Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and ninety-one - he is not reconciled

"It\'s interesting."

Naomi Watts winked playfully at the father-daughter duo beside her, and stretched out a white finger to scratch on Fendi\'s delicate nose, causing the little guy to laugh on his father\'s lap. I drooled, as if I could really feel the joy of my mother.

Noticing Wayne\'s puzzled look, she shook the newspaper in her other hand, and blew a whistle without caring about her image. "Wow, this newspaper called "Hollywood Entertainment" has an interview with "Hulk" director Bill Bakerby, do you want to hear it?"

"Nami, that\'s just a second-rate gossip tabloid..." Wayne squinted his eyes and found out from the strange layout of the newspaper. The meaning of this newspaper\'s existence is to desperately want to attract attention. "Just look at what\'s written on this stuff, don\'t take it seriously... well, I want to hear it."

Seeing that the woman had a sign of rolling his eyes, he quickly changed his tune. In fact, accepting such media interviews is itself a risk. Those reporters who overinterpret the interviewees\' words are just routine operations, and the meaning of distorted words is also very common.

It seems that the director of "The Hulk" really can\'t find any voice channels, so he will accept this kind of gossip media interview.

\'"The failure of the Hulk has nothing to do with me, it is caused by the will of the executives of Universal Pictures!" The director of "Hulk" accepted our exclusive interview, the above sentence was said by Bill Bakerby himself, he was in the interview Zhong Zeng expressed his anger at reporters more than once.

According to Bill Bakerby, at the beginning of the preparation of the film "Hulk" with an investment of hundreds of millions, the crew was intervened by several executives of Universal Pictures, and the film must be shot in a dark style. If he doesn\'t agree to those conditions, he will be kicked out of the crew!

The reason why the film has become like this now is that Universal Pictures has confirmed the effect of the finished film, so he feels very wronged when facing the accusation of Justin, the director of distribution...\'

Halfway through the reading, Naomi Watts pouted and sneered, and pushed the newspaper aside. She thought it would be some kind of justice news, but she didn\'t expect it was just the usual mutual accusations.

"Even an actor like me understands that doing this is pointless and will completely offend Universal Pictures. I really don\'t know what the director is thinking."

"He\'s not reconciled."

This is human nature, and even if they know that it is not good to do so, sometimes the individual who has been wronged can\'t help but say it. Wayne has seen a lot of similar things in recent years, and he said it sharply. "If \'Hulk\' is a hit at the box office, he has absolutely nothing to say.

But now that the film\'s failure has become a fact, and Universal Pictures has put the blame on him again, normal people will have a lot of negative emotions. According to the rules of Hollywood, he should be silent for a few years, and then wait for the opportunity to turn over again, but he is not reconciled. "

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, touched the cigarette case on the coffee table, found the little princess in his arms, and took it back helplessly.

In fact, in Hollywood, more than 90% of the directors play the role of a similar filming machine in the crew. Even the filming plan must be reviewed by the producer first, and there is no chance for him to make his own decisions.

Not to mention the decision-making power in the post-production of the film, the normal right to suggest and participate is very rare. This is the way the industry has developed up to now. If you want autonomy, just don’t touch commercial films, and find funds to shoot low-cost independent films yourself.

The producer-centric model is the best choice in more than 90% of cases. Because as long as a director is a director, they all have the desire to express their ideas. Most of them do not consider market factors and just want to convey their emotions through the film.

The existence of producers can naturally avoid such a situation, and can protect investors to the greatest extent, or the demands of the production company, so that the road of the film targeting the market will not go astray.

The two were chatting, fully enjoying the happy time after breakfast for the family of three. Nina hung up the phone and walked into the living room.

"Hey, then our little princess, I\'m going out for a cigarette." Wayne picked up the little guy in his arms, stuffed it into the arms of the woman who was flipping through the newspaper, picked up the cigarette case and lighter, and pointed to the outside of the villa , and took Nina out of the living room to the small fountain.

"What\'s wrong?"

The lighter clicked twice, and a puff of blue smoke spewed out of his mouth. Normally, if there is nothing to tell him, Nina will not disturb them to accompany their children at this time.

"A call from Jeff." The assistant shrugged, and habitually reached out and pushed up her glasses. "The agreement between DreamWorks and Warner Bros. has reached a consensus. The films they have produced since 1998 will be handed over to Warner Bros. for distribution. Jeff asked you if you would like to attend the signing conference."

"Push it."

