Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and fourteen - no big stars, you can't hold them down.

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"I\'ll send an invitation to that \'Leon\', but there\'s one more question."

Looking at Luke Simmons next to him and the Warner Bros ceo opposite, Zach Snyder hesitated for a while, but decided to speak his mind. This is the first big Hollywood sci-fi production he led, and he wanted to do it all. to perfection.

"It\'s about casting, Wayne, you should know my work style, it\'s not trying to challenge your authority on purpose! I\'m just..."

"Ok, Zach."

Wayne directly raised his hand and knocked on the table twice, interrupting him. "If you have any ideas, say them all, and I will seriously consider them. It\'s better than shooting with emotions. You don\'t have to worry about it, just say it directly."

Luke Simmons looked at Zach Snyder worriedly. He understood what the other party wanted to say. Every director had different views on actors, but he, a novice director, questioned the producer and was indeed taking a big risk.

As soon as the meeting was over, the other party discussed it with him on the way here. The advice he gave was to give up those unrealistic ideas and make this film safely and steadily. opened his mouth.

"About the candidate for the male lead, I have received greetings from several big star agents." Zach Snyder knows that most of these people are coming for Wayne, even if he is just a producer this time. .

"Ewan McGregor, and Will Smith, who has a good relationship with you, all of their agents greeted me in advance and wanted to audition for the male lead Neo. And Tim, he told me I recommended Johnny Depp, and I think the use of these famous actors is a great benefit to the film\'s box office, and these guys have a good box office appeal."

After he finished speaking, he looked at each other nervously. In Zach Snyder\'s heart, he still hoped to use star actors. Although Li Guohao has gained some fame through "The Clown Returns to the Soul", he is definitely not as good as himself in the mainstream audience. The ones who said it.

"Wait." Jeff Robinoff, who had been listening in silence, suddenly said before Wayne: "Since we want to use star actors, why don\'t we consider Brad Pitt, or Val Gere? Mo? Both of them have worked with the company many times, of course, I\'m just giving a little advice."

"Don\'t think too much, the best candidate for the male lead is Li Guohao. I asked him to meet in the afternoon, and I will have a good talk with him."

Feeling that his tone was a little stiff, Wayne patiently prepared to explain under the puzzled eyes of several people.

All directors and investors like to use attractive stars. He understands this very well. After all, this will bring a great guarantee to the box office of the film when it is released.

But this film has its peculiarities, and it is not necessarily suitable for this, so he pointed to Zach Snyder. "Zach, I need you to go through simple preparations and shoot the film as soon as possible, preferably before May next year to complete all the work, and ensure that the summer period begins to be released.

You have to pay attention, we don\'t have a few months to give the male protagonist to slowly learn the basics of kung fu. If you want to meet the basic performance needs, believe me, ordinary people may not be able to achieve the basic performance after a few months of training. Require.

But Li Guohao is different. You all know who his father is, the kung fu superstar who slapped the entire Hollywood in the face. He has been trained in kung fu since he was a child, and he has an unparalleled advantage in this regard. What is even more rare is that he has a fairly lovable face. "

Actors with a hint of Chinese descent like this, the most successful is undoubtedly Keanu Reeves, but Wayne can\'t leave his own people with basics. Shoot again in a month.

For this sci-fi film, he remembered very clearly that the Wachowski brothers (sisters) invited the team of Yuan Heping, the No. 1 martial arts instructor in Hong Kong, to specialize Keanu Reeves, a kung fu novice. training.

Without training, the punches and kicks produced during the performance will be very ugly. The helpless Yuan Heping can only start from the basic skills. Every day is like in hell. He trained Keanu Reeves for four full months. Action scenes that wow the audience.

However, by choosing Li Guohao to play this role, the above months can be saved, and there is no need to start from pressing legs, driving horses, punching, or even martial arts instructors.

"I see." Zach Snyder nodded, finally accepting the statement. "The black martial arts instructor of Batman seems to be called Jesse. I hope to continue to invite him over."

"Ok, he\'s not expensive anyway, you make your own decisions." Wayne stood up, stretched out his hands, gave Luke Simmons a wink, and was about to leave the Warner Bros. Building.

"Zach, let me remind you one last thing, put out the idea of ​​using a big star in your heart. No matter which big star enters the crew, it may become an obstacle to your work. The candidates I have decided are the most suitable. Yes, even if they have some fame, they won\'t bother you at work, understand?"

After speaking, he nodded to Jeff Robinoff, and after saying hello, he opened the door first and walked out.

