Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and sixty one - The Matrix vs The Hulk

"Hollywood Draw(!


In the post-production studio of Warner Bros. Studios, Nina clutched the handset of her mobile phone and shouted to several people in discussion across the editing station, facing Gilmore, Dwayne Scott, The four big men, Hector Henry and Wayne, showed an apologetic expression and pointed to the microphone with their fingers.

"Forget it, let\'s go here today."

Raising his arm and looking at the time, at 4:50, there are only a few minutes left before get off work, Wayne shook his head and said to the three around him: "Dawn, seal everything here, we will rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and come back on Monday. continue."

The post-production work of this film does not need to be in a hurry. Compared with the "Matrix" next door, there are not so many special effects that need to be added, and there is a lack of tedious special effects rendering work. The main post-production work of this film is to revolve around editing. .

"Call from Townsend Rothman."

Nina whispered when Wayne came over to explain. "He wants you to give a guarantee, preferably in a contract."

"give it to me."

After taking the phone from the assistant and putting it to his ear, Wayne said without any hesitation: "Twentieth Century Fox can do it with confidence. My promise is the biggest guarantee. Fox can contact my agent Jimmy in a few days. Let\'s talk about the contract."

"Ok, your reputation is obvious to all in the circle, I\'m not worried about that." Townsend Rothman\'s voice came over the phone, after a pause, he asked, "There\'s never been a secret in this circle, your Commitment is my biggest reason to convince the board, so…”

"Don\'t keep it secret, there\'s nothing you can\'t see."

Even the six giants hold a small amount of shares in each other, so there is no need to keep some things confidential at all. As long as you want to check, there are naturally many channels to get information.

After hanging up the phone, Wayne stood there and pondered for a while, confirmed that there were no loopholes, and showed a smile.

It\'s not just the 20th Century Fox family that is busy tonight. The distribution department of Warner Bros. is also preparing for the next day\'s press conference. The time has dragged on for a long time, and their own summer production can finally start the promotion.

Wayne, who had been busy for a week, went to bed early with Naomi Watts, and no one would know what he meant by making these arrangements.

In his mind, this is like a game with opaque information. Using the information difference to attack opponents, people suffer big losses in an inexplicable state, and the comfort brought to them is much higher than that of grinning swear words. Tell some people that actions speak louder than words.

There is one fact that will never change even in the next few decades, and it is more uncomfortable for someone to lose the money they are about to put in their pockets than to kill the other person.

Friday night passed, just on an ordinary Saturday in mid-February, the news reported by the media detonated the emotions of many ordinary movie fans, and several summer blockbuster movies were announced, and the release date was announced on this day.

"Twentieth Century Fox, the distribution arm, held a small press conference this morning, announcing that Roland Emmerich will direct and star Will Smith, Bill Pullman and Jeff Goldblum. The specific release date of the sci-fi blockbuster "Independence Day".

Contrary to what most fans guessed, the release date of the film named "Independence Day" was not July 4 on Independence Day, but was released a week earlier. The reason for this is to allow fans to see this sci-fi masterpiece earlier, so it was arranged on June 28th..." --- "Los Angeles Times"

"fxxk, what the **** is Twentieth Century Fox trying to do?!"

Before noon, Justin, the head of the distribution department of Universal Pictures, knocked on the door of the CEO\'s office with a newspaper. After reading the newspaper, Ron Mayer involuntarily spit out a dirty word.

This seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. Every weekend in the summer season, big productions are released together. If you can arrange a film in this hottest schedule in North America, it is impossible to fear competition.

However, everyone who cares knows that 20th Century Fox chose to release a better Independence Day weekend and chose to release it a week earlier. There is definitely a problem in it. Just look at the title of the film and know what risks they will take by doing so.

"Before I came here, I have already sent someone to understand." Justin\'s face was also ugly. The big productions invested by the six majors have always avoided vicious competition. Normally, such a deliberate arrangement will only cause fans. Diversion, lose both.

"It was Townsend Rothman who persuaded executives and the board to change the film\'s original release date. By June of this year, Twentieth Century Fox CEO Jeff Giannobles will step down and retire, Townsend Rothman He is the most vocal successor, so he has a strong voice within Fox."

"Why take such a risk..."

Ron Mayer doesn\'t think the next Big Six CEOs are fools and risk hundreds of millions of dollars for no reason. There must be other problems.

