Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1096: Declining expectations

Failing to achieve the goal, Lloyd George can only lament: the world is changing too fast, and the French government is not easy to fool.

Unlike the pro-British Bonapartist dynasty, the restoration of Bourbon has nothing to do with the British government. Even to avoid suspicion, the Carlos government deliberately kept a distance from the British.

The facts are in front of us, regardless of how much benefit Lloyd George promised, can not hide the super high risk of participating in the anti-Shinra war.

France's vitality is now greatly injured, and the wealth accumulated by the colonial empire for hundreds of years has also been exhausted, and there is no capital to fight against Shinra.

The country can't stand the toss, and the king can't stand the toss. Although the Bourbon dynasty was orthodox, it was stepped in by powerful dragons several times in the middle, and its ruling foundation was far less solid than that seen by the outside world.

Had it not been for the fuss of the previous government and the scourge of the Russians, the people of Paris would be discolored by the "revolution".

Otherwise, based on the current economic situation of France, it is estimated that the Carlos government would have been ousted long ago.

I have to admit that social beatings are easier for people to mature. After a series of failures, France's middle two teenagers were almost extinct.

Without these main forces of cannon fodder, the Revolutionary Party fell silent. There is no way. Right now happens to be when the people are most disgusted with the revolution, and there is no basis for rebellion at all.

No one is a fool, and the troops of the Anti-French Alliance are still stationed in France. At this time, the rebellion was not only rebelling against the Carlos government, but also rebelling against the "anti-French alliance."

Smart people can see that a rebellion now has no meaning other than losing his life.

As for the idiots who don't understand the current situation, they have already died stubbornly, even if they escaped by fluke, they won't be able to become a climate.

The most important thing is that after Carlos took power, although the domestic economy did not show much expression, the population of France has been greatly reduced.

As the population decreases, the resources allocated per capita will naturally increase, and everyone's life will go on.

It was only after the wars and chaos that they knew the value of peace, and the French people who were frightened by the toss, now want to have a birthday in a few days. Even if life is hard, it is better than being displaced.

In the context of a determined society, the domestic situation in France has quickly stabilized.

Lloyd George was very disappointed that he did not fool the French, but now he has no time to be sad. This trip to Europe is not just for a France.

Except for the Holy Roman Empire, which is 100% sure to be the enemy, all European countries are the targets of the British government.

Although influenced by geopolitics, it is unrealistic to pull people over, but it's not bad to play "Being in Cao Ying and Heart in Han".

Do not ask countries to stand on their side, as long as everyone is neutral in the battle for hegemony, or passively sabotaged, it is a huge victory for Britain.

To do this, it is not without hope. European countries are now dependent on the Holy Roman Empire, which does not mean that everyone is really willing.

No one likes to have a "mother-in-law" on his head. If possible, everyone is more willing to go back to the era of how strong they are.

If the Holy Roman Empire really seized world hegemony, it would be a "dominant family" in the true sense, and all countries could only crawl and shiver under this giant.

The Vienna government now pays attention to eating habits, which does not mean that after a family dominates, it still pays attention to eating habits. No one wants to bet on the morals of the Vienna government.

After all, the government needs to change. The Franz era has a special social background. It is necessary to pay attention to eating and keeping basic morals, but this does not mean that the next era also has morals.

If it weren't for the sluggishness of the previous play, it would have jumped up through the anti-French war, and the anti-Austrian alliance would have been established long ago.

From this perspective, France has also contributed a lot to the rise of the Holy Roman Empire.

If it hadn't been for their arrogant hatred before, which affected the judgment of all countries, the rise of the Holy Roman Empire would definitely not have been so smooth.

Perhaps Lloyd-George was born to work hard, his name starts with "Lao", and now he is running around the world as a British envoy.

Different from the convenient transportation of later generations, even though there are planes these days, politicians are basically afraid to ride.

The most luxurious trains can't keep up with the green leather trains of later generations on average. The fastest and most comfortable train is naturally a special train, but it is a pity that Lloyd George does not enjoy this level of treatment.

The status of the British plenipotentiary foreign envoy can frighten a group of people overseas, but in the European continent, there are too many people who do not want him.

There are special trains waiting in every country, and if Edward VII visited in person, it would be almost the same.

Staying in the car for a long time is obviously not a pleasure. Fortunately, most European countries are small countries. If all of them are like Shinra and Russia, Lloyd George will have to be stunned.

The front is fighting for the cause of the British Empire, and the rear is not idle. For the question of military budget, the British Parliament has held seven meetings.

