Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and forty-six - Wayne is very vengeful

After discussing with Wayne, Jack Nicholson quickly ran back to the front of the bar and sat side by side with the puzzled Brad Pitt, under the surrounding cameras, ready to start the official shooting.

"Ok, "The Departed", Game 36, Act 1." Chang remembered Gilmour\'s gesture, holding up the game board and "smack" it.


Sitting behind the monitor, Wayne folded his arms and stared at the footage coming back from the camera with interest, to see if the first match between Jack Nicholson and Brad Pitt would bring enough. surprise.

The faces of the two protagonists on the screen were very clear. I saw Jack Nicholson stretched out his hand and suddenly took out a gun from under him. First, he glanced at himself nervously, and then his expression suddenly became relaxed and he used the muzzle of the gun. Aiming at the serious-looking partner.

"Do you have anything to ask me?"

These are all his improvisations. The original script did not have the design of taking out a gun. When he saw that he not only brought a real gun to film, but also added it willfully into the scene, the entire crew was confused by this scene. water.

Including Gilmour and photographer Robert, looked back to the director\'s seat together, but Wayne didn\'t call cut and kept watching quietly, which also forced everyone to continue working.

Brad Pitt knew something was wrong from the time the gun was pointed at him, which didn\'t match the scene they had practiced earlier.

The feeling of being pointed at the head by a real gun is definitely not as easy as he imagined, especially since the gun can clearly let him see the yellow-orange-orange bullets.

The look of panic flashed across his face, and the expression may have been adjusted back in an instant, but his eyes were not so easy. This panicked emotion passed through his eyes, and it was all recorded on film.

There are rules in the crew, and before the director stops, no matter what happens, the performance must go on.

So Brad Pitt could only bite the bullet and finish his lines, staring into Jack Nicholson\'s eyes, hoping that the old guy on the opposite side would never go crazy and pull that shit-like trigger.

"Ok, cut!"

After dozens of seconds, Wayne finally shouted contentedly and stopped. At this moment, everyone found out that Brad Pitt suddenly leaned against the bar, with sweat on his forehead.

"This one is over, everyone rests for fifteen minutes."

"Shit, fxxkyou jack! m-fxxk what do you want?!"

The slowed down male protagonist suddenly let out a low growl, and at this moment he could tell that he was very scared.

Just think about how stressful it is to have a real gun on your forehead. Even in the police or the military, pointing the muzzle at your partner is taboo, even if there is no bullet in the gun.

There are frequent shootings in this country, let alone being pointed at by a gun, and hearing a sound similar to shooting from a distance, the first reaction of a normal person is to get down immediately and find a bunker nearby to hide.

"Hey, hey, don\'t get excited." While reassuring his partner, Jack Nicholson looked in the direction of the monitor, asking the director of the film to help explain it. Unexpectedly, Wayne pretended not to see his cry for help. , lowered his head and wrote and drew in the notebook.

"It\'s just a joke, Brad, it\'s just a little joke, you listen to me, the insurance on this thing has never been opened, and our camera shot once, didn\'t it..."

The two of them murmured and discussed for a while, not knowing what the old guy paid for, but finally calmed down his partner, which made him begin to wonder if it was not worth the gain by playing like this.

"Have you rested?" It wasn\'t until then that Wayne came over with a loudspeaker, raised his hand and patted Brad Pitt on the shoulder, took out his cigarette and handed it over. "Hey, if I were you, I wouldn\'t let this old guy go easily, what do you think?"

He didn\'t even look at Jack Nicholson\'s reaction and yelled into the loudspeaker. "Make up, make up for our male lead, hurry up, take advantage of their good condition, we\'ll finish filming the scenes here today!"

Watching the two make-up artists chasing after the male lead for makeup, he nodded with satisfaction and walked to his director\'s chair.

Jack Nicholson, who was ignored the whole time, looked at his partner with embarrassment. "Shit, Wayne is very vengeful, I swear to God, he\'s very vengeful."

Looking at this old guy who always likes to make fun of himself, Brad Pitt pouted and turned his head to make it easier for the makeup artist to touch up his face. Face.

"You\'d better not speak ill of the director, otherwise Christian Bale will definitely take it seriously when he hears it, and then punch you hard. Think about his Batman body? It must feel very sour."

Listening to his partner\'s yin and yang\'s weird ridicule, Jack Nicholson glanced around subconsciously, and then remembered that the other star was resting today.

