Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1014: Confrontation at the negotiating table

What people most fear is that there is no hope. Although the 3 million labor dispatch plan cannot solve all the unemployment problems in Europe, it can bring hope to everyone.

Adhering to the principle of maximizing impact, unless it is a skilled worker, this recruitment is limited to one person per household, and preferentially favor families with financial difficulties as much as possible.

In a sense, this large recruitment not only eased the employment pressure of various countries, but also a large-scale poverty alleviation campaign.

Regardless of the low salary standard set by the Vienna government, it was only 50% of the average income of European people in 1893, but for the bottom people, this is already a high income.

In this era of disparity between the rich and the poor, the annual income of the big aristocrats and big capitalists is equivalent to the income of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ordinary people a year, and the income of more than half of the bottom people is less than 20% of the average level. The word "average" has long lost its meaning.

If it weren't for the work location overseas, and the basic conditions in all aspects could not keep up, such jobs would have been robbed.

From this perspective, Franz, the annual poverty alleviation champion, is determined. Perhaps it is also the champion of poverty alleviation of this century. After all, this level of poverty alleviation project is unprecedented, and it is estimated that there will be no more people in the next few years.

After signing a labor service contract, you just pay three months' salary in advance. There is no need to worry about being deceived. This is a recruitment organized jointly with governments of various countries. Follow-up labor dispatch will be followed up by everyone.

Of course, no one knows which step can be traced. Anyway, when propaganda, choose to say.

The harsh weather and the infestation of poisonous insects and beasts have all been ignored by governments of all countries consciously or unconsciously. Perhaps for the ruler, although sending away these potentially dangerous elements is king.

The effect of spreading money is naturally leveraged. For every prepaid salary, one family has temporarily escaped the hunger crisis. The deteriorating situation in Europe has finally turned around.


In Nanyang, the high-profile Philippine war mediation conference has kicked off on Sulawesi.

Not surprisingly, apart from Japan and the West, Britain and the European Union countries also participated in the mediation.

Obviously, the 1vs17 mediation meeting is very unfavorable for the Japanese. It's definitely a tragedy to play against the heroes diplomatically.

The Japanese government is not without efforts. In fact, before going to the negotiating table, Ito Hirobumi has visited the ministers of many countries and invited them to participate in the mediation meeting.

Don't ask for your full support, even if you just send a representative to join in the fun and make a personal battle, it is also a kind of support for the Japanese government.

Regrettably, even though the Japanese army performed well in the Philippine campaign, in the eyes of the outside world, Spain is still stronger.

It is really embarrassing to ask everyone to help us at the risk of offending Spain. Except for the fact that the British government was still on the side of the Japanese government for the sake of face, the Japanese never managed to get a second ally.

The sequelae of the lonely family quickly manifested itself. The negotiation has just begun, and the aggressor’s hat has been put on, and they are not allowed to refute.


The Russian representative Tanbulundos rightfully said: "The aggressor must be severely punished, and any act of indulgence is a blasphemy against the civilized world.

In order to recover justice for the innocent victims who died, I propose to set up an interim court to try the culprit who initiated the war.


Judging from Tanbulundos's remarks, those who did not know would think that it was the Japanese army invading Russia that made him so angry.

This is no longer the attitude that a neutral country should have for mediation, but more like a revenge meeting. Does Tanbulundos have any enemies with the Japanese?

The answer is: no!

Although because of the assassination of Crown Prince Nicholas, the Czarist government looked at the Japanese people upset, but the Crown Prince was still alive and well, which was not enough for the country to hate.

Not only is there no hatred, but there is also no major conflict of interest. The Tsarist government did not strategically move eastward, nor did the Japanese government move northward. Even if there was a minor dispute on Sakhalin Island, it ended with a concession from the Japanese government.

However, this does not prevent Tanbulundos from looking for the Japanese. In addition to selling well to the domestic crown prince, the Spanish also paid money.

In order to take the initiative in the mediation meeting, the Spanish representatives are throwing money along the way, and it is indispensable for the representatives of the countries participating in the meeting to have a "local product".

In fact, it was not only the Spanish representative who gave gifts. The Japanese delegation also paid no less, and Ito Hirobumi even came to visit one by one in person.

There is no way, this is the bad habits of the times. Diplomacy in the 19th century has always been accompanied by material desires, which is called public relations.

Giving money does not necessarily make things happen, but not giving money will definitely do bad things. Under the premise of not involving the interests of the country, the maneuverability of diplomats is much better, usually whoever gives more is inclined to.

