Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and ninety-seven - smart people are more than you!

Hollywood draws 697 - you\'re not alone!

"A great masterpiece, \'X-Men\' is sure to hit the box office."


"Mr. Greenberg, can I have a few words alone..."

"Sorry, I can\'t leave now..."

The premiere of "X-Men" is over. After the enthusiastic applause of the audience and the premiere press conference attended by hundreds of media, Wayne led the core creators of "X-Men" to 20th Century Fox. hotel, attend the essential after-screening reception.

From the moment he left the elevator, Wayne has undoubtedly become the center of the crowd. A familiar or unfamiliar face in the circle lined up to greet him politely. Instead, the "X-Men" Several main creators were left behind for a while.

"That bi**h, can\'t wait to make fun of Wayne Greenberg in front of everyone."

Not far from the center of the banquet crowd, Rebecca Romijn, who played Mystique in "X-Men", looked at Harry Berry with contempt. Especially seeing Black Pearl wearing that poor Chanel dress with little fabric, never leaving Wayne\'s side to accept everyone\'s complimenting smile, inevitably made her feel uncomfortable.

It\'s obvious that the guests here today are star-studded, but whether it\'s the big stars in the circle, or those big directors and film company executives, they are all around the two Wayne and 20th Century Fox CEO Townsend- Rothman, on the contrary, made them, the main creators and actors of the crew, nobody cares.

If it’s just like that, it’s okay, but Harry-Berry has been sticking to Wayne’s side since he walked on the red carpet of the premiere. Whether it is the attention of the media or the attention of celebrities from all walks of life on the platform, the harvest is far away. Much more than them.

"Listen, Rebecca."

The film director Brian Singer looked sharp, turned his head and glared at Rebecca Romijn, and warned in a low voice, "I don\'t care how you get along in the group, or your personal relationship, But in public, don\'t make trouble for the crew!"

After listening to the director\'s warning, Rebecca Romijn shrugged lightly, indicating that she was clear.

"From the first stop of the promotion tomorrow, I need to see what you guys show to the public is the perfect working partner status in the crew, ok?"

The "X-Men" crew is no different from 90% of Hollywood\'s crew, and the friction between various personnel during the filming process has never stopped. Director Bryan Singer, of course, saw it all, but according to Hollywood\'s usual practice, as long as they did not affect the progress of the work, they did not intervene.

In some cases, it is true that Halle Berry has been enjoying a lot more than he is worth on the set, relying on his relationship with Wayne Greenberg. Whether it\'s the huge make-up van and babysitter trailer, or the producer\'s invisible innocence, they\'ve all become reasons for other actors to isolate and target Harry Berry.

You must know that other actors don\'t want to be jealous of the life and work treatment of first-line actresses. Even director Bryan Singer sometimes feels uncomfortable.

"She really sees herself as a first-line actress, doesn\'t she?"

It wasn\'t until director Brian Singer left with the producer to greet the guests that the actors who were in a pile spoke again. Famina Jensen, who played the Phoenix Girl, had a sharp voice and pointed to Halle Berry covertly.

The voice of Wayne rejecting Paul\'s solo invitation just now was not small, and almost all the onlookers who were watching them heard it. Just at the same time as Wayne refused, Halle Berry also raised his head slightly. This expression, which fell into the eyes of several uncomfortable actors, was a proper arrogance.

"Hmm, who made her mouth work, didn\'t she?"

Rebecca Romijn shrugged exaggeratedly, raised one hand in front of her and kept moving back and forth, while opening her mouth slightly, kept pushing her tongue up and down her left cheek.



Her exaggerated antics caused a wretched laugh among several actors. Everyone was an adult, and everyone knew exactly what she was implying.


Hugh Jackman, who played Wolverine, shook his head helplessly and whispered: "Don\'t go too far, ok? We all know that being able to climb into Wayne Greenberg\'s bed means that Harry Berry Be patient."

Several people around silently put away their smiles, and obviously everyone agreed with this statement in their hearts. Don\'t be silly, this is Hollywood, and there is never a shortage of beautiful girls, and there is never a shortage of beautiful girls who can only succeed by flirting with the big bosses in the circle.

From a certain point of view, being able to flatter a big man in the circle like Wayne smoothly, and still maintain the relationship between the two sides, and there is no situation of being thrown away after playing, has at least demonstrated the ability of Harry Berry .

Among these actors, Famina Jensen, a former model from the Netherlands, is still a little lost. Speaking of which, she was lucky enough. Because of her outstanding face and figure, she was selected to play the Bond girl of "007: Golden Eye" and entered Hollywood, and then participated in the "X-Men". Hardships do not understand.

