Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1024: celebration

The wheels of history are rolling forward, not controlled by personal will.

As the birthplace of the economic crisis, Vienna is also the first region to get rid of the economic crisis.

Different from ordinary industrial cities, Vienna, which is centered on politics, education, scientific research, and culture, has a much stronger ability to resist risks.

Except for the miserable stock investors, the crisis brought little change to Vienna. The turbulent downtowns can't feel the breath of depression at all.

Especially in the recent period, as the National Day approaches, representatives from all over the country have gathered, and it has become more prosperous.

To celebrate the third anniversary of the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, Franz decided to conduct a military parade on National Day. It is purely for celebration, and there is absolutely no meaning to show off force.

Unlike previous military parades, this time is a national one. Whether it is a colony far overseas, aristocratic fiefdom, or various states on the European continent, representatives must be sent to participate.

The most important thing is that this military parade is not to select elites from the entire army, but Franz randomly selected troops and went to Vienna for review.

There is no way, there are a lot of nations under the Shenluo, and the fief nobles are as high as five figures, even if they are the best ones, they can't be selected.

When it comes to military honor, don't expect who will let others. If it is really elected, it can be a waste of time.

If the colony is opened up, it can also be a grand contest of the whole army, or a real-force confrontation exercise.

Now, just look at the map of Shinra. With the traffic and regional drills of the past few years, they are choking. We are afraid that we will not be able to complete the situation in two or three years.

In this case, in order to avoid controversy, Franz simply played a lottery and decided by luck.

If you want to show your face in front of the people of the whole country, then count on God for his old man's blessing. If God is not online, so will the emperor's blessing.

After all, judging from the final result, the distribution of selected troops is quite balanced.

One battalion was selected for Austrian Southeast Asia, one battalion for Austrian Americas, four battalions for Austrian Africa, three battalions for each state, three battalions for land, sea and air of the Central Army, plus one armored regiment and one artillery regiment for a total of one Thousands of thousands of people.

There can be no more, and no more review. Franz didn't want to have a celebration, so he was exhausted to death.

It is not an easy task to gather the troops from all over the world. The National Day military parade is not only a review of the troops, but also for the whole world.

As a newly emerging overlord, Shinra hasn't done anything outside in recent years except for interfering in a Philippine war since he got down to France.

Such a peaceful hegemon, not to mention that countries in the world are not used to it, at least European countries are really not used to it.

Look at the British. The Philippine War just ended, and things started in Cuba again. This is the professional hegemon.

In this regard, the Vienna government still has a long way to go to catch up with the British. Judging from the current situation, Franz's lifetime is impossible.

This is determined by political genes. The thinking of sea power countries and land power countries is different.

Thinking determines action. If possible, Franz hopes to go on in such a quiet and ordinary life.

However, the trees wanted to be quiet and the wind continued. The Vienna government didn't do anything. A scapegoat fell from the sky, and there was no place to reason.

There are so many suspects that it is impossible to tell who is behind the scenes. Naturally, the Vienna government cannot retaliate.

In order to swear a sense of existence, there was this third anniversary celebration. Regardless of whether countries are used to it, they must now learn to adapt.

"New Overlord, New Atmosphere".

Blindly imitating the British, obviously fell behind. If it really makes the sky angry, and finally fights, Shenluo has no strait protection.

The past does not forget the future. The two world wars in the original time and space are still deeply imprinted in Franz's mind.

Playing pk on the European continent is a collective suicide. If the profits are not enough for military expenses, if you lose, you will have to lose money.


"Here, Friedrich."

"I see the general, I'll come right away."

Following the sound to the ground, a young officer shuttled past the crowd and came under the sculpture in the square.

Schlieffen laughed and cursed: "Friedrich, you idiot. I told you not to be left behind, and I dare to look around. If I get lost, I'm ashamed to call the police to help you find someone."

It can be seen that Schlieffen still values ​​the young officers very seriously.

