Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and seventy-one - flip the table

"Hollywood Draw(!

There are some things that don’t need to be said by Jeff Robinov. Several people present are well aware that as long as there is a problem with the upcoming “The Matrix”, who is the biggest beneficiary, then who is the black hand connecting other companies .

Bruce Rosenblum raised his coffee mug with a thoughtful look on his face. "Everything still needs to be tested by the market, but we can\'t be beaten passively, at least we can\'t let this tacit understanding continue to exist. Warner Bros. has never had a tradition of passive waiting!"

Now this "Matrix" is forgot, because its positioning is an R-rated film, what about the subsequent films? After this incident passed silently, will other companies do it again in tacit understanding?

Don\'t overestimate the bottom line of Hollywood production companies, which involves market share. Warner Bros. has always maintained the first revenue of the six giants in the past few years, and has already let the remaining few. The company ate too many lemons.

In fact, in the past few years, Warner Bros. has been the one who has bit the biggest piece of fat every time with its heavily invested sequel series and Wayne\'s blockbuster series of movies.

CEO Jeff Robinoff opened the drawer, took out a brown wooden box, lifted the lid, took out three of his favorites, and threw one to Wayne and Bruce Rosenblum each.

While using a cigar cutter to repair a cigar with thick fingers, he raised his head and asked, "What do you think?"

At this time, the director of the distribution department had no intention of enjoying this thing, he put the cigar aside and turned to look at Wayne who was cutting the cigar head by himself.

"I heard that you and Steven have always had a good relationship?"


Every time he came to Jeff Robinoff\'s office, he would be invited to a large cigar from his collection. Wayne was used to it now. Although he still couldn\'t enjoy it a little, he would not refuse the other party\'s share of thoughts.

The sudden mention of Steven Spielberg to himself left him with question marks all over his face. "Generally speaking, our relationship is not bad. You should all know that. He invited me to direct the "Saving Private Ryan" several times, but I rejected them. Because of this, even George The alumni gatherings were all pigeons out by me, but we are our own after all.”

It is impossible for Warner Bros. to not pay attention to this matter. It is not necessary to repeat how important he is to the company. I am afraid that whoever sent an invitation to the agent Jimmy, Warner Bros. will investigate clearly.

"Now that the film has entered the preparations, I heard that Steven is going to do it himself." Jeff Robinoff smiled. All the actions of DreamWorks can be said to be completely under the eyes of the Big Six.

They did not hide some things from Wayne. As early as January before the Oscars this year, some executives of the Big Six met privately and reached a tacit agreement on certain things.

Twentieth Century Fox, Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Walt Disney, and the outsider Sony Columbia, no matter how much filth occurs between these six companies, all kinds of small tricks will continue to stumble. It will not affect the intricate cooperative and competitive relationship between them, at least on the surface everyone maintains a decent appearance.

Now a new company has emerged, ready to invade the back garden of Hollywood\'s traditional power, and want to take a bite on the biggest cake that is not enough to eat. This is absolutely not allowed to happen.

Not to mention the Big Six traditional production companies, even MGM, which is now immortal, will not change its position, and will naturally only stand with the Big Six.

"The problem is here." Bruce Rosenblum smiled instantly, and the smile was full of gloomy meaning. "With our Warner Bros., the tacit understanding of traditional Hollywood companies has not changed. From the moment DreamWorks\' films are sent to MPAA for grading, to the promotion, distribution, theater chain, etc. of the film, everything related to the film will be affected by nowhere. Absence of repression and trouble.

Since those few dare to use this method on us, we simply break this tacit understanding! Wayne, you can meet Steven in a high profile and talk about the difficulty of distributing DreamWorks films as a company boss, and Warner Bros. can solve that part of the puzzle for them. "

Taking the spray gun thrown by Jeff Robinoff, Wayne tilted his head and lit the cigar in his mouth. Immediately, a strong aroma of fruit filled the oral mucosa. Hearing these words, he clicked thoughtfully. nod.

High-profile, mainly this high-profile! It must be made clear to several other companies that Warner Bros. is not a DreamWorks with weak foundations.

What traditional sphere of influence, what the basic plan of the production company, what market share, Warner Bros. can not care, after all, no matter who joins this game, it will not shake the market share occupied by Warner Bros. for a while.

This is the so-called flipping the table. Since you dare to eat without me, then don\'t even think about eating!

