Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1000: Stock market crash is coming

No matter how bitter life is, life still has to go on. After the shabby enthronement ceremony was completed, Carlos's first decree was the reckoning.

There are not many good citizens in the city of Paris now, and the ones that can survive are not fuel-efficient lamps. If there is no internal cleaning, His Majesty Carlos can't sleep.

The main targets of the liquidation are naturally the remnants of the revolutionary government, including the middle and lower-level bureaucrats who have turned to the past, as well as the rogues and vicious criminals who took advantage of the Paris chaos.

"A flowing government, an iron-clad official."

It is no longer applicable. There are a large group of nobles who support the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty. It is obvious that the cake is not enough if the position vacated by the top is only.

The great nobles look down on the official status of these sesame mung beans, which does not mean that the little nobles in the country are not interested. Moreover, even if they are not interested, there are brothers, sisters, and collateral children who need to be resettled.

After all, the core of participating in the restoration of the aristocratic coalition is this group of people. Now when it is time to reward the merits, Carlos can't come up with enough rewards, and it is not too much to arrange a job, right?

Then, the bureaucrats who had been living in the land for a hundred years were unlucky. After lurking for so many years, he was finally spotted.

I don't know if I don't check it, I'm surprised when I check it. There are rumors that "Napoleon IV emptied France" and "the top level of the Republican government emptied France". Facts have proved that these are indeed rumors.

They are all runaways, even if they can take the money and leave, how much can they take away? It is these unremarkable bureaucrats who are really capable of shorting France.

Maybe one didn't take much, but they couldn't stand the crowd. Everyone gets a share, and even the richest family background will be hollowed out by the bureaucrats.

Among other things, a third of the real estate in Paris is occupied by these bureaucrats. Many factories and enterprises also have stocks of these people.

There are even more seized cash and floating wealth. For example, in the home of a director named Ferdo, he found 200 kilograms of gold, some gold and silver jewelry, and hundreds of billions of francs.

Well, let's not say the franc. Francs issued by the Republican government have ten zeros behind the largest denomination number. Everyone is a billionaire, and the purchasing power of hundreds of billions of francs is not as good as the thousands of francs before.

The only difference is that there is still a large amount of small currency in the seized francs, which is obviously a product of the Bonapartist era, which adds up to hundreds of millions of francs.

There is no doubt that this is obviously not the time for the seizure. The huge sums of money in the past have now become waste paper. A piece of bread costs tens of millions of francs. The pile of small francs is not enough for ordinary people to eat for a week.

Thinking about it, I was drunk. The huge greed has not been able to beat inflation. I really don't know how ordinary people survived.

They did not catch up with the peak of wealth and ransacked their homes, and it seemed that they had harvested a huge amount of wealth, but the actual value was greatly reduced.

Carlos was not disappointed, this was expected. Although francs are not valuable, foreign exchange, gold and silver jewelry are still good. Adding all these together, there will always be tens of millions of Aegis, and it's okay to relieve urgent needs.

The remaining real estate, corporate stocks, etc. cannot be changed for a while, and it is difficult to calculate the specific value.

Where there is money, there is food, and food can stabilize the situation. Against the backdrop of the "excellent performance" of the previous two governments, the Bourbon dynasty, which can barely fill everyone's stomach, has become the savior in the hearts of the people.

No one knows how long this gratitude will last, but the situation in France has stabilized in the short term. Resuming production has been put on the agenda, and social order is tending to normalize.


Watching the Bourbon dynasty struggle, Franz breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Carlos could stabilize the situation in France, he would be content.

As for the issue of indemnity, it is good to have it, it does not matter if it is not, it is also okay to drag on a wasteland, anyway, Franz will not collect debts when the French have no money.

However, good times are always short. Affected by the end of the French Civil War, after the Vienna stock market hit a new high on January 6, 1894, the market quickly plunged by 9 points in the afternoon, and the military sector led the decline by 21 points.

This is just the beginning. After the opening of the next day, the military sector led the decline again, and the sector had fallen by 19 points at the end of the afternoon.

