Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and seventy-four - war is coming

DreamWorks will face ubiquitous oppression, which has been thought in advance since the Big Three began to meet.

What Steven Spielberg didn\'t expect was that there would be so many inexplicable troubles, and based on the current trend, it will only increase in the future.

"Wayne, are you really willing to push Warner Bros. to open a hole for DreamWorks?"

The good old Jewish man stopped suddenly, stood there with a serious expression, and looked at him seriously. The identity of the other party is a major shareholder of Warner Bros., and his natural position is opposed to that of DreamWorks. Judging from his previous performance, this is also proved.

No one who can become a successful person in the circle will be a fool. Steven Spielberg simply does not believe that the other party will do something bad for Warner Bros.

"Steven." Wayne turned around and shook his head with a smile. "Warner Bros. can be your distributor if DreamWorks needs it, and can sign a global distribution contract."

"No! Wayne, I refuse."

Hearing this, Steven Spielberg immediately refused and shook his head in disappointment. In his eyes, the other party also wanted to greedily **** blood on DreamWorks like Paramount or Twentieth Century Fox.

After the young man put down the camera, he still did not break away from the Jewish racial instinct. Under that calm and handsome face, there was a greedy capitalist soul hidden.

Of course, all of this is understandable. After all, business is just business, and he still does it himself.

"Wayne, want to turn DreamWorks into a second content production division for Warner Bros? That\'s not meant to help!"

"Don\'t worry, just listen to me."

Wayne took a few steps back and stood side by side with the old man, looking at the mountains in the distance. "Everyone knows the biggest problem facing DreamWorks, North American distribution, maybe you can talk about it yourself, but the companies with global distribution capabilities are nothing more than the existing six giants.

It takes more than a year or two to establish a global distribution network. Are you willing to let Paramount **** all the projects produced by DreamWorks during this period? I can push Warner Bros. to get you a distribution deal at a fair price until DreamWorks builds its distribution network. "

If the biggest difficulty that DreamWorks faces is that it does not have its own distribution network, according to Wayne, the Jewish old man was acquired by Viacom in 2005 and became a Paramount content manufacturer. Neither have established their own distribution network.

The further back in time, the more difficult this matter will become. From his perspective of twenty years ahead of the present, DreamWorks basically has no hope of establishing a complete global distribution department.

So how did DreamWorks spend the past ten years? That\'s right, he was moving forward while being sucked blood by the six majors in turn.

In the face of the high-value distribution contracts given by the six majors, DreamWorks could only sign it with a pinch of its nose, and then switch to another company after it couldn\'t bear it, and it went on and on for many years.

During that time, they worked on five films with Twentieth Century Fox, eight with Universal Pictures, and five with Sony Columbia, before becoming a Paramount content producer altogether.

"Don\'t be kidding, Wayne." Steven Spielberg lowered his head, reached out and pushed the small glasses. "Can you guarantee that you will push Warner Bros. to only charge the normal distribution fees in the circle for all the films released by DreamWorks?"

Wayne nodded and said happily: "Of course, but I can only play a leading role. Specifically, you need to talk to Jeff yourself."

The good old Jewish man tilted his head and glanced at him, as if he was thinking about something. At this time, he obviously lost interest in playing football, and the two suddenly fell silent. They stepped on the green lawn together and walked to the rest area.

It can be seen that Steven Spielberg has been thinking about the gains and losses along the way. This is not a trivial matter for DreamWorks, and it is related to their future discoveries.

The old man suddenly asked, "What do you want?"


"I said, if you help promote this, what do you want from DreamWorks? Wayne, don\'t perfunctory me with the idea that we are friends, tell me your conditions."

"Conditions..." Wayne reached out and pulled out a bottle of beer from the ice bucket, sipped it slowly, pondered for a while, then turned to look at the old Jewish man. "I only play a leading role, and I will use my influence within the company to try my best to push this matter into shape. No matter what the final result of the matter is, you owe me once, how about that?"

For a favor, this range is too big. Steven Spielberg would rather he put forward specific conditions, and the last thing he doesn\'t want to hear is this. In their position, human debt is the most difficult to repay.