"Hugh, I\'ve heard before that many Hollywood female stars will try their best to please the producers and directors in order to become famous and to get the heroine in the project."

Looking at the polite and smiling guests in the banquet hall, Famina Jensen leaned against Hugh Jackman, staring wide-eyed, with a look of inquisitive luck. Ask: "Is this kind of thing very common?"

"I just heard that too."

Hugh Jackman raised his head and took a sip of champagne, shook his head gently, his eyes swept over the undulating body of the former Dutch supermodel, and whispered: "I have been working in Canada before, just like you, okay? In fact, I don\'t know much about the dock."

He paused at this point, recalled the messages he had heard, and continued: "As far as I know, this kind of thing is not very common, but very common behavior. You are lucky, Farmina. , Suppose when you participated in the Phoenix female audition, the producer asked you \'why did you choose to star\', how would you think about impressing the producer?"

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Famina Jensen nodded thoughtfully, squinting at the lively crowd in the banquet hall while silently drinking the champagne in her hand.

Looking at her appearance, Hugh Jackman did not continue to talk about this topic. Among the common sense in the circle that the agent told him, he once mentioned the precautions in this regard.

In fact, what is the capital for beautiful boys and girls without a good background and background to come to Los Angeles to chase their star dreams? There is no doubt that they (they) who have nothing, can only give their own bodies.

Perhaps in the entertainment circles of other countries and regions, similar things have to be covered and carried out in private. But basically this is not a thing in Hollywood, there are never unspoken rules, because everything is on the surface.

Hugh Jackman glanced at Harry Berry in the crowd, especially the black beauty clasping the hands of the man beside him. Don\'t talk about those little actors who haven\'t made any achievements, even some famous actors, if they don\'t have the care of the big boss, don\'t they still run into walls everywhere in the circle.

If a beautiful actress wants to end this "state", the only way is to work hard to climb up. When her coffee position climbs to the front line and becomes a scarce resource in the circle, she has the right to "say no" initially. Like Julia Roberts today.

That\'s right, once the coffee position reaches their level, it means that in this circle, no one can easily force them. The premise is that you can climb to that position and become an irreplaceable scarce resource in the eyes of capital.

Hollywood has never lacked similar successful "inspirational" stories. In the 1990s, there was Julia Roberts. Almost everyone in the circle knew that she not only went to bed with the producer for her role in "Pretty Woman" From the casting assistant director to the behind-the-scenes elders of various crews, all of them were "sleeping clothes" by her sincerity.

The fact is that, an actress who has no education or does not matter, only has a beautiful body all over her body, if she wants to become a successful person in the eyes of the public, she must give the only thing she can give, and she must be very good to herself.

Even more than ten or twenty years later, the famous words of Dazui Zhu to the agent are still circulating in the Hollywood circle: As long as you can get this role, tell me, who do you want to sleep with? !

The stories of Julia Roberts are at least an inspiration for many Hollywood actresses. After all, she really relied on this ruthlessness to not only become the representative actress of Hollywood in the 1990s, but also a few years later. He became a well-known producer in the circle and successfully made himself a benchmark in the eyes of countless actresses.

Even after the turn of the century, the trend for women\'s equality in society became more and more common, and similar things continued to emerge in the Hollywood circle.

Ironically, many female stars shouted about women\'s rights in the face of the media, turned their heads and stripped themselves, trying their best to climb into the bed of powerful people in the circle.

There are Julia Roberts in the front, and Rachel Mike Adams in the back. If you look at the Oscar acceptance speeches of Harvey Weinstein\'s popular actresses, you will find that no matter how the times change, people from different backgrounds are not. The poor actresses\' road to fame hasn\'t changed at all.

Hollywood is bright on the surface, and the female stars wearing major luxury brands are dignified and elegant. To put it bluntly, no industry in the world can reach the chaos and filth of the North American film industry.

It seems that as soon as people step into Los Angeles, their own desires are infinitely magnified, and in the name of "freedom", they indulge themselves as if they were risking their lives, and pursue fame and fortune as if they were risking their lives. Everyone knows that behind the glamorous and beautiful Hollywood is like a big cesspool, but there will never be a shortage of "smart people" who try their best to jump into the cesspool.

"It\'s getting late, go to my place or go back to the manor?"

At the end of the reception that lasted for half the night, Harry-Berry helped Wayne, who had been drinking too much, into the elevator. She didn\'t care about Nina next to her, and asked the man\'s eyes.

