Hollywood Drawing

~: Twenty - Interested Jennings

Seeing Naomi\'s back disappearing on the street corner, he returned to the second-floor building in a happy mood, and re-engaged in the heavy post-production work.

Since Luke started his later work, he almost never expressed his opinion without asking him. Every time, Wayne took the initiative to find him and discuss with him. Most of the time, Luke sat silently in the corner of the room, watching him and Julia work hard.

He always remembered that the biggest purpose of his participation in this film was to deeply learn the production process of a feature film. So he always watched silently and made records.

The relationship between Wayne and the crew, including various actors, is limited to the scope of work. Unlike Luke, he is almost the big housekeeper of the crew. He participates in or helps coordinate everything, so Luke has a good relationship with everyone.

In the eyes of the entire crew, Wayne is synonymous with miser, Grandet, and Jewish capitalist. No matter what the crew does, his first requirement has always been to save money and to have quality.

But in Luke\'s eyes, Wayne is definitely a person who knows how to make plans and works strictly according to the plan. This is by no means what a miser can describe. Just like this film, he strictly implemented all the plans he had made, and ensured that all shots were shot with maximum integrity.

Luke knew the importance of planning to a director, and Wayne demonstrated it to him completely. The result is self-evident. These alone are much more useful than what he learned from the many crews he ran after graduation.

While Luke was thinking about it, the door of the editing room was gently pushed open. Jennings, the manager here, looked at Julia and Wayne who were working for a while, then walked over to Luke and sat down.

"Hi, Luke. I heard this is the first film you\'ve made? The work is going well, congratulations."

Luke closed his work notebook, looked at Jennings with a smile, and said:

"Thank you, yes, to be precise, this is Wayne\'s first feature film, and he did a great job. Since I got the script from the very beginning, I really didn\'t expect him to do this. The teacher didn\'t say anything. No, Wayne is really talented in some ways."

Jennings seemed to be particularly interested in Wayne, stared at his back, and asked Luke softly:

"Your tutor thinks he has great potential? Can you talk about him? Why does your tutor think he is talented."

"Mr. Jennings, you seem to be particularly interested in him. You have come in and watched it silently several times these days."

Luke didn\'t answer his question, but instead asked his own question.

"He\'s a director, Luke. The director can be said to be the dominant job in the entire film industry. Yes, there are countless film practitioners every year who want to become directors, but few of them succeed. But a friend of mine thinks he There is hope and potential.”

"Your friend? Excuse me, can I ask who it is?"

"Steve Wilson, the lighting engineer on your crew. We\'re old schoolmates, and he thinks highly of Wayne. Steve shouldn\'t have gone to your little crew, because of some accidents, he didn\'t Find another job."

Luke suddenly remembered that Wayne spoke highly of Steve, and even thought that Steve\'s professional ability far surpassed everyone in the crew.

Jennings chatted with Luke casually, and there was no need to hide it at all. They didn\'t have a serious conflict, just his own curiosity.

"Luke, the first sentence of Steve\'s evaluation of Wayne is: \'He is a very smart man with a clear understanding of himself\'. In Steve\'s eyes, Wayne chose the failure rate of novice directors The lowest way."

Luke listened to his words, yes, Wayne is a person who has an absolutely clear awareness of himself, and he has been avoiding what he is not good at.

"Mr. Jennings, yes, I think he will be successful in the future even if this film is not successful. Directing is a high-risk and high-pressure job, and filming is a high-pressure job itself. If there are frequent problems in the filming, it will be enough to Common people go crazy.

So the directors in our impression are a bunch of violent tempers. But Wayne filmed all the scenes in this film, and he never made a fire. He can always adjust his state to drive everyone. "

Jennings smiled and listened to Luke\'s generous words, complimenting his director, looking at Wayne who was working hard with Julia in front of him, walked out silently, and closed the door softly.

Maybe Luke saw the side of Wayne\'s ability to work on the set, but Jennings was interested in the other side of what Steve told him. The movie script in the mouth of a friend can only be considered neat at best, and there are many old-fashioned places.

But as the filming progressed, old friends gradually began to discover that the story that was filmed was not very good, but the story was full of elements that attracted the audience. For a small-budget independent film like this, to successfully attract the attention of the audience, it is nothing more than beautiful women, blood plasma and extremely low-cost self-redemption, which have been shown enough in the shooting.

