Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and thirty-six - the situation of Chinese Americans in Hollywood.

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Maybe some people are not particularly broad-minded due to the influence of age and growing environment, but usually such people are not stupid, such as Miss Lizao who claims to come to Los Angeles to "play".

Not only did she collect a lot of information about Hollywood in advance through the relationship of her best friend, but she also came to Los Angeles alone, and it took three days to get through the phone on the business card again and live in the female assistant. Book a hotel room.

Especially when seeing not only Wayne, but also a famous black actor in Hollywood, he did not show the slightest discomfort and quickly entered his role.

The reason that drives her to do this is very simple. Whether she learned about it in advance through a relationship, or she has witnessed it through newspapers and magazines in the past few days, it all shows one thing, that is, in the Hollywood circle, Wayne. - Greenberg has the best reputation for this.

As a Hollywood star, no one is afraid to talk about this, and she has seen countless previous gossip reports. It\'s a very interesting phenomenon. Over the years, any woman who has had a relationship with Wayne Greenberg has all gotten what they want.

And in the face of interviews with the media, he never hesitated to use this relationship to talk about things and stir up the heat. The attitude of the man is also very obvious, obviously he doesn\'t care about the nonsense of a few women.

What surprised her even more was the atmosphere in Hollywood. Wayne Greenberg\'s attitude towards women is not a sneaky mess at all, or a one-night stand that meets the eye. Men have never hidden it in the face of the media. Even with the media exposure of his relationships with those women, the man has never expressed his displeasure in public.

This made Miss Lizao feel very strange. Because Wayne Greenberg did not have a legal wife, nor did he have a publicly recognized girlfriend, his relationship with many women was exposed many times. It has never seemed to affect men\'s careers, and the public does not seem to raise these to the moral level.

Also, she has already inquired about many rumors. In this regard, in addition to Wayne Greenberg, other Hollywood veterans may choose to complete equal-to-equivalent transactions in the face of already famous star actors. As for Those little actors who are still nothing, no one will care about the life and death of those little actors...

"I\'m very lucky."

I glanced at the hotel bedroom and found that the famous Hollywood actress was lying on the bed alone to make up for her sleep. Miss Lizao rolled her eyes and looked at the man\'s tough face up close and said, "This time Back across the Pacific after the trip, I\'m going to join a very good director\'s crew and play the heroine of that movie."


The woman\'s words surprised Wayne for a moment. He thought that this ambitious girl was looking for an opportunity to stay in Los Angeles this time. But when I look back, I feel a sense of enlightenment. That\'s right, the national teacher selected her in the school. The obvious opportunity has come, and there is no reason for anyone to give up.

"Do you need my help?" He looked at the delicate oriental face of the girl in his arms, and asked with a smile, "Don\'t be polite to me, you have behaved very well, you deserve it."

What the other party said deserved, of course the woman understood what it meant. She rolled her eyes in front of the man, jumped down from his arms, and sat on the soft sofa in a very quiet way.

Until she got on the plane, her "good girlfriend" was telling her to keep her unique oriental charm at all times. Hollywood has the most beautiful girls in most parts of the world, and she has something of her own that no one else has that keeps men interested.

Facing the man\'s searching gaze on her body, the woman blinked mischievously, completely ignoring the looming whiteness on her body.

"You\'ve helped me enough."

"What do you mean?" With his arms outstretched on the back of the sofa, Wayne sat with a golden knife, staring at the woman with interest and asked, "I don\'t remember when there was a place to help you there. :"

Gritting her teeth, Miss Lizao looked at the man\'s face and whispered, "After you left, many reporters interviewed me. You know, many people are interested in our relationship."

Seeing that the man\'s face did not change, the woman seemed to be encouraged, and boldly continued: "I said to the media, you appreciate my acting talent, and intentionally let me come to Hollywood to try to develop. So... "

This is a very smart woman. Since she climbed into Wayne\'s bed, she has actually gotten what she wanted in return, especially this world-class director, who has a very good reputation there. In fact, she doesn\'t need to say anything specific to the media herself, as long as she is guided a little during the interview, it can bring her the desired results.

"So, after I left, many crews contacted you?"

What the woman didn\'t expect was that Wayne didn\'t show any anger at this time, as if he didn\'t care what she said to the media at all. On the contrary, he showed a look of admiration and looked at himself up and down.

"That\'s right."

The woman nodded, and she felt a little embarrassed when she thought of those media, who described herself as an actress who was always ready to go international.

But this set is obviously very popular over there. Although many people have a lot of controversy about her behavior, she herself is very sober, and she is a little infamous. Compared with the opportunities she can get, it is simply not worth mentioning.

"When I go back, I will join the group to participate in the shooting."