It is a pity that this is not possible. The European Union Conference has already decided to support Spain. As a diplomatic representative of one of the member states, Tambrundos must support it. This is a matter of political principle.

In this context, the efforts of the Japanese delegation can at best make everyone show mercy and soften their attitude when supporting Spain.

Originally, for the sake of the "big yellow croaker" sent by the Japanese, Tanbulundos didn't want to do it this way, but a telegram from a big domestic figure made him give up all his illusions and become a firm man. Anti-Japanese.

More than one similar telegram was received by representatives of almost all countries. No matter how strong the Japanese government is in Nanyang's public relations, it cannot hold back the Spanish from starting from Europe.

The end result is that more than a dozen countries in the European Union are pulling sideways. It is a mediation in name, but in fact they all support Spain.

The Spanish representative cooperated with the situation and said: "The Jazz is right, the aggressor must be severely punished, otherwise the justice will not be publicized, and the world will be chaotic.

According to the intelligence we have collected, the Japanese government has a secret agreement with the French, and the invasion of the Philippines is only the first step. They also plan to cooperate with the French army in European operations. "

Just letting the Japanese withdraw from the Philippine Islands is obviously difficult to dispel the hatred of the Spanish. It is a pity that they are limited in their own strength, unable to counterattack Japan.

In order to make the Japanese end worse, Federico decisively chose to pull the anti-French alliance into the water. As long as the fact that Japan colluded with France is confirmed, the Philippine campaign is not only fought for the defense of Spain's colonialism, but for the anti-French alliance.

When the nature changes, the final outcome will naturally be different. Even for the sake of face, the anti-French alliance will make the Japanese unable to eat. Even Britain, who originally supported the Japanese, will give up this little brother under pressure from the anti-French alliance.

Faced with the accusations made by the Spanish representative, Ito Hirobumi naturally could not admit it. Otherwise, it was not a question of when to withdraw from the Philippine Islands, but a question of whether the Japanese Empire could exist.

"This is completely slander. We have nothing to do with the French and there is no so-called collusion.

Anyone with a little bit of military common sense knows that Japan is tens of thousands of miles away from Europe. With the performance of our navy's warships before, even if it is going to Europe, it will have to carry out multiple supplies along the way.

If you don't get everyone's permission, and the Imperial Navy doesn't even have the ability to enter the Indian Ocean, how can it collude with France?

The imperial navy went to Southeast Asia to fight pirates. We did not expect to be attacked by your country’s defenders while adding coal to Luzon, and we were forced to launch a counterattack.

We are the victims of this war, and the so-called aggression is simply not valid. All this is the responsibility of the idiot defender officer in Luzon, or there would be no war at all. "

In order to reduce responsibility, Ito Hirofumi decisively chose to open his eyes and talk nonsense. Regardless of whether anyone believes it, he will not admit all the accusations made by the Spaniard anyway.

"In the face of hard facts, sophistry is meaningless. The French have already acknowledged the existence of the secret agreement, and I even brought a copy of the contract."

After speaking, the Spanish representative Federico took out a copy of the contract and handed it to the nearby representative of Shinra. He also gave Ito Hirobumi a provocative look.

Not only is there a secret agreement between France and Japan, there is also a secret agreement between Britain and Japan. If it were not for the acquiescence of Britain and France, the Japanese government would not dare to go south.

It's just that now France has declined, and Britannia is still arrogant. The Spanish government does not want to offend the British, and simply ignores the fact that the British and Japanese have a secret agreement.

The most worrying thing happened, Ito Bowen, whose heart beats faster, bit his head and scolded: "A treaty fabricated out of thin air wants to convict us. Your country is too overbearing.

We have never signed a secret contract with a Frenchman. Do you want us to admit it when you come out with a fake contract? "

It doesn’t work if you’re not nervous, the Fa-Japanese Secret Agreement really exists. It's just that the content of the treaty is somewhat different from the Spanish representative.

Before the launch of the Southward Strategy, the Japanese government had considered the consequences of the defeat of France, so when the treaty was concluded, there were mostly ambiguities.

In addition, the Paris government did not pay much attention to Japan, and did not regard their military power as the same thing. The final treaty was a joint encirclement and suppression pirate plan.

Encirclement and suppression of pirates seems to be no problem. The problem is that the Shenluo Navy did not do business in Malacca for the purpose of blocking France.

