Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1007: Perilous

One wave has not settled, another wave has risen. At the same time that Japan fell into the "Mi Sao Movement", the situation in Europe quickly deteriorated, and the voice of revolution once again resounded across the European continent.

Unlike previous revolutions, France is no longer the leader this time. Perhaps the shadow left by the former revolutionary government is too terrifying, and the people of Paris have been quite calm recently.

Nor is it the Belgian and Italian states that Franz cares most about. Although these countries have the most serious crises, they can't hold back the hatred of the French!

From the government to the people, the responsibility for the outbreak of the domestic economic crisis was attributed to the French invasion. Now is the time when the Chinese people are most united.

In addition, the Vienna government provided them with timely assistance. With the relief food distributed by the government, ordinary people can barely eat half their fill, and social order has stabilized.

Spain, trapped in the Philippine war, cannot escape. However, they are not the birthplace of the crisis. Instead, the first shot of the revolution was Bulgaria, which nobody thought of.

The city gate caught fire, and the pond fish was hit.

Bulgaria is the fish in the pond. As a raw material for high-end cosmetics, rose essential oil with limited production capacity has always been in short supply in the international market, and Bulgarian rose essential oil, the king of rose essential oils, is the target of everyone's pursuit.

It's the time when the roses are blooming again. At this time in previous years, the factory's production capacity has long been booked out, and they only hate the limited production capacity.

This year's situation is special. Affected by the economic crisis, the volume and price of rose oil in the international market have dropped. In the season of rose oil purchases, few foreign businessmen have arrived in Bulgaria.

Even with this limited order, the purchase price was kept very low, less than one-fifth of the previous year.

The processing companies have a hard time, and people in the entire industry chain don’t think about it. The farmers who make a living by planting roses and the workers who are engaged in picking and processing are all caught in a difficult situation.

The sufferings of the people cannot be seen by the officials of the tsarist government. Not only did it fail to provide relief, but the taxes that should be collected are also a must.

No money means no money, no matter how much you squeeze, you still have no money. The Bulgarian peasants and workers, who were forced to a dead end, launched the anti-tax movement.

Under the rule of the Tsarist government, the life of the Bulgarian people was not so easy, and the anti-tax movement quickly gained support from all walks of life.

On June 26, 1894, hundreds of thousands of Bulgarians simultaneously staged demonstrations and petitioned the Tsarist government for tax reduction and exemption and granting Bulgarian national autonomy.

It is a pity that the Bulgarian people ran into a governor who wanted to cover the lid. For the sake of his official hat, Aristodovich reported to the tsarist government that it would take time to dissuade the people.

After the people retreated, Governor Aristodevich turned his face immediately and sent people overnight to arrest the leader who organized the demonstration.

Needless to say, the deceived Bulgarian people were completely angered, and the fire of the revolution was ignited.

The revolution is contagious. The Bulgarian people launched a national uprising, which directly stimulated the Poles who also wanted to get rid of Russian rule.

On July 11, 1894, the Polish Independence Organization launched an uprising in Warsaw. Before the caught-off Russian army had time to resist, Warsaw fell.

Once the valve is opened, it is difficult to close it again.

On July 16, 1894, the Portuguese Republicans launched an uprising in Porto; on July 21, the Great Hellenic National League launched an uprising in Peloponnese; on August 2, a workers' uprising broke out in Bilbao, Spain; in August On the 13th, the Irish people launched a national independence movement in Cavan...

In just two months, more than 20 uprisings broke out on the European continent, spreading to the seven countries of Russia, Spain, Britain, Portugal, Greece, France, and Shenluo.

Yes, the Holy Roman Empire has not escaped the impact of the revolutionary wave. No way, the forests are bigger and there are all kinds of birds, and when there are more countries, it is normal for something strange to happen.

At the end of July, a bourgeois revolutionary movement broke out in the Principality of Nassau, which was almost impossible to find on the map. Then, that day, Adolf, Duke of Nassau, led a guard to suppress it.

As long as the final result is good, Franz doesn't care about what happened in the middle, and doesn't want to know.

Open the map of Europe and plant a small flag in the area where the revolution broke out, as if the flames of the revolution have been burning vigorously on the European continent, and it is in a great potential to start a fire.

Of course, these are illusions. Although the number of revolutions erupted many times and affected a wide range, there were not many that really became a climate.

In fact, since the beginning of the 19th century, revolution has not been a new word. Revolutions appear on the European continent almost every year, but there are few real disturbances.

Compared with the Great Revolution of 1848, the influence of this revolutionary wave is obviously much weaker. In the final analysis, they have not been forced to a dead end, and the people still have a choice-to colonize.

Don't think that politicians are all fools. If you can beat many competitors and stand out from the crowd, there will be no fools. Choosing to be fools is only because of interest. When it comes to maintaining their own rule, everyone is usually smarter.

Every economic crisis is the climax of European immigration to overseas. It depends not only on private spontaneity. Without the cooperation of the government, how could thousands of immigrants leave so easily?

