Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1046: Super long intern

With the accumulation of hatred, the situation in France further deteriorated. The autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves that the Tsarist government expected did not appear, but stepped into the quagmire instead.

Forced suppression is effective in cities, and the situation changes once it enters the countryside. The French played guerrilla warfare by relying on the terrain, which made the Russian army miserable.

Two hundred thousand Russian troops may seem like a lot, but to control the whole of France, it is obviously insufficient.

In particular, after Spain reduced the number of its garrison and reduced its garrison range, the pressure on the Russian army became even greater.

There is no alternative, the French resistance organization regards the Russians as its primary target. Most of the attacks were directed at the Russian army, but the areas controlled by other countries were relatively quiet.

No one likes asking for trouble. Although everyone is allies on the anti-French issue, the Tsarist government did not ask for help, and all countries are naturally happy to watch the excitement.

"Ask for help" seems very simple, just a telegram is enough, but it is not easy to really take this step.

It is an open secret that the Tsarist government wants to use the French to establish its prestige. If you encounter a small setback, you must ask your allies for help, and that is to slap yourself in the face.

This is not just a problem of shame, but the most important thing is the status of the Russian Empire in the European Union.

In an age when fist and international status are equal, there is as much voice as there is power. Without strength, nothing is hard-hearted.

Realizing that the French are not easy to mess with, the tsarist government is already on a sack. Choosing to compromise at this time will not only be embarrassing internationally and decline in status, but even the czar's reputation in China will also plummet.

The Russian bureaucrats are smart people, so naturally they will not take a big shot and ask for compromise with the French or ask for help from allies.

In any case, in the minds of bureaucrats, political correctness will always come first, and other minor issues.

Moreover, given the strength of the Russian Empire, as long as it is willing to invest, the suppression of resistance organizations is a matter of strength.

On this issue, the Tsarist government can be said to be quite experienced. Poland, Bulgaria, and Afghanistan, none of them are easy to rule. Didn't they finally surrender under the iron fist of the tsarist government?

Whether it is true surrender or pretended to cater. In short, these areas are temporarily stable on the surface. Even if there were still guerrillas, they got into the ravine.

It is enough for the tsarist government to be able to do this. As long as the situation can be generally stabilized and the allies are given a deceptive explanation, the matter will be over.

In fact, if it were not for the international community to watch, the Tsarist government would never mind giving up the "small rural area" and just occupying the richest Paris region.


The chaos in France did not affect Shinra. Although mankind is entering the era of globalization, since the outbreak of the European War, the normal trade relationship between Shenluo and France was broken.

After the war, France was scrapped, and even if trade was reopened, there was not much trade volume. All the economic pains broke out in the previous economic crisis, and the impact now is minimal.

After entering 1896, the Holy Roman Empire, which got rid of the economic crisis, once again boarded the express train of rapid development.

The new round of the five-year plan is being formulated intensively. The only difference is that this time the host is no longer Franz.

Time flies, and Prince Frederick, who has been in a time of confusion, has now begun to gradually take over government affairs.

In fact, Prince Frederick had been in contact with government affairs as early as twenty years ago. It's just that at the time, he was just an intern who was following along.

This internship lasts for twenty years, and it is the longest intern in history. If an ordinary post is for twenty years of internship, it is estimated that everyone will go crazy.

The emperor's profession is obviously an exception. Since ancient times, there have been too many princes on standby. Without enough patience, you can't succeed at all.

Compared with Prince Charles, who was in reserve in his ancient years, Frederick was really young.

In a sense, both Charles and Frederick are lucky. The European world inheritance law is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As long as the crown prince does not die, he will not be dismissed.

If in the Eastern world, it would be a miracle not to be driven mad if all kinds of conspiracies and scheming were followed by a bunch of younger brothers.

Taking the plan handed over by his son, Franz quickly scanned it, and suddenly stopped on the third page.

"Focus on developing the petrochemical industry, tell me your reasons?"

