Hollywood Drawing

~: Thirty to twenty-first birthdays

Time inadvertently came to the end of February 1991. Since Wayne sold his first film, he didn\'t care about it anymore. In terms of publicity, Fox is more professional than him as a film director.

While waiting in the apartment, he has been insisting on writing, and some plans are related to his future development. Now Greenberg Studio\'s account still has $4 million in cash, and he has no idea of ​​using the money except to give his family $1.2 million.

Wayne doesn\'t know whether his next movie will be invested or not, which depends on the screening results of "Happy Day". But he has to be prepared, ready to go on an independent production when the next film plan is ignored.

To be honest, it didn\'t feel good. The experience of being an independent producer made him feel like he had died once. There is no denying that this experience has taught him a lot, but Wayne is definitely not willing to try again.

For the humble crew, he had to do several jobs by himself. Those days were too hard, and the work process did not leave him any joy. He wants to do only what a director is supposed to do, rather than part-time several jobs.

After receiving the movie buyout money from Greenberg Studios, the first thing Wayne did was to pay $3,000 each in the Directors Guild and the Screenwriters Guild to join the two unions.

This is because after the film is released, there are still some small shares, mainly for directing the film. Although there are not many in this regard, it is a long-term meal ticket, which includes a film box office share and a video tape rental transaction share.

Despite the uncertain prospects for the first film, Wayne began writing the script for the second film. The time may not be so urgent, but he still insists on writing something every day, which allows him to focus on new projects and no longer have to worry about the happiness of the festival.

The first choice for the second film is still a thriller. In fact, it will be a type that makes people think deeply, not a surprise or a ketchup. A dystopian story that mainly shows a deep understanding of racial issues in today\'s North American society.

Of course, this is only his first choice. If there is still no investment, on the premise that Wayne can only produce independently, he will choose another relatively low-cost film, a film that will make the Chinese director a **** in the field of horror films.

So after he joined the Screenwriters Guild, he gave priority to filing these two script frameworks to avoid possible troubles in subsequent filming.

On the first day of March, he put down the pen in his hand and rushed back to his home, Ventura County, in the greater Los Angeles area. In two days, it will be his 21st birthday, and he hopes to spend it with the old Greenberg.

In fact, he has completely adapted to the North American way of life. The legal age of majority here is 18 years old. After 18 years old, he has the right to vote, can serve in the military and drive, and is also the minimum age for employment.

The reason why the society generally looks at the age of 21 and thinks that you are an adult after 21 is that there are many laws in North America that restrict people under the age of 21. For example, the most common tobacco and alcohol, cigarettes are generally left unchecked, but drinking in public is absolutely not allowed.

The law is stipulated in this way, but generally no one deliberately abides by it, especially in familiar places. He himself went to the convenience store to buy tobacco and alcohol countless times. The clerk did not check strictly, and rarely asked him if he was old.

21 also means a lot, in casinos no under-21s are allowed to play tables, in some state brothels and strip clubs are not open to under-21s, and some adults clubs do the same.

In the eyes of the old Greenberg, Wayne is a man after the age of 21. Since then, when he smokes, drinks or gambles in public, no one will care about him anymore. He will start to learn to plan his life by himself.

Wayne\'s feelings for the old Greenberg were precipitated from childhood to adulthood. He didn\'t know Wayne\'s actual cognition, but patiently taught him how to see the world since he was a child.

The pickup was driving on Route 101, listening to the country music in the car, and he wondered how his out-of-tune father would help him celebrate his 21st birthday. Hope you don\'t take him to a strip club, where a lot of boys go to celebrate.

On March 3, on the day of his birthday, although the gift he got didn\'t fit his character, it was better than going to a striptease. Touching the large revolver in his hand, he looked at old Greenberg helplessly.

"Dad, are you going to ask me to use it to hunt elephants? I swear, the elephants will never be able to take a shot at it."

"This is the guy a man should play." Old Greenberg looked at Wayne proudly and pointed to the large revolver in his hand. "Do you like it? I specially picked it for you, but you can\'t take it out of the farm, you can only play at home. You can take it to protect your mother, and you can use it to protect your wife and children in the future."

Looking at the big guy in his hand, he really didn\'t know what to do with this thing. Colt Python, a double-action revolver designed and produced by the American company Colt, has only been on the market for a year. This thing usually uses .44 caliber Magnum ammunition, which basically beats the bear. Guns can be broken.

