Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and fifty-four - guarding justice is the most important thing

In the business class of the flight bound for Los Angeles, when the plane entered a stable flight state, Christian Bale deliberately changed positions with Nina, and wanted to take the opportunity to chat with Wayne.

Last night was probably the most relaxing day during this period. Holding Jennifer Connelly and sleeping peacefully until dawn, Wayne was full of energy at this time, staring at the white clouds outside the window, thinking about the movie. Post work.

"About the second Batman, do I need to gain weight during this time?"

Christian Bale asked the most concerned question, because when filming "The Departed", his weight was deliberately reduced by a few kilograms to match the setting of the characters in the film.

"It\'s better to go back to the way it was in the first movie."

Turning his head and looking at each other from top to bottom, Wayne secretly sighed in admiration.

"Get ready, Chris." Looking at the other person\'s eyes, he decided to reveal some information in advance. "The absolute protagonist of the second part is not Batman, but your opponent The Joker, and the story of this part will make you very frustrated."

The end of the last movie, The Moment of War, can be regarded as the end of the Hollywood tradition. After all, no matter how dark Gotham City is, there is a bright sunshine behind the film. The last scene of Rachel and Bruce was also suppressed. The audience in the field brought light.

Compared with the dark knight to be filmed next, the story of the battle moment is not too heavy. Since this is the opening work of Batman, Wayne is still very concerned about the audience\'s acceptance, and even many large-scale scenes have been rejected. deleted.

The beginning of this series of films with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars is doomed that this is not a cult film that makes him wantonly. Whether it is for the film audience or for the expectation of the follow-up series, this must be a dark realistic style. commercial film.

"Well, I think I\'m ready."

Christian Bale shrugged, at this time he didn\'t understand the real meaning of the reminder. "Wayne, will Nami be in the second part? Or are you going to change Rachel\'s character?"

One of the hotspots of media discussion some time ago was the news that Naomi Watts was pregnant. In that situation, no one would be stupid enough to inquire about it.

Now that the heat has basically passed, he asked his doubts.


Hearing the other party\'s reminder, Wayne stretched out his hand and slapped his thigh. He ignored this issue again. He had been busy working on "The Departed" and didn\'t have time to think about it.

"You have to go back and ask her for her opinion. You know, women in this period are very sensitive." He sighed and spread his hands, revealing a helpless smile that a man could understand. "Maybe she will give up this job and take care of the children at ease."

Don\'t talk about Christian Bale, even he doesn\'t believe it that much. With Naomi Watts\' dedication to her career, she will most likely leave her child aside and join the crew immediately after she regains her figure.

"It seems that I don\'t need to change "girlfriend"." British Batman saw that he was in a good mood, and followed with a joke, before walking back to his position and changing back with Nina.

Looking at his back, Wayne pondered wickedly, Batman Bruce Wayne doesn\'t need a girlfriend. Maybe those ordinary movie fans still have some expectations, looking forward to seeing the lovers get married in the second part, but all of this is impossible.

Bruce Wayne is a pure sinkhole for women, and he didn\'t plan to change this setting in the movie at all.

Women who have a relationship with Batman or have feelings for each other have almost no good results. Maybe those comic fans know that without Diana Prinz\'s demigod physique, don\'t play with Bruce Wayne. game.

I am afraid that only a sturdy woman like Wonder Woman can guarantee that she will be safe and sound after she has dealt with Batman and Superman.

Not to mention the uncertainty about the heroine Rachel, even Arthur the Joker is hesitant now. Nicolas Cage has not signed multiple film contracts, and the price is really not cheap.

From the point of view of a pure film director, it is definitely suitable to use a big star. How to ensure the film\'s performance and how to choose, but from the perspective of producers and film company owners, any choice will be flawed.

"Warner Bros. PR is ready. This show is waiting for you to go back and participate."

When Nina came back, she lowered her voice and whispered to him about the plan this time.

"I\'m curious." Wayne frowned slightly, looked at the assistant beside him, and asked softly. "Is this thing true, or is it purely a show for marketing, although I don\'t dislike doing it, but you need to know the truth."

The bottom line is almost as good as nothing to him, and even the idea of ​​​​marketing dead people, he can provide it without blinking an eye. But after listening to the plan prepared by the public relations department this time, he became a little curious, after all, it involved a child.

The assistant lady seemed to know that he would ask, and there was no surprised expression at all. "I understand, it should be true. Daisy found out about that child\'s situation, and only then did this plan come up."

"That\'s not bad..."

After the plane landed at Los Angeles International Airport and separated from the two actors on the spot, Wayne got into the car that came to pick him up and returned to the manor first.

It has been more than two months since Naomi Watts, and more importantly, the child in her belly. This woman is very obedient. No matter what happened during this time, she never left the manor, and even the maternity check was carried out in a low-key manner.

