Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1079: big trouble

Paper cannot contain fire, and those who should wear a gang always wear a gang. The delay in seeing Russian diplomats soon aroused the suspicion of the mission.

Even the Japanese government wants to "leave Asia and enter Europe." It is self-evident how serious the idea of ​​fawning on foreigners is.

Under such a social background, if you can't buy a few spies, you will be a big power.


Late at night, the Shinra embassy in Tokyo was brightly lit.

The ministers of various countries participating in the meeting looked gloomy and terrible. Normal people would feel dissatisfied when they were pulled from their sleep in the middle of the night.

Jose, who is good at observing words and colors, discovered this by himself, but at this moment he has no time to calm everyone's injured hearts.

"Everyone, I invited everyone over overnight, mainly because we just received a bad news. All 47 staff members of the Russian Embassy in Tokyo were killed."

Upon hearing this appalling news, British Minister Enriquez immediately denied: "This is impossible!

The Japanese government has assured us that the Russian diplomats were only slightly injured and no dead. "

Casualties of diplomats often occur, but the annihilation of a country’s embassy staff is hard to find in the entire human history.

Especially in the recent private contacts, the Japanese government also assured Enriques that all Russian diplomats are alive.

Jose shook his head: "Sir Enriques, I couldn't believe it just after receiving this news, but this is the fact, we have to face it.

In fact, before the Russian embassy was destroyed, a telegram was sent to us by wireless telegram. It may be that the mob came too fast and only half of the content was sent. You can check it out first. "

While speaking, he handed the telegram to Minister Enriquez in front of him.

The telegram contained only a single word, but in Enriques' trembling hands, it seemed to weigh too much.

There is no way, the content is really amazing. Enriquez didn't think that Jose would falsify this issue. The content of the telegram was surprisingly "killing."

A mere incomplete telegram cannot explain the problem, but combined with the response of the Japanese government, it can explain the problem.

Whether it is blocking the scene and prohibiting diplomats from various countries from viewing the scene, or preventing everyone from meeting with Russian diplomats, they are full of doubts.

After a pause, Jose continued to add: "We have an agreement with the Russians to communicate once a week, and it has never been interrupted for 40 years.

Even if the spirit is really stimulated as the Japanese say, they should also notify them. It is impossible to leave it so silently.

Perhaps everyone also discovered that there was no ambulance in the vehicle accompanying the Japanese government forces.

Could it be possible that the Russian diplomats were injured and were not even treated in an ambulance, and they had to go to the hospital on foot for medical treatment?

I sent someone to the Western Hospital near the embassy area to check. There were no Russian diplomats among the patients they received.

There are various signs that the Japanese government is lying, and the staff of the Russian embassy may have encountered an accident. "

Details determine success or failure. Although the Japanese government has worked very hard to keep it secret, when they received the news, the matter had already settled.

The gendarmerie responsible for handling the scene is not a professional faker. What's more, everyone didn't know that the scene would get out of control at the beginning, and just thought it was an ordinary task of expelling trouble.

Everything else can be explained. The biggest loophole is the "hospital". The best western hospitals in Tokyo are all opened by international capital, and the main doctors are mostly foreigners.

The Japanese government can let its people conceal it, but it can't restrain the foreigners.

No matter how confidential it is, it is impossible to lock down the hospital and prevent diplomatic personnel from various countries from entering the hospital.

As a diplomat, other abilities are not necessarily strong, but the mentality must be good. Except for the initial shock, everyone quickly adjusted and turned their attention to Jose and Enriquez.

Now that things have happened, all we can do now is to actively respond. At this time, it's time for the hegemony to take the lead, and it's enough for others to follow along and shout strong.

With the evidence before his eyes, Enriques dared not continue to defend the Japanese government. Rao had prepared for it long ago, and he never thought that the Japanese would dare to play so big.

Deep down, he has made up his mind that such allies must be thrown away when they are used up.

After a glance at the people, Enriques said apologetically: "I'm very sorry, but I need to take some time to hear this news suddenly.

Your Excellency Jose discovered this problem first, and there must be a solution. "

Enriquez had to give up the initiative. The Anglo-Japanese alliance is a well-known thing. At this time, any decision made by Britain will be provoked.

In the past, Britain was naturally fearless. But it doesn't work anymore, the Shinra behind him is pressing hard. Any errors at this time will be magnified.

Without any humility, Jose said directly: "The aftermath is not urgent. The most important thing at the moment is to protect our own safety.

After staying in Japan for so long, everyone must have understood how barbarous this country is. Since they can attack the Russian embassy, ​​no one can guarantee that they won't do it against us.

When encountering a group of guys with abnormal brain circuits, no one knows what they will do in the next moment. The best way is to use force to deter them.

I propose that all countries form a joint intervention mission to gather everyone's strength in Asia, and then discuss the aftermath with the Japanese government. "

The cultural differences between the East and the West were directly defined by Jose as "abnormal brains." Everyone did not feel that they were incompatible with each other, but showed their approval.

