Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1061: Second Roman Empire

Any conflicts and disputes are ultimately caused by interests. The British government's jump out to make troubles did bring trouble to the negotiations.

However, this can't change the nature of the British people's talk. They are supporting the Spanish government with open mouth and silence. In actual action, it is all kinds of excuses to delay.

This is an inevitable result, and there is no problem with spiritual encouragement. But it would be fatal to support Spain with real money.

Since the Russians set a precedent for failing to account, in recent years, Britain has encountered debt defaults.

Although the debtors behind are not as bachelors as the Russians, they are really out of money, and financial institutions in London are also helpless.

Either accept the debt extension, or accept the debt restructuring, anyway, don't think about paying normally. For these problematic loans, it is God bless that the cost can be recovered, so don't think about making money.

With the lessons learned, British capital has also learned to be smart. When it comes to international lending, it is cautious and then cautious.

With Spain’s current financial situation, it is clearly not eligible for debt issuance. Unless the British government is willing to go to the bottom, otherwise no one will visit this muddy water at all.

Daring capitalists are worried about risks, not to mention the London government. The opposition party is not blind, and if it dares to send out the British money for nothing, it is to send the handle to its competitors.

After a tug-of-war of negotiations for more than half a year, the Spanish government, which was in financial difficulties, finally recognized the reality.

On June 6, 1898, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Wesenberg and Spanish representatives signed the "Moroccan Sovereignty Transaction Agreement" in Vienna.

With the signing of the treaty, another world record was born. In order to purchase the Moroccan region, the Vienna government gave a sky-high price of 180 million Aegis, which directly refreshed the historical record of the amount of land transactions.

You get what you pay for, and the Vienna government is willing to give such a high price. There are naturally reasons why. In addition to the fact that Morocco is really important, what is more important is deliberately shown to European countries.

Anyway, the Spanish government owed Shenluo a huge debt, and he saw that the debt was about to default, and it was just enough to cover it now.

After deducting the messy loans, the 180 million transaction contract cost the Vienna government actually more than 10 million in cash.

The Spaniards did not have the confidence to refuse. If it weren't for the loan to cover it, the Vienna government would never have given such a high price.

As for the distribution of benefits, it will be decided based on actual conditions after the Moroccan region is taken.

It is worth mentioning that Frederick rejected private donations. If they can't spend money, it can only be considered that they are out of luck and have not caught up with the good times of spending money to buy titles.

Since Franz succeeded to the throne, the nobility management system has been gradually improved, and Austria has officially entered the era of military merit.

In addition to military merit, one wants to become a nobleman: either by reincarnation and inheriting the title handed down from his ancestors; or he has made significant contributions to the country and was awarded the title by the emperor.

With the improvement of the system, the effect of krypton gold has also been greatly weakened. Now the nobles of Shinra are either luck players or ability players.

The title canonization is determined by the emperor. Hundreds of thousands or millions will not enter Franz's eyes, nor will Frederick be tempted.

The rules have long been established, but now they are just abiding, even if someone is dissatisfied, they can only hold back. If you want to share the benefits, then quickly copy the guys, maybe you can still catch up.

This possibility is also very small. On the day of the signing of the treaty, a number of civilian armed forces launched an offensive into the Moroccan region, and the efficiency shocked Franz.

Perhaps everyone knows that the opportunity to obtain a fief in the future is getting harder and harder, and they are unwilling to miss this wave of opportunities. Negotiations are still in progress, and civilian armed forces are gathering in Algeria.

According to a report by the Algerian Provincial Government, by the time the war broke out, there had been 200,000 civilian armed forces from all over the country.

It is worth mentioning that the main force this time is not the emerging aristocrats in Africa, but the majority of domestic aristocrats, and even some state monarchs have appeared.

It's right to think about it. To eat this wave of meat, you must lead your troops to wait before the end of the negotiation.

This can be a high-risk transaction, and it is obviously impossible to have no family background. In case the negotiation collapses, or it drags on for two or three years, the average person's net worth will not be able to sustain it.

The emerging nobles can't even manage their own fiefs, even if they want to send troops to join in the fun, they have no money in their pockets!

The aristocrats in North Germany who have the background, the strength, and the urgent need for fiefdom are mainly the aristocrats of North Germany.

Although they also participated in the colonial movement, the time and investment of their participation obviously slowed down the aristocracy in Southern Germany.

