Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and seventy-eight - well, that really deserves it.

Hollywood draws 678 - well, that really deserves it.

"Wayne Greenberg: I ​​don\'t care if the critics praise or belittle it, I shoot for North American fans..."

"Yesterday\'s controversial Wayne Greenberg appeared on the "Daily Show" as a guest. He said on the show that his style has never changed, because he is the one who makes movies that surprise fans. style of......"

"Cusing someone out is the most critical criterion for becoming a film critic..."

No matter how unexpected the various revelations in the entertainment media, Wayne\'s words on "The Daily Show" Saturday night still occupy a considerable part of the media, and are published in almost mainstream entertainment media.

Most of the media have the attitude of not being afraid of big things, because they all know that in this period, any debate with Wayne Greenberg will be interesting, and countless ordinary people will be interested, and open their wallets to pay for appalling headlines .

Of course, the most high-profile news revelations on Sunday morning were also inextricably linked to him. Bella Grant, the well-known editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Times, published a documentary on the entertainment section, detailing everything Vitaly Seduk did on Oscar day.

Later, the local TV station in Los Angeles played the video material provided by Bella Grant in the morning news section.

In an instant, although the public opinion of the whole people was not reversed, it also made more people feel understanding. No matter that man, when his female partner is harassed by raising his skirt in front of him, he will probably be furious.

"eon~, I knew Wayne wouldn\'t do it for no reason."

In front of a movie theater on New York\'s Upper East Side, a boy waved a newspaper in his hand, turned to his girlfriend who was sitting next to him, and said, "Jennifer, I knew it was like this. Wayne did what every man should do. Thing, I swear, if someone dares to harass you like that, I\'ll kick his **** hard!"

Sitting on the bench, the Latina brown-haired girl rolled her eyes, and of course she saw the newspaper her boyfriend was waving. Embarrassingly, she also held two "Godzilla" movie tickets in her hand.

Looking at the boy\'s excited face and the imperceptible pleading look in his eyes, the girl shrugged and said helplessly, "So, Hank, it seems that we have to change the movie viewing plan again?"

"Why not?"

The boy named Hank\'s eyes lit up and nodded quickly. "Dear, you know I\'m a die-hard Wayne fan. You said not to watch that violent maniac\'s work. Of course I am willing to agree with your suggestion. However, now it has been proved that Wayne is not a violent man, nor is he a violent man. Not a pervert, he\'s just protecting his girlfriend..."

This is very important. Like other young couples, the earliest movie viewing plan was "The Flash", but after watching the TV show yesterday morning, the girl said that she did not want to watch another violent work. , thinks that is to support the other side\'s violent behavior.

There are many passers-by movie fans like them, and of course many people are affected. When faced with a choice, many people chose "Godzilla" reluctantly. Now the monster fever in North America is still there, and people are not interested in monster-type disaster films. Do not resist.


Under Hank\'s expectant gaze, the brown-haired girl named Jennifer nodded, but with some embarrassment she took out two "Godzilla" movie tickets and said, "But, this movie is about to start, Honey. ."

The goal was achieved, Hank assured without hesitation: "It doesn\'t matter, we can watch the big monster first, and then watch "The Flash"."

Although the boy is in a very urgent mood, he is still willing to accompany his girlfriend to watch the big monster first. In fact, he is still very resistant to this film in his heart, and he is not very willing to tell his new immigrant girlfriend. not interested.

Perhaps this is the mainstream idea of ​​young North Americans, who accept Steven Spielberg\'s "Jurassic Park" and are madly in love with the lifelike prehistoric dinosaurs in it. As for the monster from the book, what does it have to do with them?

Whether they admit it or not, in the mainstream view of young people in North America, xenophobia is as impossible to eradicate as racial discrimination, but it is even more impossible to say it openly.

At the beginning of nine in the morning, the couple walked into the theater behind them hand in hand, bought popcorn, checked tickets, and entered the screening hall to find a seat. Like countless ordinary couples, they whispered in the dark environment while waiting for the movie to start.

"There aren\'t too many people, there are obviously a lot of people waiting in the hall..."

The pre-screening advertisements had already started to be played on the big screen. Jennifer turned her head to scan the entire cinema hall by the light of the big screen, and found that there were not many audiences. Almost all couples like them occupy every corner of the theater.

"Maybe those people were waiting to see The Flash?"

Hank squeezed his girlfriend\'s hand and muttered in his ear. "It\'s still too early, it is estimated that many people are still hiding under the covers."

He really can\'t explain some questions clearly, should he tell his girlfriend, because most audiences have the habit of xenophobia? Tell your girlfriends they\'re not interested in stuff from other places? This obviously doesn\'t work.

However, when the movie started, not only Hank and Jennifer, but also several other audience members in the screening room, the chatter became louder and louder. This film is very different from the monster film in their hearts, but they can\'t tell where the bad things are, which is the main reason for this situation.

