Hollywood Drawing

~: Ten - stumbling

He accompanies Naomi to sit under the umbrella, drinking coffee, watching passers-by in a hurry. In Hollywood, which pursues efficiency, the people who walk in a hurry are generally practitioners in this industry, and those who are not in a hurry to hang out slowly are mostly tourists.

"Let\'s go back, Wayne, I believe I\'ll keep my name here in the future, and I\'ll live in Beverly Hills too."

Naomi looked at the direction of Beverly Hills in a daze, and pulled Wayne to the way home. On the way, Wayne drove the car and looked at this suddenly silent woman from time to time.

Maybe this is what motivates her. It is undeniable that everyone is working hard for those fame and fortune, but everyone who can persevere deserves his respect, because he is also one of them.

The holiday was over, he declined the invitation to go to the apartment opposite, went back to his room, and took up a pencil against the California sunshine at the end of October.

Two days passed in a flash, and he quietly painted at home for two days of sub-shots and made a two-day shooting plan. The shooting plan is probably a reference. No one can guarantee that it will be completed every day, or that it will be completed in half a day. He just wants a reference.

November 1st, eight in the morning. He drove the pickup, followed by the crew and various filming equipment, prop cars, to the film set, Vincent High School in Orange County, Los Angeles.

Luke has already driven to the front. He will go to the hotel to sign the contract, and then go to the school to coordinate in advance. It was nearly ten o\'clock when Wayne led the motorcade into the school.

Fortunately, the place that needs to be used has been cleared, but there are some children, curious about the filming process, surrounded the team from a distance, watching the staff arrange the machines and the scenery.

He got out of the car and looked carefully to see the road from the dormitory to the outside. This was the first scene to be filmed. Because these scenes were relatively simple, he took the purpose of training the crew and filmed them first.

After watching Naomi simply put on makeup, lighting, props, scenery, and Luke all gestured ok to him, he adjusted the monitor and walked to the camera.

The main photographer is Wayne. He didn\'t hire another photographer. He did a good job. After adjusting the camera, Wayne walked up to Naomi, who looked a little nervous, and said to her:

"Naomi, let\'s try shooting first, don\'t be nervous, this scene is very simple, you just need to come out of the dormitory, see various classmates along the way, pay attention to the expressions, don\'t be too exaggerated, be natural, especially watching To the fainted classmate. Ok?"

Naomi smoothed her hair and nodded in agreement:

"Ok, I can handle it, no problem."

Seeing that she understood, Wayne walked behind the camera with satisfaction, and he wanted to follow along for a while.

"Happy sacrificial day, the first scene, the first trial shooting, start!"

Naomi came out of the dormitory again, looking around strangely, while walking forward. After a few steps, Wayne shouted loudly.


Immediately afterward, he walked to the confused Naomi, and instructed her carefully:

"Naomi, pay attention to your facial expressions, you are not a little trick anymore, you are the heroine! The camera will zoom in on your face in high-definition throughout the whole process. Don\'t use too much force and be natural."

Naomi might be a little nervous at what Wayne said, so she asked:

"Sorry, what should I do, I don\'t know how to express that confused feeling without expressions."

He stretched out his left hand, pointed Naomi\'s eyes with his index finger, and told her patiently:

"You are a movie actor, use your eyes, eyes, don\'t say you don\'t understand!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked, and said loudly to everyone:

"Reset, reset all, Luke, you go and direct those extras and tricks, let them return to their positions, let\'s try again."

With the second test shot, Wayne called to stop again halfway through. This time Naomi was much better than before. There was progress, so he reset and continued for the third test shot.

The third trial shot was inexplicably smooth. From Naomi to various actors, from beginning to end, this one was particularly smooth. He felt that while he felt good, he immediately shot it.

"All departments are reset, and the real shooting begins. Lily, Naomi is refinishing the equipment. This time it is real shooting!"

Wayne pushed the camera and saw that Naomi was ready, so he looked at the lighting engineer, and when he saw him nod, he was ready to start right away.

"Happy sacrificial day, the first scene, the first act, start!"

Naomi just took two steps, and before two seconds, he stopped again, this time he ignored the actor, walked directly to Steve, and said to him:

"Steve, the light is a little brighter. The background is too dark now. I need the heroine Terry to come out in a sunny day, so that there will be a sense of contrast when the light changes later."


Immediately, they started filming again, and the students who started to watch the film, which they thought was a mysterious filming, were such a boring thing, and they all began to disperse slowly.

"Happy sacrificial day, the first scene, the first act, the second time, start!"

With the sound of the recording board, the whole team followed Naomi and walked this road that I had walked several times. This time I felt very good. Just when it was about to end, I heard Wayne screaming again. stop.