Up to now, the total tonnage ratio of the Royal Navy and the Shinra Navy has remained at 10:6.5, and the battleship tonnage ratio is also as high as 4:3, except that there is no advantage over super battleships.

Now that the Vienna government has increased the Aegis budget by 100 million (equivalent to 50 million pounds), the Royal Navy wants to continue to maintain its current advantages, at least 70 million pounds.

This number sounds small, but in fact it is very terrible. We must know that the fiscal revenue of the British Isles is less than 100 million pounds a year.

Even if the colony’s income is calculated, this is still an astronomical figure. Once the military budget is passed, nothing else can be determined. The British government will definitely have a fiscal deficit this year.

If you add to the original military budget, then the Royal Navy’s military budget this year will directly exceed 100 million pounds, which has caught up with the fiercest time of the original air arms race.

Of course, it is also the most intense time of the arms race. The only difference is that the previous warm-up is missing, and it is directly transferred to the finals.

This kind of gameplay of directly competing for the final championship without preliminaries is obviously not suitable for the British, at least the parliament did not react.

Many people are wondering whether the Royal Navy and the Shinra Navy are singing "double reeds" in order to defraud huge military budgets.

It's not that similar things have never happened. Although the British and Austrian navies have never really collaborated, they both tacitly held up the "threat theory" when asking for military expenses.

Once, twice, three times, four times..., it happened more often, and it is no longer a coincidence in the eyes of those who care.

The news that the Anglo-German navies jointly defrauded military expenditures was reported in time and space. Now there is a rumor that the British-Austrian navies jointly defrauded military expenditures.

Under normal circumstances, everyone would not believe it, but there are abnormal situations, right?

Although the British government is wealthy, this does not mean that their funds are unlimited. If you spend a lot on military expenditures, you will inevitably reduce expenditures in other areas.

Behind every congressman is the support of interest groups. Some people will benefit from the increase in the navy's military budget, and others will also suffer.

Interests are not mindful, and opposing for the sake of opposition is completely normal.

What's more, Shinra's shipbuilding plan has also been covered up, and everyone has every reason to suspect that this is deliberately made by the enemy to deceive them.

We must know that the increase in the navy's military budget is never a one-time investment. After the warship is in service, maintenance costs will increase every year.

Similarly, the British government has been involved more than once. Anyway, the Royal Navy did not dare to enter the Mediterranean, and the Vienna government was not afraid of collapse.

Just look at the comparison of the total tonnage of warships. For a long time in the past, the ratio of the total tonnage of the two navies has remained at 10:7, but now it has become 10:6.5.

It seems that the proportion has not changed much, but in fact it is all money toss out. In particular, the Royal Navy has also sealed a large number of legal warships, otherwise the total tonnage gap between the two sides will be even greater.

It is a good thing that the total tonnage is leading, which means that the hegemony of the Royal Navy is unbreakable. Unfortunately, with the advent of the "super battleship era", all this has changed.

After seeing the combat effectiveness of the super battleship, the Royal Navy suddenly realized that "warships are outdated."

Overnight, the revolutionary technology of the navy broke out. In front of the super battleships, the traditional battleships of all kinds became children's toys.

With the reshuffle of the Navy, the Royal Navy's overwhelming superiority over the Shinra Navy gradually ceased to exist.

Seeing that the Secretary of the Navy was sprayed **** by the lawmakers, Prime Minister Campbell could not sit still. According to the current situation, the quarrel continued, it is estimated that the enemy has hit the door, and they have not made a decision.


"Members, please abide by the order of the meeting and prohibit personal attacks."

The speaker's voice sounded, and the venue temporarily restored order. It can be seen that everyone still respects their identities, and after all, they have not evolved into "shrews scolding the street."

But this is all temporary. Basically every meeting requires several reminders from the Speaker.

This is the House of Lords. Members of the House of Commons are all aristocrats, and most of them are able to restrain their emotions. The House of Commons is even more lively.

Quarrels can only be regarded as pediatrics, and all martial arts are performed from time to time.

There has always been a saying in the British folks: "To become a qualified member of Parliament, you must not only be eloquent, but also have a good body."

Seeing the scene calmed down, Prime Minister Campbell said: "Everyone, the situation is already very critical.

The Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire approved the naval budget increase last month, and now all major shipyards in Shinra have started.

According to the information we have collected, the number of super battleships currently under construction is as large as 13 ships.

Everyone knows what this means. Ordinary warships have no survivability in front of super battleships.

If we do not follow up immediately, once the enemy's warships are put into service, the Royal Navy's advantage will be wiped out.

