Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1030: parade

I have to admit, Rivera chose a good time. The Vienna government is busy holding a military parade, and a few more investment companies have not attracted everyone's attention at all.

It's not that similar financing has never happened, but usually listed companies do it again. As long as there are no problems with the project, the approval will not be stuck.

As a financial professional, Rivera happens to be an expert in it. The procedures are naturally there, but the sheep’s head is sold and the dog meat is sold.

Even the 70 million contract was carefully prepared. The purpose is to touch porcelain, the loan contract signed by Spain with domestic commercial banks.

Although it has been reported in the Vienna newspapers, it is inconvenient to transmit information these days, and it is impossible for the Vienna newspapers to reach the world.

Therefore, the financing meeting in Vienna will start in accordance with the normal process. There was a direct showdown of risks and benefits.

The real money is still outside, Moscow in the east, Stockholm in the north, London in the west, and even North America, which is far overseas, is Rivera's target.

Such a huge scam is definitely not something Rivera can do alone, so it is necessary to divide the money.

Without the help of fellow Jews around the world, the Rivera project would not go on. Of course, most people still don't know that they are involved in a scam.

Many people thought this was an epoch-making business model, and many Jewish capitalists who participated in it also took shares.

According to the business blueprint planned by Rivera, their financing money will definitely exceed Spanish loans, and the excess money will still be used to continue investing.

You must know that now is the last stage of the economic crisis, when all assets are the cheapest, it is best to start hunting.

As long as you survive the most difficult period, you will earn blood later. It's just that this kind of thing can only be done by big consortia and big capitalists.

Most people are limited by funds, unable to accurately grasp the timing of bargaining, participate in advance, and will be consumed if the crisis is not over.

But it’s different if we unite. Thousands of middle class and petty bourgeoisie unite, and their wealth is definitely no worse than any consortium.

With so much cash flow, you can get a share of the bargaining game. As investors, they are the shareholders of the new consortium.

It just so happens that the economic crisis has just passed, the panic among the people has not had time to dissipate, and investment is afraid to make.

Keep the money in the bank, not to mention that there is no interest on demand deposits, and there is also a fund management fee; although there is a small amount of interest on a regular basis, it is also a real regular time, and you can’t withdraw it in advance.

A large amount of cash is left at home, and there are security risks, and the rich are also worried.

Everyone has an idea: If there is an investment channel that can obtain stable and generous returns, that would be great.

Using demand-setting scams, the routines that were popular in the 21st century were even more difficult to resist in the 19th century.

Spain’s financial difficulties, as everyone knows, is not difficult and will not borrow foreign debt. But to say that the Spanish government will go bankrupt, so many people jump out to refute.

Regardless of its decline, in the eyes of ordinary people, Spain is still the world's fourth largest power after the three major powers of Britain, Russia and Shenluo.

Not only still has a fertile colony, but also the wealth of the colonial empire accumulated over the centuries. As long as the breath is relieved, the rest will get better.

Besides, isn't there still collateral after bankruptcy?

Wait for a replacement, borrow a few clauses in the loan contract signed by the major commercial banks in Spain and Shinra with the guarantee of the Vienna government, and the risk is suddenly reduced.

How can ordinary people who don't know the truth be able to tell the truth from the fake? Even if someone discovers the problem, the people around him will help him reduce his intelligence.

"If the number is over 10,000, IQ will be halved."

Of course, there will be no more than 10,000 people participating in the presentation. But a good story can also help reduce wisdom.

Even if the people attending the meeting are high-intelligence people, you can arrange for a few to be dragged in. As long as someone takes the lead in throwing money into it, the people behind will not be far away from being fooled.

It's not about waiting 30 years before returning to the capital. After the investment, it will be effective next month. Even if they have doubts, many people try to make a fortune.

After seeing the benefits, no one knows whether it can be held back. Anyway, the scam has just begun, is it too early to close the net?

Not to mention ordinary people, even Rivera herself is now immersed in the beautifully composed stories.

In theory, as long as the Spanish government does not experience thunderstorms and the cash flow of investment companies does not break, this scam can continue for a long time.

First take the investment of the previous investor and lend it to the Spanish government; then take the investment of the latter and distribute interest dividends to the previous investor.

Excess funds can also be invested. Anyway, the funds in the early stage will definitely be abundant, and you can buy and buy in large amounts.

If the economy recovers fast enough, the low-priced assets bought now will quickly increase in value.

As long as you make money fast enough, interest dividends are not a problem. The big deal is to gradually reduce the investor's interest dividends in the later stage to reduce the risk of the capital chain breaking.

As long as the plan is successful, Rivera is not a liar, but a great entrepreneur. Become a master in the field of capital operation for future generations to admire Mobike.

