Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and sixty-nine - common enemy

"Hollywood Draw(!

100 Plaza Avenue in Universal City, California, the only lighted office of Universal Studios, CEO Ron Mayer and "Hulk" producer Brian Glazer, director Bill Bakerby and others, silent Listen to the distribution executive describe his views on the competition.

"Don\'t underestimate that advertising director, even a pig, who has been with Wayne Greenberg for three years, will become a pig with a keen sense of success."

When the director of distribution said this, he just found that Bill Bakerby pouted in disapproval, and after a helpless pause, he continued: "Want to hear the positioning given by AMC\'s senior film experts? He thinks this is an AMC movie. A high-level commercial sci-fi blockbuster, I got the film evaluation submitted to the theater company after he participated in the preview."

The producer Brian Glazer, who had been silent for a long time, raised his head and looked at the director of distribution, revealing a trace of solemnity.

Those senior movie viewing experts in the theater company have an amazing acuity to the market. Their job seems to be watching movies, but it is actually more than that simple. In essence, they are doing market foresight before the movie is released.

If these people are asked to evaluate an art film, they will usually not get any results. If it is replaced by a commercial production, the forward-looking opinions they give will not be too biased normally. This is the so-called senior cinema. Film expert.

"Saunders believes that the fighting, the use of special effects, etc. in this "Matrix" are attractive enough. Because the script is written by Wayne Greenberg, the level of rigor is far beyond the ordinary popcorn commercials, even He believes that this film is likely to be one of the biggest box office bombs this summer."


Bill Bakerby\'s expression clearly revealed dissatisfaction. Justin almost praised his competitor as a flower in front of him, which made the director of "Hulk" very uncomfortable.

In his heart, he never regarded Zack Snyder\'s advertising director as a rival of the same level. It was only the first film directed by a novice director. No matter the scale of investment or the production team, there was no way to match "Hulk" On a par.

Since Universal Pictures brought back Bill Bakerby, he has positioned himself as Wayne Greenberg.

Since the other party has opened a way for superheroes, he thinks that he can easily replicate all the success of "Batman: Time for War". After all, as early as 1989, he has successfully produced two "Hulk" in a row.

If anyone knows the best superhero comics, he is one of Hollywood\'s forerunners.

However, Bill Bakerby overlooked that the earliest success in superhero comics was Tim Burton, the producer of "Batman: War Hour", two consecutive "Hulk" movies, and consecutive Compared with the two Batman, it is a little transparent.

"I want to remind everyone." Bill Bakerby knocked on the table, and after attracting the attention of several people, he said confidently: "No matter how the advertising director shoots, the film will eventually enter the theater market and be tested by public fans. Yes, "The Shawshank Redemption" also had a good reputation before its release, didn\'t it?

You seem to have overlooked that "The Matrix" is an original work, and the natural disadvantages of non-adapted and sequel films will not change because the producer and screenwriter is Wayne Greenberg! And our "Hulk" is just the opposite. Hulk has always had a lot of popularity in North America and even around the world. "

The director of the film is right at all. Non-sequel and adaptation films, at least in the first weekend, cannot be compared with "The Hulk". Several people in the office nodded in unison, agreeing with this point of view.

If the Hulk is compared to Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent, then naturally, both in terms of popularity and popularity, they will be at an absolute disadvantage, but now the benchmark is only an original film, which naturally leads the audience when choosing a movie. more than one position.

"Bill, we\'ll be doing a media test later."

Ron Mayer looked at the confident director. "The company will try to invite as many film critics as possible. At least the promotion before the release will not lag behind Warner Bros. You have to do a good job of preparation before the preview."

Bill Bakerby nodded reservedly. "I have enough confidence in the film that \'Hulk\' will not be worse than \'Batman: War Hour\'."

"That\'s good……"

The meeting of several people will soon end. After the film director and producer leave, Justin, the director of distribution, has not moved. He waited until the two’s car drove far away before he looked out of the window.

"I\'ve seen the final version of The Hulk, and Bill was reluctant to shoot and edit, but in the end, under the supervision of Brian Glazer, he went with a dark style."

Ron Mayer, sitting behind his desk, smiled reassuringly. From the very beginning of the project, the film has set the most basic shooting tone, and it must be produced in a dark and realistic style.