Although this military parade was drawn by lots, it is to be seen in full view. Who would dare to be careless?

If you get out of the basket, you will be ashamed in front of the world. All selected troops have started drills early.

Those who were able to come to the review last, whether they were officers or soldiers, had been screened at various levels, and those who were unqualified were transferred away long ago.

As the only company in the Kingdom of Prussia to take part in the military parade, it was even more likely to have all officers. The purpose is very simple, just to ask for money.

There is no way, who makes the Kingdom of Prussia poor?

Limited by financial constraints, the Prussian military's life in recent years has really been difficult.

Even some time ago, there was a proposal to dismiss the army in the Berlin government. Although he was stopped by William II, there were one or two things like this.

The Prussian military is still very crisis-conscious. In order to avoid one day, the Berlin government really did not allocate funds, and there was a trip to Vienna by the current army.

After the establishment of the Holy Roman Empire, while the emperor took the command of the state's army, in order to strengthen the control of the state's army, the source of military expenditure of the state's army also changed.

Generally speaking, within the scope of the establishment permitted by the emperor, the state army can get 25%-40% of the military expenditure from the central government, and the state government self-finances the rest.

In this context, if the state is rich, the military budget will be sufficient, and the army will have a better life; if the state is poor, it will have to live a hard life.

There is no doubt that the Prussian army has been living a hard life. Since the defeat of the Russian-Prussian War, the life of the Prussian military has never been better.

When Prussia was in the German Federation, Prussia was directly faced with the lively military threat from Russia, and the Berlin government naturally had to grit its teeth.

In addition, as the federation's military responsibility, for national defense and security considerations, other state governments have also supported a portion of their military expenditures, and they barely supported it.

After the restoration of the Holy Roman Empire, the central government paid a portion of its military expenditures. It stands to reason that their lives should be better.

It is a pity that with the establishment of Shinra, the threat of the Russians no longer exists, and the spirit of the Berlin government's efforts to collect military expenses also disappears.

After the outbreak of the economic crisis, the Berlin government's finances went bankrupt, and some people even proposed to hand over the army to the central government to relieve the government's financial pressure.

With the support of the king, the army was retained, but financial allocations were often delayed.

The most important thing is that the Prussian government really has no money, not that they don't want to give money.

This is embarrassing. If you have money and don't give it, then the military naturally has a way to get the Berlin government to obediently, but now that there is really no money, there is nothing to do.

Fortunately, the central government's funding is very timely every time, saving a little bit, and it can barely be maintained.

In order to save military expenditures, the Prussian military has also tried every possible means, such as: retaining the structure and reducing the number of soldiers.

Unfortunately, this apparently suspected practice of defrauding military spending was quickly discovered by the Department of War.

If you fail to make a plan, you have another plan.

The Prussian military replaced its soldiers with conscripts who did not require salaries, and only retained a small number of backbone elites, mainly training officers.

Unfortunately, although the Prussian military's plan was good, the emperor refused to agree.

Regarding this apparently possible impact on the combat effectiveness of the troops, Franz not only issued a severe warning to the Prussian military, but also demoted relevant personnel collectively.

Demotion is a minor issue, and the key is that the issue of military expenditure has not been resolved. Although the emperor personally intervened and urged the Berlin government to allocate military expenditures on time, it took money to allocate it.

Borrowing money to pay for military expenses was naturally no problem in the past. But not now. The Berlin government is arguing with the British about debt restructuring, and the government has declared bankruptcy.

Not only the military expenses are owed, but the salaries of government officials are also owed, including the king’s annuity and the prime minister’s salary.

The government is fighting for the interests of the country, and the military naturally cannot hold back at this time. No matter how difficult it is, they still have military expenditure allocated by the central government, and they will not be hungry.

Obviously, it is not easy to get British creditors to compromise. This pretending protest is expected to continue for a long time.

