Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1075: Plan exposure

St. Petersburg, after receiving news from the Far East, Nicholas II was directly on the verge of rampage.

The cause and effect of the matter are no longer important. Anyway, the conflict between Japan and Russia in the Far East broke out, and in the eyes of Nicholas II, it was the Japanese who were provoking.

The old accounts have not yet been settled with the Japanese government, and now the Japanese dare to provoke, it is naturally intolerable.

If it were not for consideration that the Siberian Railway was not open to traffic, and logistical pressure restricted military operations, Nicholas II would have liked to destroy Japan now.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. The international situation is so complicated that only fools can start a war.

The tsarist government is ready to advance eastward, but when it will advance eastward and under what background, it must be carefully considered.

"learn from mistakes."

In recent decades, the Russian Empire has not suffered less from the losses of war. It has suffered a lot, and the Tsarist government has also sublimated.

Going south for a while, moving east for a while, it seems that the strategic goal is erratic. In fact, is this not a kind of political wisdom?

Against the background of Britain and the Shenluo contending for hegemony, the Russian Empire, as the world's third-largest power, has no joy of profiting from the fishermen at all, and some are just deeply panicked.

There is no way. If you want to fight for world hegemony, the strength of the Russian Empire is too weak; if you want to fish in troubled waters and profit, the strength of the Russian Empire is too strong.

Despite the good relations between Russia and Austria, the two governments are still full of suspicion and mistrust. The Vienna government is not at ease with Russia, let alone the British.

In a sense, the better the current Russian empire is, the easier it is to arouse the fear of the two overlords.

Although Nicholas II was a bit indecisive, he was definitely not a fool. The veterans left by Alexander III are still there, and the tsarist government has not yet slipped into the abyss.

Combining the struggle for hegemony between Shenluo and Britain can indeed be very profitable in the short term. Once the two countries have a victory or defeat, it will be the turn of the Russian Empire.

With the size of the Russian Empire, whoever is the boss will be deeply jealous, and suppression is an inevitable operation.

Not even standing in line. The strength of the Russian Empire has been able to determine the outcome of this hegemonic struggle to a certain extent. Neither Vienna nor London can tolerate the existence of such unstable factors.

Such a situation is naturally not what the tsarist government wants. The best outcome would naturally be that Britain and Shinra were both defeated, and the Russian Empire took the opportunity to rise.

Obviously, this is impossible. Both Shinra and Britain have their own advantages. It is almost impossible to expect the two countries to end up together in the confrontation.

From the standpoint of the tsarist government, one can only choose to retreat, and before the outbreak of this battle for hegemony, try to reap the benefits as much as possible and strengthen one's own strength.

Whether it is going south to India or east to East Asia, if any strategy is completed, Russia will be reborn and stand on top of the world again.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to realize any of these two strategies. The Tsarist government has tried, but they all ended in failure.

In the Anglo-Russian War ten years ago, the Tsarist government tried out the strength of Britain. With lobster soldiers as the core + a steady stream of Indian cannon fodder, gray animals also have their scalp numb.

Of course, this is not a reason for the tsarist government to abandon India. Although the enemy's army is large in number, its combat effectiveness is not good. Such soft persimmons have always been the military's favorite.

What really frightened the tsarist government was the strong national power of the British Empire. As long as the London government did not give up, it could continue to consume them.

Anyway, there are not many other British colonies, that is, the population is large. Even if it is five for one or ten for one, the British government will die.

The population base of 500 million is the greatest confidence of the British. It took a long time, and the first thing I could not bear was affirmation of the Russian Empire.

Even with the support of Shinra, it is useless. In the face of national interests, all allies are unreliable, and there is no guarantee that the Vienna government will not stab them at a critical moment.

The southward strategy is blocked, and the eastward strategy is also not easy. The enemy's strength is not good, but the traffic is too pitted.

As early as a few years ago, the multinational coalition forces besieged the Far Eastern Empire, and the Tsarist government realized the logistical pressure. The logistics of tens of thousands of troops cannot be supplied domestically, and they can only be purchased from nearby Japan.

Once the Dongjin plan is officially implemented, it will not be a matter for tens of thousands of people. Without millions of troops, if you want to implement the "Yellow Russia Plan", you are simply dreaming.

The logistics of tens of thousands of troops can be purchased nearby, and the logistics of millions of troops, then no one would dare to fake it.