Step by step, step by step.

With the advancing of the localization process in Africa, the power of the African fiefdom lords to speak in Shenluo politics is also increasing day by day.

In this context, the Southern German aristocracy, which itself dominates, has a higher voice in the empire.

No one wants to be marginalized. Whether it is for political discourse or for the development of the family, the aristocracy in the north urgently needs more fiefdoms.

Driven by the sense of crisis, it is not surprising that several small state monarchs appeared.

In nominal terms, the status of each state of the Shinra is equal, but in practice it is two different things. In addition to the name of the state, many small states are actually municipalities.

For ordinary people, there is not much difference between a state and an autonomous city. They are all highly autonomous anyway, but it is different for state monarchs.

Now they still have one vote in the Imperial Council, but they don't have enough influence in the Empire. Will they still be able to keep that vote in the future?

In the history of Shinra, even the seat of the emperor can be changed, and the seat of the imperial parliament can naturally change.

If you don't want to fall, you must strengthen your own strength. The territories in Europe want to expand, unless it is to copy the lower body fort, marriage happens to meet the extinction of the family.

That probability is too low, not much higher than the probability of buying a lottery ticket, unless it is lucky.

Rather than betting on such a small probability event, it is easier to expand. No matter how perfect the system is, it can't hide from the human world.

If the same military merit falls on different people, the final benefits will be different.

With that vote in the imperial parliament, the monarchs of these states only need to spend some military merits as tickets in the past, and the rest can be done by insider trading.

Politics is an interest, but it is also a worldly society. The Holy Roman Empire was not only shot down with a single shot, but also pulled up by the network of connections of the Habsburgs.

On this issue, Franz saw it very thoroughly. The emperor is never good, the principles that should be adhered to must be adhered to, and the place that can be smooth must also be smooth.

As a qualified monarch, you can have no superb IQ, but EQ must not be low. Otherwise, just by coordinating the relationship, people can collapse.

Frankly speaking, Franz is lacking in this regard. It was just that he was lucky to catch the last train of the feudal monarchy.

The future will not work. With the development of the times, it is almost impossible for the monarch to keep his promises. More often, it is necessary to coordinate the relationship between all parties.

So many people are going to grab Morocco, obviously it is impossible to gain all. What's more, the money for purchasing the Moroccan region is still provided by the central government, and the land taken out for entrustment will also shrink.

Judging from the current situation, if nothing happens, the Vienna government probably has no chance to send troops.

How to distribute the interests of all parties has become a challenge. There is no doubt that this challenging work has become another major test for Frederick.

This is not the most difficult, and even more troublesome is that the Vienna government is about to change. The original government team members are all in their 70s, and their work energy has long been unable to meet their needs.

Keeping them until now is not only because Franz is nostalgic, but more importantly, it is the alternation of power.

"One emperor and one courtier" may be a little absolute, but it is still very reasonable to have to admit that what the ancients said.

Although the situation in Europe is not so obvious, the impact is still there.

Looking at the struggle for world hegemony, we are about to enter the final stage. Judging from the current strength comparison between the two sides, Shinra's odds of winning are as high as 90%.

It can be said that no matter who goes up, they can get a lot of prestige from it. With this political prestige, as long as the parties do not die, re-election is almost inevitable.

When Franz was in power, the high prestige of the ministers below was naturally not a problem, anyway, no matter how high he was, the old emperor couldn't be better.

It won't work on Frederick. If you look at the current government, you can see that the ministers below are all outstanding. As the regent, Frederick must maintain sufficient respect when he meets them.

There were no moths. On the one hand, these people were old and didn't want to continue tossing; on the other hand, Franz was still alive and it was not their turn to be presumptuous.

The average life expectancy of this year is less than 50 years old. If a group of young people must be replaced by a new term, it is obviously unrealistic to find people who are 70, 80, and 80 on top.

To put it bluntly, the emperor would not dare to speak too hard if he met a bunch of old guys. If they accidentally irritate them and send away one or more of them, it would be a political disaster.

Shinra's political system determines that the frequency of government changes cannot be too high. As long as cabinet officials in their 40s and 50s have made achievements, they are almost 100% re-elected.

Although Franz is in good health, he can't guarantee that he will survive a new generation of senior government officials.