So he has been observing Wayne silently these days, and he is also interested in this Jewish director. The script is old-fashioned and the creativity is not very good, but it is full of gimmicks to attract young people. And these gimmicks are wrapped in a light black personal style, he is indeed a smart man.

"Luke, come on, let\'s see the effect together."

Wayne called Luke to the front, and the three watched the rough cut film together. Now the film is still very rough, but there is already some feeling of a finished film.

Before they got off work, they watched the finished rough cut. The whole film was over 200 minutes long. Wayne\'s plan was to start the second cut as soon as possible tomorrow, and then start the fine cut right away.

In the end, the entire duration was compressed to about 90 minutes, which would definitely speed up the pace of the film and cut out some unnecessary shots. After the fine-cutting is completed, the soundtrack for the film must be produced as soon as possible. Wayne means that it is enough to get some suitable for the scene. He has no money to hire someone to make a special soundtrack.

"Wayne, we have to speed up the rhythm of the film. This is not a literary film. This kind of slow narrative rhythm is absolutely not acceptable."

After Luke read it, he rarely offered Wayne his own work suggestion.

"Of course, I\'m going to use montage a lot for fine cutting."

He agrees with Luke that he will definitely speed up the production of the film to attract audiences. Montage can now be regarded as a completely cinematic word. To put it bluntly, montage refers to the combination of different scenes and scenes through editing and synthesis of images to create a unique movie time and space to guide the emotions and psychology of moviegoers.

The typical role of montage is to speed up the rhythm of the film, which is also the biggest role Wayne chooses it in a film with a simple narrative like "Happy Day".

Julia told Julia in advance of her request and made her prepare. The three of them ended today\'s work together.

As time ticked by before Christmas, Wayne, Luke and Julia had completed the editing and soundtrack of the film. The work went smoothly, and Wayne had more than a hundred thousand dollars left in his hand. The production was completed. The whole film took 96 minutes and cost a total of 1.04 million dollars.

With the work done, he thanked Julia. This middle-aged aunt-type editor, with her superb and dedicated work standards, made Wayne\'s later work almost without any problems. To thank her for her work and to celebrate the end of work, Wayne decided to go out for a meal with the three of them to celebrate.

He ordered an ordinary French restaurant in the suburbs of Burbank, not far from the studio. The three of them sat together, happily touched the champagne, and smiled to celebrate the successful completion of the work.

"Wayne, you said you were going to the Saint Denis Film Festival?"

Julia cut beef and chatted with him casually.

"Of course, it is my teacher\'s relationship to get the invitation letter from the film festival. I hope to seize the opportunity to see if I can find a distribution company."

He doesn\'t think about it that much now. He just wants to use the platform of the film festival to show his films. This is a low-cost and rare opportunity to promote.

The biggest advantage of participating in this film festival is that it saves Wayne\'s time and energy, and he no longer has to go to distribution companies one by one to promote his films. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

A group of people that will appear at any film festival are film buyers and filmmakers from major film companies. He hopes to be photographed by them at the film festival for his film, and he has confidence in his film.

Julia took a sip of champagne, swallowed the beef hard, and said:

"We all watched this film today. To be honest, I am very surprised at the completion of the production. It is very rare for a novice director to achieve this level. In my opinion, there will definitely be companies interested in your film. I believe My eyes, Wayne!"

Of course, he believed that after watching the film today, not only Julia and the others were optimistic, but even Jennings who usually silently praised Wayne. Not to mention himself, he has a strong confidence in what he shoots.

"Thank you! Luke, do you still remember what we said? This film will definitely appear in theaters, we have a name, and it will definitely appear in the producer column for all audiences to see."

Luke was stunned for a moment, yes, now the only thing left to do is to find a distribution company to get the film into theaters. Precisely this is also the most difficult step. If a company is willing to release, his name will really appear in a theatrical film.

"Wayne, don\'t forget, there is still an important job. Mpaa. This film is likely to be rated pg13, but if we send it by ourselves, based on the large-scale **** scenes you keep, it is very likely to be classified. To an R rating, the value of the movie would be drastically reduced, and you have to think about it, after all, we have no background."

Luke worried about the question of grading the film. He knew that Luke was absolutely right. Between PG13 and R, there is a big difference in the audience group, and the value of the film will also be very different.