As a winner, you don't need to be blamed, so this dark history must be erased. Regarding the Japanese navy's desire to encircle and suppress "pirates," the Shinra Empire would definitely not say anything on the surface, and no one knows whether it will retaliate secretly.

Ito Bowen was nervous anyway. From the Japanese government's point of view, Shinra spared no effort to support Spain because of revenge against Japan's possible collaborating with France.

Just because it is "possible", the Fa-Japanese Secret Agreement is strictly confidential. Under normal circumstances, Shenluo would not know the specific content. However, international politics often does not need evidence, and relying on one may be enough to make the Vienna government wear shoes for them.

If this "possibility" is taken into account, then Japan's hardships will be well in the future. The explanation is meaningless. Regardless of the purpose of the Japanese government, whether they do it or not, they will be retaliated against.

The overlord needs to stand up. As the first Japan to be sent to the door after the war, it must be a "chicken" used to curry monkeys.

Based on this judgment, Ito Hirobumi is now unable to recognize the French-Japanese secret agreement even if he takes out the contract.

Perhaps realizing that the little brother is in trouble, the British representative Klaus said with a smile: "Everyone has already happened. It doesn't make any sense to continue to hang around in the past. We have to look forward.

War is cruel, and every day it lasts will take away many precious lives. Anyone who yearns for peace does not want war. Enough blood has been shed.

Today we are sitting together to adjust the conflict and end this meaningless war. As for other issues, let’s wait until the war is over. "

It's not that Klaus didn't give his strength, but that the war initiated by the Japanese government could not stand scrutiny. The suffocated excuses for war and the undeclared war are not cleansed by the Japanese government.

If it is to deal with a weak country, whether it is a rogue or a mess; but now that the European Union has stepped in, the best way is to follow the rules of the game.

The London government is already busy destroying the European Union. At this moment, it is really not suitable to pull out hatred. After all, there are two prerequisites for the existence of an alliance: common interests and common enemies.

If you want to break the European Union, the first step is to make European countries feel less threatened. Only when their common enemy disappears can they rest assured that they will fight boldly.

In order to achieve this goal, the London government has decided to carry out a strategic contraction overseas, as far as possible to avoid conflicts with European countries.

In this context, the support that the British can provide to the Japanese government can be imagined. Perhaps the London government is now waiting for the Philippine war to end immediately, so that the European Union can relax sooner.

There are a lot of people's leisure, which is equally applicable in politics. If an alliance has nothing to do for many years, everyone will find that this alliance is unnecessary.

"Soldiers against soldiers, will against generals."

Since the British are in their early days, as the boss of the European Union, Shinra naturally wants to help the younger brother take over the pressure exerted by John Bull, otherwise how can he convince the crowd.

As the representative of Shinra, Governor Chandler laughed and said: "It is natural to end this war as soon as possible. After all, everyone loves peace, and no one wants to fight and kill all the time.

However, in order to warn future generations, the aggressor must be punished. I don't think so, let's return to the territory before the war and end this war.

Then, the countries will form a joint delegation to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the causes and consequences of the war. We are determined to have zero tolerance for the culprit who provoked the war. "

The two big hooligans talked about peace together, and there was no gap at all. If they didn't know it, they might really think that the relationship between Britain and Austria is very good.

It's a pity that all the people present are insiders, and everyone has already taken offense to the game between Britain and Shinra.

The only one who is nervous is probably Ito Hirobumi. There is no way to lightly restore the pre-war territory. It seems fair, but it actually abolished the last bargaining chip in the hands of the Japanese government. Without the Philippine Islands, what would the Japanese government bargain with Spain?

The joint investigation team is simply disgusting. The representatives of a total of 20 countries sitting there, excluding the two belligerents, are exactly 1:17. It is self-evident that the survey results of such a large disparity in the survey table group tend to be inclined.

We absolutely believe in zero tolerance for the culprit who provoked the war. Just look at France. After the Anti-French Alliance won the war, it sacrificed the French consortium.

There is really no wrongdoing, but a bit too much has slipped through the net. Needless to say, Mike Mahon, who was directly responsible for the displacement of people in Belgium and the Rhineland region, does not need to be held responsible for the dead.

The problem is that the top Bonaparte dynasty who started this war were actually let off lightly. Even if you can't catch people, but you don't even bother to issue a warrant, it's a bit too much.

Just complain in your heart, and it's unnecessary to say it. The rules of the game are like this. After Napoleon IV surrendered in time after the war, the previous account was wiped out.

The same applies to the Japanese government, but they were not defeated, and the Spaniards did not have the ability to get people from Honshu Island.