Although there is a spillway, Franz still dare not take it lightly. There are so many lords in the Holy Roman Empire that continue to pull people in the country, and even the social unemployment rate can be driven to the lowest point in history by them. Naturally, there is no need to worry too much.

What really worries Franz is the many younger brothers. The seven states of Belgium and Italy, where the situation seems to be stable, do not know how long their morale can last?

Even if there are French people who pull hatred and divert the public's attention, the people's endurance has its limit. Just eating half full, I'm afraid it will not meet everyone's needs.

Let alone Spain, not to mention that the Bilbao uprising was put out, but the social contradictions in Spain still have not been resolved.

Others rely on war to divert the domestic crisis, but Spain aggravated the crisis because of the war. For no other reason, the victory was delayed, and the people were already impatient.

"Japan is very powerful", this explanation is probably a European, who will laugh. In everyone's impression, the powers of the world are all in Europe, and all overseas are soft-leg shrimp.

In the original time and space, there were Italians constantly setting new records, and everyone was much more able to bear it. Even if the Spanish-American War failed, the Spanish people survived.

Now it is different. Without the Italian contracting jokes, the Spanish army’s current performance has become the object of ridicule.

It has been almost two years since the Battle of the Philippines broke out. The Spanish government has successively invested hundreds of thousands of Spanish army + hundreds of thousands of mercenaries, spending hundreds of millions of Aegis military expenditures, but failed to produce a decent record, and was ashamed to lose to my grandma's house.

In addition to these hardest-hit areas where a crash may occur, there are also some light-hit areas affected by the revolutionary wave, such as Greece and Switzerland, which also require special attention.

If the younger brother is just a hidden danger of revolution, then France, the cradle of revolution, is a bomb that ignites the line of fire.

As the big boss in the European War, after another civil war, France's losses are simply impossible to count. After finally waiting for the Bourbon dynasty to come to power, the situation stabilized, and immediately encountered an economic crisis.

Falling from the world's top powers to a third-rate country, this kind of mental gap is estimated to be unbearable for normal people. Now that they can’t even fill their stomachs, the people's grievances are even greater.

It has been a few rounds of dynasty change, no matter how to guide folk emotions, the sequelae will be borne by the Bourbon dynasty.

In a sense, the Philippine war also rescued France. Behind the hundreds of thousands of mercenaries are hundreds of thousands of families, and millions of people have made a living because of this war.

From this perspective, the Philippine war is also positive. In theory, as long as the number of mercenaries tripled, the dilemma faced by France would be easily solved.

After all, France is no longer the former French Empire. After a wave of chaos, the total population of France has fallen to less than 30 million.

If there are more than 400,000 mercenaries, the monthly salary income will be more than 6 million Aegis. If you add in the benefits on the battlefield, it will be even greater.

The return of so much foreign exchange can not only solve the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of families, but also stimulate the domestic economy and create a large number of jobs.

However, this is impossible. Even if the Japanese have to die, the Spanish government cannot support so many mercenaries.

In the modernization war, salary expenses are only a small part. Even though the weapons and ammunition are second-hand after the victory of the Anti-French War, other logistics materials will also cost a lot.

In fact, the Spanish government has been able to persist until now because mercenaries are cheap enough.

It is not that the salary is cheap, but the pension is cheap. Out of humanitarian concern, it is enough to give something symbolically. There is no big problem if you don't give it. There is no need to worry about family members protesting.

The combat effectiveness is not bad, cheap and easy to use, there is no need to worry about family members protesting, and it is properly cost-effective. For a time, Franz wanted to sell French mercenaries to major colonial empires in order to help the French government tide over the crisis.

Thinking about it, specific actions are still impossible. The reason is very real. This is for the enemy. With cheap and easy-to-use mercenaries, the maintenance costs of colonies in various countries have been reduced, and the advantages of the Holy Roman Empire have been virtually weakened.

Of course, the most important thing is that French mercenaries are unpopular. Although France fell to the altar after the defeat, the fear of them in European countries still exists.

If French mercenaries are hired to maintain the stability of the colony, once France re-emerges, it will become a wolves into the house. Including Spain, which is using French mercenaries, is no exception. People are hired temporarily, and they will be sent back after the war.

If you switch to Swiss mercenaries, everyone's acceptance is estimated to be much higher. At least there is no need to worry that the Swiss will turn to the guest.

The No. 1 plan to solve hidden dangers in France went bankrupt, and Franz could only passively use the No. 2 plan, which was to fund the Bourbon dynasty and use the power of the noble group to stabilize the situation.

Fortunately, the people of Paris did not participate in the riot this time, and King Carlos's political skills were not bad, and the situation was barely stable. But overall, it is still not optimistic.

The current situation is that if the economic crisis does not end, the situation on the European continent will not be stable.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the revolutionary wave dragged Britain and Russia down. Everyone was on the edge of the cliff, and no one dared to mess around at this time.