Her estimated due date is in mid-March, and it is only about two months away from now, which is the period when she is most afraid of accidents.

For the next two days, Wayne stayed in the manor and did not go out. He was at ease with the Australian girl with a big belly. It was not until two days later that he was notified and rushed to Warner Bros. to start the prepared show.

As time slowly approached the end of January, CNN Global reported a piece of news that suddenly caused a sensation during the awards season, taking away the attention of countless films and celebrities.

The reason was the "Batman" parade in Los Angeles. Originally, the group of fans wanted to express their support for Wayne, and wanted to tell more fans in this way not to believe those dirty water from the dark.

Later, after the media reported the incident, there were also such activities in more schools. Children put on Batman\'s clothes, as if they were transformed into superheroes of justice, and gradually turned the slogan into an anti-school bullying.

The parade only lasted one night and ended, but more and more schools were affected. It was like a trend that kept spreading over time.

In this land, campus bullying is like racial discrimination. It will always be a hot topic in society, and it will never be completely solved, even in the past 20 years. It is the fusion of multiple races. inevitable phenomenon.

"Recently, groups of little Batmans have appeared in schools in North America, wearing battle armor representing justice, to jointly oppose bullying and racial discrimination in schools.

An elementary school in Florida also hosted an event where students could wear their Batman outfits and come to a party of justice.

A little boy in third grade also wanted to participate in this activity, but because his family\'s financial conditions did not allow him, he did not have any Batman equipment, but his teacher Laura Snyder told the little boy , you might as well try to make one of the most special ones yourself!

So the little boy picked up a graffiti pen, drew Batman\'s logo on a gray T-shirt of his father, and put it on himself. The little boy thought it was a very cool dress, but he received taunts and bullying from other students at the school and stained his own design.

The little boy can only hide in the corner and cry, because this is not the first time he has been bullied. Those children who wear the armor of justice against bullying are like a joke at this time. After learning about it, Teacher Laura decided to do something for the child. Although she knew that there was little hope of doing so, she still contacted Daisy, the organizer of the parade.

She hoped that the leader who started the parade first would be able to give the little boy some help. Sometimes justice may be late, but at least not absent, even Teacher Laura did not expect, and soon she received a letter from Daisy, telling her that she had passed the news to the creator of the Batman movie Wayne Greenberg .

This incident quickly aroused the anger of director Greenberg. He directly stated that this is a supporter of Batman\'s righteous spirit, how can he be bullied by others? He then contacted Teacher Laura, and the next day he arrived in Florida and ran to the child himself.

In front of many students in the school, he told the little boy, "Don\'t give up your dream because of others\' ridicule!" The child who only wanted a bat suit at the time received not only a full set of bat equipment, but also a bat suit. A ticket to the premiere, hand-painted by Wayne Greenberg, to guarantee that the kid will get to see Batman Part II as soon as possible.

Not only these things, this child has also received funding from Wayne Greenberg. From now until graduation from college, he will no longer be troubled by the embarrassing family conditions and can concentrate on his studies with confidence.

This incident then alarmed the top management of Warner Bros. The next day, all the Batman crew members wore gray bat T-shirts designed by the little boy, and took pictures and mailed them to the little boy. Warner Bros. urgently made 100,000 pieces of the t-shirt and put them in surrounding stores.

One hundred thousand t-shirts were swept away by fans in one day, and the money obtained from the sale of t-shirts was given to the mother of the little boy by Warner Bros. in the name of design fees to improve the living environment of their family. , while encouraging the little boy to keep his righteous heart.

Later, the story attracted more attention, and director Wayne Greenberg also issued a statement that he would use part of the pay he got from Batman to set up a charitable fund~www.novelhall.com~specially For children who have been victimized by school bullying.

In front of the main entrance of the Warner Bros. Building, a huge rock was also placed on which was engraved the sympathetic shirt representing Batman, and the bat pattern designed by the little boy was drawn one-to-one, which recorded the production company. All the staff members have jointly guarded a child\'s dream and future!

And in order to thank this little boy for his special liking, DC Comics specially customized a post-college office according to the little boy\'s age. No matter whether he has studied comics in the future, he can take this office to come. Worked as a designer at DC Comics. "

Such a documentary-like news report detonated public opinion in North America once it was broadcast. The little boy on the TV screen was mosaicked throughout the whole process. In order not to cause trouble to the child\'s future life, his information will be kept strictly confidential.

Throughout the nearly 20-minute news, his name and photo were not disclosed from beginning to end.

Facing an interview with a reporter from CNN Global Report, Wayne said to the camera: "Children may not know the consequences and seriousness of bullying children, but every big child with justice should understand that guarding this little boy How important is the justice in the heart!"

These few remarks in the live broadcast won the favor of parents all over North America in just a few minutes. Countless ordinary families with children remembered this director, who had received mixed reviews in media reports, and then took the initiative to collect his information. , learn about his films.

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