Hollywood Drawing

~: Thirty-four-week box office winner

The next Friday afternoon, the crew and the Fox distribution department held their first media and fan meeting at the Santa Monica Commercial Plaza in Los Angeles.

When Naomi and Uma walked onto the public carpet holding hands and looking like a sister, it sparked cheers from fans, while Ethan Hawke, who followed behind, received much less attention. .

This is determined by the content of the film. His male protagonist is actually a big tool man, far less brilliant than the two beauties.

Wayne, who finally came to the stage, hardly received any attention from movie fans, but the media, contrary to the crowd of movie fans, saw him walk quickly to the stage and kept wasting papers. Everyone in the industry knows that the success of this film has something to do with the little actors, but the director is the main creator.

The fan meeting went very smoothly. The audience cheered for the friendship between the two girls several times, especially when they heard the stories of mutual encouragement and mutual help in the crew, they were touched several times.

As a large number of media and fans dispersed, they also had to pack up immediately and rush to New York for a promotional tour of the film.

As for the two women who were just as close as sisters, they shook off each other\'s hands when they entered the backstage, and walked into their respective dressing rooms without even looking at each other. The managers of the two also looked at each other helplessly, no matter what, as long as they exercise restraint.

"Naomi Watts and Uma Thurman are different from the show. The two beautiful girls have always been very good sisters."

"Naomi Watts and the director are neighbors. According to reliable sources, they fell in love with each other because of the drama. Naomi said that she particularly appreciates the talent of director Wayne Greenberg. Hollywood has another pair of golden boys and girls."

Thanks to 20th Century Fox\'s hard work in public relations, a lot of news about them has appeared in the media. Whether it\'s speculation or fact, at least it\'s very popular.

In particular, the various gossip tabloids under the Xinwen Group have simply fired their relationship. If you read the newspapers, you will definitely not know the relationship between them.

The purpose of this is extremely clear, which is to pull the people who see the news into the theater and make them the audience for watching the film.

So, when the latest North American box office was announced this past Monday over the weekend, both Wayne and Twentieth Century Fox, who were promoting it, laughed.

With a thousand theaters, "Happy Ritual" earned US$15.84 million over the three weekends, making it into the box office rankings. It also achieved the best single-house box office result of the month with a single-house box office of over US$15,000.

And 20th Century Fox acted very quickly this time, once again expanding the scale of North American publicity screenings. At this time, even if God came, it would not be able to stop Fox from reaping more benefits.

On April 27, the third week of "Happy Memorial Day" landing in North American theaters, that is, the last Monday in April, Fox increased the film\'s theaters to 2,328, and began to invest large sums of money in publicity and high-level performance. Indiscriminate bombardment of density.

Wayne and the crew are also promoting in major cities in North America. No matter which city they go to, there are countless young people and the media chasing Naomi and their three main actors.

Countless eyeballs are staring at the two beauties, and both the media and fans are praising their sisterhood. As time went by, Wayne naturally attracted some attention, and the media from time to time put "Young Talented Director Wayne Greenberg" in the entertainment section of the newspaper.

On the contrary, Wayne himself disapproved of the various propaganda of the media. In the eyes of the three actors who were vying for fame and fortune and vying for positions in taking pictures, it seemed very unusual.

Naomi asked him more than once after a warm stay in the hotel why he disapproved of the media\'s publicity, but he hardly answered the question directly.

Until today, when the two of them came out of the hotel bathroom in Boston together again, Naomi couldn\'t help reminding Wayne.

"Don\'t try to stay away from the media, dear. Those newspapers and TV stations are very interested in you, and you need them to expand your influence for you."

He shook his head and said indifferently: "Nami, I\'m different from you. Even if the media praises me to the sky, I still have to rely on my works to speak. If my next works fail, they will praise me for how enthusiastic I am now. How hard it is to scold me."

Wayne has always been sober, and will never be dizzy by the small praise from the surrounding media. No matter what age, the director ultimately depends on the box office of his works to speak, and now there will not be too many audiences focusing their attention on the director.

At least ten years later, when the era of various information openings arrives, the director will gradually step into the foreground and have his own fan group.

When Wayne and his cast, led by Fox staff, walked through Boston to Miami, "Happy Day" took home $9.85 million over four working days, and when they were promoting in Salt Lake City, The film grossed $19.83 million in three days this weekend.