Wayne shook his head without hesitation. His role in this kind of thing was just a matchmaker, and he had no idea of ​​serving as an executive at Warner Bros. The follow-up had nothing to do with him as a publishing layman.

"DreamWorks decided to leave Paramount, and the subsequent films were handed over to Warner Bros. for distribution. How did Paramount and several other companies react?"

"It\'s not clear yet." Nina thought for a while, and her tone suddenly took on a bit of sarcasm. "I don\'t think other companies will react too much. Paramount is not sure what to do. Warner Bros. is grabbing meat from their mouths, but..."

After observing Wayne\'s face, the assistant raised her eyebrows and teased: "However, the tacit understanding of the six majors is to squeeze the living space of DreamWorks together. On the premise that this goal remains unchanged, whoever **** the blood of DreamWorks, Who can let DreamWorks be exploited willingly depends on whose wrist is hard, at least for now, Paramount absolutely hates you..."

There are no secrets in this circle. Steven Spielberg and Wayne Golf Course play high-profile golf. These two top directors in the circle meet. Everyone has a lot of things to do at ordinary times. Only fools will treat them as them. It\'s just that my hands are itchy, and I want to learn about the game.

In addition, the two of them did not shy away from reporters at the time, and Wayne also gave a high-profile interview for the warning plan of Warner Bros.

Perhaps in the eyes of several other giants at first, this was just a gesture made by Warner Bros. with a very clear purpose, just to warn them and break down some kind of tacit understanding, but now it has really happened.

In fact, this is also the fault of Paramount. They squeezed DreamWorks too hard, and they are sure that DreamWorks will not choose other distribution companies. The negotiating team led by Bruce Rosenblum also gave a distribution commission that was also higher than the normal distribution level in the circle, but it was a little lower than Paramount.

This is enough. It also has a global upstream and downstream distribution network. Warner Bros. is even more perfect than Paramount\'s. After all, the films produced by Wayne in the past two years have greatly accelerated Warner Bros.\'s development of peripheral products. channel construction.

They were also exploited and sucked blood while lying on their backs. Warner Bros. offered not only attractive conditions, but they were also willing to include an important clause in the distribution agreement, that is, after DreamWorks established its own global distribution network, DreamWorks would The factory can terminate this long-term distribution agreement early.

"Jeff didn\'t say anything about the detailed movie distribution terms, commissions, number of releases, etc." Nina saw her boss in a dazed state, and didn\'t stop her words. After years of getting along day and night, she was very clear about what she said. Everything the other side can hear.

"But boss, aren\'t Warner Bros. really afraid to give DreamWorks a rare respite to make them bigger and become the seventh-biggest giant in the circle?"

The first thing Nina considers is that she thinks Warner Bros. is playing with fire from her own boss\'s position.

"No, DreamWorks doesn\'t have a chance."

Wayne took a sharp puff of cigarette, denying her worries directly. Others may really have such similar thoughts, but the Big Six of Hollywood have absolutely no such worries.

Don\'t look at the very high foundation of DreamWorks\' start~www.novelhall.com~ even surpassed the scale of most medium-sized film companies. At the beginning, the booth was very large. What kind of music department, animation department, live-action film and television, TV series, etc. , as if it were all-round development towards a large company.

Doing so is certainly like telling everyone that DreamWorks has ambitions to become a giant. Not to mention the ubiquitous suppression, as long as DreamWorks does not have its own distribution network, no matter how good the content production is, the distribution company will take most of the profits.

One of the foundations on which the six Hollywood giants will always be in the upper reaches of the industry chain is the perfect global distribution network, and Spielberg\'s ambition will be wiped out on this in the future.

The two were talking about work by the small fountain outside the door. In the living room, Naomi Watts held her daughter in her arms and looked down at the newspaper that was delivered in the morning. The sun shines on the two people on the sofa through the large retro floor-to-ceiling windows, and she especially enjoys the warm atmosphere at the moment.

Days like this are destined to be few, and Wayne will be attending the premiere of the new film "Tornado" next, making the stage for this Warner Bros. summer blockbuster, and then immediately starting the pre-screening promotion of "The Departed".

For this film full of mystery and full of gimmicks, countless fans and media are waiting for its opening, wanting to see why Wayne is using it to win awards.

And Naomi Watts has been actively restoring her figure during this period, and the results have been very significant. Now her figure has recovered more than half.

All actions have made it clear that she will not give up her career easily. The first step is to completely return to the state before production before the summer vacation, and strive to play the best in the second Batman. This destined to be a hit movie announced its comeback.