Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and twenty-seven - Hollywood's "long legs" theory

Movies that are well-received by the audience often mean that the stamina will be very strong, which is hardly surprising. You must know that the first line of people who walk into the theater to watch movies is not the media or film critics. They are usually also staring at the data. The first line of movie sinking is always the audience.

Therefore, the audience\'s word-of-mouth, especially the large-scale positive comments, can really be converted into movie box office.

Taking advantage of the break at noon, a few people chatted briefly. As the afternoon work began, Naomi Watts took the initiative to hide in the director\'s office and waited for Wayne\'s work to end.

In fact, even with Sofia Coppola\'s own speculative hints, the Australian actress is still not optimistic about the film, especially the global box office that can exceed one billion US dollars. The audience\'s word of mouth is overwhelming, and it can indeed change the box office trend to some extent, but even if the improvement is large, the film\'s first weekend box office is 28 million US dollars!

Since Hollywood entered the 1990s, the biggest change was the strong development of the global film market. It is precisely because of the great success of the globalization strategy that almost every year, one or two movies with extremely high box office are produced.

But Naomi Watts has noticed that even if there are dazzling films at the box office every year, the top ten in film history actually changes very limitedly. If it weren\'t for the middle of this year, Wayne\'s "Batman: Darkness" "Knight" has swept the world amid much anticipation, and I am afraid that the box office list of film history will not change this year.

This is very telling. Even the media is not the same as in the past few years. The box office of a film can break 300 million in North America and 1 billion in the world. Numerous examples in the past few years have awakened everyone. The North American box office has broken 300 million, and the global box office has broken 1 billion. It is still a very small number of people, with a very small probability of luck.

Counting forward the billion-dollar global box office works, no one has achieved such a poor opening weekend. So she is sure that even if the box office of "Titanic" is strong, it will be a market size of about 100 million yuan in North America at most.

Obviously, the development of things has always been in line with Naomi Watts\' expectations. When the time came to the last day of this week\'s workday, the "Flash" crew ended all filming, and just in time for another weekend, most of the crew was disbanded at the studio.

The box office of "Titanic" basically did not show any improvement, and it still maintained a stable image.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. On Monday morning, 20th Century Fox announced the box office of "Titanic" on the next weekend through its media. In a short period of time, the entire Hollywood and the entire North American entertainment media lost their due. the sound of.

Compared with the 28 million US dollars at the box office in the first weekend, the film won a crazy 35 million US dollars in the three days of the next weekend when the professionals and the media were not optimistic.

Compared to the first weekend, the spectacle of film history, the box office bucked the trend, was proudly exploded by 20th Century Fox when no one was ready.

You know, "Titanic" is not without strong competitors. "Starship Troopers" is like a little dark horse, and it has always performed very well. Miramax\'s "Good Will Hunting", which was released the following week of "Titanic," also earned over 30 million at the box office.

But it seems that no matter how strong other films are, this big ship is surprisingly stable, moving forward unhurriedly, and all competitions are like small splashes in the sea, being slowly run over by this big ship.

"One week."

On Monday morning, agent Jimmy pushed open the door to the living room of Greenberg Manor with a stack of newspapers in between. The first sentence after he sat down mentioned the "Titanic" that made countless people lose their voices. "In the more than a week since the release of "Titanic", there was a girl who watched the movie more than 50 times like crazy! F**k, she almost slept in the movie theater."

And all he said was the girl with the most views. Jimmy threw it on the entertainment newspaper on the coffee table. There are still many reports in this regard, and more girls who have watched it dozens of times have been interviewed by reporters.

"I\'d rather sleep in a movie theater in order to see Leo one more time!"

"Although I cry every time I watch a movie, Lai Ao is so handsome..."

"I\'m willing to empty my pockets for the last penny for Leonardo DiCaprio!"


Jimmy shook his head, looked at the people on the sofa, and said with emotion, "These girls are crazy!"

"Who said you can\'t make money selling your face?" Wayne shrugged and picked up a newspaper with a smile.

As he expected, the media that criticized Xiao Lizi for selling his face before, now how can Xiao Li meet the sky, as if the previous harsh comments did not exist, and began to frantically hype Leonardo DiCapri again Oh, the great love performed.

"The tone of the media has changed too fast!"

Tilting her head and looking at the newspaper, Naomi Watts said helplessly: "The box office of "Titanic" has not exceeded 100 million US dollars, right? These people can\'t wait to hit the film into the sky."