Within two days, 40% of the market value of the military industry sector has evaporated, and the market value has been reduced by 15 points. The wealth of billions of Aegis disappeared.

The matter is not over yet. After the end of the agonizing weekend, the stock market opened again next Monday and the market fell by 3 points. The military sector continued to lead the decline by 7 points, and some stock markets even lost 90% of their value.

Both were the financial centers of the Holy Roman Empire. The stock market in Vienna plummeted, and Frankfurt was naturally unable to escape. At the moment, both are bad brothers, and neither is luckier than the other.

In January, the stock markets of the two major financial centers fell all the way, even if they rebounded occasionally, they fell back the next day.

As of the end of January, the Vienna stock market had fallen by 34.7% from its peak, and Frankfurt was not much better. The overall market had fallen by a third.

The military sector that detonated this crisis is even more unsightly. Those who cut it in half are all excellent white horses, and two-thirds of them are companies with core technology. It is not bad for ordinary companies to keep one-fifth of their market value.

There is no way, the military industry is a cyclical stock that eats the dividends of war. How gorgeous the financial statements during the war were, and how **** they were after the war.

The current decline is just a market panic caused by the end of the French Civil War. Franz is sure that if these military companies release their financial statements for 1893, their stock prices will fall further.

The reason is naturally very simple. Last year, the orders of the Shenluo military dropped sharply, and the anti-French alliance, a group of large arms importers, also stopped their procurement.

The French Civil War and the Japanese-Spanish War, which were highly anticipated by everyone, mainly consumed inventory after the victory of the Anti-French War, and did not bring too many orders to domestic military enterprises.

Without orders, there will naturally be no performance. Almost all military industrial enterprises carried out major layoffs last year, which in itself was the biggest disadvantage.

As a matter of fact, the military industry stocks started a downward path as early as the end of the European War. It was just that the situation was tense in the middle of the year. The conflict between Britain and Austria was on the verge of breaking out. The Japanese-Spanish War and the French Civil War broke out one after another, and the market once again heated up.

Unfortunately, catching up with this last wave is the picker. The main factor that caused the stock price to plummet was that the French Civil War ended too quickly and the dealers did not complete the shipment. In order to stop the loss, we can only sell like crazy.

The real economy will not be better when the stock market crashes. Companies that can complete the transformation in time are always in the minority. The vast majority of companies still hold a fluke and want to carry it through.

With the occurrence of the stock market crash, a series of problems such as financing difficulties, bankruptcy waves, and unemployment waves also followed one after another, which directly interrupted Franz's good mood.

I originally thought that the economic crisis was triggered by the financial bankruptcy of the Italian states, but I did not expect the French civil war to end early and burst this bubble first.

The bubble has exceeded the plan, and the time to burst earlier is obviously not a good thing, which means that the preparations of the Vienna government have not been completed.

There is no way, the confidence of the market is too weak to withstand the toss. The bad news of the end of the French Civil War led to the bursting of the military-industrial stocks bubble, and it was impossible for Franz to go in and pick up the market in order to extend the time.

Frankly speaking, he also admired those warriors who dared to take over on the first day of the stock market crash. Especially those who play more with leverage are the warriors among the warriors, referred to as the dead warriors.

If you admire it, you don't need to follow suit. Once the prelude of the stock market disaster is opened, whoever enters will be swallowed.

Affected by the stock market disaster, police officers in all major cities of the Holy Roman Empire had to work overtime. High-rise buildings, bridges and rivers have become key monitoring objects. Recently, the frequency of dumplings has been too high.

According to statistics from the Vienna government, the number of suicides in the Holy Roman Empire in January 1894 increased by 114.6% over the same period last year, and there were even more suicide attempts.

There is no way, the world is so cruel. Since you have chosen to go to the gambling table, you have to bear the consequences.

The only thing that made Franz gratified was that not only his family was unlucky, but also a large group of bad brothers.

As the world's largest economy, the economy of the Holy Roman Empire is in trouble, and there is one industrial country in the world that can't escape.