With Shinra's ambition, he will certainly not let go of this opportunity to challenge us.

Although I have full confidence in the Royal Navy, even if the performance of warships is lagging, our officers and soldiers can rely on professionalism to defeat the strong.

However, this requires a very painful price and will give other countries a chance.

As an island country, we must always guarantee the advantage of sea power, and we must not slow down for a moment. "

Speaking of the "Shenra Empire Council", Campbell secretly envied him. The same is the parliament, the difference between the two is too great.

The Shinra Empire Council made a decision that only took a few hours at the fastest, and no more than half a month at the slowest.

Such an efficiency is absolutely impossible for the British Parliament to achieve.

If it were not for the failure of the parliament, Campbell would want to follow the example of the Holy Roman Empire in adding efficiency clauses in the "Parliamentary Law", compelling the parliament to make decisions within a certain time limit.

Just think about it, the number of members of the Shenluo Empire Council and the number of people in the British Council are simply not comparable.

There are more people and more power, but too many people will forcefully "decrease wisdom." I'm not sure about anything else, but when arguing, the more people there are, the more touching the scene.

Compared with the Parliament of the Holy Roman Empire, which has only a few dozen people, the British Parliament, which has a thriving population, is obviously more difficult to manage.

As soon as Campbell's voice fell, an opposition MP jumped out and questioned:

"Your Excellency, we all know that the Empire is facing challenges, but this does not mean that taxpayers' money can be squandered at will.

It is only one year to increase the military budget by 70 million pounds at a time. Does your excellency think that the British pound is just papyrus? We print as much as we want?

Now that the enemy has increased its military budget by 5,000 pounds, it is enough to follow up. Is it true that under the same conditions, the Royal Navy is still afraid that they will fail? "

Times are changing, and everyone's expectations are also changing. The Royal Navy's development plan is also constantly lowering standards.

First, it changed from the initial three-strong strategy to the two-strong standard, and then reduced to 5:3 to the second child, then 10:7, 4:3.

After gritting his teeth and supporting it up to now, many people's expectations have fallen again. Quite a bit after the First World War, the British government's attitude towards Americans.

At the beginning, he was tough and prepared to use the Royal Navy to suppress the Americans. After a try, he found that his wallet was not enough and was forced to make a concession.

Although it has not reached that point now, the swelling annual military expenditure of the Royal Navy still makes the British government somewhat overwhelmed.

If it only persists for a few years, then relying on Britain's accumulated heritage, it will naturally not be a problem.

But the Holy Roman Empire has become a general trend, and for a while, it will not go down at all. No one knows when this sudden naval arms race will end.

With reference to the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, many British people have made plans to fight a protracted war, and are ready to use the advantages of the strait to slowly consume it and wait for changes in the European situation.

If left a hundred years ago, such a plan would naturally be no problem. It's a pity that the times are different now. If it goes on for a long time, Britain will suffer even more.

Frowning, Campbell helplessly explained: "You only saw the military budget, but ignored the actual situation.

Although we have the most advanced shipbuilding industry in the world, the cost of building warships is still 10% to 15% higher than that of the Austrians.

Warship construction is a complex project. The birth of every warship involves hundreds of industries.

Regardless of whether we are willing to admit, the empire is indeed behind the Holy Roman Empire in the overall industrial chain.

Not only the construction of warships, but also the construction of related supporting facilities and the subsequent maintenance of warships cost us slightly higher than the enemy. "

There is no alternative. The warship industry, which involves many related companies, has to be affected by the industrial system.

As the world's largest industrial power, the Holy Roman Empire has obviously taken advantage of this aspect.

For parts with the same function, the production cost of the Holy Roman Empire is lower than that of other countries, and the more high-tech parts, the more obvious the cost advantage.

In the era of free trade, there are no restrictions. British shipyards can also purchase spare parts from Shenluo. It is nothing more than more freight, and there is no obvious disadvantage in cost.

But with the collapse of the free trade system, such good days are gone forever. Imports need to pay high tariffs, and cost performance is lost.

The local companies that had been forced to the brink of bankruptcy finally turned over, and now they naturally have to replenish their blood.

The purchase price of spare parts has gone up, and the unit price quoted by the shipyard has naturally gone up.

For the healthy development of the industry, this bill can only be bought by the British government. If you want to reduce costs, you can only wait for relevant companies to complete technological innovation.

Of course, although the cost has increased, it is still not as excessive as a direct increase of 40%.

Campbell's explanation is more to divert the attention of the congressmen in order to obtain a higher military budget and ensure absolute suppression of the Shinra Navy.

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