held back until the naval technological revolution broke out and reshuffled before reaching out to the British maritime hegemony.

Now helping the Russians smuggle, naturally, it is not purely for making money, let alone helping allies.

If it is purely to help allies, then the Vienna government will not support the Russians while selling arms to the Japanese government.

Despite the fact that the Vienna government has imposed an arms embargo on Japan, more than 90% of the international army’s arms and ammunition trades this year came from the Holy Roman Empire.

Except for a few countries that have realized the localization of weapons and equipment in a few, the remaining countries, almost all of their army equipment has been occupied by "Arctic Equipment".

Even if it hasn't been occupied yet, it's halfway through the occupation, and the proportion of Olympic equipment in the Japanese army is getting higher and higher.

There is no way, who killed France's only competitor? The countries that originally purchased forensic weapons and equipment were all embarrassed in tears.

A decree of the Anti-French Alliance directly destroyed all the military industry in France, and related machinery and equipment were demolished and smashed by the coalition forces.

Not to mention the after-sales service for replacement of parts and repairs. Even the ammunition is used with one round and one round, so there is no way to supplement it.

Everything at hand has become a fire stick in the true sense, and it is difficult to perform a large-scale outfit without changing it.

With the renewal of the equipment of the armies of various countries, the "Arctic" weapons and equipment that were the mainstream in the market soon defeated many opponents and became the only mainstream equipment in the world.

Today, in the army of any country in the world, you can see the shadow of the "Olympics" equipment. Even the British lobster soldiers are no exception.

The reason why "mainstream equipment" is called mainstream is not only because of the high cost performance and wide application range of weapons and equipment, but more importantly, it is easy to maintain and purchase ammunition.

In any industry, once the scale integration effect is formed, it is very difficult for latecomers to get ahead.

Even in a certain country, a more advanced weapon can be created with a brainstorm, but it cannot change the overall situation.

Weapons and equipment are also matched, and only the most suitable is the best, not the most advanced.

The two sides sell arms together to make money, which shows that they want to hurt both Japan and Russia in order to make huge profits.

In the international arena, this is almost an open secret, and the top leaders of all countries basically know everything, including the tsarist government.

Knowing that when you need to seek support, the Russians are the first to think of their own "good ally."

There are no pure creatures who play politics. Everyone is a master who is not profitable. If the Vienna government has no calculations, the Russians will not believe it.

Compared with the invisible tricks, the Russians still prefer this kind of "expensive profit" on the bright side.

After all, most of the money of the tsarist government was borrowed from Shinra, and the Vienna government could not watch them lose if it wanted to recover its debts.

Most of the time, there is no problem with this judgment. When the debt reaches a certain level, it becomes "The debtor is the uncle."

As long as the Vienna government does not want to cause turmoil in the domestic financial market or even a financial crisis because the Russians defaulted on debt, they must be helped.

It's a pity that this time is an exception. Whoever makes the Russians meet Franz, a freak from the "monetary credit age", does not treat the loaned money as the same thing.

Compared with the fiscal policies of central banks in later generations, the Russian debt is really not a big deal.

As long as the British were defeated, Aegis' international currency dominance was established. Even if the Russians defaulted on their debts and triggered a financial crisis, they can learn from the old United States and drag people into the water to share the loss.


Looking at the price marked on the document, Franz said with satisfaction: "Tell the Russians that as a country that advocates free trade, the Holy Roman Empire opposes all acts that undermine free trade.

No individual, organization, or national government has the right to intervene in the trade between the empire and the Far Eastern Empire, and the Japanese are naturally no exception.

By the way, is the transportation channel opened up? Don't agree to reach an agreement, but in the end you can't make the transaction on time, then you'll smash the sign. "

"Smuggling" does not exist. As the world's hegemon, the Vienna government has always been the most disciplined.

Therefore, the "arms trade" does not exist either. Some are just ordinary commercial trade between the Holy Roman Empire and the Far Eastern Empire, which has nothing to do with the ongoing Russo-Japanese War.

As for ordinary commodities, why they turned into weapons and equipment, or various strategic materials, then I have to ask God.

If anyone is curious and interested in this issue, they can go to God and ask in person. The Vienna government can even help reimburse travel expenses.

Compared to the "curiosity" that the outside world may have, Franz is more concerned about transportation. The strategic material consumption of hundreds of thousands of troops is not a small number.

If it is within the Holy Roman Empire, transporting these materials can be easily done by ship or train.

If we are in a hurry, we can also alleviate our urgent need by gathering domestic cargo airships.

But when it came to the Far Eastern Empire, it was completely different. It is obviously unrealistic to deliver the goods directly to the war zone.

The coastal areas are in the hands of the Japanese army, even if the Russian army still controls a few fortresses, it is unable to break through the Japanese blockade and transport the materials back.