The two have not known each other for a year or two, and they are all adults. Of course, both sides fully understand what this question means.

"Go back to the manor. We will get up early tomorrow morning and go to the airport together."

Shaking his drowsy head vigorously, Wayne responded with a big tongue. Then, regardless of whether there were other people around, he stretched his right arm around the black beauty, lost in the lake, and put half of his body weight on the other side.

"Any help? Harry."

The elevator came to the first floor of the hotel and knew that his boss had indeed overdose tonight. Nina completely ignored the man\'s hand that was moving below Harry Berry\'s waist, just frowned and glanced at the media reporters at the door of the hotel, and asked in a low voice, "Can you support the boss?"

"No problem, let\'s go."

Harry-Berry shook his head, helped the man out of the elevator, and walked towards the Rolls Royce that had been parked at the entrance of the hotel.

In fact, Wayne drank a little too much, but his mind was still clear, but he didn\'t expect to sip champagne all night, there would be such a big stamina. Even though the car was driving quite steadily along the way, he almost vomited a few times.

There\'s no way, there are too many curious people tonight, and it\'s just that these people are well-known figures in the circle. Around him and Townsend Rothman, there was no shortage of peers who kept toasting.

But when he returned to the manor, after a cold shower, that groggy feeling finally disappeared. Wayne was wearing a bath towel, with a cigarette at the corner of his mouth, lying lazily on the lounge chair on the balcony. The entire manor had fallen into darkness and silence. Except for the occasional flash of the lights in the hands of the security guards, he could hardly see anything.

"Haney, you almost ripped me to pieces!"

Harry-Berry, clad in a white bathrobe, moaned as he wiped his hair with a towel and headed to the balcony. "Damn, I couldn\'t wear a low-cut evening dress for the week before the promotion."

After the black beauty sat down, Wayne glanced at her from the corner of his eye and waved his hand lazily. Just then, the phone, which had been quiet on the table, rang.

"Go ahead, I\'m listening."

Picking up the phone, his eyes narrowed slowly. It didn\'t take long, it only took less than half a minute, the phone in the man\'s hand hung up and was thrown back on the coffee table.

"How is it? Has it reached five million dollars?"

Harry-Berry looked nervous, and when the man hung up, he immediately stared at him and asked.

The reason why they have not rested until now is that they are waiting for the early box office results of "X-Men". She believes that it is not only the two of them who are waiting tonight. Waiting for specific box office numbers.

"About $7.53 million."

There was a smile on Wayne\'s face, he reached out his hand, brushed lightly on the woman\'s scarred upper body, and whistled softly. "Sleep in peace, Harry, Storm will make you famous all over the world."

Halle Berry frowned slightly, her body obviously felt a little uncomfortable, but compared to the stinging pain caused by those bruises, she was in a very good mood at this time, especially the moment she heard the advance box office numbers , the corners of the mouth began to rise slowly involuntarily.

"Haney, you succeeded again, no."

Black Pearl didn\'t care about wiping her half-dried hair, she got up and squeezed onto the man\'s reclining chair, stuck out her tongue and licked her lips lightly, looked directly into the man\'s eyes, and said, "No, you have never failed, in the film industry. In it, you are the incarnation of God..."

"It\'s still early, and the follow-up box office trend of "X-Men" depends on the announcement."

Wayne\'s mind was very clear, and instead of being said a few words by the woman, he pouted slightly, raised his hand and slapped the woman\'s thigh hard. "Let\'s talk about this after the movie is down. Rest, we can sleep for less than five hours before we have to get up and catch the plane..."

The lights on the third floor of the main building of Greenberg Manor went out, and the entire manor fell into complete silence, but there were always people who didn\'t rest until the early morning.

In Beverly World City, which is not far from Greenberg Manor, in an office on the seventh floor of Fox Building, there is smoke lingering at this time. Several Fox executives held wine glasses and sipped them down with smiles.

"Our pre-show ticket expectation for \'X-Men\' is $5 million."

Throwing the glass of "Victory Champagne" on the table, Townsend Rothman took a big sip of the cigar, and said with interest: "The preliminary statistics are more than 7.5 million US dollars, and the result is far better than we expected, Fox. I finally have my own superhero series..."

"I have to say, Wayne Greenberg is Wayne Greenberg!"

Another middle-aged executive sitting on the sofa shook his head in admiration. "With him and without his superhero, it means success or failure, it\'s just..."

"Sam, just what?" Townsend-Rothman tilted his head and looked at Fox, the executive of the film and television department.