Since the other party didn\'t mind some of her own white lies, the woman simply talked about her own arrangements, after all, she still needed the other party\'s help later. "After the filming, no matter what the outcome is, can you invite me to come to Los Angeles, come to Hollywood, in the name of Warner Bros."

Facing the woman\'s expectant gaze, Wayne rubbed one hand on the stubble of his chin. He now felt more and more that this woman was not ordinary smart. This was obviously to fulfill what he said when he was interviewed by the media, and to repeat it. Play an export to domestic sales.

"My promise is always valid."

Regardless of whether the woman\'s current expression was performed or not, he nodded with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and happily agreed.

One thing that is always valid for him is that the women around him have performed very well in the past few days, and what makes him satisfied can\'t be satisfied any more. "You can call Nina like you did this time in Los Angeles, and she\'ll arrange everything. But..."

Seeing the man paused halfway through, Miss Lizao looked at him nervously and asked, "But what, do you need me to do anything? My dear, as long as I have it, you can take it as you like. You should understand my I mean, I mean..."

"No, no, no."

Looking at the nervous woman, Wayne raised a hand and shook it from side to side between the two of them. He believed that the woman\'s performance was the truest aspect.

Lighting a cigarette again, through the smoke he exhaled, he carefully looked at the delicate face behind him, shook his head slightly, and said, "I mean, don\'t hold too much of Los Angeles and Hollywood. High expectations, it is almost difficult for Chinese actors to find their place here in this day and age.

Just to remind you, I hope you will not have too much psychological gap at that time. You must be clear that facing the general phenomenon in the whole circle, even if it is me, there is still no good way. "

Not to mention Chinese, even African-American, Latino, Mexican and Latino actors face overwhelming discrimination in this circle. It is still far from the ethos of more than ten years later. The ethnic minorities here face competition from all directions, and even the so-called "own people" of the same ethnic group.

Although I don\'t want to admit it, that\'s what happens objectively. Most of the characters in mainstream Hollywood projects are predominantly white.

The remaining minority roles are usually occupied by African Americans, and the remaining opportunities are almost nothing. It is conceivable how difficult it is to compete.

Looking at the woman who seemed to be thinking, there is another point Wayne is not very good at saying, in this environment, the Chinese are actually at the bottom. Even if there is a role for them to play, most of them are actually looking for an Asian person to play the role, and smearing is always greater than normal.

Even if the current Li Guohao has already successfully made the audience ignore his skin color and has his own fans throughout North America and even the world, some invisible discrimination in the circle still exists. You know, he can definitely count as a native of Los Angeles, and there is still no way to avoid certain situations, let alone an outsider.

"It\'s the exact opposite of what you think." Seeing the girl staring at him, Wayne shrugged and said unceremoniously, "North American audiences have always been the most conservative audience in the world. , this film market has naturally become the most conservative film market in the world. Therefore, whether you are good or not, for most audiences, you will always be an outsider."

"But Australia..." The girl frowned, obviously the actual situation was different from what she imagined. She thought she would be taken care of by the other party, at least she could become a little star here.

"That\'s different!"

With a sigh, the complexion in front of Wayne was pleasing to the eye, so he continued patiently: "Whether it is Australia or the United Kingdom, audiences and film companies in this land regard them as their own, English-speaking friends. It\'s never been a simple noun."

"gay friend?"

"Uh...you just understand what it means." Knowing that what he said was a bit too much, he smiled and continued: "This is the most complicated land in the world, if you want to win respect, you can only It relies on absolute ability. At the same time, this is a completely commercialized land. As long as you can prove that you can bring benefits to capital, I believe that many film companies are willing to accept you to stay, but it is too difficult, almost impossible to do.”

In fact, both of them understand that women may really have ideas about Hollywood, but most of their ideas should be to play an export-oriented domestic sale, under the name of an "international actress", and go back to their own land. develop.

"Listen, girl."

Wayne took a few puffs of cigarettes in a row, and said with a hint of ridicule in his tone: "If you want to stay and become a "brand" here, the hardships you have to pay are far greater than you think. With all your hard work, the hope of getting results is very slim, I advise you to calm down."

After speaking, ignoring the woman who wanted to continue asking, she pressed the cigarette **** into the ashtray, whistled and shook her head in the direction of the bedroom.

In fact, if you want to succeed in Hollywood, the cruelty you face is far more difficult than Wayne put it in words. To be honest, only Jet Li can be the only Chinese who can become a famous "brand" in Hollywood. Jack Chen\'s situation is rather special. He has his own team and can be excluded from this discussion.

