Hollywood Drawing

~: Two hundred and eighty-one - Baoxia Cinema

Inside the Chinese Theater in Hollywood, there was applause, cheers, whistles and cheers.

The whole film is nearly two and a half hours in total, and hundreds of people did not leave their seats to go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie. During the movie screening, the fans rarely heard a voice, and they were all watching the movie with all their heart, not to mention the fans who left the theater early because of unsatisfactory taste. .

Although this premiere was held very grandly, it did not invite platform stars. The only half of the "outsider" was Nicolas Cage.

Therefore, when the fans were reluctant to leave for a long time, all the crew members made four curtain calls in the continuous applause before letting the satisfied audience line up to leave.

"Although this film is definitely destined to sell well, I still want to congratulate you on completing an excellent work."

Nicolas Cage waited for the audience to leave the stage. He was the first to walk in front of Wayne, hugged him, and said politely. "This is definitely a work that does not lose to "Joker", it simply takes into account the commercial selling point and artistic connotation."

Wayne patted the other party\'s back, let go of him and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Later, Nicolas Cage sent blessings to photographers and lighting engineers who were familiar with him, and then reluctantly, led by the staff, he went to the party hotel prepared by Warner Bros.

To be honest, since "Joker", although he has not been short of filming, it is difficult to achieve higher achievements. In the past two years, he can be said to have been eating Arthur\'s old book.

The reason why he happily agreed to Warner Bros. this time is also to test Wayne. If Batman is going to shoot the second film, no one is more suitable for the role of the Joker than him.

Through the simple chat before the screening, Nicolas Cage understood that in Wayne\'s heart, he is definitely not an irreplaceable candidate. After all, the Joker has absolutely no plans to shoot a sequel.

Now that he has filmed DC character films and achieved enough success, he has deliberately learned about these comic characters.

Although the Joker is very good, if Warner Bros. wants to continue making movies, there are too many characters and heroes to choose from, and they all have an advantage over the Joker.

I am afraid that the independent films of the three giants of justice alone can be filmed for many years, and the love and killing between the three giants is definitely not lack of drama.

So, the role of the Joker in the next Batman is an opportunity he has to fight for, which will once again take his career further.

Through today\'s "Batman: War Hour", Nicolas Cage understands that Wayne Greenberg\'s shooting technology and market insight have been steadily improving, and the next one may be even better.

Especially the one I watched tonight, the dark and serious story is easy to understand and discusses many social issues.

For example, the law enforcement issue mentioned slightly, does Batman really have the right to enforce the law? There are also some problems of constantly mapping reality, which are mentioned in a moderate way.

Nicholas Cage tried to remove the halo of Bruce Wayne through his own imagination, that is, to remove the elements of DC comics. He found that this is a classic crime cop film, even if the protagonist is not Batman, I am afraid will be successful.

At this time, only the core creative team and the main actors were left in the movie hall. From the performance of the audience, they knew that the performance of this film was definitely not bad.

The only one with a bad-looking face, oh no, it can\'t be said that his face is not good-looking, after all, he is a black man, but his facial expressions are rather tangled.

"What happened to Samuel?"

Naomi Watts stood beside Wayne and asked in a low voice while watching the fans exiting in an orderly manner.

Wayne shrugged and moved closer to her ear. "Our main competitor "Die Hard 3", Samuel Jackson also participated in the show, he was the first film to shoot, this is equivalent to competing with himself."

However, he can be sure that the focus of this Majafak man\'s work is still on "Batman: War Hour". After all, the role of this play is more important than that of "Die Hard 3". many.

Therefore, in the following promotional activities, he will also follow the crew here to tour the United States.

"Nina." Wayne called the assistant behind him, and when she came to him, he asked, "Should it be over at the Shrine Grand Theater? Is there any news?"

He just saw that Nina received a call, and guessed that Warner Bros. had sent the other party\'s premiere. That film was purely commercial popcorn, and even if it was considered for the theater\'s schedule, it wouldn\'t be too long.

"Warner Bros.\'s investigator\'s opinion shows that the quality of the other party\'s film is very good, and it has all the elements it should have. If it does not encounter our competition and collision, the box office will not be less than 100 million US dollars."

The assistant lady talked about the investigator\'s analysis, then glanced at her boss, and continued: "There is one more situation that needs to be paid attention to. According to the meaning of the investigator\'s words, that is, the purpose of this film is very clear, and it is purely a summer vacation. For commercial films, at least he went to the bathroom twice in the middle, and he continued to watch it without delay when he came back, and the storyline was relatively weak.”

