Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and fourteen - first move? Then we also move

The same situation happened to the three major cinema companies. Whether it is AMC, Emperor Cinemas or the American artist chain, they generally quietly increased the proportion of "The Clown\'s Soul" before the night fell.

As the hot sun faded, the heat in the air in Los Angeles was gradually taken away by the night breeze. In the Warner Towers in Burbank, the media capital, several executives are anxiously waiting for the box office to count.

They have long received news that many theaters with superior locations have temporarily increased the proportion of "The Clown Returns", which made their expectations for the box office on the first day even higher.

John stared at the phone on the table and walked around in front of the large desk. The more this time, the more difficult time he felt.

"John, sit down and relax." Bruce Rosenblum frowned and walked around, making his heart agitated. This film is much more important to him. "You have to compare the ability of your old partner, and the box office numbers will definitely be higher than our expectations."

Not only the two of them, but Jeff Robinoff and Thomas Mendes also frowned. This film is very important to everyone, and this is related to Warner Bros.\' revenue figures this year. They all hope to use this film to regain some face.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell..."

Before the phone rang for the third time, Jeff Robinoff quickly copied it and put it to his ear.

"I\'m Jeff, yes."

It didn\'t take long, he put down the phone in about tens of seconds, his face was full of smiles, and he looked at a few silent executives.

"$20.42 million on the first day! Ha, that\'s nearly $10 million more than we expected!"

Hearing this number, several executives all showed the same smile. The secretary who had been waiting at the door for a long time also walked in with a bottle of champagne at the right time. After helping a few people, they backed out.

Distribution chief Thomas Mendes raised his glass. "Come on, let\'s celebrate in advance."

"Wait! I haven\'t finished speaking yet." Also holding champagne, Jeff Robinoff took a sip with pride. "Don\'t forget, this number is not all, plus $590 for the advance show, so the box office on the first day..."

"$26.32 million!?" Bruce Rosenblum exclaimed in surprise.

ceo grinned and nodded, raised his glass again and said, "Yes, come on, let\'s honor this **** surprise!"

The four of them clink and drank, and they all know what the number means. This is no longer a question of whether the results are good or not, this is definitely going to be a big box office hit!

And today is still a working day. Generally speaking, the box office on the second day of the release will definitely exceed the number on Friday!

"Wait." John picked up the phone on the table. "I haven\'t told Wayne the news yet, I think he must be anxious, haha."

In the bedroom of the main building of Greenberg Manor, Wayne smiled and put down the phone in his hand, leaned on the reclining chair and lit a cigarette. at his feet.

"Honey, how was the first day?" Naomi Watts heard the movement and walked to the balcony in her pajamas.

"I thought you were asleep." Wayne put the cigarette pestle he just lit in the ashtray and hugged the Australian beauty. "26.32 million! The box office on the first day was 26.32 million!"

This number also surprised Naomi Watts. You know, this is a horror movie. Even if it can get some "Joker" light, this is a pure horror movie.

"Oh my God, you are about to succeed again." She stopped immediately, reaching out and stroking the big boy\'s face: "I was wrong, my dear, you have always been on the road to success, failure is that shit. I will never patronize you!"

This man has always been on the road to success and will go further and further, which is what Naomi Watts really thinks at this moment. No matter what kind of film, as long as it gets into his hands, it basically equals success.

She believes that it is not only herself who thinks this way. When various media reports come out tomorrow, everyone in the Hollywood circle will think this way. Wayne Greenberg equals success.

This number is simply too exaggerated, the opening weekend box office will definitely exceed 50 million US dollars, it will only be a question of how much more than this number.

"Go to sleep, Nami." After Wayne\'s excitement passed, he quickly regained his composure, picked up the blonde beauty and walked back into the room. "Rest early, it\'s already early morning, and I have to go to Burbank tomorrow."

After knowing the results of the first day, Wayne finally closed his eyes with peace of mind. This figure proves that his transformation of the film is a success, and once again proves the acceptance of fans of this style.

He knows that this box office figure is definitely far lower than the results created by the original film, but the actual situation is different in different times. After all, this is not like a film like "Joker" that can incite society.

In the early 1990s in North America, it was not as smooth as it was a decade later. Various social trends, various social contradictions, and the fact that the polar bear disintegrated only two years ago, the society is not as stable as imagined.

