Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and forty-three - fell asleep

In the bar, Liam Neeson picked up another bottle of beer and touched Wayne again.

"You know, when the agent told me that you personally sent me the invitation, I knew that I was not far from success!"

In the face of these inadvertent compliments, everyone will love to hear them, even Wayne is no exception, and through these few days of filming, he found that the actor is very dedicated, which is also very easy to give people a good impression.

After taking a swig of beer, he smiled and shook his head. "No, Liam, being on the Oscar stage means you\'ve succeeded, you\'re good enough."

"Wayne, I just want to express my gratitude. I know how sought-after your film crew is in the industry. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. If there is a need in the future..."

Liam Neeson put down the bottle, raised his hand and made a phone call gesture, then stood up, left the booth, and returned to his place.

This actor, even after only a few days of filming, gives Wayne a very good feeling. If he can maintain this level after the filming, he will be considered for future projects.

Jimmy waited until Liam Neeson left before he said, "Warner Bros. is interested in making the second part of The Joker. The film and television production department called me today to ask for your opinion."

"I have no opinion."

Wayne shook his head. The first film was a huge success. According to the convention of Hollywood studios, the sequel must be put on the agenda. This kind of project is also the type with the highest success rate.

With the fan base of the first film, as long as Warner Bros. finds a reliable director and doesn\'t play dumb during the shooting, then the second film\'s results will definitely not be bad.

At the end of the first part of "The Clown\'s Soul", Wayne has left enough selling points for the second part. When the group of friends grow up, they will come back to defeat the Joker once and for all.

Jimmy said, "What they mean is, are you interested in directing the second part."

"I\'m not interested. After "Batman", according to the performance of the theater market, I estimate that it will only take a year at most to ferment, and then I may make a second film, and it is impossible to direct another horror film."

This Batman, which has not yet been officially named, is the first work used by Wayne and Jeff Robinoff and others to spy on the market performance. If this dark and serious style of superhero movies can be harvested as expected. The results of the second part will definitely start shooting in a short time.

This is a film that can affect Wayne\'s career planning afterward. It is related to many plans. Whether to gradually open the DC universe or to suppress it for a few years depends on the audience\'s acceptance of the film. Focus on horror movies.

Jimmy nodded. "I will communicate with the production department."

On the stage in the distance, the soothing music of the band and singers came. The men and women who came here for a drink also consciously enjoyed the atmosphere, and no one talked loudly. This soothing atmosphere also made Wayne feel relaxed for a while.

Naomi Watts sat next to him, glanced at his state, and knew that it was right for him to propose to go out. He should like this environment very much.

It may be that two films were filmed in a row, without any rest time in between, which made him feel tired, or it may be that no matter how he escaped, this place was too close to his former hometown, and Wayne suddenly quit work and completely relaxed. down.

He drank the bottle of beer in one gulp, and slowly he leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes. The temptation of fame and fortune in Hollywood, and the filming work that will start tomorrow, are all thrown out of my mind.

Listening to Naomi Watts and Nina talking softly about fashion magazines, Jimmy and Sergey learn about the local culture about Sandy, and before you know it, Wayne slowly leans on the Australian girl, closing his eyes and sending out Slight snoring.

The chatter and drinking on the table gradually subsided. Naomi Watts pointed to the man leaning on her arms, stretched out her finger and "shhh" in front of her mouth, her face full of smiles.

Sergey observed his surroundings, stood up and took off his jacket, revealing a man-bear-like figure, and put the jacket over Wayne.

Waving to let the rest go back first, Naomi Watts smiled and nodded in their inquiring eyes, and said softly, "I\'m here with him, there\'s no problem, you go back to rest first. "

"Ok, call if you have something to do."

Jimmy and the others reminded in a low voice, and left the booth together and walked out of the bar. The environment here is very safe, and they are relieved to leave the two here.

Naomi Watts hugged the young man, adjusted the covered clothes slightly, rested his head on her chest, and kept the most comfortable position for him.

The Australian girl found that only when Wayne fell asleep would he change back to the young man she met at the beginning. Over the past few years, he has changed a lot without realizing it.

The vigor of the young man began to decrease, and most of the time he was in a state of calm and maturity, and as his status in the circle became higher and higher, people around him also found that he became more and more stern.

Naomi Watts knows that he has been putting pressure on himself for success, and he doesn\'t dare to relax for a moment. Now he can relax and fall asleep here. There is only one reason. After a few years, this man is too tired. .