There is no right or wrong policy, it just depends on whether it is appropriate. According to the actual situation, it is the policy makers to adopt different policies at different times.

No matter how good a policy is, as long as it appears at the wrong point in time, it will bring disaster to the country and the people.

Everyone knows this principle, but when it was implemented, the situation changed. For reasons of interest, policymakers must consider more factors when formulating national policies.

How to grasp the details can only be changed according to the actual situation. The seemingly ordinary question is actually an examination of his son.

"In recent years, the domestic internal combustion engine industry has developed vigorously, and the petrochemical industry has also risen accordingly.

But in the process of development and utilization, there has been a serious waste of resources. In the oil refining process, most of the chemical by-products produced are wasted.

On the one hand, the technology is not mature enough and the cost of developing and utilizing by-products is too high; on the other hand, the supporting industries have not been able to develop, and problems have arisen in connection.

This is a huge industrial chain. Once developed, at least millions of jobs can be created, which will greatly promote our economy.

The second reason is that the royal family controls most of the domestic oil fields. Once the petrochemical industry develops, our profits will be very large. "

Prince Frederick replied calmly. Obviously, similar conversations have been conducted many times between father and son.

Different from talking to other people, you have to go around in circles and sell off. The father and son always go straight, there is no need to hide.

While promoting the country’s economic development, making a fortune along the way is a routine operation. As a rule maker, it is not difficult to make a fortune.

The royal consortium can grow rapidly. In addition to Franz's foresight, insight into national policies is also an important factor.

Although there is no special policy for profit, the national economic policy was originally promoted by Franz, and it is normal that the priority industries and the potential industries of their own layout overlap.

Franz nodded and shook his head again: "In theory, there is no problem. However, once the petrochemical industry develops, it will be inappropriate for the royal family to control so many oil fields.

Promote the listing of related companies and raise funds several times to reduce the number of shares held by the royal family.

Since you proposed it, these tasks are now entrusted to you. After the company's listing is completed, an industry association is formed to raise the industry threshold. "

Since ancient times, eating alone will not produce good results, even the royal family cannot be too much. When Franz was in power, naturally no one dared to compare blindly, and later generations would be uncertain.

The best way is to hide the industry early. Like the big consortium families in later generations, everyone knows the name of Morgan Rock, but they don't know what industries they own.

Those on the rich list are all up-and-coming entrepreneurs, and veteran giants can't even find their shadows. Even if the children and grandchildren can be ruined, it is impossible for all of them to decline, right?

The only explanation is to hide it. After all, it is far safer to control a country’s economic lifeline in secret than to be active on the surface.

Going public is undoubtedly a good choice. While sharing the cake to draw allies, it can also circulate a lot of funds from the market.

The cashed out funds can be invested in new industries to continue to create wealth. This is how the snowball gets bigger and bigger.

"The way of heaven is more than damage but it makes up for the insufficiency; the way of man is not damaged enough to make up for it."

"The strong will remain strong, the rich will get richer" is the essence of the world, and it has never been changed by personal will.

Franz is not a saint and has no courage to go against the world. Since you can't change the world, you can only adapt to it.

It is better to control these industries in your own hands than to fall into the hands of profit-only capitalists. At least the royal consortium needs to consider national stability and cannot blindly pursue interests.

"Okay, father."

While speaking back, Frederick's face changed slightly, his voice trembling slightly, and then he returned to normal.

It can be seen that his heart is not at peace, but in order to maintain a stable image of himself, he is abruptly suppressed.

It's right to think about it. The oil industry in the hands of the royal family controls almost half of the world's oil production capacity. Even though the petroleum industry chain was just emerging in the 19th century, it was a proper behemoth.

Suddenly in charge of such a large property, normal people will be uneasy. It was not easy for Frederick to bear it.

Seeing the scene before him, Franz nodded with satisfaction. It's good to be able to hold it back. The most feared thing to be an emperor is to be uncomfortable.

To this day, money is just a number for Franz. No amount of wealth can move him.

In contrast, a qualified heir is the most important.