Even if the Tsarist government is willing to buy, the Japanese cannot sell it. After all, once the Russians’ eastward advancement strategy is implemented, the Russian empire will confront Japan.

As long as the Tsarist government wants to advance eastward, the only two independent countries in the Far East will stand on the opposite side of the Russian Empire.

The number of enemies is not terrible, and the tsarist government is not scared. The crux of the problem lies in logistical pressure.

Do not say that the Siberian Railway has not yet opened to traffic, even if it is already in operation. Counting on a single-track railway to solve the logistical problems of the army of millions is also a fantasy.

If it doesn't work in one place, it can only be eroded gradually. It is a pity that the czarist government has just taken its steps when it is attacked by the Japanese.

What’s more troublesome is that the Russian Empire’s power in the Far East can’t help the Japanese at all, and may even be threatened by Japan.

Both sides are not big fat, but for a while, they can't talk. The greedy tsarist government naturally doesn't want to give up on either side.

The outside world thinks that the strategy of the tsarist government is vacillating, and the Russians themselves do not think so. In other words, it can be a "flexible diplomatic strategy."

As long as the international situation changes drastically, the Russian Empire can take the opportunity to move south or east, or even start the two major strategies together.

The timing the Tsarist government waited for was naturally a hegemonic war between Britain and Shinra. As long as the two big bosses fight, the Russian Empire will fly away.

Obviously, Nicholas II, the proud son of heaven, was not a forbearer. The Russian Empire suffered a loss in the previous conflict, and he couldn't stand it first.

Prime Minister Sergey Witt: "Your Majesty, please calm down. We will settle the accounts of the Japanese sooner or later. There is really no need to fight against a country that is doomed to perish.

On the surface, we are now at a disadvantage. But thinking from another angle, bad things can also turn into good things.

The Vienna government has always opposed our eastward expansion. In recent years, the expansion of the empire in the east has caused a rift in the relations between the two countries.

This opportunity now is the best time to repair. We can take this opportunity to send a signal to the outside world to tell the Austrians that our eastward strategy has been frustrated.

If necessary, we can also confuse the outside world with the appearance of abandoning the Far East and provide cover for the eastward strategy.

For the time being, the conflict between the Far East and the Japanese does not need to be dealt with in a hurry. It is not too late to consider how to deal with it until the Siberian Railway is opened to traffic. "

Face is always less important than lining, and the Russian Empire is also the master of flexibility. For the national interest, Sergey Witt doesn't mind admitting counsel first.

As for the extermination of Japan, that is not just casual talk. Soon after Nicholas II succeeded to the throne, the Russian government formulated a complete plan to destroy Japan.

Of course, plans are always plans. Any country has a lot of reliable and unreliable strategic plans.

In a sense, the strategic plans of think tanks of various countries are a big brain competition. It is not feasibility, who is the most imaginative.

Not to mention the realization of all, but any country that can achieve one-tenth can become the length of the earth.

Compared to the crazy plan to conquer the world and land in the sun, destroying Japan is simply not worth mentioning. Among all the strategic plans of the Russian Empire, this is definitely one that ranks high in feasibility.

After listening to the Prime Minister’s persuasion, Nicholas II was in a much better mood. After all, he is also a monarch with identity and tolerance, and he can't care about a "dead country".


"Then let them stay away for a few more days, and then settle their new and old accounts together."

It can be seen that the breath in Nicholas II's heart still did not let go. It is estimated that when the time is right, he will find the bad luck of the Japanese.

But it doesn't matter anymore. Everyone present also has no favorable impression of the Japanese. There is no attack right now, that is not allowed by his own strength.

Once the conditions are ripe, you don't mind letting the Japanese learn about "the roar of the bear". When it comes to remembering grudges, the Russians are definitely one of the best in the world.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Mikhailovich: "Your Majesty, the real reason why the Americans helped us build the Siberian Railway has been found out.

Based on the intelligence we collected from various parties, after in-depth analysis, we can determine that there is a British shadow behind this.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that this was the purpose of the British deliberately drawing us eastward in order to reduce the military pressure on the Indian region.

This can also explain why the Americans insist that the Siberian Railway should only be closed on one line instead of two lines. "

Those who can play politics are talented people. Although the efficiency of the tsarist government is a bit low, the level of ability of the top government is definitely not low.

The Siberian Railway has been in operation for many years, and the Tsarist government has not given up its true purpose of tracing Americans.

Facts have proved that persistence is still effective. No matter how confidential the British and American governments are, they have left clues when making transactions.