Wayne has been working hard to move forward, and she also has a house in Beverly Hills. Although it is not as big as Greenberg Manor, when the two of them first met a few years ago, the dream of visiting the Walk of Fame together is also a dream. It\'s all realized.

And Naomi Watts knows that although her success is inseparable from hard work, most of the credit belongs to this man, and she just got on his ride.

Also because of their special relationship, she rarely encounters those bad things in the circle. No one wants to provoke a young circle boss like Wayne because of a pretty face.

Many times, Naomi Watts has thought about giving up her dream of fame and fortune more than once, and then fell in love with him at ease, and even fantasized about marrying him in a wedding dress, but after all, she had too many concerns and could not make up her mind.

She understands the man in her arms better than anyone else. She is cruel in reality, puts interests first, has strong hormone secretion and is lecherous. She never knows how to reject women who are posted on it. marriage partner.

Naomi Watts knew that she couldn\'t accept waiting for him to come home for dinner every day, and kept guessing which star he slept with during the day. That kind of day was definitely not what she wanted.

Instead, it is better to maintain the relationship of close partners, not to ask or interfere with his private life. The relationship between the two is more stable than any marriage.

"Sorry, I was asleep."

As soon as Wayne opened his eyes, he met Naomi Watts\'s eyes, lifted the clothes over him, yawned, shook his dazed head, and asked, "I sleep How long has it been?"

"Two hours."

The Australian girl also stood up and sorted out the clothes he had messed up. "I asked Sergey and the others to go back first, shall we go back now?"

"Ok, are you exhausted?"

Naomi Watts hugged his arm, and the two walked out of the bar. The night wind blew on the street, and Wayne\'s brain suddenly came to his senses.

"It\'s okay, I didn\'t expect you to sleep for so long."

Fortunately, the hotel is not far away. They went back to the room after a few chats. The sound of water splashing could be heard in the bathroom. Wayne was lying on the bed by himself. He had a very relaxing sleep in the bar just now, and now he is a little sleepy. are gone.

After a while, Naomi Watts came out wrapped in a bath towel, lifted the quilt and got in, leaned on his chest and raised her head and said, "Is it very tired to be sullen in the crew every day? It\'s the first time today. Seeing you fall asleep in an unfamiliar environment without any scruples."

"Maybe." Wayne\'s two hands began to become dishonest, and he kept wandering in his arms, teasing: "Personality, understand, Nami. This may be my persona."

"It\'s just like the character of a star, I understand." Naomi Watts rolled her eyes, and her breathing gradually became less steady. "This is the entertainment industry. Everyone wears another mask. It seems that you wear an ice cube face every day, and it\'s all fake! Damn, you animal..."

Naomi Watts is right, whether it is the stars or Wayne himself, in front of the public or at work, what is revealed and can be seen by others is a self-written setting, which is him. The character in the mouth.

Compared to Hollywood, the entertainment-rich Vanity Fair, who used to be across the Pacific Ocean, didn\'t star directors like to set up their own personalities? The reason is the same~www.novelhall.com~ But it is not easy to set up people, but it is very simple to collapse. Sometimes the way of collapse is simply stunned, making the onlookers unbelievable and unbelievable, and they do not believe why those stars So stupid.

No matter which side of the entertainment industry it is, those who can get ahead in the fierce battle are almost all human beings, and they can never be that stupid.

The only possibility is that because of the fame and fortune gained, he became carried away after the expansion, and even his parents couldn\'t tell the difference.

Just like a certain lottery brother, or a well-known international pianist, not only did the character design collapse in an instant, but he even played into it.

Actually, the pianist thing, if you put it here, it might not be a big deal. As long as you still have value, this little scandal has already been suppressed by the capital.

And there is a tradition in the piano world, right? Mozart was suave and suave all his life, eating, drinking, prostituting, gambling, everything, and finally squandering everything before his death, owed a lot of gambling debts!

Schubert lived a wild life, taking both men and women, and finally died of syphilis!

Liszt visited Parisian ladies and introduced the woman he had slept with to his friend Chopin...

Brahms was never married in his whole life. Apart from liking his wife, he also liked Piaochang...

Moreover, the people here are also aware of the virtues of Hollywood stars and art workers.


Naomi Watts\' helpless voice rang out. "Damn, if you know that you are sleeping well, you will try to torment me. I will never let you sleep so comfortably. You are a beast with strong hormones!"