Including British Minister Enriquez also believed that the Japanese had a problem with their brains. However, this does not mean that he is willing to form an interference coalition.

If countries are really allowed to gather their military forces in the Asian region, then it will not be resolved through negotiations, or Japan will be abandoned.

France is a lesson from the past, and it was originally high hopes for Britain. No one thought that France would be paralyzed by the occupation of one division.

Japan is an important part of Britain's strategic plan. Before the Russians are hit hard, Japan's power cannot be compromised.

"Your Excellency Jose, you look too high on the Japanese. If you take the courage of the Japanese, they don't dare to disadvantage us.

The Japanese are not worthy to form an international intervention group. It is enough to transfer the fleet of our two countries in the Far East. Why bother?

As for the Russian embassy case, we can let the Japanese government give you a satisfactory explanation. If they refuse, it is not too late to resort to extreme measures. "

It's not that Enriques deliberately belittled the Japanese. Japan is really not worthy of the international coalition forces these days. There is no other reason, but too poor. If you win the battle, you won't be able to earn enough military spending, and sending troops is a loss-making business.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether they are worthy or not. The crux of the problem is that Britain wants to preserve Japan's strength.

The international coalition forces sound good, but they are actually gang robbers. If the coalition forces are really allowed to go to Japan, the achievements since the Meiji Restoration will be zero.

In contrast, only mobilizing the British and Austrian navies would have much less destructive power.

The Royal Navy didn't do anything, just relying on Shinra's fleet in the South Seas, at most it would fire a few shots at the port. As long as the Japanese navy can resist leaving the port, there will be no major events.

However, the premise of all this is that the Japanese government is smart enough to lower its head when it should. If it really annoys all countries, Britain can't help it.

"It would be best if the dispute can be resolved peacefully. However, we must trace the atrocities committed in the Russian embassy to the end and severely punish all those involved. It is definitely not just a few scapegoats.

The Japanese government must show enough sincerity to ensure that similar things will not happen again in the future. "

Jose said indifferently.

Is this over?

Lift up high, fall gently?

Obviously, things can't be that simple. Jose seemed to have accepted the British proposal, but he was actually imposing conditions.

In short, the Japanese government must have hemorrhage, or else it will not soothe everyone's wounded hearts.

In the final analysis, international politics are still interests. As long as the interests are in place, everything can be discussed.

The main reason for meddling in the Russian embassy case was that the Japanese broke the rules and harmed the interests of all diplomats. Everyone must take a firm stand because of reason.

If the people who died were not diplomats, but Russian civilians, everyone would condemn a few sentences at most, and would not be moved at all.

As a diplomat, Enriques was also very annoyed by the bad behavior of the Japanese.

If it is not a strategic need, he will never stand up and speak for the Japanese government. Now that Shinra has agreed to make concessions, he will naturally not continue to fight for the Japanese government.

After all, there is a price to do wrong. Whether it is to trace the murderer or punish the Japanese government, it is all reasonable.

If there is no lesson at all, then there is a problem. Besides, Japan also has a criminal record on this issue.

This is not the first time that a diplomat has been killed in Japan, but this time it was the worst.

Everyone is a diplomat. Whether it is for national interests or for their own personal safety, we must teach the Japanese government a deep lesson.

After completing the tasks assigned at home, Enriques once again restored the face of imperialism: "Of course, justice people all over the world cannot tolerate the murderer's impunity.

The investigation of the Russian embassy case must be led by us, and the Japanese government should do a good job of cooperating. "


The ministerial mission reached a consensus, and a rigorously worded joint diplomatic note was released.

The imperial meeting, which was rarely seen in the past, has recently become a routine affair. Even Emperor Meiji ignored his status and often participated in discussions in person.

Foreign Minister Shinobu Inoue held a document with a blue face and said solemnly: "The news of the Russian embassy case has still been leaked, and the opinions of the ministerial mission have been unified. This is the joint note from various countries that has just been received.

The ministerial mission asked us to hand over the Russian diplomatic personnel in Tokyo within 24 hours; at the same time, it also asked us to send people to protect the scene and wait for the joint investigation team formed by the mission to take over the case.

During this period, any acts that may hinder the case, such as sabotaging the scene, covering up the case, and allowing the murderer to flee, will be regarded as instigated by the empire.

This warning is not a joke. According to the news received from the British, various countries already have plans to form a joint intervention group.

If we deal with it next, we cannot satisfy them. They will form coalition forces and intervene by force.

The Shinra Navy is already on its way here, and the Royal Navy will be dispatched soon. The time left for us is running out. "

The worst situation has emerged. Although everyone had prepared well, they did not expect that international intervention would come so quickly.

Especially the military representatives, now all of them are like frosted eggplants, no longer the passion of the past.