After so much, the Prussian military can see that even if the debt restructuring negotiations are successful, the impoverished Berlin government cannot count on it in a short time.

If you want to solve the problem of military expenditure, you can only reach out to the emperor.

After all, the annual military budget of the Shenluo Empire is as high as hundreds of millions of Aegis, while the annual expenditure of the Prussian army is only more than 4 million Aegis, accounting for about one-thirtieth.

As long as the emperor is slightly inclined in the allocation of military expenditures, their funding gap will be filled.

If you want to get preferential care in military expenditures, you must first prove your worth to the emperor. This military parade is their chance to show themselves.

The pure display of soldiers is obviously ineffective. Soldiers who can appear at the parade must be among the elite.

Although the Prussian army is well-trained, it is still impossible to stand out on the parade ground.

The emperor is not interested in ordinary soldiers, but the troops that train soldiers into officers can definitely attract the emperor’s attention.

Regardless of whether the plan is reliable, always try it hard. Otherwise, if modern military technology advances so quickly, the Prussian army with insufficient military expenditure will soon fall behind.

As for handing over national defense and security to the central government, Ma Fang Nanshan can farm with peace of mind. Other countries may think so, but it is absolutely impossible in Prussia.

Although the Prussian War interrupted the backbone of the Kingdom of Prussia, the unwillingness to admit defeat was still retained in the army.

To this day, "revenge" is still the driving force of the Prussian military. Only considering the disparity between the strengths of the two sides, he was forced to endure it, and secretly scolded his troops.

In the previous anti-French war, the Prussian army performed well, so that after the resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire, it can still retain the organization of four infantry divisions, which is the first of many small states.

Of course, this is also the result that other states have not tried their best. After all, only Prussia wants to avenge the Russians and regain lost ground.

Although the Holy Roman Empire has been reborn, according to tradition: the hatred of the states is not equal to the hatred of the empire; the wars of the states are not equal to the war of the empire.

If it is an invasion by a foreign enemy, the central government will naturally come forward; if you run to invade others, you will be at your own risk.

Similar cases, in the history of the Holy Roman Empire, have never appeared below three digits.

In the Prussian contradiction, as long as the Russians did not take the initiative to invade, the Vienna government does not need to bear any responsibility and obligation to Prussia.

For revenge, the Kingdom of Prussia can only do it alone. In theory, the number of troops in each state can be freely determined.

It's just that the central government does not need to share military expenditures for troops outside the scope of the organization, but they still have to accept the emperor's command.

Without the support of the central government, the impoverished Kingdom of Prussia naturally has no capital to avenge the Russians. Even if the military is still obsessed with it, the Berlin government has long given up on these unrealistic illusions.

An open secret is not a secret, and the small actions of the Prussian military secretly cannot hide from Franz's eyes.

It's just that they have always been within the scope of the rules, and it is not easy to interfere as the emperor.

After all, the Prussian military's "revenge plan" only stayed at the stage of "thinking" and did not take substantial action.

Anyway, there are only a few infantry divisions, no matter how well trained they are, they do not pose a threat to the central government. Instead, they have one more thug that can be used.

Friedrich replied solemnly: "Don't worry, General. I can't lose it. There were just too many people and I didn't notice you leaving."

Schlieffen nodded and said nothing. Unlike the curiosity of young officers, the feelings of older Prussian officers towards the Holy Roman Empire are the most complicated.

As the master who experienced the two Prussian Wars firsthand, Schlieffen witnessed the decline of the Kingdom of Prussia and the revival of the Holy Roman Empire.

Once upon a time, Schlieffen also took the responsibility of unifying the German region and establishing Great Prussia.

The German region was indeed unified, but it was not unified by Prussia. On the contrary, the greatest contribution made by the Kingdom of Prussia in the process of unification was its own decline.

With the decline of the second oldest state in the Kingdom of Prussia, the German region no longer has the strength to compete with Austria, and the internal friction of the German region has been wiped out.