Hollywood Drawing

~: Thirty-two-A horror films

Different from the box office statistics, the statistical results of the questionnaire made his extremely nervous heart relax a little in an instant.

According to Fox staff statistics, a total of 5,680 people watched the film on the first day, and 20th Century Fox returned a total of 5,650 questionnaires. Among them, 1,477 people gave the film an A+ rating, and 4,153 people gave the A rating. There are only 20 ratings.

The word-of-mouth of the movie\'s premiere can be described as an explosion. Now he only hopes that fans who give A rating or above can pass it on by word of mouth and send relatives and friends to the theater, so that word-of-mouth can be converted into box office.

After drinking all the beer in the glass, Wayne walked out of the bar and returned to the apartment, ready to rest early.

The sun slowly moved from the east to the position of the head, and Ector Henry walked into the classroom with a sandwich. Because noon was a short break, groups of boys and girls gathered together and chatted with each other about topics that everyone was interested in. .

Ektor went to sit down beside a few of his friends, who happened to be discussing plans to go to the movies together on vacation.

"I heard that Alien 3 will be released at the beginning of next month." It was a chubby boy who was obviously a fan of monsters. "I left pocket money for two months just to buy those alien models, do you want to come together?"

"Hey, we don\'t like those disgusting monsters, is there any other choice?" Obviously his proposal was not friendly to girls.

"Daisy and I watched a movie yesterday. It was very good. Let\'s watch it again when we have time?" After eating the sandwich, Ector introduced the movie to his friends. "I swear, this is the most personal horror movie I\'ve seen in recent years, and I\'ll watch it again anyway."

"Horror movie? Are there any monsters in it?" the chunky boy asked Ektor.

"There are no **** things, this film is about our college students, and the story takes place in the school. How about you go, we can go together." Ector looked at the few around him expectantly. Friends, he wants to share what he likes with his friends.

"Okay, let\'s go together after school in the afternoon, I hope it\'s as beautiful as you said."

"Don\'t worry, it\'s definitely very cool!"

Due to the small scale of the screening, and whether there are any channels for publicity, "Happy Ritual Day" was screened for three days without any plague or fire. As time fermented, audiences who had watched the film spontaneously promoted it, and slowly more and more young people entered the theater.

On Saturday morning, the latest box office summary of the film was also handed over to Wayne by Terry. Looking at the various data in front of him, just as he imagined, he finally let go of half of his worries,

On the second day of Wednesday, the average attendance was 24, and the total box office revenue was $34,800.

On the third day on Thursday, the average attendance was 29, and the total box office revenue was $43,900.

On the most important Friday, the average number of attendees was 45, and the total box office revenue was $68,100. On Friday night, the number of people increased significantly.

The screening began for four days and grossed $175,600 at the box office, with a single-hall box office as high as $4,390.

Looking at the table in his hand, he knew that there would not be too many surprises. As long as the normal growth is maintained today and tomorrow, the two days of the weekend, this film will definitely be expanded.

Picking up the phone next to the sofa, Wayne called Terry from the Fox distribution department. Some things had to be communicated in advance. Although legally speaking, the ownership of the film no longer belongs to him, and he is now just a director.

"Terry, I\'m Wayne, and I saw the statistics of the film." He took the data sheet and considered how to communicate with the other party about expanding the screening.

"Yes, this result is not bad, it is already higher than our highest expectations. Now we will see the performance of these two days off. But Wayne, I can tell you in advance that the film will definitely be expanded."

"How many theaters Terry? You should see the potential of "Happy Day", which will definitely generate a lot of revenue for Fox."

"Don\'t worry, I just said that it depends on the reaction on the rest day."

"Well, let\'s do this first, we will keep in touch at any time."

Just when Wayne hung up, Terry also hung up in the conference room of Twentieth Century Fox\'s distribution department. In the conference room, in addition to Terry, there is also director Townsend Rothman, and other employees of the distribution department.

Townsend Rothman saw him hang up the phone and signaled the meeting to start. They were about to discuss the release of "Alien 3".

In addition to Alien, there is also "Happy Memorial Day", which is currently being screened and which is beyond everyone\'s expectations. Alien Needless to say, this is the first project of 20th Century Fox this year, and it is also the first packaged project handed over to caa, and it will definitely be the focus of next month\'s release.

Terry first talked about the project he was working on: "I think "Happy Ritual Day" will maintain the current screening scale and see the response on the weekend. When the box office statistics are released on Sunday, we will choose to expand the scale of the screening. Only the box office on weekends is available. Only by reacting can the true potential of the film be shown.”