In order to ensure the safety of materials, detours are necessary. The Far Eastern Empire had only a few roads and railways, and more of it was primitive human and animal power.

All the way to the destination, the distance may not be as close as from Moscow to the Far East. The only advantage is that the climate is relatively good, unlike Siberia, which takes a year and a half to travel.

Frederick smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, father. The arms dealers are much more active than us. As soon as the Russo-Japanese War broke out, they began to mobilize strategic materials from the Far Eastern Empire.

The government only mediates in the middle and helps to get through the official links. This is not difficult to achieve.

Both Japan and Russia were the main forces in the invasion of the Far Eastern Empire. There were so many people who hated the two countries, including high-ranking government officials.

They dare not do anything on the surface, but secretly cause trouble to Japan and Russia. They are still happy to do it.

At present, we have connected with the local power faction. In addition to the high freight rates we provide, the locals are still very cooperative.

The earliest supplies have now entered the prairie, and it is estimated that they will be handed over to the Russians in a few months.

Although these materials are not many, they can also solve the urgent needs of the Russian army. For the shortfall in the order, we will transfer from the nearest Nanyang region, and we can deliver it within half a year. "

Interests are moving, and wherever there is war, there are arms dealers. There is no need for the government to specialize in organization. Just because of the huge profits of the arms trade, there will be a steady stream of people joining.

In the judgment and estimation of war, arms dealers are the most sensitive group of people. Franz even suspected that the Russian embassy case had just happened, and arms dealers began to prepare.

Of course, early preparations can seize the opportunity and grab the biggest cake; but risks and benefits coexist. If there is no war in judgment, it will be a tragedy.

In every era, there are arms dealers who have made a lot of money, and there are also arms dealers who have lost money. To select the top ten high-risk industries, arms dealers are definitely on the list.

Although the agreement was reached between the Vienna government and the Russians, the government is stubborn and it is impossible to stop smuggling in person.

The specific trading operations are naturally completed by the arms dealers who "back the pot". Anyway, the reputation of the arms dealers is stinking, and I don't care about adding more.

After nodding satisfactorily, Franz suddenly added: "I heard that the military discipline of the Russian army is very bad, and the relationship with the local residents is very bad. This is very dangerous.

Let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs come forward to warn the Tsarist government that if they want to win the war and need the cooperation of other people and locals, then they should properly restrain military discipline.

If this is not possible, this agreement can now be voided. There is no way for us to deliver the materials to them when the locals resist.

This is what I said, no need to avoid taboos, just convey the original intention directly. "

Franz is also uncertain about the specific effect. Anyway, the constraint is better than the unconstrained.

What's more, he, the emperor, personally came forward to warn, no matter how great the tsarist government is, it is impossible to ignore it.

I don't understand why Franz is so cautious, but Frederick still chose to obey. Regent for a long time, now he is no longer the boy who asked why in case of trouble.

Countless experiences have told him that if he doesn't understand why, it is very possible that "why" is literal.

Frederick also experienced it personally. Many times a common decree was interpreted by the following group of people.

Be blamed, people are citing good things. Not only is it harmless, it also has positive social significance.

Frederick was still a little uncomfortable at first, but after a long time, he got used to it.

In his opinion, Franz is now issuing a warning to the Tsarist government, either because the Russian army has done too much and has affected the war; or it is simply oversight and wants to change this situation.

Both results are possible, but not very reliable. If you really want to help the Russians win the war, the easiest and most effective way is to pull the European Union and jointly impose a material embargo on Japan.

Just like during the Philippine War, in order to force the Japanese government to withdraw from the Southeast Asia, the Vienna government led European countries to impose a material embargo on Japan.

Not to mention the latter, but anyone who is rich in compassion cannot become a great emperor.

You can refer to my uncle for details. It was because of too much sympathy and too strong idealism that he was driven back from Mexico.

This is still a big family, and the interfering forces have emerged, frightening the local powerful factions. Otherwise, whether we can get out of Mexico alive is still unknown.

For this unlucky uncle who lost the throne, the entire Habsburg dynasty didn't have much favor, including Frederick.

It's not because of "stepping on the low and holding the high", you are at the top of the food chain and you don't need to do these meaningless things.

It was mainly because of "money injury". In order to raise funds for the great cause of restoration in Mexico, Massimiliano I had "assisted" them all these years.

You know, in his youth, after listening to this uncle's tragic experience, Frederick was also generous.

Not only did he donate all the pocket money he had saved for many years, but he also helped raise funds spontaneously.

That's all about money. For the honor of the family, Frederick won't be stingy with that little pocket money.

Don’t expect anything in return, the key is to see the actual effect after the money is spent!

For many years of investment, no results have been seen, and there are grievances on anyone. After a long time, everyone's good impression of Massimiliano I naturally disappeared.

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