In order to avoid the emergence of weak and strong officials, Franz retained the veterans and created this opportunity for Frederick.

The full regency of the crown prince naturally also includes the appointment of cabinet officials. The personnel appointments were all handed over to Frederick. If you can't hold back the people you appoint, then it really doesn't make sense.

When Frederick was worried about the new leadership team, the media across Europe were preempted by this shocking land transaction.

Economic newspapers and magazines interpreted economically and talked about the economic value of winning Morocco to the Holy Roman Empire. For example, the ring railway has to be re-planned again, which will benefit the infrastructure industry chain.

Military newspapers reported on Morocco's strategic position, what to lock the western gate of the Mediterranean, and what to promote the overall strategic layout...

Political newspapers and magazines focus on interpreting political values. For example, the strategy of great powers requires mutual benefit. This land transaction case created a new direction for solving international conflicts through political cooperation...

The most eye-catching thing is the entertainment newspapers. The phrase "rebuilding the Roman Empire" overwhelmed all hot spots and attracted the attention of melon-eaters all over Europe.

There is no problem of stick killing or stick killing. At this stage, even if Shinra wants to hide, there is no big tree that can cover his body.

Since you can't keep a low profile, then just keep a high profile. Anyway, the region of Morocco was bought by the Vienna government at a high price, and it was not taken from Spain. There is no problem of pulling hatred.

Just look at the source of the crown of the Habsburg dynasty and you will know that it was inherited from the Roman Empire. In the European world, the Holy Roman Empire actually has another name-"The Second Roman Empire".

It's just that the previous "Second Roman Empire" had some water, and its strength was seriously inconsistent with its title. Even the people of Shenluo were embarrassed to shout out.

With the development and growth of the Holy Roman Empire, the title of the Second Roman Empire has also been accepted by more and more European people.

The Moroccan land transaction case was just an opportunity, which happened to set off a frenzy of public opinion and made the "Second Roman Empire" deserve it.

Franz has already returned to Vienna. He, the emperor, doesn't want to toss about it. Naturally, it is not easy for the Vienna government to decide on a "celebration."

However, the emperor controlled the government and did not hold celebrations, but he could not control the spontaneous celebrations of ordinary people. With the help of the media, the entire Holy Roman Empire is immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

Business opportunities are here, and capitalists will naturally not waste it. Various celebrations are constantly staged in the Holy Roman Empire, and the atmosphere is more enthusiastic than Christmas.


Rows of tall and tall chrysanthemum trees are arranged neatly on both sides, forming a unique forest-yin landscape, which leads directly to the Russian Embassy in Vienna.

The cheers and laughter outside are in sharp contrast with the desertedness here, as if they are two worlds.

"Your Excellency, Vienna is so lively, how about going out together?"

Hearing this annoying voice, Minister Morros became more irritable. We must know that there is not only one heir to the Roman Empire, and the Russian Empire also has the Roman crown.

It's just that the tsarist government's original method of obtaining the crown was a bit shameful, so that it was not widely recognized by the European world.

Whether others admit it or not, the Russians do. Now that the Holy Roman Empire has become the Second Rome, where does this place the Russian Empire?

Dissatisfied with dissatisfaction, reason told Morros that the best thing to do now is to pretend to be deaf.

As for the controversial issue of Second Rome, it is not a day or two. The heirs recognized by mainstream European society have always been the Holy Roman Empire.

Of course, this "recognition" is also quoted. In the past years, almost every European country has regarded itself as a Roman heir.

But the Habsburg dynasty inherited the crown of the Roman Empire, which is more orthodox than these heirs who have nothing.

Enduring the discomfort in his heart, Morros asked indifferently: "Sir Leondro, as the British Minister in Vienna, don't you need to work?"

It can be seen that his mood is very bad now. If it weren't for the professionalism of a diplomat, Morros would have gone crazy now.

As an enemy, Morros knew exactly what the British minister had made.

When encountering a guy who wants to calculate himself, Morros will naturally not have a good face. It is already very polite if you don't directly shake your face to drive people.

I saw Leondro smile slightly, as if not paying attention to the ridicule just now, and replied without changing his face: "Of course it is necessary.

But don’t you think that observing the customs of Vienna is also part of the work of a diplomat?

Now that it’s so lively outside, let’s go out and have a deeper understanding, which is also a help to our future work. "