Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1066: Problem warship

After sending everyone away, Franz's tight face instantly eased. It can be seen that he is not really angry.

The battle between the army, the navy and the air force for military spending is what it should be, and this is also part of the balance of power. If the armed forces of the army, navy and air are not fighting, then that is the real problem.

Seeing that Franz was not angry, Frederick asked concerned: "Father, which one of the three proposals the military just proposed, which one do you prefer?"

It has nothing to do with curiosity. Frederick is really undecided and has no idea who to support.

On the surface, the strategic plans put forward by the armed forces of the army, navy and air force are all very maneuverable. The success of any plan can bring the Holy Roman Empire to its peak.

All of them are "high-quality strategies," which can't analyze the pros and cons at all, but increase the difficulty of selection.

"Is it important?"

Franz asked rhetorically.

As if being tortured by the soul, Frederick's mind kept flashing "this important thing". It seems to be important, and it does not seem to be important at all.

The Shenluo military is still qualified. Although the three proposals proposed have their own shortcomings, they eventually reached the same goal by different routes.

Other competitors have not grown up, as long as the British are pulled off the horse, Shinra is the unique world hegemon.

After a long time, Frederick replied slowly: "I understand."

Looking at his prudent son, Franz smiled: "No, you don't understand. In fact, we have no choice at all.

Politics is never based on right and wrong. Perhaps adopting a strategy alone can win the victory at the least cost, but we must consider the actual situation.

A few years ago, the army was the dominant one. In order to balance the strength of the military, I supported the navy and separated the air force to establish the current triangle system of checks and balances.

Now the navy and the air force together can barely compete with the army, and at the same time they have reached the bottom line of the army.

No matter how they make concessions, they will not be able to allow the Navy to receive the same amount of military expenditure as them. This is the pride of the Army.

You should know how influential the Army is. The establishment of the Holy Roman Empire was basically made by the army.

Over 90% of overseas fieflords and emerging farmers are of army origin, and more than seven layers of bureaucrats in the government have served in the army.

Not to mention civilians, our compulsory military service law is aimed at the army. Both the navy and the air force are technical arms, and it is impossible for everyone to serve.

With so many supporters, the Army cannot lose. As long as they insist on not making concessions, even if the air force and the navy join forces, it will have no effect.

Can't we get off the court in person and go to the sideline? "

The emperor personally went off the field and pulled the frame, just like the referee kicked off the field. Just think about it, no mature monarch would do this.

Even before supporting the navy and stripping the air force, the cabinet was charging. From the beginning to the end, Franz did not personally play the game, let alone now.

Perhaps for the army, navy, and air force, this battle for military expenditures is very important, and it is related to their development in the next ten years.

But for the emperor and the Holy Roman Empire, no matter which scheme is chosen, the final outcome is destined.

This is a decision on overall national strength. To this day, Shenluo and Britain have widened the qualitative gap.

Counting colonial citizens, the total population of the Holy Roman Empire has reached 160 million, and Europe alone has 120 million.

On the other hand, in Britain, the British Isles add up to more than 30 million. With the citizens of overseas colonies, the total population is just over 40 million.

Of course, if you count the colonial natives, this ratio has been reversed. India alone has three to four billion people. The total population controlled by the entire British Empire exceeds 500 million, while the Shenluo has less than 180 million.

The population in the jurisdiction of the British Empire is large, but the utilization rate is not high. The primitive colonial rule was okay to search for wealth, but it was not enough to increase national power.

Comparing the data, the total economic output of the Holy Roman Empire is one-fifth higher than that of the entire British Empire (including the colonies), and the total industrial output is 2.5 times that of Britain.

This is just the beginning, with the passage of time, this gap is still expanding.

If he had such a big advantage, he would be able to lose in the end, and Franz wouldn't have to be confused.

Deliberately expressing dissatisfaction, apart from beating the military, the most important thing is that Franz hopes that the military can compromise with each other.

Unless the British admit defeat in advance, no matter which strategy they choose, the future will require the cooperation of the army, navy, and air force. It is nothing more than a matter of priority.

Even if the three armed forces compromised, developing at the same time would waste a lot of financial resources, Franz recognized.

This is the helplessness of major countries. In order to balance the interests of all parties, almost every major country will face the problem of wasting resources.


The battle for military spending continues, but the new "Rome" has problems first. When the armament and supporting facilities were completed, everyone suddenly discovered that the "Roma" had a very ordinary ability to resist wind and waves.

