Hollywood Drawing

~: sixty-girlfriend

Hearing Paul Charles\' proposal, both Wayne and Jimmy were stunned.

Jimmy asked inexplicably, "African girlfriend?"

"Yes, the official African-American girlfriend! Of course, this is just for the media and fans to see, in order to keep the popularity of the public fans, so that they will always remember the movie "Escape from the Dead" until it is released. "

Paul\'s words made Wayne fall into contemplation. He was thinking about whether this matter would affect him.

"Paul, if I agree, how are you going to arrange it?" Wayne took the cigarette in his hand and lightly lit the coffee table. He wanted to hear how Warner planned before making a decision.

There are various ways to hype movies in Hollywood, and romance hype is the most common way. Whenever a star suddenly reveals a relationship, don\'t be in a hurry to believe it and see if there is a movie starring him that will be released recently.

This kind of publicity method of attracting the public\'s attention with love and keeping the popularity of the film is the cheapest and most effective one.

Therefore, for those celebrities who suddenly broke out in love and gave high-profile interviews, don\'t look at the touching stories they made up by the distribution company. In fact, they are all for the box office of the film and the beautiful knife in the pocket of the fans.

"Harry Berry!" Paul Charles stared into Wayne\'s eyes and spat out a familiar name from his mouth. "Don\'t you think the plot of this racist farce is too monotonous?

Her current acting path is completely cut off. No director or producer dares to use her. This incident involving Halle Berry is considered a taboo in the circle. "

Paul said while staring at Wayne\'s face. The biggest difficulty in this matter was the director. If he shows disgust with Halle Berry, everything Warner Bros. will not work.

Seeing that Wayne\'s expression did not change with the name Halle Berry, Paul continued: "If you agree to this plan, we are responsible for getting that woman. She has no choice now, to cooperate with us, her acting Dreams can go on and on.

A reporter from Warner Bros. will interview her later. She will have a good impression of you because of your generosity. You will meet at the right time and have a strong relationship. "

"Is that so?" Wayne took a deep breath and slowly exhaled a cloud of white mist. "I believe you should have follow-up plans, right? Otherwise, if you spend so much effort just hyping our relationship, at most you will let the public see a couple.

This may increase the attention of the film, but now the film has just started shooting, and it will be at least half a year away from its release. People are fond of it. "

Paul-Charles suddenly understood why Jeff admired him so much. The director\'s brain is very smart, and he has always kept a clear and calm state, and will not let his emotions dictate his judgment.

"Of course there is!" Paul\'s tone was appreciative. "This is just the beginning of the plan. Your relationship must last at least until the end of the film. In the middle, you must maintain exposure from time to time, and the character of a talented director and an African-American beauty must always appear in the public\'s ears.

As long as the news of your love comes out, you will definitely gain a lot of attention in a short period of time. After this wave of popularity starts, Warner will immediately combine the film to make you a broad-minded and educated person, sympathetic to ethnic minorities, and willing to be for everyone. A gentleman who strives for equality. "

Maybe he felt that he was talking too fast. He was afraid that Wayne would not be able to receive so much information at the moment. Paul paused for a while, took a sip of coffee from the water glass, and then continued:

"This "Get Out" was written from your pen, and the hints and thoughts on racial issues are not too obvious. A gentleman director who advocates racial equality, made a film that reflects racial issues , isn\'t it a good match?

And this director also has a minority girlfriend, you won\'t know what that means. These conditions will allow countless minorities to enter the theater and support your own director.

In addition, the main characters of this film are all African-Americans, and the male protagonist is also a hip-hop singer, so they will naturally be supported by those people. "

Wayne leaned on the back of the sofa, slowly touching his chin with his right hand, listening to Paul Charles\' plan, which was simply breathtaking. It can only be said that these film and television industry giants, in order to empty the money in the pockets of movie fans, all the methods of showing each other directly attack the weakness of human nature.

This plan is quite feasible and can maximize the height of this low-cost R-rated film. As long as the plan is implemented, the effect will be better than the announcement of hundreds of millions of dollars.

"I agree!" Wayne said calmly as he squeezed out the cigarette in his hand. "I agree with your plan, but I also have conditions!"

Paul saw that he agreed, no surprise at all. This is a director with a brilliant mind. Don\'t look at the stories he wrote in the films he made, which made people feel chills down their spines, and the stories were dark from the inside out.