After this film has been screened, screened on a small scale, and expanded, its full potential has been released. There was great enthusiasm for "Happy Memorial Day" among the young people. With their support, the total box office of the film exceeded 50 million US dollars, reaching 52.39 million US dollars.

This can be regarded as a box office miracle. This week, Mel Gibson\'s "Lethal Weapon 3" won the weekly box office championship with a $2 million advantage in the North American box office list. It is such a small-cost independent film. The miracle of cinema.

This is the first weekly box office champion of "Happy Memorial Day" and Wayne\'s first box office champion.

However, both he and the Fox staff knew that the film\'s box office journey would soon come to an end. After all, this is a horror thriller, and it is not a mainstream commercial film itself, and its audience is only aroused by young people.

And North American horror films have an exceptionally short screen life, and some don’t even stay in theaters for three weeks. "Happy Memorial Day" also can\'t escape this rule. For Fox, this is already a very good result. Next week, "Alien 3" will take over and continue to fight.

The production cost of this film is only a pitiful 1 million, but now it has won dozens of times the box office. This figure can also guarantee the high price of various subsequent copyrights.

And the most profitable is by no means the box office of the film, the follow-up TV copyright, videotape copyright, and peripheral licensing are the most profitable. The North American film industry has long passed the era of needing box-office profits. In this era, the proportion of box-office profits for a movie definitely does not exceed 15% of total profits.

Of course, if you want follow-up revenue, the North American box office is the foundation of everything. All of this is based on the premise of the film\'s box office sales, and then the follow-up operation.

And this type of videotape has always been a hot-selling type for offline videotape rental and sales. As far as peripherals and videotape are concerned, Wayne believes that Fox has also made a profit. The degree of their profitability will be in the tens of millions due to the addition of Fox\'s sound upstream and downstream industry chain.

"Just heard the news, Wayne."

Just after entering the hotel, Jimmy walked over.

This is the last week of publicity, Wayne will leave the team after participating, and the popularity of the film will slowly pass away. Twentieth Century Fox will continue to travel to several small cities with a few actors, and there will also be some actors summoned by Fox to participate in the follow-up promotion. There is never a shortage of actors who want to take advantage of the popularity.

"What\'s the matter, Jimmy?" Wayne called the hotel door and asked Jimmy to come in with him. He thought it was some kind of gossip.

"I heard from my caa colleagues that Mel Gibson was very unhappy that Lethal Weapon 3 lost to a small budget horror movie like Happy Holidays.

This Australian wild boar has always been rumored in the pen. He is very short-tempered, and he is also a serious drinker. Every time he drinks too much, he can\'t control his temper. This time I heard that he not only called his assistant, but also fired the agent of icm, ready to turn to caa. "

"Isn\'t that very good, you caa have another golden signboard." He obviously disagreed and didn\'t understand what Jimmy wanted to express.

Jimmy looked at him helplessly and continued to remind: "I heard that Mel Gibson is very dissatisfied with you~www.novelhall.com~ Compared to his status, it would be very troublesome to target you?"

"Just because the box office of "Lethal Weapon 3" was overtaken? Is he so boring?" This surprised Wayne, and felt that even if he had no brains, it would be impossible to target people for this kind of thing. If he has to target others every time the box office fails, he will not do anything else, and it is impossible to have the current coffee spot.

Seeing that he really didn\'t know, Jimmy decided to say directly: "The box office is not the main reason, it\'s race, Wayne! It\'s race. Almost everyone who has worked with this Australian knows that he has serious racial discrimination, and the object of discrimination is It\'s the Jews.

He said more than once after drinking alcohol that all the Jews should die. Therefore, his popularity in the circle is not good. If it weren\'t for him to continue to create value, I believe that no producer would use him. "

Jimmy\'s words made him fall into contemplation. He had indeed heard these rumors in his previous life, and according to the rules of this circle, rumors can generally be believed 90% of the time. He still vaguely remembered that Mel Gibson had fallen on this, and had been silent for many years.

This is also a ruthless man. Because of its difficulty, no one wants to find him a job. He is the director himself, and it seems that he has also directed the Oscar. The impact and box office of the Passion of the Christ are not low.

"Don\'t worry, Jimmy, we just need to pay attention. Now we are still far away from his coffee position. Pay attention that he has nothing to do with me."

Jimmy comforted him, he just took things to heart and didn\'t care too much. As he said himself, he is just a small director, and there is not much interaction with the other party. We\'ll talk about it later. If he really makes trouble, when he gets to that position in the future, there are ways to make the other party, and the other party should not have too many flaws.