"It\'s just that the higher the box office, the greater the price we have to pay..."

The executive named Sam Reis carefully observed the ceo\'s face, but he couldn\'t help but said: "Townsend, if the box office of "X-Men" in the first weekend meets expectations, I suggest to prepare for "X-Men" immediately. "The second part. We can make our own, as long as we continue Wayne Greenberg\'s plan, the probability of success will not be less."

The Hollywood studio tradition is to make a sequel immediately after a movie hits, and that\'s understandable. What caused several people in the office to frown together was precisely the producer salary that Sam mentioned.

In fact, everyone who is sitting knows that no matter how much box office "X-Men" can create, it is all inseparable from the Hollywood dark movie master. But people\'s views on a thing are also constantly changing with development.

As long as one thinks of the terrible base salary and box office share, no executive looks good, including Townsend Rothman, who has contributed to the partnership between the two parties. There is no doubt that no matter how successful the first "X-Men" is, most of the profits will be taken by the young man.

Twentieth Century Fox needs to give a lot of money, and they have to thank Wayne, who would not be too happy to think that.

"Terry, let the screenwriting department write the script for the second film as soon as the first weekend box office comes out."

Townsend-Rothman nodded and ordered in a low voice.

"Okay, boss."

Twentieth Century Fox has paid such a high price and must earn it back as soon as possible, this is the voice of several executives.

When several people in the office left, Townsend-Rothman took up the glass again, slowly leaned towards the window, and looked out at the street where the lights were still flashing. No one knew what he was thinking.


As a **** Fox CEO, Terry has been sitting at the top of the film and television production department for many years. He looked at the back of his boss and instinctively felt that things had changed. Now that the film has not been successful, the executives can\'t wait to start feeling distressed about the box office share, which is obviously a bit inappropriate for quick success.

Townsend-Rothman turned his head, glanced and waved. "Go back to rest early, Terry, leave me alone."

"Boss, there are a few words I want to talk to you about."


Terry\'s expression was very serious, and he didn\'t mean to leave at all, and said to the old boss standing by the window: "Time flies by quickly, but until now, I can still remember from time to time that I personally received Wayne Green back then. The Berg scene."

He didn\'t lie, until now, he still occasionally thinks of the scene of that year. At that time, the Hollywood King of Darkness was still a young director who had just graduated, and was just a small person in front of him. And it was himself who talked about "Happy Death Day" in person, and watched that little man helplessly, and at an unbelievable speed, he became the number one elder in the circle.

"What do you want to say, Terry." Townsend Rothman turned around unexpectedly and asked with interest.

Terry didn\'t hesitate to fight, and said directly: "I just want to remind you what Fox missed."

Just as his words came out, Townsend-Rothman\'s eyes narrowed immediately, and his face became very ugly.

For so many years, basically no one inside 20th Century Fox would mention it, because everyone knew that if it weren\'t for the misjudgment of Townsend Rothman, who was still the head of distribution at the time, today\'s No. 1 Hollywood movie giant. , not sure who it is.

For many years, the media\'s ridicule of 20th Century Fox has always existed, but no one will discuss this matter internally, and no one wants Chi Luoluo\'s face to slap the current CEO, right?

However, after only ten seconds, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Townsend-Rothman smiled slowly, and stared at Terry, and asked, "What do you mean... ."

"Boss, Fox missed one chance, so don\'t let go of the second chance so easily."

Gritting his teeth hard, Terry saw the smile on his old boss\'s face, and then he said boldly: "If it were me, I would never throw Wayne Greenberg away easily! The way to keep the collaboration going! Now Fox has this opportunity that no other studio wants!”

"Very good, Terry."

Townsend-Rothman looked at him with undisguised appreciation, but suddenly sighed and said in a low voice, "You must understand that you are not the only smart person, go back to sleep."

When there was only one person left in the office, Townsend-Rothman continued to hold a wine glass and stood in front of the window looking at the early morning night scene of Burbank.

As he said, are the executives and shareholders of Twentieth Century Fox all fools? Is Terry the only smart person? Obviously not.

It\'s just that when a huge enough benefit appears, people often don\'t choose the safest way, and prefer to choose a gamble that can get more benefits! Twentieth Century Fox is a media giant and a listed company. Even if he is the CEO, many things cannot be controlled.

Neither the company\'s top management nor the board of directors would agree to continue to cooperate with Wayne. Even in his heart, he was more willing to bet big. After all, with a successful beginning, the chances of winning subsequent bets are already high. rise. +Bookmark+