No wonder, almost all test ships have problems of this and that kind. A perfect product produced in one go is not suitable for warships.

There has always been a saying in the navy that "design is leading, but construction is backward."

The "Rome" is considered good, at least it still maintains the world's leading level after completion. The British "super battleship" is still being designed, and other countries are even less interested in following the trend.

Although the ability to resist wind and waves is insufficient, there is still a small problem, which can not conceal the powerful combat effectiveness of the "Rome", at least strong enough in the Mediterranean.

After being seized, the Army will naturally take advantage of it. As long as it is proved that the "Rome" does not have the capability of ocean-going naval warfare, the Admiralty's super battleship program will only die.

It's a pity that Franz has been familiar with this little trick a long time ago, and he won't give everyone a chance to speak: "Block the news. The problem of the Roman ship's defects will stop here, and there will be no more discussion in the future.

Insufficient wind and wave resistance does not affect its use in the Mediterranean. The navy should pay attention when arranging missions and just keep it out of the Mediterranean.

Follow-up propaganda continues, as long as the world cruise item is removed.

The exploration of new technologies is inherently full of uncertainty, and we can still bear this risk. "

Originally, the Shenluo Navy had the reputation of "Bath Navy", and Franz didn't mind making it well-deserved. If the British want to see the jokes, let them see enough first.

To put it another way, being able to use the Mediterranean as a bath is not another achievement.

Throughout human history, which country has used the Mediterranean Sea as a bath tub is not awesome?

As long as it does not leave the Mediterranean, the "Rome" is a genuine super battleship. Whether it's supporting the facade or making it scary, it can be arranged properly.

Deep down in his heart, Franz had already made up his mind, if it was not really necessary, he would not be ready to let the "Roma" go to the battlefield.

After all, it is a test ship, and no one knows how many pits have been stepped on. For details, please refer to the first-generation dreadnoughts of various countries in the original time and space. They are all pits of various flower patterns.

The century-old navy does not mean that the navy must develop for hundreds of years, but it takes a hundred years for naval warships to continuously step on pits and thunder to accumulate various lessons.

For Franz, as long as the test ship is unsinkable and can go to sea normally, it is qualified. As for other issues, you can wait for the second and third generations to make improvements.

Although Franz's sentence avoided in-depth accountability, the Admiralty's "Super Battleship Project" fell through first.

A "Roma" that cannot go out of the Mediterranean Sea can be tolerated by everyone, but if more than 20 ships are built in one go, no one can bear it.

Even if the Admiralty repeatedly assured that the warships behind would not have similar problems, everyone did not dare to accompany them on adventures.

Of course, the Roma is not without merit. At least the combat power is really strong, as long as it has avoided the severe wind and weather, it is still the king of sea battles.

In the end, the Admiralty’s "Twenty-Five Five-Year" super battleship program was cut to "Five Five-Years," and was the first to get out of this battle for military spending.

Watching Castagni leave that unwilling look, Franz knew that the matter was not over yet, and estimated that when the problem was resolved, the navy would once again propose the "Super Battleship Project."

A competitor, the Royal Navy, helped set up a stage and sing. I believe this day will not come too late.


Reducing the scale of shipbuilding does not mean reducing the intensity of propaganda. As the brightest "baby" this year, the "Rome" is still the darling of the media.

After the supporting facilities were completed, the "Rome" was dangling in the Mediterranean, under the guise of exchanging experience, constantly visiting countries along the Mediterranean.

In every country, a joint military exercise is unavoidable.

The hardest thing is the newly independent Italian states, with more than 1,000 tons of small destroyers and more than 20,000 tons of "Rome" joint exercises, that scene is simply...

If it weren't for the different flags, everyone would treat them as little followers, and it would be impossible to believe that this was a joint military exercise.

There is no way. The Vienna government must do this in order to become more popular. Only when the momentum was built, the British Parliament was willing to allocate funds to the Royal Navy.

Thinking so well for the enemy, I'm drunk thinking about it. However, in order to consume the British national strength, Franz decided to do it.

Regardless of whether the Shenra Navy can surpass the British in the dreadnought era, at least in this wave of warship upgrades, the British suffered more than 70% greater losses than the Shinra.

Who makes them more warships?

Catch up with this era of naval technological revolution, whoever has more warships will suffer the most.