Play a capital scam in the way of doing business. Rivera burst out of entrepreneurial enthusiasm, and wherever he goes, he is a successful person.

Not only is the investor fooled, but the employees of the company are also confused about the north, south, east and west. Many people have emptied their families and joined the road to wealth.

Looking at "employee stock ownership" in investment, the typical confidence is full. It is necessary to increase investment, or else you can only drink soup.

Beginning in the second half of 1895, the great capital operation mentor, Mr. Rivera, began the global "tourism" road.

It is not only fooling investors, but also recruiting talents from all walks of life and preparing for a big fight.

So that Adler, as an insider, doubts himself deeply. He is clearly an entrepreneur, where is a liar?


The capital game continues, and the third anniversary of the Holy Roman Empire military parade has kicked off. Franz rode on a tall white horse, and led a group of people to review the whole army.

Waving, it doesn't exist. With his horseback riding skills, if both hands leave the reins, there may be an accident.

Besides, he is the emperor, and he does not need to be close to the people during the military parade, as long as he maintains his majesty is enough.

In fact, rather than riding a military parade, Franz prefers to sit in his epoch-making sedan to review the troops.

Fortunately, the Holy Roman Empire has a knightly tradition, and the Habsburgs are among the best. In order to demonstrate the spirit of martial arts, Franz had to choose a horse parade.

The emperor who is over sixty years old can even ride a war horse to inspect the troops, what else can be said?

I didn't look at the top government officials, they were all absent collectively. It's not that I don't want to go shopping, but the body really can't stand the toss.

Franz, who is 65 years old, can parade on horseback, which is not the same as that of senior cabinet members.

In the unlikely event of an accident, the serious military parade will become a farce. This is something that Franz Wan cannot tolerate, and he directly ordered the high-collar officials to rest in the background.

The high-level cabinet can only watch, and other government officials can naturally watch the excitement. No other reason, the status is not enough.

So that the military parade in 1895 became a special field for military commanders. Except for the members of the royal family, the generals followed.

After a round of inspections, dragging his slightly exhausted body back to the tower, Franz said slowly, "Let's start!"

With the sound of the salute, the national flag guards holding the double eagle flags took the lead in performing.

With neat steps, every movement is accurate to the centimeter. Seen from the side, there is a line, all the soldiers on the field are solemn, vigorous, and high-spirited.

The flag-raising ceremony began, and with the sound of the national anthem, except for the emperor and the empress who were still seated safely, everyone else had already stood up, watching the national flag slowly rise.

Frankly speaking, Franz doesn't like to play these rituals, but I have to admit that these rituals are indeed necessary.

After a glance at the audience, everyone looked solemn and stared at the national flag slowly raising the flag. At this time, he was probably the emperor who looked around.

You know that the camera is on, and if an indecent scene is captured, it is an eternal stain.

Of course, this does not include Franz. As an accomplished old emperor, any move will be interpreted by someone.

Others are looking around, that is, "looking around, looking left and right"; the emperor is looking around, that is, reviewing the audience.

After the flag was raised, the troops under review formed a phalanx and walked towards the Vienna Palace Square at a time. Fortunately, when Franz expanded the palace, he also expanded the square by the way. Otherwise, he really couldn't have a military parade.

Looking around and forgetting, I saw a phalanx stepping neatly, with its head held high and full of energy.

The first to come was the honor guard of the three services, followed by the army, navy, air force, and state military...

Then came the majestic armored squadron, tank squadron and artillery squadron. It seems to be inborn domineering, and looking at it from a distance can be daunting.

The last thing that flew through the air was a stunning aerial echelon. As a representative of the Air Force, although these fighters appeared late, they ended quickly.

The airship has withdrawn from the core of the Air Force, and now the Air Force’s combat power has become an aircraft. In the implied meaning of perfection, one hundred fighters are the assets of the Air Force this time.

It's a pity that the flight speed was too fast, and I made three big circles around the square. It only took a few minutes before and after. I didn't understand much, so I returned home.

As for the performance of aerobatics, just think about it. Franz hasn't lived enough yet and is not ready to die. Although the Air Force repeatedly stated that there was no problem, the prudent emperor stopped their desire for performance.

In fact, Franz had already plucked up the courage to let the plane fly overhead. No way, there have been more aviation accidents these years.

Take the Air Force of the Holy Roman Empire as an example. If there are not a few accidents in a year, Franz loses.

In line with the safety first choice, Franz never travels by plane. At the same time, it is forbidden to fly any aircraft over his head.

This prohibition is obviously superfluous. No one dared to fly above the emperor's head. That meant disrespect to the emperor and a felony.

Including the military parade, the planes participating in the show are far away from the great emperor. For fear of being misunderstood, he stood on top of the emperor's head.