In a short period of time, the Russians did not find the problem, but after a long time, when everyone recovered, they would find an abnormality.

It is not a case investigation, and no specific evidence is needed. As long as it proves that the British have both motives and the ability to plan secretly, then the British government did it.

With a sharp slap on the table, Nicholas II said indifferently: "Sure enough, in the face of national interests, friendship is really not worth mentioning.

But it doesn't matter, it's just taking advantage of each other. Anyway, we have to build the Siberian Railway. With the help of the Americans, we also saved a lot of money.

As for the follow-up expenses, there is no need to pay them. I believe the British have already paid for us. "

It was an understatement, and from the nervous look you could see that Nicholas II was not at peace.

I found the British head, which means that the next eastward plan must be carefully considered.

Nicholas II did not think that the purpose of the British was so simple, and that the cost of such a large price was to attract the Russian Empire to the east.

Although the Siberian Railway is a single-track railway, the railway capacity is very limited, but there is no regulation that the single-track cannot be changed to double-track.

There is already a railway. Continue to add a railway line next to it. The construction difficulty is much lower than before. At least transportation is no longer a problem.

Once the railway transformation is completed, the traffic problem that restricts the expansion of the Russian Empire to the east will be solved.

The Teddy Bear who can invest with all his strength cannot be blocked by the two independent countries of the Far East unless they can join forces.

Obviously, this is impossible. With the sound of a cannon from the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, it was doomed that the relationship between the two countries could not be too good.

As long as the Czarist government implements a slight foreign policy and expands in a rhythm, there will be no problems.

In India, which has been in business for hundreds of years, Britain's ability to block the Russian army does not mean that they are also capable of attacking the Russian army in the Far East.

After a little thought, Nicholas II felt that there was a problem. The British would never really help them complete the "Yellow Russia Project."

We must know that the contradiction between Britain and Russia has a long history. It is a routine operation to stab each other. It is to help each other strengthen its strength.

Nicholas II did not know exactly where the problem was. In short, when facing the Far East issue, the Tsarist government suddenly became cautious.


Naturally, the Japanese government is ignorant of what happened in St. Petersburg. It's not that the intelligence organization doesn't work hard, it's that the difference in innate appearance is too big to penetrate at all.

As for the intelligence collection of the Russian Empire, the Japanese government is currently only at the stage of newspapers, radio, and taverns.

Buying intelligence personnel and investigating intelligence inside the tsarist government is all you need to think about. In fact, it is not operational at all.

It is not that the secrecy of the tsarist government is high, on the contrary, the secrecy of the tsarist government is countless in the world, which can be said to be a big sieve.

The fundamental reason for the failure of Japanese intelligence organizations to make contributions is one word-poverty. There is no money in my pocket, so I can't operate it naturally.

Since the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese conflict and the tension in the Far East, the Japanese government has panicked.

That was the Russian Empire known as the "European Road Roller", and it was the top power in the world. Although it has not kept up with the times in recent decades, it is not comparable to the fledgling Japan.

The Philippine War is the best reference. Spain, which is at the bottom of the big powers, is able to fight against them on an expedition thousands of miles away.

The more powerful Russian Empire, let alone. In short, the top Japanese government has no confidence in facing the Russians.

This is not counseling, everyone just follows the heart.

Don't look at the popular propaganda that "the Japanese-Western War broke the myth of the invincibility of whites." In fact, if my family knows their own affairs, it is a blood loss.

The only thing that can be regarded as a gain is that the Japanese Navy has obtained a rapid development opportunity.

It is a pity that this opportunity is not so wonderful. Because of the large number of warships, the Japanese government has been worrying about how to afford this navy after the Sino-Japanese War.

With the lessons learned from losing money, the Japanese government's senior officials have always had lingering fears about fighting European countries.

If the war is won, we must worry that the European Union will intervene and fail to get the trophies we want. If we lose, we will not say anything before the Meiji Restoration, or we will become a colony.

Regardless of the outcome of the war, as long as a fight against Japan is destined to be a loser. Since the ending is so tragic, then why fight it?

It is not yet the turn of military zealots to take charge. The civil political group headed by Ito Hirobumi still firmly controls the political power.

The Japanese government has become a bit more militant, but on the whole it is still a normal country.

Except for the high morale of young middle- and lower-level officers, who lashed out at Fang Qiu and swallowed thousands of miles of anger, the top government officials had no interest in war at all, at least not in a short time.