After speaking, he looked at his boss, Townsend Rothman. Seeing that he had no objection, he motioned for the meeting to continue. Now several big Hollywood giants are more and more cautious about the investment in the film, but even with this cautiousness, there are still countless bad films that cannot recover the cost.

Not to mention the low-level directors like Wayne, even Steven Spielberg and James Cameron, if they want to get investment from these giant film companies, they will go through layers of review, and no one will take dozens of them. To the hundreds of millions of dollars joking.

With the arrival of Saturday, the North American film market has resumed its lively scene. 20th Century Fox\'s investigator Simeon appeared again in the theater in charge of him.

He looked at the lined up ticket windows, and roughly calculated the ticket sales for Happy Memorial Day.

"Hey, work, instinct is one." A black man walked to the ticket booth.

"Two instincts."

"Happy birthday six, thank you!"

"Is there a happy festival? Okay, give me four!"

"Happy Memorial Day two."

"Happy birthday six!"

According to Simeon\'s close observation, it is obvious that the people who buy the festival happy are young people, and most of them are students and friends. In the first four working days of the film\'s release, although the number of box office numbers showed an upward trend, there was no sign of an outbreak.

Since this morning, the number of viewers has grown explosively, and the number of people who bought the festival has increased significantly, which has exceeded the instinct of lining up four halls. Simeon made a rough count and found that more than 70 copies were sold in this festival, which was during the day on Saturday.

He knows what\'s going on. From the director to the actors, this film is made up of novices, so it\'s basically not appealing. There was no publicity work in the early stage, so almost no one knew about the movie.

Now, according to the word of mouth of the audience who have seen it, more and more audiences begin to enter the theater under the recommendation of friends.

At this time, the manager of the theater appeared at the ticket booth and asked the ticket clerk about the ticket sales situation.

"Simion, do you still want fans to fill out the questionnaire? There are nearly 80 people in this scene, I think you will definitely be overwhelmed!" The manager saw Simeon and chatted with him skillfully.

"There is basically no need to fill in, but I will collect data at night. How about you, you didn\'t expect this film to break out in the morning, right?" He and the manager sat in the rest area and discussed the film.

"Who would have thought of that? I think you, Fox, must not have thought of it, otherwise, it would not have been a small-scale screening." The manager waved his hand and made fun of Fox. "If this film is still so popular in the afternoon, I will call the head office and ask them to ask 20th Century Fox for more copies."

"Don\'t think about it. As far as I know, there have been forty copies of this film, and there is not even one more. However, depending on the situation, the copy factory will be working overtime to produce overtime. Starting next Monday, this film will definitely be expanded." Simeon Innocent shrugs, indicating that they definitely won\'t get the theater before Monday.

After four working days of fermenting, the festival finally played a huge role in the audience\'s spontaneous word-of-mouth publicity on Saturday night. From New York to Los Angeles, there are countless young people looking for this film.

Many people came to the theater in groups just to watch this film. But the reality is that there are only a few theaters showing Happy Memorial Day, and there is only one copy. Even if the theater wants to arrange more films, there is no way.

Early the next morning, Twentieth Century Fox was notified of yesterday\'s hot situation and statistics, and the statistics were also on Townsend Rothman\'s desk.

After he read the statistics, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not wait until Monday to notify Terry and asked him to contact the printing factory to start printing copies today and expand the scale of screening tomorrow.

"Saturday\'s one-day box office was $103,000, with an average attendance of 68. The total box office was $278,600, and the single-house box office was $7,000. The audience\'s A rating was as high as 94%. This is an A-level horror film..."

This is definitely a precursor to an explosion. No one would have thought that a low-budget horror film would achieve such a result. If the explosion at the box office on Saturday only further increased the weight of the festival\'s happiness, then the skyrocketing box office figures on Sunday have become the best basis for the expansion of the film\'s screening scale.

Starting from the first show in the morning on Sunday, the box office of the film began to soar, with 40 theaters in two cities, taking in $133,000 at the box office. Including the total box office of $411,600 in the previous days, the single-hall box office exceeded $10,000, reaching as high as $10,290.

Even if you just look at the single-day results of Saturday and Sunday, it has already reached the data that only big-selling movies will have. By 12 p.m. Sunday, after Fox had received the stats, Terry called Wayne to inform him that Fox had made an expansion decision and asked him to come to the sixth floor of the Fox Building tomorrow for a meeting.

Putting down the phone in his hand, he walked to the window and lit a cigarette. Through the blue smoke, he looked at this brightly lit city of angels.

Wayne can be sure that he is about to succeed.

No matter how many trials and tribulations this film has gone through, as long as tomorrow is over, it will appear on a large scale in the theater market across North America.

The goal that I initially set was finally completed. I successfully took a solid step, and it will not be so difficult in the future.