This is the characteristic of a summer commercial blockbuster. Any story logic can be appropriately ignored. All this must make way for the elements that fans love. Action fights, explosions, gunfights, etc. are the themes of the film.

Especially for this kind of commercial film with huge investment, Hollywood production companies will strictly control the time of literary and drama when editing. There is a conflict in a few minutes, the conflict will be resolved after a few minutes, and the fighting scene will appear in a few minutes, all of which are strictly controlled. This is the safest way to make a commercial.

"Everything still depends on the box office, at least today we can get preliminary results." Even if Wayne knew that the quality of the other party\'s film was excellent, he didn\'t have any worries. It\'s too difficult to make "Batman: War Hour" roll over now. .

At the same time, when the premiere of the Chinese Theater in Hollywood was over and the first group of fans who had seen it had left the theater, nearly a thousand fans had gathered in the hall of an imperial chain theater chain in Burbank.

These people are lined up neatly and are preparing to enter different theaters to watch the same movie "Batman: War Hour".

Even if everyone\'s faces are happy and excited, the police on duty at the scene are also facing the enemy. Too many people gather together. Even after a little incitement, there will be uncontrollable accidents. Group incidents have always been sensitive to the government. point.

"Are these young people crazy? Casey." A tall and fat police officer, whose big police uniform couldn\'t cover up his big belly, looked at the people in the hall constantly rushing towards him, and turned to his side in annoyance. partner complained.

"I don\'t know what these young people think. It\'s just a movie. Why do you have to gather together to watch it? Can\'t you wait until the weekend and watch it yourself? Damn it, we have to work overtime here to accompany them. I said, this is definitely an illegal assembly!"

The police detective named Casey Jackman is used to the complaints of his partner. Hector Howl is just a bit of a mouthful, but he is not bad.

"Hey, hey, Heck." Kathy patted her partner on the shoulder and pointed at the crowd. "Don\'t you usually watch movies? This is Wayne Greenberg\'s Batman, and if it\'s not overtime, I think I\'ll join them too."

"Actually, I don\'t like his movies very much." Hector Haar\'s eyes changed when he saw his partner, and he explained helplessly: "But this is not up to me, I have already promised that brat at home, weekend And his mom would take him to see Batman."

No matter what type of movie it is, there will always be people who don\'t get used to it. This is normal.

This is the case with police officer Hector-Hall. He likes simple and crude shootout movies, which can make him fully relaxed and entertained, rather than Wayne\'s movies, which are dark and bloody, and need to use their brains when watching them.

But his 11th grade son likes it, and has already rented several Wayne-directed videotapes through him. The videotape market for R-rated films is relatively less regulated.

This time, Wayne Greenberg\'s Batman is not at the level of over 18 years old. Many teenagers are going crazy, including Hector Howl\'s son Howl.

And his son said that more teenagers in the school have been looking forward to this film for a few months, and most of them have already made an appointment and are ready to watch it together on the weekend.

"Be quiet, be quiet!"

A sharp female voice suddenly came from the hall. It was Daisy holding a loudspeaker~www.novelhall.com~ and standing directly on the ticket booth, shouting to all the fans.

"Gentlemen and ladies, everyone should know me, I\'m Daisy, the organizer of this event, I\'m sorry, because it was the first time to organize so many people, so I was not prepared for the unexpected situation, and now we have delayed one hours, so listen to me!"

This group viewing of Wayne\'s die-hard fans was not as simple as Daisy imagined. A total of more than 900 people signed up. After confirming, she bought the entire theater for a cheap price through Warner Bros.

But when the movie was about to start, she realized that she and several organizers were caught off guard by being late, being late for something, and wanting to join.

Moreover, nearly a thousand people gathered together, and there were nearly a thousand people who shared common hobbies. Everyone was so excited that she was worried that something unexpected would happen.

Now she finally waited until everyone came. According to statistics, she found that there were more than 50 people, almost all of them were friends of movie fans.

"We will enter the theater immediately, and the movie will start in fifteen minutes. Don\'t be chaotic, we don\'t need movie tickets, everyone will enter the theater in an orderly manner, and go to the next one when it\'s full.

Also, for the dozens of extra friends, please give me your activity funds. Since you also like Wayne Greenberg\'s movies, then we are our own people. The IMDB Wayne discussion group also welcomes you. . "

When Daisy finished speaking, she was truly relieved when she watched the long queue of people, organized by the theater staff, to enter the theater one after another.

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