"Which point are we talking about?" Through the smoke from his nostrils, Wayne looked at the distribution executive with a wicked smile. "I don\'t know anything about the company at all, so I can only make a start."

"This is enough."

Bruce Rosenblum tapped the arm of the chair lightly with his fingers, and said calmly: "We can\'t go too far, as long as we have an attitude, it\'s enough, otherwise..."

Jeff Robinoff took it. "Otherwise, Warner Brothers will become the target of public criticism!"

"Listen, Wayne." Warner Bros. ceo continued: "You\'re the only person in the company who can match Steven Spielberg\'s status, and if Bruce and I come forward, things will change. became out of control.”

"I understand."

Nodding lightly, Wayne looked at Nina, who had been silent, and was about to ask the assistant to help the good man. "Give me a call to Steven and say, well, just say I\'m asking him to play golf..."

"no problem."

Every CEO of Warner Bros. seems to have a bit of paranoia of a gambler\'s character. This kind of idea that once it is not well grasped will cause several other sensitive ideas. Bruce Rosenblum came out without thinking about the consequences at all. .

Others don\'t know, but Wayne understands very well that the current executive of the distribution department, if it is not because of his butterfly wings, is the next CEO after the turn of the century.

The production of DC superheroes, interfering in the filming work of the crew and directors, etc., are all made by this vicious paranoid.

As a corporate executive, his ability is completely top-notch, but as the ceo of a giant, his character is really not as good as Jeff Robinoff and Kevin Tesuhara. Steady as an old dog.

The quick success of DC film planning, and the various operations of the big production, almost all came from his office.

"In the afternoon, I\'ll call Paul at Sony Columbia." Bruce Rosenblum didn\'t think it was enough, and continued to chat about his plans. "Sony is an outsider, but after all, it got Columbia Pictures.

Don\'t look at us and several other major companies, all of which have recognized Sony Columbia\'s status in Hollywood. In fact, they are faintly marginalized by other companies in everything. It is not so easy for outsiders to integrate. Perhaps, Warner Bros. can Strengthen the cooperation between the two! "

Wayne, who was smoking a cigar at the same time, glanced at Jeff Robinoff and nodded slightly involuntarily, completely agreeing with his plan.

While contacting DreamWorks in a high-profile way, sending sensitive signals to others, while secretly wooing Sony Columbia, the so-called tacit alliance collapsed from within. Dispensable.

"Bruce." Wayne put down the big cigar in his hand, stood up and straightened the buttons of his suit, ready to end the conversation. "If I were you, talk to Townsend Rothman of Twentieth Century Fox again, maybe there\'s a surprise!"

Twentieth Century Fox is also a participant in the rating of "The Matrix" this time. It has always been like this between big companies. We do have a cooperative relationship, but it doesn\'t affect me secretly stab you, right?

Everyone is no longer a child. As long as things like interests continue to exist, all kinds of dirty things will happen because of them.

"Aha, another surprise." Bruce Rosenblum walked over to Wayne, and the two shook hands. He didn\'t ask why Twentieth Century Fox\'s Townsend Rothman would be willing to talk to himself about this, as long as things were done, there was no point in being too curious as an adult.

With a nod to Jeff Robinoff, Wayne took Nina out of the office, took the elevator and left the Warner Bros. Building.

The Rolls-Royce Silver Spike was parked at the entrance of the building. Not only was Sergey in the car, but Jimmy was also sitting in the back seat, chatting with the Russian-born bear.

"Boss, are things over?"

Seeing the two of them come out of the building, Sergey opened the car door and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Ok, go back to the manor directly."

The car started smoothly~www.novelhall.com~ and gradually moved away from the media capital of Burbank. Wayne opened the small refrigerator in the car, took out a bottle of lemonade, and looked at his agent Jimmy.

That\'s why he asked Bruce Rosenblum to try to contact Townsend Roseman. Now 20th Century Fox is negotiating a contract with Jimmy. In order for him to sign the producer contract smoothly, he will do Some inconsequential concessions are not surprising at all.

The two parties have had several contacts in this contract with the producers of "X-Men", but they have always been in the stage of testing each other. Although they have verbally agreed to 20th Century Fox, the specific treatment issues must not be discounted.

Commitment is not a substitute for money. If you want to hire a top producer, the price you should pay will never be small.

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