"Shit! It\'s obviously a monster disaster movie, why am I not interested at all?"

"This movie is far from Jurassic Park!"

"f**k, I fell asleep later, what\'s the ending?"

When the movie officially ended, when fans lined up to leave the venue, complaints about the movie became the focus of the topic. There were not many viewers, but none of them were satisfied with the movie.

A similar situation is happening in theaters in major cities in North America. In fact, the ticket sales of "Godzilla" in the past two days are not bad, but with the screening, the reputation of fans has obviously dropped significantly.

Fortunately, however, there is another movie. On Sunday, just like Hank and Jennifer\'s choice, many young people and passers-by fans chose to buy after watching "Godzilla" that they ordered early in the morning. Movie tickets for The Flash.

The two films have received wildly different reputations among fans. Most of the fans who have watched the film "The Flash" said they were entertaining and hearty, saying that even if it was a simple audio-visual feast, it was completely worth the price.

Cinemas, as the main body closest to fans, also discovered the word-of-mouth gap between the two films for the first time. At the end of the last screening on Sunday, analysis reports were sent back to headquarters by theater managers across the United States.

Early on Monday morning, just as the sun came out, it woke up like a stuffy furnace in Los Angeles. In the Greenberg Manor at the end of Mulholland Drive, Wayne had a towel around his neck, wiping the sweat off his face. Pearl, walked into the restaurant and sat down.

As his work has become busier and busier in recent years, he has virtually lost the exercise habit that he has insisted on for many years. Although his body still looks well-defined, it is considered healthy in North America, where obesity is plagued by obesity, but he can feel it himself. If you get back your exercise habits, I am afraid that after the age of 30, the outline of your muscles will gradually disappear, and you may even have a big belly.

"You don\'t seem to be nervous about The Flash\'s first week results?"

Sweeping Wayne, who was handing the towel to the housekeeper Hela, Naomi Watts and Nina looked at each other, pouted and said, "Boy, don\'t tell me your ambitions are gone."

Hearing the woman\'s yin and yang teasing, Wayne waved his hand. "The Flash\'s first-day box office is close to $40 million. Even if it suffers a bit on Saturday and Sunday, it will not be difficult to achieve the expected goals of me and Warner Bros. Nami, be patient."

While speaking, he took the scrambled eggs and sandwiches brought by Hela, lowered his head, picked up the fork and put them in his mouth, and said in a soft voice, "Box office express, Nami."

Rolling her eyes helplessly, Naomi Watts flipped through the newspaper mentioned above, picked up "Premier" and cleared her throat. "After the start of the North American summer season, the theater market continued to rise last weekend. Following the release of "The Clash of Heaven and Earth" released by Paramount Pictures, last weekend finally ushered in two big productions with a cost of more than 100 million yuan.

After the great movie "Batman: The Dark Knight" was created, Wayne Greenberg came out with a greatly changed "The Flash" this year amid huge controversy, which was released on Friday, May 19th. Simultaneous release in 3,400 theaters in North America.

"The Flash", which abandoned the strong dark style and transformed into a purely visual commercial film, reported a box office receipt of US$38.48 million on the first day, accounting for 69.3% of the box office in the entire theater chain, and it opened on a super-large scale. , made a box office of more than 10,000 in a single hall, and at the same time reached the box office champion of the day.

On Saturday, "The Flash" and its director, Wayne Greenberg, were suddenly mired in negative reviews, with critics giving the film a super-low professional score of 2 on average. However, neither the violent scandal nor the ultra-low professional rating seems to have had too much influence on "The Flash". With the support of young fans who are mainly 16 to 30 years old, it once again won the daily box office champion. Received $35.776 million!

Due to the upcoming working day, the attendance rate on Sunday was unavoidable, but "The Flash" was still the best-performing film of the day, strongly suppressing "Godzilla", which was released at the same time, and was popular in the North American theater market. Crazy 21.1 million US dollars!

On the first weekend of its official release, even in the face of a lot of negative news and controversies, "The Flash" still smashed a lot of competitors, taking $95.25 million at the box office... f**k! Son of a **** Sony Columbia..."

Halfway through the reading, Naomi Watts suddenly angrily photographed the "Premier" magazine on the dining table, jumping up on the plates of Wayne, Sergey, Nina and others. . At the same time, it was accompanied by the sharp swear words she kept breaking out.

"Hey, Nami." Wayne was fascinated by a smile, and he was obviously jumped by the woman who suddenly broke out. He raised his head and looked over in surprise. "Damn, why are you crazy."

"A bunch of smashers, if it weren\'t for Sony Columbia, the box office of "The Flash" must have exceeded 100 million in the first week, they ruined your hard work for half a year, yes, there is also the word Paramount in it.... .."