Some people may think of local Chinese such as Zunlong. In fact, according to commercial terms, only Jet Li, who was at his peak, could use a yellow face to make a large number of Western moviegoers go into the theater to buy tickets and watch movies without thinking, because , data can never be deceived, especially the Hollywood studios that value the investigation of data.

Things are very easy to understand. To put it another way, when an ordinary North American movie fan sees Jett Lee on a movie poster, he will directly choose to buy tickets to watch the movie regardless of other elements of the movie. The star call effect.

Of course, Jack Chen is actually another model. He has his own team, or a team, and most of the behind-the-scenes work of the film is carried out by his own team.

Like Wayne said, if you want to stay in this land and let the studio and audience ignore your skin color and only appreciate your talent, there is very little you can do unless you let these people know The feeling of convincing has nothing to do with how famous I am in my own entertainment circle.

Many ordinary people think that the big stars are actually not as high in Hollywood as they think. For example, Hollywood\'s largest IP "Star Wars" restarted after 20 years. According to the laws of the film circle at the time, Disney planned to invite two Chinese stars to participate in this "Star Wars: Rogue One".

They picked a new generation of kung fu representative from Xiangjiang, Zhen, and Jiang Xiaojun from the other side of the Pacific Ocean. These two are representative Chinese in the eyes of ordinary people. The treatment they received in Hollywood is actually Very different.

Many details are shown. Zhen plays Kira Yingwei in the film, and Jiang Xiaojun plays a mercenary named Baez Malbus. The two were friends in the film and joined the Rogue Squad to die heroically. .

On the surface, you may not see the difference, but in Hollywood, where everything is traceable, as long as you have the heart, you can find that the film capital treats the two very differently.

Usually, after a Hollywood movie ends, the subtitles that appear are ranked strictly according to the importance of the actors. The male and female protagonists appear first, which is not controversial, followed by Zhen, followed by Max Mickelson, who is Denmark\'s leading national treasure-level performance master.

When the names of the main actors who mainly participated in the film are scrolled, the so-called finale-level film actors will appear again on the subtitles, which is the so-called "with". Basically, it means that the introduction must be particularly important, and it must be separate and emphasized.

The reason is that these actors are "big names" in the Hollywood film capital\'s view. Just at this time, Jiang Xiaojun\'s name appeared. Attentive viewers may notice that the name that appeared with Jiang Xiaojun, and the Oscar winner Forest Whitaker!

This is the rule of Hollywood, which is a strictly commercialized society. The film company will mark the "big coffee" with a particularly high status in the crew by using the "with" introduction method, and put it in the finale part of the film. , which can be said to be the necessary respect for big coffees to play supporting roles.

So, don\'t think that the other side of the Pacific Ocean has been fighting over the war of words for more than ten years or so, and even went to court frequently because of the position. This set, which started decades ago, already has the strictest rules in Hollywood.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of Hollywood film capital, they all admit that Jiang Xiaojun is an international "big name". Even if he comes here to play a supporting role in "Star Wars", he must follow the rules and give him the relevant treatment he deserves.

Let\'s look at the martial arts superstar Zhen. In essence, it has been explained from many details. In the eyes of the crew and the film company, he is just the most ordinary supporting role.

So why did Jiang Xiaojun get this treatment in Hollywood? To put it bluntly, he relies on his own strength~www.novelhall.com~ Whether it is a director or an actor, he has already proven himself on the international stage.

Hollywood film companies are more practical than related companies in any country in the world. Therefore, if you want to gain the approval of these capitals, you must have excellent ability and the ability to be recognized by everyone.

Obviously this is not easy to do, even if you are a big star in your hometown, no one will recognize your reputation here, especially for minorities.

Wenrou Township didn\'t enjoy it for too long. After Wayne\'s one-week vacation, Miss Lizao, who had come from afar, also boarded the plane back to the other side of the Pacific Ocean. He turned his attention to the turbulent awards season again and began to follow the assistant\'s instructions. The lady arranged the plan, participated in it in an orderly manner, and communicated her influence to the outside world from time to time.

The first stop Wayne participated in the awards season was the Grammy Music Awards held on February 25, 1998. This, together with the Academy Awards, was the stage of the four major North American awards ceremonies. It was also on this day. , ushered in a pair of "newcomers" that the entire North American audience likes to see.

This year\'s Grammy Awards ceremony can be described as twinkling stars, but whether it\'s the eldest sister Madonna Cicconi, or the beautiful Celine Dion, they are all "newcomers" with a huge age difference, on the red carpet. It stole the show.

"Damn it, George! Are you sure we\'re ok with our outfits? Shit, how could I believe your nonsense..."

"Trust me, man, only this kind of dress is the most authentic rock style! Listen to me, our combination will definitely surprise those big singers!"