Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and fifty-eight - careful man

It\'s now the end of January, and soon Los Angeles will usher in spring again. The temperature here has never respected winter, just like those who hacked Wayne, never respected his careful eyes.

"Call from Bruce Rosenblum."

The assistant lady trotted over and helped Naomi Watts to walk back while talking. "Boos, your cheerleader Kitty\'s ex-girlfriend, Katie, was ruthlessly abandoned. As soon as the legal department of Warner Bros. came forward, all non-profit women\'s rights organizations and legal aid disappeared, and only the girl was left to face a The lawyers of the media group, they are prosecuting various crimes..."

Wayne stretched out his hand and nodded. "Nina! I don\'t want to hear this shit."

The Australian girl squeezed Nina\'s hand lightly, the two looked at each other, and raised a mocking smile together. Although Naomi Watts was very willing to continue listening to these gossips, she silently stopped the assistant lady.

In front of outsiders, this man will always be a mature face far beyond his age, and he should not be approached by strangers at work. Only the assistant can ridicule him face to face. After all, Nina represents more than half of his life ability.

"Speaking of business, I need a nap after I\'m done."

Wayne took the lead into the living room, deliberately sat under the window where the sun came in, leaned on the sofa and hugged the golden retriever, enjoying the few remaining vacations.

Helping Naomi Watts to sit down first, Nina put away her smile, pushed her glasses and sat opposite him. "Okay, here comes the news we\'re waiting for, faxed by Bruce Rosenblum himself."

As she said that, she pointed to the table with two sheets of printing paper on it, and continued: "Warner Bros. has been staring at Disney, Universal Pictures and Sony Columbia, and their big productions this year have been announced one after another. The release time is here.”

Nodding his head, Wayne picked up the faxed information, which had been classified by Warner Bros. staff, so that people could understand all the arrangements of each company at a glance.

There are only films whose schedules have been announced, but the projects that can be promoted to the outside world in advance will only be produced by the heads of various companies.

Looking at the names of these familiar movies, he realized something was different. If he hadn\'t intervened like a plug-in himself, Disney would probably have been a big winner this summer.

Whether it\'s "Ransom Storm" directed by Lang Howard, or "Breakthrough to the Dead Island" where Exploding Bay began to show his self-worth, and "101 Dalmatians" that fascinated countless children, they are all concentrated by Disney\'s The distribution company Bowei Pictures has arranged for a crowded summer vacation.

Pulling over the assistant\'s notepad, Wayne took off the pen stuck on it and drew circles on several movies while thinking.

"They\'ve all started advertising, right?"

Pointing at the printer paper with a pen, matching the selected targets in his mind, he raised his head to look at Nina.

"That\'s right."

The assistant didn\'t know what he was calculating. No one could predict the outcome of a movie before it was released. Even if it was a big investment and a big production, every investment was like a gamble.

But after working as a personal assistant for so many years, she still knows her boss well. Some of this man\'s decisions seem to be taking risks, but he is an extremely conservative character. He will not take action easily if he is not sure. Just knowing this is enough.

"It can be said that the war for the summer program has already started. I just asked. After these companies and theater companies set the file, they have all started pre-promotion. There are no uncontrollable accidents, they will not Change the release time, otherwise all the publicity and distribution funds invested now will be wasted."

"That\'s good, that\'s the best..."

Looking at Wayne\'s expression on the other side, Naomi Watts suddenly felt awkward. The man was smiling, but the corner of his mouth was a sullen mockery, like a vicious cobra, constantly spitting out letters.

"Call Townsend Rothman for me and say I\'m willing to help them design a comic universe for free, yes, just tell him that there are no other strings attached, and I\'m willing to help them make a long-term contribution to the X-Men. Plan, ask him if he\'s interested."

Nina looked at him in disbelief. The assistant lady knew some of his plans. The X-Men treasure series, when the time came, was originally going to be intervened by Greenberg Studio.

The timing is when Universal\'s "Hulk" comes out, and Twentieth Century Fox will see that superheroes aren\'t something anyone else can understand.

With the comparison of the box office fiasco, Wayne, the project planner and chief producer, will become unique in order to get the other side to pinch the nose and allow Greenberg Studios a piece of the pie.

Of course, this plan is subject to change, and even Wayne can\'t guarantee that the world will be affected by his wings, allowing the early appearance of "Hulk" to succeed.

"Don\'t look at me, go."