"Luke, Luke, go tell the fainted child, what does fainting mean! Tell him not to look at the camera, fainting means to close his eyes full of curiosity about the world, go now, immediately!"

He was also a little helpless, and he was about to end this one very smoothly, but the problem happened to the actors. He could no longer hold back his irritability, he could no longer hold back his anger.

Once again reset, make up, start. Stopped again, this time it was the lighting engineer who didn\'t master the lighting well, and there were obvious changes in the shot. He was very annoyed by this stupid mistake.

Reset again, start. The extra actors continued to have problems, either looking at the camera or taking the wrong position. It started again, Naomi\'s mood was affected and became unstable. Just when Wayne was furious and was about to start spraying people, he shouted and rested.

Sitting on the director\'s chair behind the monitor, he lit a cigarette and tried his best to suppress his anger. He knew in his heart that these were the things that the new crew had to go through, and that everyone had never run in before, so it was inevitable that some cerebral palsy mistakes would occur.

The staff in the crew also need to get into the state and slowly find a point of tacit understanding. But he still couldn\'t hold back his temper. At this moment, he finally understood why directors were generally violent.

The reason for letting everyone rest is to let everyone ease their nervous and anxious emotions, and he also eased a little. He knows that losing your temper will not solve any problems, but will only deepen everyone\'s negative emotions.

After smoking a cigarette, he looked at his watch, it was already twelve o\'clock, he got up and walked to the camera, looked at everyone, saw everyone gesturing, ready to light up for Naomi Head down, signaling to start immediately.

"Happy sacrificial day, the first scene, the first act, the nineteenth time, start!"

As Naomi walked out of the dormitory building, everyone followed her to start this simple long shot. Maybe it was because of rest, maybe because everyone was hungry, and the unexpected went smoothly. Originally, Wayne did this one. Prepare for the day.

"Ok, this is over, everyone rest and have lunch."

Everyone looked at Wayne behind the monitor, and they all breathed a sigh of relief until he was satisfied with what he said.

He took the hamburger from Luke and watched the film just now while eating it. He shook his head. He didn\'t expect it to start off smoothly. It took a long time to shoot a shot of more than ten seconds. planned.

He still underestimated the difficulty of filming. Just as he took out the director\'s notebook and revised it, he found a person sitting next to him and handed him a cup of coffee.

When he took the paper cup, he realized that it was Uma Thurman. There was no show for her today, but Wayne saw her watching it all morning and didn\'t leave.

"Wayne, you know, just now you looked so gloomy and terrifying, everyone thought you were going to turn into a furious hair dryer. I didn\'t expect you to be able to suppress your anger and concentrate on your work. You know, I ran a few times too. The crew, there are only a handful of directors who can do that, and you did a great job."

Uma Thurman watched him take the coffee and took a sip before sitting beside him and talking to him.

Wayne glanced at her and replied:

"Getting angry will not solve the problem, it will only make everyone irritable with me. I am the producer and director of this project, and everyone is watching me. I can\'t take the lead in making the work harder for everyone."

Uma raised her eyebrows. This is not the first time she has seen a director who can suppress her emotions instead of venting them. UU reading www. uukanshu.com can suppress her temper is a successful director, but her purpose is not to send coffee to Wayne.

"Wayne, I think I can understand your stress. How about having a drink together at night, it can at least temporarily relieve anxiety."

After speaking, Uma put down her own coffee, and lightly scratched the back of Wayne\'s hand with her fingernails. Before he could say his refusal, he felt another person sitting beside him.

"I\'m sorry, Ms. Thurman, Wayne invited me to dinner tonight. If you have other business, next time."

Naomi sat down, stared at Uma and said. Uma turned her head, and the two stared at each other. Wayne could clearly read their eyes, clearly saying "bxxxh!"

"Uma, I have to revise the shooting plan at night, and I have to arrange the shooting plan for tomorrow. There is a lot of work. Next time."

Wayne said something to Uma, but without waiting for her to respond, he got up and went to Steve\'s side to discuss the lighting for the shoot.

Steve gave him a good feeling. Although Steve may be the most difficult to contact in the crew, his ability is above the standard, and he can find the feeling he wants right away.

Luke hurried over and whispered to Wayne:

"You\'d better go over there and have a look. Just now, your props master, Rose, had a quarrel with Mia on the set."

As soon as Wayne heard this, his head felt bigger, and he asked Luke in a low voice:

"Do you know why? It\'s impossible to quarrel for no reason, right?"

"The two jobs are a bit related, but they don\'t seem to have a good temper. At first, Ross sat in Mia\'s chair, and then he didn\'t know why."

The reason was absurd, but he thought it might be very big, and he walked towards the two of them while thinking about how to solve it.