To a certain extent, the Australian actress is indeed right. If there is no sudden black material and bad reviews from a large number of film critics, "The Flash" is likely to have a box office of over 100 million US dollars in the first week of this era.

It seems that this film is not much different from a large-scale sci-fi commercial film, but Wayne is very clear in his heart that whether it is the editing rhythm or the level of special effects, his targets are all mainstream commercial films ten years later, which is virtually equivalent to a dimensionality reduction. blow.

But from a rational point of view, does Hollywood have a box office hit with no competition? Obviously impossible, even if there is no conflict with other film companies, they will not watch you succeed.

Therefore, Wayne never expected that one of his works would be a great success in the theater market.

This principle was taught to him by Jeff Robinoff when he was filming "Joker" in New York. Even after George Lucas becomes the richest man in Hollywood, there will still be invisible troubles such as the fire on the set. This circle will never be a place where talent can succeed.

"Nami, don\'t get excited, when have I ever been afraid of competition?"

Just a little bit, of course Wayne understands the annoyance of the woman standing beside him at this moment, and he is the master to comfort the other party. "Trust me, Nami, this time, the final winner will still only be me! Some of the box office lost from "The Flash" will be paid for by someone."

Even Sergey, who was on the side, rarely stopped eating frantically, raised his head and said buzzingly: "When did the boss lose? Nami, the last thing you need to worry about is the box office results."

"Ok, keep reading, I want to hear what the mainstream media has to say."

Seeing Naomi Watts nodding angrily, Wayne pointed to the magazine on the dining table, picked up the steel fork and continued to lower his head to deal with the scrambled eggs.

The Australian actress stretched out her hand, picked up the magazine again, and said crisply: "This year\'s "The Flash" continues to promote the entire DC film series. It is completely different from the previous DC films in previous years. "The Flash" not only has a great change in the style of the film , the theme story is also not much different from the comics.

It can be seen from many places that Wayne Greenberg has reorganized the birth story of Barry Allen for the characters of DC\'s follow-up movies. There is no blood, violence, darkness and depression in this story. He is more like a large-scale film industry display, with extreme audio-visual special effects throughout every minute of the film.

The slight changes in the story and comics can be said to be a compromise that had to be made for the entire DC series. It can be seen that Wayne Greenberg has made great efforts to make the film closer to the imagination of fans. It is understood that the main creator of the crew avoided the overall story of "The Flash" from going wrong, and even invited the creator of the second-generation Flash Barry Allen, Julius Schwartz, to join the main creative team in person.

Although the style of this film has changed a lot, like all Wayne Greenberg\'s previous works, he not only helmed the film\'s director, but also acted as a screenwriter and producer, and, as always, presided over the later stages of the film. clip.

According to relevant sources, the soundtrack when Wonder Woman appeared in the easter egg in the film was also made by this film and television genius. However, according to the analysis of previous interviews, the reason why Wayne Greenberg will personally get the soundtrack this time is because John Williams, the top soundtrack master in Hollywood, did not hesitate to reject the second time with him. Cooperation.

The top scorer in the circle, after cooperating with him to complete "Batman: The Dark Knight", has faced the media more than once and said that in the future, even if Warner Bros. pays more money, he will no longer work with Wayne- Greenberg collaborated. When it comes to this topic, John Williams\' face is not good, as if the cooperation between the two has left a deep enough shadow on him.

Since the release of Wayne Greenberg\'s first work, every film he has made has received unanimous praise from film critics, but this time is very rare. ” was verbally punished and penalized.

However, there are always exceptions. Todd McKinsey, the gold-medal film critic of the "Hollywood Reporter" column, fully affirmed "The Flash". In his column, he said that he completely put down all the "artistic" baggage, and Wayne Greenberg, who is focused on the point of view of fans, uses "The Flash" to tell the whole Hollywood what the ultimate audio-visual experience should be. appearance!

However, with the popularity of "The Flash", the film faces a lot of troubles. Director Wayne Greenberg\'s violent allegations, the main actor James Franco\'s black materials continue, whether the lack of professional scores will lead to weak stamina Wait, wait, it all depends on how the market performs after the working day.

In second place at the box office last weekend was Sony Columbia\'s ambitious "Godzilla", which officially opened on a super-large scale in 3,000 theaters in North America last Friday. However, this monster from the island country does not seem to have the strength of the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Spielberg\'s hands, and basically did not block the iron fist from DC.

"Godzilla" was released for three days. The film produced and distributed by Sony Columbia reported a box office of 37.6 million US dollars last weekend. However, it is worth noting that the film\'s reputation among fans is still rapidly declining, and relevant authoritative third-party predictions The agency said that if the follow-up fans\' reputation of this monster disaster film cannot be reversed, it is likely that the North American box office will not exceed 100 million!