"Don\'t mention the stereotypical Englishman, he\'s a lunatic! But this kind of person is usually more successful..."

Every director will like this kind of actor, and everyone understands the reason. An actor like Christian Bale is dedicated, hardworking, professional, and can give everything for the role. These qualities may not be very rare, but they can be placed in a talented In people, there will be qualitative changes.

I have been with this British actor for a few days, and the other two protagonists are not very willing to play with him, but they respect his acting style very much.

Everyone in the crew knows that Christian Bale has always been grateful for Wayne\'s support. If he hadn\'t been chosen to play Batman Bruce Wayne, it would be impossible for a young actor to spread his name all over the world like he is now. possible.

It is also because of this that the British actor signed the contract without hesitation even if the "Departed" only had a million-dollar salary.

This is estimated to be his last low-paying project. With Christian Bale\'s current reputation, the pay for Batman\'s second film will definitely increase significantly. This is the law of the market, and even the production company will not easily violate it.

Sequels have always been the biggest source of money for actors, and the risk of easily switching roles in a film is too great for the studio to bear.

The only good news is that Wayne made preparations in advance and made several major actors sign long-term contracts with Warner Bros. Even if the salary increases, it will increase within a normal range, and there will never be a second place. The box office is divided into three parts.

Just think about Johnny Depp, who earned more than $30 million in horror films in the last two "Pirates of the Caribbean" films. This is the result of Disney\'s unwillingness to give a share. Robert Downey Jr. appeared in the Avengers. There was only so much time, and with the scary numbers he got, Wayne kept reminding himself that he must do everything in front of him.

"In today\'s Hollywood, among practitioners under the age of 30, Wayne Greenberg is definitely the most profitable one! The information I only get from the surface, in the movie "Batman: War Hour" In the middle, he will be able to get hundreds of millions of dollars in remuneration!

This young tycoon can not only make money, but also has a very precise investment vision. According to the information learned by this reporter, he has been investing in the stock market since 1992 and 1993. His main investment targets are Microsoft and Oracle, and he also holds a small amount of money. There is Google stock.

Now the combined stocks of these three Internet companies are conservatively estimated to be more than 250 million US dollars. It should be noted that the market value of these three companies is still growing rapidly. In addition to the investment in Internet companies, it is the largest component of Wayne Greenberg\'s assets, the shares of Warner Bros.

This part of the figure has always been a mystery. Some financial institutions have speculated that his stake will not be less than 7%, and he is likely to be the largest natural person shareholder of Warner Bros. And Warner Bros. is the most important asset of Time Warner Group, no one!

Such a young representative of the American dream with a net worth of one billion, but it is completely opposite to the image left to the public. Maybe some people thought he was sunny, handsome, and talented before, but now Wayne Greenberg\'s ex-girlfriend is standing. Come out to prove that this is a Chi Luoluo irony.

This talented Hollywood director with a bright appearance and a lot of money, secretly likes to violently abuse women and is full of control. Whether he uses dirty money to achieve his goals is still unknown~www.novelhall.com~ There are already some A number of women\'s rights organizations will provide legal aid to Katie.

At the same time, they called on all walks of life to pay attention to women\'s rights and interests, to resist Wayne Greenberg voluntarily, and to prevent this human demon from using movies to continue to deceive innocent movie fans. Many innocent people bravely stand up..."

With a "pop", the whole newspaper was thrown onto the table, and a fat hand was retracted, scratching his chin lightly.

In Miramax\'s office, Harvey Weinstein turned his gaze from the newspaper to the director sitting across from the desk, his eyes full of wonder.

"Anthony, don\'t tell me, you and that Stuart Baird did all of this?! No, you can\'t have such a lot of energy, it\'s interesting..."

"Harvey, I promise." Hearing the big fat man on the opposite side, Anthony Minghella said quickly: "Stuart and I just want to disgust him, everything else has nothing to do with us! Like you said, The two of us don\'t have that much energy."

At this moment, before the two of them could continue their discussion, a strange picture suddenly appeared on the always-on TV, the cbs channel of one of the largest cable television networks in North America. Eyes feel creepy and full of weirdness. The hero of the picture is Wayne Greenberg!

"fxxk, it has nothing to do with you two British guys, even I can\'t figure out this kind of handwriting, big hand..."

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