"Of course, I like it very much. Don\'t worry, Dad, I won\'t take it out of the farm. If the police see me in Los Angeles with this stuff, I promise they will definitely empty the magazine for me ahead of time." Wei En put the gun in the box, complained about the police, and held the box on his bookshelf.

"Your mom bakes you cakes in the kitchen, well, I made James kill a little lamb. Do you want some grown-up drink, lad? I\'ve got some good stuff in my collection, we\'ll go to the back, these can\'t be made Your mother saw it." Old Greenberg dragged Wayne mysteriously and walked to the backyard of the villa.

While he was stroking the quarter horse and feeding it carrots, old Greenberg didn\'t know where to find a bottle of Chivas and two square cups.

"Dad, didn\'t you promise Mom that there will never be anything related to alcohol in the house? You usually hide it somewhere, but it hasn\'t been found." He watched Old Greenberg proudly pour the wine and took it asked in surprise.

"Your mother asked me to choose between alcohol and guns. I can only choose guns." Old Greenberg took a sip of wine and continued. "Boy, this involves the secrets of men after marriage. You must have your own secret base, your own space."

Looking at his proud father, Wayne enjoyed the atmosphere at home very much. He knew that his father\'s character was among the Jewish people, and he was definitely a strange person. He didn\'t like to make money by taking his own life. In his 30s, he was guarding a large farm all day long.

He himself vaguely knew some of the past events. His father may have suffered a serious mental blow, so he would hide in this quiet farm and enjoy life.

In fact, his memory before the age of five is very vague, but he is very sure that before moving to the farm, his family lived in a big house on Mabry Beach.

"Reuben, Wayne, come to the restaurant for dinner, don\'t think I don\'t know what the **** you two are doing in the backyard!"

Hearing his mother\'s voice, Old Greenberg quickly put away the wine bottle and stuffed it in the tool room beside the horse pen. After he hid, the two walked into the restaurant together.

"Haney, you are a man from today. In the future, you will leave home and have your own life and family. Thinking of this, my mother feels uncomfortable." Seeing the father and son come in, Anna hugged her son hard.

"Mom, I won\'t start a family so early. I still have a career and a dream to accomplish." Wayne also hugged his mother and comforted her softly. "Even if I have a life of my own, I\'ll always love you, Mom."

"Okay, sit down and try the cake I baked for you." Mother pulled Wayne to the table and asked him to sit in front of the cake. "By the way, look at the gift your mother gave you, do you like it?"

He saw a packaged box next to the cake. In terms of appearance, his mother was much more careful than old Greenberg, who directly handed him a large pistol.

After unpacking the ribbon that tied the box and tearing off the outer wrapping paper, Wayne opened the box and found that it was a watch. UU reading www.uukanshu.com This is a Hamilton mechanical watch, which is more business-oriented. Obviously, his mother has taken into account his future work needs.

"Thank you mom, I like it very much." Wayne put on his watch directly, got up and hugged his mother again.

"Let\'s cut the cake, Mom, I feel like I\'m going to starve."

"You have to blow out the candles first, child!"

The quiet life on the farm will make time go by very fast. Apart from riding a horse and going for a lap every day, Wayne keeps writing things. He has to consider two sets of project proposals to deal with different situations. I also used my mother\'s channel to deliver a few short stories to Random House.

The footsteps in April, inadvertently entered Wayne\'s life, he left his father a check for $1.2 million and hurried back to Los Angeles.

It has been more than half a year since he started writing Happy Memorial Day, and the screening time set by 20th Century Fox is getting closer and closer.

Even if he lived a new life, and the accumulation of two lives, An Nai couldn\'t help his urgency, and wanted to see his works in the theater as soon as possible.

The reason why he hurried back to Los Angeles was because he saw his new film promotional advertisement on TV. On Fox\'s evening show, there was a fifteen-second commercial that he edited by hand.

As far as he knows, 20th Century Fox has only produced 40 copies, and 20 theaters each in New York and Los Angeles, which are also the two cities in North America that best represent the audience\'s wishes.

The audience for the film is definitely young people. According to statistics, these two cities are also the most active gathering places for young movie fans. In the spring season, April is the traditional off-season for North American films. Wayne only hopes that when the film starts, the performance will not be too ugly and the screening can be expanded.