The third place last weekend was the sci-fi blockbuster "Clash of the Earth" produced and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film was influenced by the release of "The Flash" and "Godzilla". It only received a meager $5.7 million at the box office, and the total North American box office will exceed 100 million. It can be said to be the first model of this summer\'s summer season.

The next films in the back are basically low-budget productions, and they hardly pose any threat to "The Flash". Naomi Watts simply put down the magazine in her hand and looked up at the man with a silk scarf wiping his mouth. Wayne.

"If nothing else, "Clash of the Earth" and "Godzilla" will not pose too much threat to us." Seeing the woman staring at him, Wayne shrugged and said with great ease: "I\'m thinking about it now. Yes, not only does it have to take all the rest of the schedule in June, but also make some people pay enough."

"It\'s weird, boss."

Nina on the side pushed the glasses on her face and asked suspiciously: "It is clear that "Jurassic Park" has withstood the crushing of "Batman: The Dark Knight". This year, North American monsters are even hotter. "Godzilla" ” and couldn’t fight back against The Flash? They’ve done a lot of work this time around.”

Normal people may wonder about this. As a monster movie, "Jurassic Park" faces "Batman: The Dark Knight". Even so, Tyrannosaurus Rex still reaped a lot of box office.

Anyone who is sober will never compare "The Flash" with "Batman: The Dark Knight". It stands to reason that even if it is a hit, "Godzilla" should not only have such a small box office.

"It\'s not because Godzilla isn\'t big, or because North American audiences suddenly don\'t like monsters." Shaking his head with a smile, Wayne explained, "Aside from some of the influences caused by Warner Bros., its box office was terrible. The fundamental reason is simply because it doesn\'t look good!"

Faced with this answer, the two women pouted in tacit agreement. This sentence is no different from nonsense to them. Of course, if the box office is not good, it is not good-looking. Is there any other reason.

"Well, because this monster movie doesn\'t meet the tastes of mainstream audiences in North America." Wayne spread his hands and joked, "Because it\'s too big!"

Maybe this is a joke, but more likely it is the root cause. One thing I have to say, Godzilla is a monster that became famous earlier than Tyrannosaurus Rex. It is a well-known monster that is rarely available in a book. It is also bigger, and it also rampages around the city that the audience is more familiar with. Why? Even so, do audiences still dislike this monster?

The fundamental reason is that it is too bulky, which means that the scene is bigger, but it also makes many narrative details ignored, like the photographer who survived in the film.

A very simple example, too huge a monster, there is no way to arrange the protagonist to face the crisis alone. Because the size and destructive power of this monster are supermodels, the supermodels do not allow individual human beings to face it at all, and only let the war machine army intervene early.

As a monster film and a disaster film, it is precisely because Godzilla is too powerful and a fictional image that it completely loses the opportunity to show the cruel details of reality. Therefore, the whole film can only follow the fictional rhythm and fall into a difficult narrative dilemma.

If you are careful, there will be many fans who have concluded that, whether it is "Jurassic Park" or other similar films, the power of the enemy and the enemy will definitely be directed and strictly controlled within an acceptable range, so that human characters can be Constantly focusing, the conflict scenes are endless.

Taking "Jurassic Park" as an example, even the largest and cruelest Tyrannosaurus rex only needs to be equipped with a few cars, four people, and a mobile toilet, and it can bring more than fifteen minutes between the two. Gao Nest\'s stacked screen shots. What if it was Godzilla? Just one kick~www.novelhall.com~ it\'s all over...  

The atmosphere in the restaurant at Greenberg Manor was extremely relaxed, but in the office of Sony Columbia headquarters in Los Angeles, even the air seemed to be stagnant.

"...Abandon that Ukrainian journalist, withdraw the lawyers we provided, and get back the money that was paid to him. Damn, it doesn\'t make much sense for this little guy to ask for trouble or not. ." Benzi ceo glanced at Paul sitting across from the desk, waved his hand helplessly and said in a low voice.

"It\'s a little too early to give up now."

No one expected that "The Flash", which faced countless troubles, could still have a terrifying box office performance, and what was even more unexpected was that the fans\' reputation of "Godzilla" had completely collapsed. "I heard that Bruce Rosenblum, the viper, has already said that Vitaly Seduk might die, so let\'s discuss it with Paramount..."

Benzi ceo patted the desk angrily. "Baga, then let him die."

Little people are always so sad. When you lose the value of use, no one cares about whether you live or die.

If Wayne sees this scene, he will definitely understand the practice of the CEO of the island country. There is no way. They have this tradition, don\'t they?

For example, he was also very puzzled, why even Xiao Anan, who had retired, was ruthlessly sprayed to death by a big troll on the street. Until the netizen gave an answer, "Because this product has been withdrawn, it still wants to ban pornography", um, I have to say, it really deserves it. +Bookmark+