Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1054: gain and loss

The wheels of human civilization are rolling forward, and the tide of the times is mighty. With the progress of science and technology, the footsteps of the great age are getting closer and closer to this world.

Maybe it was because I was tired, or God was tired of watching war movies every day, and the world suddenly became quiet in 1897.

Except for the war in France, which is still burning, Cuba, the Philippines, and Morocco are quiet. The kingdom of Spain, struggling to flee, was finally able to stop and take a breath.

It's just that this kind of peace is not all created on the battlefield. It is more the result of compromise by all parties.

No matter how the Kingdom of Spain fell, it was not comparable to a few indigenous tribes. After a long period of fierce fighting, the insurgents finally couldn't stand it.

As the victor, the Kingdom of Spain is also uncomfortable. The Spanish government, which has suffered heavy casualties and high debts, is no longer able to continue to encircle and suppress the rebels that abandoned the city and retreated into the jungle.

Since everyone can no longer fight, they can only sit down and negotiate. Relying on a compromise treaty, the Kingdom of Spain finally put down the colonial rebellion.

Obviously, this is not the end. Now that the hatred has been formed, it is not so easy to eliminate.

Compromise is only a temporary truce. I don't know when in the future the war will rekindle.

It's just that the Spanish government is pressing hard, and now it has no time to manage the future. The war is over and their troubles have just begun.

Not to mention how to repay that huge debt; the French mercenary in his hands is a hot potato.

According to the contract, the war was over and these mercenaries should be "repatriated". But now that the French and the Russians are fighting right away, who should the Spanish government give this "elephant force" to?

It will definitely not work if it is handed over to the resistance organization. If you really do that, the Russians will definitely go crazy, and the entire anti-French alliance will have opinions on Spain.

The Spanish government is still unable to do this kind of self-defeating and self-demanding things.

In theory, the Russian Empire and Spain are both members of the anti-French alliance, and there is nothing wrong with giving this mercenary to the Russians.

The problem is that what the Tsarist government did is really not authentic. If the mercenaries were handed over to the Russians, they would be pushed into the fire pit.

Although the Russians also formed a French cannon fodder unit in France, the Russians certainly do not dare to trust this kind of formed former French army.

It is the same for any ruler, the elite troops that cannot be controlled can only be destroyed.

With the style of Mao Xiong, he must do nothing and stop, and directly send these mercenaries back to the country to repair the Siberian Railway.

In any case, the French mercenaries also made great achievements for the Spanish kingdom, so they were sold, but the Spanish government still couldn't do it.

Since it is not appropriate to send it back, it can only be raised first. The problem is that the Spanish government is not rich either. The war is over. It is a waste to raise more than 200,000 mercenaries.



The chief executive of Antonio asked heartily: "How many people have we won?"

It is a waste to spend money to raise mercenaries for a long time, but it is different to spend money to raise your own army.

Seeing the combat effectiveness of the French mercenaries, Antonio found out that his own army really couldn't do it.

It is not that the Spaniards are not good at fighting, but the army and the country are already rotten.

Reform has never been completed overnight. Before the military reform is completed, the Spanish government still needs a force that can support its facade.

Not to reach the top level in the world, at least to be able to sling the colonial rebels and maintain the stability of the colonial empire.

Now this mercenary from France can just meet the requirements.

If it were during the strong period of France, Antonio would definitely not dare to have this idea. Now it's different. France, who has been fighting for years, is obviously a phoenix with plucked hair.

Except that the army can fight a little bit, the rest is not as good as Spain, including the population.

Although the current total population of France is slightly larger, the young and strong labor force is scarce. According to the current situation, the population will be surpassed by Spain in a few years.

The comparison of strength has changed, and so has the courage. Without the risk of being occupied by a dove, Antonio was ready to dig the corner of France.

Colonial Minister Taboyada: "The progress is very good. The French have long been bored with the continuous war.

After we made the conditions, about one-fifth of mercenaries were willing to take their families to immigrate, and nearly one-third expressed that they would consider it carefully. "

"Bored" naturally has the credit of the Spanish government. Not all mercenaries like war, and even if they don’t think about themselves, they must also think about their families.

Only after experiencing war did we know the value of peace. The six-year war has long bored the French people, but they have no right to declare the end.

In order to avoid the scourge of war, a large number of French people drag their families and emigrate overseas every year. Those who have the money buy ferry tickets and leave, and those who have no money flee as refugees.

With the Russians in charge of pulling hatred at the front, the hatred of the European War is not worth mentioning. Countries that border France, including Spain, have not received less refugees.

It is precisely because of accepting refugees that the Spanish government has the idea of ​​leaving mercenaries. The whole family got it together, not afraid that these guys would be disobedient.

I dare not say that hundreds of thousands of immigrants are still accepted by the Spanish government. In any case, France has been fighting for years, and it is easy to digest.

Prime Minister Antonio nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. With these seeds in place, we can mix up several main armies.

The rest of the work will be handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and negotiate with countries as soon as possible to get the families of these people back.

As for the French who don't want to immigrate, don't force it. They just go back if they want. But after sending them back to France, we will no longer be responsible for their safety. "

Sure enough, the Spanish government's morality is not much higher. Unwilling to hand over the mercenaries to the Russians, that is because I want to dig a wall. Once it is found that it cannot be used for it, it is equally unambiguous to buy.

Antonio is not afraid to spread it out to damage his international image. The French mercenaries did make great contributions, but the Spanish government is not without pay.

It was originally a simple labor contract, and the money and goods were paid off.

As long as the person is not delivered to the Russians in person, it cannot be regarded as a betrayal. As for what happened after being sent back to France, it has nothing to do with them.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Junior: "Prime Minister, maybe we can deliver this mercenary to the Carlos government. Although they are now in exile, they are still the only legal government in France.