That\'s why Wayne said that the box office achievements of "Joker" are accumulated in various special circumstances, and it is basically difficult to replicate if it does not provoke social hotspots.

Now what he is thinking about is to find a way to stir up some things and increase the box office numbers as much as possible!

Early the next morning, Wayne kissed Naomi Watts, who was still sleeping, and after breakfast, rushed to Burbank.

He joined his agent Jimmy and walked into the office of the CEO of Warner Bros. Jimmy repeated yesterday\'s plan again. Jeff Robinoff didn\'t hesitate. He picked up the phone and started dialing the three major theater companies in turn.

He is now the head of the giant Warner Bros., and with the box office success of "Joker", it turned out to be easier than expected.

"It\'s impossible to change the size of this weekend\'s screenings."

Half an hour later, Jeff Robinoff put down the phone, but he still had a smile on his face. "But they will adjust the filming rate of "Joker\'s Soul", and the number of theaters will be adjusted again when it starts on Monday."

All three of them understand that if the box office numbers are high enough this weekend, the theater chain will inevitably expand the scale of screenings when it starts on Monday, which will virtually squeeze the opening scale of "The Shawshank Redemption".

He has already taken the lead, and the next step is definitely to pursue it fiercely, so Jimmy said directly: "It is best to start the action in the media tomorrow. The sooner the negative news of "The Shawshank Redemption" appears, the better it will be for the expansion of the screening scale. "

"No problem, you can go directly to Thomas in a while, and the PR department can act at any time."

It\'s just to smear competitors. Jeff Robinoff doesn\'t care about it at all. He has been in this circle for so many years, and this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

The reason why Morgan-Freeman can still stay at home is because Warner Bros. deliberately controlled the rhythm, and wanted to wait until the film was released to let those girls bite wildly. When the star of the film was caught in a dozen lawsuits, not only the film\'s Publicity becomes a problem, and every aspect of the film suffers.

Just when Wayne and Jeff Robinoff had finished discussing the details and were about to talk about his "dead man plan", the door of the office was knocked, and Thomas Mendes walked in with an unhappy face.

"Wayne, the next door has already begun to resist. It seems that the box office numbers on the first day stimulated them." The director of distribution said while turning on the TV in the room.

After tuning the TV to CBS, he pointed to the screen and said:

"Look, is it this woman who went to Canada?"

Wayne recognized the black woman who was being interviewed on TV at a glance. Yes, it was the investigator of the child protection organization who went to Canada to investigate the crew for a week, and also shut down the crew for a week.

At this time, she was being interviewed with indignation, and her voice came out clearly from the TV.

"...Yes, most of the crew members were poisoned, and I suspect that those children were also injured. But the crew did not cooperate with our investigation and restricted those children from contacting us, and finally ended this time in a hurry. investigation."

The interview has obviously come to the end. Although there is no affirmative answer to the black woman\'s words, those who can hear it will immediately think that the reason why the crew organized their investigation~www.novelhall.com~ must be a secret. .

"very good!"

Jeff Robinoff\'s face also darkened, and his originally very good mood disappeared instantly without a trace.

"This nonsense bixxh! It seems that the next door really can\'t bear it. This method doesn\'t even wait for the release of his own movie."

"Will it have a big impact? I can guarantee that this woman has no evidence." Wayne looked at Thomas Mendes solemnly. After all, the other party is an expert in playing public opinion, and the public relations department is a subordinate department of the distribution department.

"No, don\'t worry, it\'s just to guide public opinion." Thomas Mendes shook his head, although his face was ugly, his tone was not too nervous. "Only this level of smearing will not have much impact on the film. It\'s just a set of guiding public opinion through Lenovo. Don\'t forget, this film is not a children\'s film."

This kind of thing is often seen by distribution directors. When almost every film is released, it is normal for competitors to smear each other. Without competition, it would not be Hollywood.

"Wayne, they must have been stimulated by the box office on the first day. If this trend continues, "The Shawshank Redemption" will definitely be greatly affected. Since they can\'t bear it anymore, let\'s start tomorrow."

The head of Warner Bros. said in a muffled voice.

As long as the influence on his side is not too great, Wayne has nothing to worry about. Warner Bros. is much more professional than him when it comes to fighting each other against competitors.

And his focus will not be on this film for too long, and he will inevitably return to the new project that is being prepared.

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