There are some things he can\'t explain. There are many options for money-making projects besides the X-Men, but they are unpleasant opportunities, but he is not willing to wait for a moment. He is not afraid that other people will know about these things, otherwise some people will really Think of him as a good old man who can throw dirty water at will!

Naomi Watts has been watching silently all the time. She doesn\'t understand what all this means, but she knows that someone will definitely be unlucky.

"Townsend-Rothman wants to talk to you."

After about ten minutes, Nina clutched the phone receiver and walked back to ask in a low voice.

Wayne waved to her, shook his head and said, "Give it to me, it seems this old guy is tempted."

He took the phone and put it in his ear, gently stroked the big head of the golden retriever, and greeted the microphone with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Townsend, this is Wayne."

The other side of the phone was silent for a while before a familiar voice came. "Everything your assistant says is true? Wayne, I don\'t want this to be a **** joke."

"Yes, before 1998, I would personally help Fox plan the X-Men, and even be the producer of the opening film!"

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Townsend Rothman, who was on the other side of the phone, was confirmed and took a deep breath. He understood what this promise represented. No one would easily take profits calculated in billions of dollars. to let go.

As early as last year, when he ran to the farm, he knew that if he didn\'t give this young man enough benefits, the other party would not be able to intervene in the X-Men. This is a commercial society, and feelings have always been a foil for interests.

"Just to remind you, Wayne, I did get hints from some people, but Twentieth Century Fox and News Corp didn\'t take part in all the little things you did before."

"Of course, that\'s why I\'m willing to find you." Wayne stood up from the sofa with the phone, put one hand in his trouser pocket, walked to the ancient mottled floor-to-ceiling windows, and looked at the busy gardeners in the garden through the glass.

"I need you to advance the release date of "Independence Day" by a week!"

As soon as his voice fell, an exclamation came from the microphone. "That\'s impossible! Wayne, the name of this film is called Independence Day, which means it will only be released on Independence Day, July 4th! The reason why Fox hasn\'t started promoting it is also because I can\'t take it Seventy-five million investment risk, the board will not allow me to do it! Damn, the current Fox CEO is not me!"

"You think about it, you can contact me when you figure it out. This condition will remain in effect until the summer vacation."

Far away in the Fox Building office in Century City, Townsend-Rothman hung up the phone and lit a cigar in silence.

It stands to reason that this matter is not negotiable. With an investment of 75 million, no one dares to risk such a large amount of money, let alone a senior executive, even a major shareholder would not dare to make this decision.

After thinking about it carefully, he pressed the phone again, and after a while, the door of the office was knocked, and the secretary came in with a document.

"A week before Independence Day, which company\'s project has been finalized?"

The secretary looked down at the document. "Three days ago, Universal Pictures announced the release date of "Professor Fat Guy", and also started pre-promotion, the film\'s prospects are generally optimistic, the director is Tom Shadiak, starring Eddie Mohamed Faye, Jada Pinkett Smith and others, this Jada is Will Smith\'s wife."

"Okay, I see."

After the secretary went out, Townsend Rothman felt a headache even more. The hero of "Independence Day" was Will Smith~www.novelhall.com~ that "Professor Fatty" turned out to be his wife starring, all this It\'s just too coincidental.

And Wayne\'s goal is obviously Universal\'s masterpiece. The good news is that at least he didn\'t want "Independence Day" to hit "Hulk".

He muttered to himself as he exhaled a large puff of green smoke. "You really look up to "Independence Day", so you can definitely squeeze Universal Pictures..."

At the same time, in the Warner Bros. Building in Burbank, Bruce Rosenblum also frowned slightly, looking at the fax that had just been sent in his hand.

This year, Warner Bros. has several major productions. The most promising inside the company is not Wayne\'s new project "The Departed", but the huge investment "Tornado", a big project directed by Jane de Bont. , is the commercial bomb to replace Batman this summer.

The release date that should have been announced long ago was stopped by Jeff Robinoff. Needless to say, there is a Wayne factor.

Now, in two weeks, the revised release date will be announced, and he knows at a glance that the target is Paramount.

He has full confidence in his own film, Bruce Rosenblum, even if he is going to match Tom Cruise\'s "Mission Impossible". The difficulty is to re-negotiate the contract with the theater company, and it is not only the schedule of this film that has changed in this information.

No matter how many headaches other people have, after the first step of leisure chess, Wayne didn\'t think about it, took two days off with peace of mind, and plunged into the post-production studio of Warner Bros. Studios, and officially started Editing for The Departed.

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