However, his films only have dark themes, but they never chase the audience. Instead, there are a lot of Hollywood tricks in order to stick to the audience. To put it bluntly, this is an alternative commercial film director.

Such a director, as long as there is a means to increase the income of the film, the other party will never refuse.

Paul smiled and asked, "If you have any conditions, you can tell me!"

"First, this matter has to sign a non-disclosure agreement and contract with Halle Berry. The contract must state that our relationship will only last until the end of the film." Wayne stretched out a hand and raised a finger .

"Second." He looked at Paul Charles and raised a finger. "I can cooperate with your marketing plan all the way, but Halle Berry needs you to persuade."

Hearing this, Paul smiled and shrugged. "Of course, you don\'t need to worry about other things, we have a way to get the black beauty to agree."

Wayne nodded, expressing his belief in his words. For such a film and television giant with a market value of tens of billions of dollars, it is very easy to get a young African-American actor.

"Thirdly, we are just a couple on a contract, and I don\'t even mind getting engaged to her! But after the movie ends, after I break up with her, you are responsible for handling public opinion.

That\'s all for now. If there is a situation in the future, we can discuss it again. If Warners can do it, I agree with this announcement plan. "

"These are not problems." Hearing Wayne\'s conditions, Paul nodded and agreed without any hesitation. "Our guys will then go get the woman, and you can come over tomorrow to sign the contract."

After talking about this, Paul thought for a while, his face became formal and serious, and he continued: "Warner\'s publicity department will formulate a rigorous plan, when will the romance be announced, when will she appear in public for the first time at the same time, and when will she move into you? The manor, how often you show your love, you will make a rigorous plan.

I want to remind you that Director Greenberg agreed to this plan, and he must not quit halfway and cause an accident! "

"You can rest assured, Paul!" Wayne also put away his relaxed expression and agreed with a serious face. "Since I agree with your arrangement, I will definitely not quit midway. There are also my interests here. The higher the box office of this film, the higher my share!"

"Okay, that\'s it." Paul stood up and extended his hand. "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Wayne took his hand, and after a few words of greeting, he walked out of the supervisor\'s office with Jimmy, went downstairs and returned to the car.

"Jimmy, what do you think of this plan?" After getting in the car, Wayne recalled all the plans and asked Jimmy.

Jimmy has also been thinking with his head down. He is considering how much benefit this incident can bring to his clients and whether it will have a bad influence.

"No problem at all." Jimmy heard Wayne ask him, raised his head and glanced at Sergey, and saw that he was driving the car attentively before continuing: "Companies like Warner have rich experience in hype, you can rest assured, as long as they If you want to use this incident to maintain the popularity of the film, it is impossible to let things get out of control."

After saying his opinion, Jimmy and Sergey said hello. "Hey, big man, just put me on the side of the road. I won\'t go back to the manor with you. I have to go back to the company to make some preparations."

"Thank you~www.novelhall.com~ brother." Cadillac stopped at the entrance of the caa agency. When Jimmy got out of the car, he made a phone call gesture to Wayne, said hello to Sergey, and left.

The car drove all the way through the streets of Los Angeles, heading straight for Mullanhe Road in Beverly Hills.

As for hyping himself up, Wayne didn\'t expect it at first. It\'s not yet the Internet age, and computers in North America are not so popular, so there is no place for movie fans to gather and discuss.

It\'s only 1991, and there are not so many movie fans who gather together to discuss online, so the director, a behind-the-scenes job, has his own fan group before he even takes the stage.

A few years later, when the information dissemination method of the mass fans has undergone fundamental changes, a large number of director fan groups will be born.

Compared with the fans of other star actors, the director\'s fan group is much more hard-core. They won\'t hate you because you smoke leaf cigarettes, and they won\'t leave you because your private life is messed up. The only way to get them off powder is if you make a bad movie.

At that time, the director will have the opportunity to go from behind the scenes to the front of the stage and personally come off the stage to promote his film. If it weren\'t for just in time for this farce, Warners wouldn\'t hype a young director, because the effect is too far from the hype star.

Since the day he joined Warner Bros., Wayne has quietly revised his shooting plan in his heart. In Warner Bros. copyright library, there are too many films suitable for his operation, which is one of the reasons why he is very cooperative with Warner.

He himself believes that as long as the film meets his expectations, his importance to Warner will become more and more prominent. He let Jimmy know that although this giant company produces a lot of films every year, the directors who can be tied together and cooperate can be Not really.