Now Zach Snyder only thinks about becoming famous, but ignores a very important point. Which of those famous actors and stars is not a troublemaker? He is a novice director, why should he suppress them?

The protagonists I chose are different. Gary Oldman is indeed famous, but he is familiar with Zach Snyder, and his character is not the style of fighting for power and profit.

Whether it is Charlize Theron or Li Guohao, these people have a close relationship with him, and it is even more impossible to deliberately seek trouble and make work more difficult.

Not to mention the current Zach Snyder, even Wayne himself has been trying his best not to cooperate with those big stars. Although there are many benefits to using big stars, troubles will also follow. Luke Simmons followed him silently, walked out of the building, got in the car and drove for a while before he said, "Why do you want me to be a producer? Someone at Warner Bros wanted this job. In this case, I would There is a risk of missing your next project.”


Wayne smiled as he looked out the window at the scene that kept going backwards. "I invested a lot of money in this film. There must be someone of your own to control the direction of the film. In addition to doing financial communication work in the crew, you must also pay attention to observation. If you find any problems, you can use the producer\'s rights!"

Speaking of which, Wayne turned his head sharply and stared into his brother\'s eyes.

"Ok, I get it." Luke Simmons shrugged and asked blankly: "If I think Zach\'s job is unqualified, and the direction of the film\'s shooting is different from what you designed, wouldn\'t it? Can you kill him!?"

"You\'re a producer, you can decide what to do." Wayne looked out the window again, but what he said was still very clearly passed into the ears of his senior brother.

Luke Simmons reached out and tapped the isolation board. "Well, alright, put me here, I still need me for the preparatory work of the film, and I will call you if something happens."

They have been working together since 1990, and they can almost trust each other, so with a few simple words from Wayne, he understands what his work is about.

The **** decides the head, and this saying applies all the time. In this project, Wayne\'s role is a pure owner, or a movie company owner.

Regardless of his personal relationship with Zach Snyder, he needs Luke Simmons, his own person, to keep track of the direction of the crew at any time. This is tens of millions of dollars invested in real money. Even if he doesn\'t care about money, it is impossible for him to have no regulatory measures at all.

"Boss, shall we go directly to the manor?"

After Luke Simmons got out of the car, Sergey didn\'t start the car in a hurry, and asked a question through the isolation window that he called.

At the mention of this, Wayne sighed. "Go back, Nami\'s mood has fluctuated a lot these two days, otherwise you don\'t have to leave Nina with her."

The unexpected pregnancy of an Australian girl affects not only herself. When her agent, Jenny, persuaded her to take away the child and focus on her career, she fired the other party immediately.

Perhaps from a certain point of view, the agent\'s proposal is indeed correct. For a charming female star, the shelf life is only a few years, and most people\'s first choice will be the rising career first.

The impact is more than that. Naomi Watts also gave up Dior\'s early renewal of the contract, which was a very important contract for the actress to maintain her position, and she refused without hesitation.

So these days, a woman\'s mood is always a little abnormal, and she may even have some doubts about whether it is worth it.

In order not to irritate this woman too much~www.novelhall.com~ Wayne deliberately called the women who were related to him, and warned them not to suddenly appear in the manor in the past two months, so as not to let everyone unpleasant scene.

Just taking advantage of this time, he can still enjoy the vacation while accompanying Naomi Watts through this sensitive period, and the script of the new project can also be sorted out slowly.

The car was driving smoothly in Beverly Hills. Sergey saw that he didn\'t want to work, so he simply started to chat while driving.

"Boss, the Rolls-Royce company contacted Nina. As your social influence grows, the silver thorn extended version has almost become your symbol. They asked if we would like to replace the new model."

"Huh?" After thinking about it for a while, he understood what was going on. The Rolls-Royce in the past few years has been difficult. It seems that such an overly high-end car company is not doing well.

Rolls-Royce didn\'t seem to hold on in the end. After being acquired by BMW, it was once again revitalized through the Phantom series. But that should be a few years later. Now their most comfortable car should be their own Silver Spur.

"Did they say what type?"

Sergey thought back. "It seems to be called Phantom. The Brunei government ordered a few vehicles from them, which was a while ago."

"You go back and tell Nina, let\'s order two cars too. We want an extended version. You and Nina will discuss the specific interior."

"Ok, no problem."

In fact, as long as the ride experience is comfortable enough, he really does not have high requirements for the shape of the car. The only two requirements are that the comfort and space must be large, so that it can be convenient for him to work on the road.

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