Previously, our employment contract was also signed with the Carlos government, and now returning people to them is a manifestation of our compliance with the contract. "

It's not that Junior is softhearted, it's mainly that he just dug a corner, and the emotions of new immigrants always have to be taken care of.

It is necessary to soothe people's hearts, but not to offend the Russians to death. Turning the trouble to the Carlos government has become the best choice.

As for the exiled Carlos government, how to clean up the mess has nothing to do with Spain.

Anyway, King Carlos left on his own, and the Russians did not expel him, as long as he personally wanted, he could return to his country at any time.

It doesn't matter if you want to come back with an army. After all, he is the legal king of France, and Spain has no reason to stop him.


The Russian army's hard work in France is not without value.

The Siberian Railway has been launched, the Russian laborers on the Central Asia Railway have also been replaced by French laborers, and the Russian people are calling for "the Tsar's wise".

This is the truth, after all, there is no need to go to the labor service, the czar must be wise. As for the life and death of the French, what does it matter to them?

However, the "wise" Nicholas II was not happy at the moment. Although the front-line troops appealed to the Allied Command for help a few months ago, which made him lose face, they were also their own troops.

Moreover, face is not lost in vain. At least the logistics of the frontline troops do not need to be paid for by the tsarist government. It is of great significance to the czarist government, which is not already rich.

With the passage of time, the number of casualties of the Russian army has also swelled, and even Nicholas II feels scalp tingling.

However, the French resistance did not weaken. According to the frontline officers, every Frenchman in sight, regardless of men, women, young or old, could be a member of the guerrillas.

The more you hit the enemy, the scalp will tingle when you encounter it. If it weren't for military spending, the Tsarist government would have been tempted to back down.

Of course, it is still insisting, and it has nothing to do with Nicholas II being the new czar. As the first battle after the succession, if you can't win the beautiful, it will be very detrimental to your reputation.

Compared with the prestige of the tsar's monarch, the lives of gray animals are not worth mentioning. On this issue, the positions of the top tsarist government are very unified.

Throwing away the telegram in his hand, Nicholas II grumbled dissatisfiedly: "I want to reinforce the soldiers again. I really don't know what those idiots on the front line do!

If there are casualties, they must be supplemented. The heavier the casualties of the front-line Russian army, the more supplementary forces the rear must provide.

Unlike the cough deductions on supplies, which involve the addition of soldiers, the bureaucrats of the tsarist government still rarely compromise.

Especially after the frontline asked the Allied Command for help, no one dared to do anything about this issue. After all, no one can guarantee that the Tie Han Han gang on the front line will not sting things out.

This was the first war since the czar succeeded. If the czar thinks it is against himself, it will be over.

Political struggle belongs to struggle, but there must be a bottom line. Taboos that can't be touched, absolutely can't be touched, otherwise it will be deadly.

On this issue, Alexander II used thousands of heads to teach the Russian bureaucracy a lesson. So far, everyone has lingering fears.

Although Alexander III was not so tough, he also dealt with many short-sighted people.

The current Czar Nicholas II, although his methods are a little short, his ideals in life are great. On many occasions, they publicly stated that they would imitate great grandfather, grandfather, and father.

Everyone is not afraid to learn about Alexander III. If you learn from the previous two ruthless men, it will be fatal.

Especially after the "Hedeng Massacre" broke out, everyone clearly felt that the czar's murderous aura became a bit heavier.

Just look at the fate of those bureaucrats who sacked front-line supplies. Not only were their homes ransacked, they are now digging potatoes in Siberia.

It is said that each person has to dig a train of potatoes and send them back in order to clean up the sins committed before.

The Siberian Railway has just begun, and it is still a long way from opening to traffic. Obviously, most of these hapless people will not be able to return.

In the face of the angry czar, no one wants to go up and scold him. Others can pretend not to hear, but Sergey Witt, as the prime minister, cannot hide.

"Your Majesty, this can't be blamed on the frontline officers, they have tried their best.

In the past six months, the frontline troops have sent 500,000 laborers to the country, and this number is still increasing.

Behind the French Resistance, there are British people supporting it. It is normal to spend a little longer time. "

It wasn't that Sergey Witt exonerated the front-line troops. The French resistance had intensified, but it was forced out by the Tsarist government's "strong army".

If it weren't for being forced to do nothing, the French would not resist so fiercely. After all, people are afraid of death, and those who are not afraid of sacrifice will always be few.

Although politicians’ morals are generally low, they still have skills in throwing the pot. Littering the scapegoat at will, sooner or later, everyone will betrayed.

The domestic decree increased the pressure on the frontline troops, and then dumped the pot to the commander of the frontline troops, so that the stupid Sergey Witt could not do it.

The Prime Minister also needs to be responsible. When it's time to carry thunder, you must take the initiative to stand up.

Just look at the effect. Sergey Witt’s words are spoken, and the military representatives look at him a lot.

Nicholas II sneered coldly and said sarcastically: "Is this a bit longer or a billion points?

If this drags on, the Central Asia Railway will be opened to traffic. They can't wait for the Siberian Railway to open to traffic before they can put out the French rebels! "

Nicholas II doesn't care if reinforcements are not reinforcements. Anyway, the Russian Empire has no shortage of gray animals, and some people pay for the war.

The point is that the French rebels cannot be extinguished late, and Nicholas II's face has no place to rest. The czar also needs to compare. It is obvious that he can't take a shot against the performance of the previous heroes and Nicholas II after he succeeds.

Not only domestic people are making comparisons, but international media also often make fun of them. For the face-saving King Nicholas II, this is absolutely intolerable.

Sergey Werther stopped talking. When can the French Resistance be extinguished? Only God can answer the question.