The production cost of "Independence Day" to the public was $75 million, which is a fairly reliable figure. Coupled with the publicity and distribution funds that need to be invested before the release, it is conservatively estimated that it will be half of the production cost, which will not be less than 40 million US dollars.

Are you kidding me with billions of dollars? I\'m afraid Townsend-Rothman, no matter how prestigious, can\'t convince the board and executives.

"and this."

While the CEO of Universal Pictures was thinking, Justin turned over the newspaper on the table and put it in front of him.


"...Warner Bros. Distribution, this morning announced the release date of the project "The Matrix" produced, written and initiated by Wayne Greenberg. Meet.

The director of this sci-fi blockbuster, Zach Snyder, came from the core team behind the scenes of Wayne Greenberg. This is his first independent director\'s work, and the reason why..."


Ron Mayer didn\'t read any further and threw the newspaper directly on the table. Now it\'s very obvious that Warner Bros. deliberately put this film on the weekend of the "Hulk" premiere.

"Warner Bros. is too superstitious about Wayne Greenberg!" The CEO of Universal Pictures had a sneer on the corner of his mouth. In addition to gloating, there was also anger in his eyes. The other party clearly didn\'t take Universal Pictures in his eyes.

"Come on, let me see what a rookie director can do. Zach Snyder? Is there a profile of this guy in the company?"

"There are some records." Justin\'s expression was solemn, far less optimistic than his boss\'s performance. "Zach Snyder, New York advertising director, joined Wayne Greenberg\'s backstage team in 1992 and has been serving as an assistant director. It is said that Wayne Greenberg trusts him very much. The reason why Warner Bros. With this new guy, it\'s all because of Wayne Greenberg\'s recommendation. And..."

Speaking of which, he looked at his boss and hesitated, wondering if he should tell his guess.

"what else?"

Ron Mayer waved his hand impatiently. He never regarded "The Matrix" as an opponent. In his opinion, this is the beginning of Warner Bros. superstition in Wayne Greenberg, which is definitely a good thing.

What gave him a headache was 20th Century Fox\'s "Independence Day", which is also a big sci-fi production. The appeal of Roland Emmerich and Garwell Smith is now the number one threat.

"There have been rumors in the circle that the reason why Wayne Greenberg developed so fast is inseparable from Fox, who helped him release his first work, and the person who supported him at the beginning was Townsend Rothman! There are rumors The relationship between them broke down due to the project negotiation of "Get Out", and there are rumors that their relationship has always been very good..."

"You mean?"

"That\'s right." Justin nodded, pointing to the first page of the Los Angeles Times. "The reason why \'Independence Day\' is willing to adjust the schedule and release it a week in advance to compete with \'Professor Fat Man\' is that there is a high probability of Wayne Greenberg\'s shadow in it."

His words made Ron Mayer ponder, wondering what 20th Century Fox got to be willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to accompany that young man crazy.

"Jingle Bell"

The phone rang for a while, and the CEO of Universal Pictures frowned, reached out and picked up the phone on the table and put it to his ear.

"Hello, this is Ron Mayer."

It only took ten seconds for the phone to be placed on the table again, and the room fell into a strange silence.

"It\'s Wayne Greenberg, 20th Century Fox is willing to do this because of the promise of the X-Men franchise. Shit, the dark lunatic!"

Justin showed such an expression as he expected, and strongly agreed with his boss\'s evaluation of the young man.

A normal person would never do such a detrimental thing to others. Even if the income from his two films was greatly reduced, what benefit would he get? Only a neurotic would do this. This is completely inconsistent with the behavior of capitalists~www.novelhall.com~ Our two major productions have invested millions of funds in the early stage of publicity. Looking at Ron Mayer across from the desk, he said with a sullen expression: "It is impossible to change the schedule now, otherwise the initial investment will be wasted, and the summer season will be as crowded as other weekends. "

What he wants to express is very clear. Since the release time cannot be changed, it will inevitably face fierce competition. Most of the time, this kind of competition is a lose-lose situation. Most fans will be diverted by their own propaganda. Basically, it is only a matter of the size of the loss.

Ron Mayer tapped the newspaper on the table with one finger, making a "dah, dah" sound. "Universal Pictures has never been afraid of competition! The publicity fund for "The Hulk" will be an additional 10 million yuan, and there are still about three months left. You can watch Bill Bakerby\'s post-production work, and don\'t have any surprises."

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