Everyone is an adult, and when it's time to follow your heart, you should follow your heart. It is based on verbal threats from various countries.

Both the Shinra Navy and the Royal Navy were dispatched, and that would no longer be a problem of mouthpieces. If one operation is not good, it is really possible for these two masters to fight over.

Facing the top powers, everyone still knows the strength gap. If nothing else, just look at the naval strength gap.

Whether it is the British Far East Fleet or Shinra's Nanyang Fleet, they are all capable of attacking the Japanese Navy.

In particular, Shinra’s Nanyang Fleet has recently added a "super battleship" to service. A single ship can single out all the battleships of the Japanese Navy.

The enemy is not too strong, but the Japanese government is too poor. I can only watch Britain and Shenluo playing the naval technological revolution, without the courage to blend.

Don't say it is replacing the super battleship, even the old battleship, the Japanese government can not afford to replace it.

It still uses old ships bought from the British during the Japanese-Western War; and warships auctioned back from France after the European War.

No matter how advanced the warship is, there will be one day behind. There is no doubt that these warships built more than ten or twenty years ago are now on the verge of being eliminated.

Facing the dreadnought super battleship, that is the story of slaughter and being slaughtered, and there is no confidence to fight against it.

Of course, lagging behind, but it also depends on who is compared. Facing the two big gangsters of Britain and Shinra, it was naturally incomparable.

But in the Asian region, Japan is still the number one naval power, even though Asia is now two independent countries.

Ito Bowen: "The position of the British is now very clear. It seems that the Russian embassy case has also touched their bottom line.

Next, we must deal with it carefully, otherwise the current level will kill the empire.

The Far Eastern Empire is a lesson for the past. The Empire does not have such a solid foundation and cannot withstand the toss.

How was the murderer's investigation? The time given by the mission is only 24 hours, so we can't write. "

It can be seen that Ito Bowen is very tired at the moment, and obviously he hasn't been worrying less recently.

Kodama Gentaro replied bitterly: "The gendarmerie has arrested the persons involved in the case, but the outcome of the trial is very not optimistic.

Up to now, more than two hundred people have agreed that it was planned by themselves and have nothing to do with others.

But no one can tell how to plan it. If the investigative power is transferred to the public mission, I am afraid that something will happen. "

Others investigated the case, fearing that they could not find the murderer. It would be nice to get here, and one by one stood up and admitted.

The problem is that he wants to find out who is behind the scenes, not to find a few scapegoats. If you just hand in a few people, you can solve the problem, and the Japanese government doesn't have to worry.

Prime Minister Okuma Shigenobu immediately sighed: "With such citizens, why worry about the emperor's prosperity! If..."

Before Okuma Shigenobu finished speaking, Emperor Meiji glared at him. The meaning is very obvious, don't sigh, what is needed now is to find a way to solve the problem.

The people are patriotic and passionate, and it is a good thing to be willing to dedicate themselves to the country, but too much love is also a trouble.

For example, now, it has been used by others, and it is still unknowing.

One by one was still excited about killing the Russians, but they did not know that they had brought Japan to the edge of the cliff.

Driven by fanatical thoughts, all of them took the initiative to blame themselves and cut off all clues directly.

It's a self-examination by the Japanese government, and it doesn't matter. Once the investigation team formed by the ministerial mission took over the investigation of the case, it was quite different.

Those who have been admitted must be counted as one, and all will be guillotined.

It doesn't matter if you play yourself to death, the key is that the Japanese government will think that the Japanese government will hold the dead men in the tank and continue to hold them.

After calming down, Okuma Shigenobu reorganized the language and said: "Your Majesty, the most important thing now is to keep the right to investigate the case. As long as the right to investigate is in our hands, the situation is within our control.

The envoys of various countries actively intervened mainly because the embassy case made them feel threatened and they needed a security guarantee.

On this issue, we can be completely satisfied. For example: increase the police force in the embassy area and prohibit any parades near the embassy street.

What else is needed can be left to them. As long as the core interests of the empire are not involved, we can all agree.

In addition to concessions and spiritual comfort. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs prepares a generous gift for each of the ministers of various countries, and finds opportunities to send it to them.

As long as the mood of the ministers of various countries is stabilized, the following things will be easy to handle. "

There is nothing wrong with the power of the ministers stationed abroad these days.

Most international issues are handled by these ministers. Only a few can make a decision after reporting to the country.

To appease these people is equivalent to stabilizing the governments of various countries.

As long as the ministerial mission does not make trouble, the Japanese government will have to face the Russian Empire. Although the strengths of the two sides are still disparity, Japan still protects itself.

Ito Hirofumi shook his head: "Okuma-kun, you think the problem is too simple. European countries regard diplomatic embassies very much, and the Russian embassy case has been dealt with to the bottom line of each country.

This is not a problem that can be solved by buying a few ministers. The empire is afraid that it will suffer heavy losses this time. "