"I promise."

After thinking for a while, he also opened a bottle of beer and touched Wayne. "Remember that World War II movie that invited you a few times? Saving Private Ryan is about to start shooting next year, and it could be the first film that Warner Bros. will release for DreamWorks."

"Well, you go and talk to Jeff, and I\'ll help you say hello in advance."

Wayne waved his hand indifferently, but his heart was also full of surprises. He really has no conditions, and this matter can be considered to kill two birds with one stone.

This is equivalent to stealing Paramount’s fat and letting Warner Bros. replace other giants. Even if it is a distribution contract for DreamWorks that conforms to market rules, the distribution fee only takes normal figures, and the profits that can be created will definitely not be small.

Giving up a little profit for a while is nothing. In the long run, it is difficult for DreamWorks to break away from its original destiny. It can only be reduced to the content production department of Warner Bros. It is one thing to help them distribute films. is another matter.

It will not delay the original plan of Warner Bros., nor will it destroy the tacit understanding with several other giants. It definitely kills two birds with one stone.

"That\'s it for today. I still have some work to do after that. We\'ll talk at the premiere of Tornado at the end of May."

After all that was said, Wayne stood up and shook hands with Steven Spielberg before leaving after a few polite greetings.

The old Jewish man smiled. "Ok, see you at the premiere of Tornado."

Until Wayne disappeared with the backs of Nina and Sergey, Steven Spielberg didn\'t move, standing in place with the beer he just opened, looking at the mountains in the distance.

What happened today is very sudden, and he is still thinking about what Warner Bros. His relationship with this company is not bad. Even this year\'s Warner Bros.\'s head-to-head production "Tornado" is also produced by him.

But before today, the company has never disclosed the news that it wants to cooperate with DreamWorks.

It’s not that they are underestimating themselves. Although DreamWorks has the Big Three, it has to lead many small companies in the circle at the beginning. At most, it is only a medium-sized film company with a high ranking. Don’t look at the ambitions of the three of them. In fact, everything is still there. in the initial stage.

The good people inside the golf course are thinking carefully about their gains and losses, but outside the golf course, it is a different scene.

Wayne, who usually does not easily accept media interviews, opened the car glass today, and he did not show any impatient expression in the face of several reporters swarming up.

"Mr. Greenberg, did you just play with Director Spielberg?" A female reporter was the first to put the recorder in front of him.

Wayne squinted at the female reporter\'s badge. After confirming that it was a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, he nodded with a smile on his face. "Yes, Steven has helped me a lot since I entered Hollywood, and our relationship has always been very good."

The female reporter continued to ask: "Wayne, does it mean that there is a possibility of cooperation when you meet to play together?"

"It\'s still in the negotiation stage, sorry, it\'s not convenient to disclose this."

"Wayne, last question, "The Matrix" will be released soon, as the film\'s producer and screenwriter, can you talk about your expectations for the film\'s box office?"

"The Matrix is ​​a super cool sci-fi film, and it will be the first weekend box office champion!"

After speaking, Rolls-Royce raised the glass, slowly left the golf course, and drove towards Beverly Hills.

The next morning, a photo of Wayne and Spielberg hugging was published on the entertainment board of the Los Angeles Times. The headline read: Two Hollywood directors meet to play, Wayne Green Berg and Steven Spielberg may cooperate?

For ordinary people, this news may only be regarded as gossip before and after meals. Fans may have more room for reverie, looking forward to what sparks the two can collide. In the eyes, but the product came out with a different taste.

As a major shareholder of Warner Bros., Wayne would not be able to make films for other companies at all. This is not a secret, and coupled with the ambiguous reporting by reporters, it is difficult not to think badly.

On this day, in the office of the CEO of Warner Bros., the phone was inexplicably busy. Until the last call was hung up, Jeff Robinoff always wore a mocking smile.

Time passed quickly. In early May, "The Departed" held two media previews and received a large number of praise from film critics and the media. The large-scale opening of the Empire.

This is the highlight of the beginning of the summer season. The two films "Hulk" and "The Matrix" will premiere at the same time on the evening of May 14th, attracting the attention of countless media and fans.

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