"Which movie have you seen that bucked the box office the next weekend?" Throwing the newspaper back on the coffee table, Wayne picked up the coffee in front of him, took a sip and continued, "This can be counted as one of the biggest in film history. It\'s a miracle, the audience\'s word of mouth is so powerful, so powerful that it has changed all market rules."

As a Hollywood film director, seeing the miracle played by James Cameron, it is false to say that he is not envious and jealous, and even his heart is inexplicably sour.

Several times in the entire film history, there is no director who can act like a truck driver in front of his colleagues all over the world. To be precise, even the later "Avatar" is not as high in the number of viewers as this movie. The miracle of "Titanic" is still just the beginning.

Naomi Watts stared at the newspaper and murmured. "The stamina caused by the word of mouth of fans..."

"Yes, stamina." Wayne nodded and said with some regret: "But don\'t think too much, this kind of scene is basically impossible to replicate."

\'Houjin\', this is actually the name translated into Chinese, and the word is called \'legs\' in the circle. Legs, yes, thighs! If a film does well in its premiere, but the box office drops sharply in the later stage, there is a high probability that the audience has a bad reputation, that is, lack of \'stamina\', which is commonly known as "little short legs".

And if the box office of a film is not bright in the first week, after the second week begins, the box office will gradually become strong, stable and lasting. It means that the audience of the film has a good reputation, full of stamina, and really long legs! In some ways, men like long legs no matter where they are...

In general, fans with an adaptation basis are interested in films (such as those from DC, Marvel, and various literary comics), sequels (films with successful predecessors, such as Chainsaw, Fast and Furious series), explosives The box office results of the first day and the first week of the rice flower cool film will account for a relatively high proportion of the final box office of the film.

If a film can occupy the above two or three factors, then the film’s premiere box office ratio will be higher. The typical one is Marvel’s “Avengers” series, which not only has a fan base, but also a popular sequel and explosion. Corn properties. Although this type of film has the attribute of "little short legs", it can attract crazy money in a short period of time, and it can get terrifying box office in a few weeks.

Of course, this truth is not absolute, it is not that such films cannot have "long legs", such as "Batman: The Dark Knight", whether it is the version of Nolan in Wayne\'s head or made by him. This version of the movie also has a huge fan base, as well as a sequel to the big fire movie, the only thing missing is the popcorn attribute.

Because the film is well-made and the overall quality is excellent, it has aroused a crazy good reputation among fans as soon as it was released. Not only did the box office break out completely in the first weekend, but the subsequent box office trend was also surprising because of the good word of mouth effect. Although it has similar attributes, it is also a typical example of "long legs".

In fact, what can affect the length of "legs" is not only the audience\'s word of mouth, but also the most important schedule. As we all know, North America is most likely to have two high-box-office periods, one is the frenetic summer period, and the other is the New Year’s period at the beginning of the year, also known as the Christmas period.

The summer season seems to be extremely frenetic, and high-box-office films appear frequently, but in fact, more of them are "Little Short Legs~www.novelhall.com~ because the main crowd in this season is students and teenagers who are on vacation.

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Hollywood\'s most sought-after film companies have also put their top films into this schedule. As a result, in the current summer schedule, there will be more than two big productions every weekend. Blockbusters get together. , it is difficult to make the film "lasting" because of the audience\'s word of mouth.

On the other hand, for the audience, they can see more than two new films every weekend, so on the first weekend of the new film\'s release, most teenagers have already watched it for the first time. Passers-by, this is the main reason for the summer blockbuster "Little Short Legs".

The so-called New Year\'s gear is precisely the time when "Titanic" is stuck. Especially around Christmas time, the production company and the theater company have a tacit understanding of the films released at this time, and they go through long-term screenings.

In the warm atmosphere of festivals and holidays, most of the entertainment activities of North American families are to go out together as a family and go to the cinema to watch a movie.

It\'s also a New Year\'s gear, and North America is very different from us in this regard. Our New Year stall is also called the Spring Festival stall, and the box office breakout time is concentrated in the seven days after the year. Once this legal holiday is over, the box office will drop off a cliff.

As for the North American New Year\'s film, the opening is not as explosive as ours, but it will be much better in terms of durability. If you look closely, you can find that many of Hollywood\'s so-called classic "long legs" are from this time. .

Maybe this schedule is not as competitive and the box office is not so easy to explode, but the persistence is second to none. Therefore, many independent productions or partial literary films produced by small companies have fallen in love with this schedule.