Other styles will not necessarily fail, but since Wayne Greenberg has made a successful template, according to the most appropriate rules of Hollywood, of course, choose the most reliable production method, and copy the successful path that the successful ones have taken.

The CEO of Universal Pictures looked out of the pitch-black window, tapped the desk rhythmically with his fingers, and suddenly asked, "I heard that the main character of "The Matrix" is Chinese?"

"That\'s right."

After Justin answered subconsciously, he immediately understood the meaning of the other party. The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and the corners of their mouths slowly rose together, revealing a smile.

"No, it\'s not enough." Shaking his head with a smile, Ron Mayer muttered softly. "Since Warner Bros. is going to fight four times this time, I hope they have made all the preparations. This little trick is not enough."

After that, he waved his hand, indicating that Justin should go back from get off work first, without waiting for himself.

Until he was alone in the office, he raised his head and glanced at the time, took out a phone book from the drawer, opened it, grabbed the phone on the desk, and dialed the number on the book.

"Good evening, Roy, I\'m Ron Mayer."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while before a voice came. "Hello Ron, what is the issue between Universal and Disney, you should go to Michael Eisner."

"No no no, I know Disney is a little messed up right now, but you definitely put the company\'s interests first, don\'t you?"

He can be sure that Roy Disney is different from other executives because of his last name, or maybe someone else is busy trying to shake up the reign of Disney Emperor Michael Eisner, maybe while the animation giant is in turmoil. , a frantic struggle for power.

But the executive on the other side of the phone is completely different. The circle has always been so big, and there are almost no secrets among the executives of the Big Six.

"Well, in order not to disturb your rest, I\'ll just say it." The other end of the phone was silent, and Ron Mayer didn\'t care, knowing that the other party was waiting for him to say his purpose. "We have a common enemy, don\'t we?"

Despite knowing what the Universal Studios CEO was talking about, Roy Disney remained unmoved and the voice on the phone remained calm. "Ron, we are old friends. Just tell me what you need me to do."

"Breaking the Dead Island" released by BWI International was officially released on a large scale in North America in early June, and "Ransom Storm" and Wayne Greenberg\'s new film "The Departed" were officially released on a large scale on the same weekend in mid-June. , and our Hulk, together with The Matrix, has a large-scale opening on the same weekend in mid-May!

Warner Bros. is ready to squeeze all of our projects with two films in one month! We were at least two weekends apart, and the Hulk was at its hottest when Brave Island came out, unless the Hulk had Forrest Gump or Joker Such a strong move! "

The two people on both ends of the phone knew that it was impossible. Whether it was "Hulk" or "Breaking the Dead Island", it was just a summer popcorn.

"Disney is very confident in "Ransom Storm" and "Brave Island". Roy Disney\'s casual voice came from the phone.

"fxxkyou! This old fox..." Across the phone, Ron Mayer cursed silently in his heart, and then continued bluntly: "No one can underestimate Wayne Greenberg, no matter if it\'s a producer. Man or director! He is one of the top filmmakers in Hollywood since the 1990s!"

"I understand that Warner Bros. and him are our common enemy."

That\'s right, the Universal Studios CEO relaxes and leans back in his office chair. "The Departed" and "Ransom" were released on the same weekend, and only by virtue of their impact on the Oscars and Wayne Greenberg\'s terrifying fan base, it will definitely squeeze the box office of "Ransom", even if "Ransom" The Matrix is ​​beautiful enough that it will affect Brave Island as well."

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled and joked into the microphone. "Unless we pray together that Wayne Greenberg will miss."

"Unlikely!" Roy Disney didn\'t care about the tone of his voice~www.novelhall.com~ but agreed with his previous analysis. "Disney has all of Wayne\'s files from college to the present, and I think there\'s almost zero chance of him missing."

The young Jewish director is in a period of prosperous creation. This is the consensus in the circle. Otherwise, everyone will not make a shot together and try to pour dirty water on him in the media, just because he wants to shake his fan base, otherwise No one knows how long his success will last.

"Go ahead, Ron." The voice on the phone paused, then continued. "How do you need Disney to work with Universal."

"It\'s not just Disney and us, Warner Bros. wants to mess up the summer season, and it\'s not just the two of us..."

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