Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and five - cultural differences

As long as they are engaged in media, film, television, etc., or have studied related majors, they will have a cognition, and this cognition is generally recognized by academy education, that is, it belongs to the nation and the world. There is no debate.

This statement is common, even in other countries and regions, but Wayne\'s sudden and surprising answer is equivalent to publicly denying the ideas that have been ingrained in everyone\'s heads for so many years.

If this sentence came from someone else\'s mouth, it might be okay, but his identity is completely different, especially in the case of the movie "Batman: The Dark Knight", which has firmly secured the No. 1 box office in film history, what he said It would be even more controversial.

"The more national it is, the more universal it is."

The moment he decided to speak his true thoughts, Wayne was ready to cause trouble with his words, but during the entire interview, just saying all kinds of clichés that everyone liked to hear clearly made him feel a little unwilling. , so, he decided to talk about dry goods at the end.

"I think the film academies in any country or region teach filmmakers like this." He ignored the slightly changed face of the host and ignored the frantic gestures of the director. Since he chose to speak, then You must finish your opinion.

Even if he saw the red light on the camera started to flash, and realized that he was in a close-up state, he continued: "Even in USC where I studied, the more ethnic the more the world, the more the world. All films with artistic connotations are first of all national, secondly artistic, and thirdly films with universal human connotation.

Only such films can arouse strong resonance with audiences from different countries, ethnic groups and regions. I don\'t actually deny this, because my teacher taught me the same way. For example, in Asia, which is relatively close to everyone, the famous Takeshi Kitano, Abbas in Iran, Hou Hsiao-hsien in Wanwan Province, and Laomouzi in this land.

They have a lot in common. It can be said that they all use their own rich cultural connotation, national destiny, national personality and national prospects to build their own style of film lenses, and all of them have won the world film circle. Favored by them, enhancing their international director status. "

When they heard Wayne\'s denials at the beginning, all of which were based on facts, Bai Wensa and the staff in the studio were subconsciously relieved.

Judging from the current situation, there is no need for the host to guide and skip this topic. Even if this foreigner expresses his own views, the methods used are very clever. If everything is based on facts, at least it is not unreasonable to deny most people. ingrained notions.

"Is this wrong?" Baiwensa took the words calmly, and continued to ask: "Since you yourself have received the same education and agree with this point of view, why do you say that what belongs to the nation is not what belongs to the world?"

"Note that there is a premise before my opinion is published, that is, my status as a friend."

Nodding slightly towards the camera, Wayne\'s serious face disappeared and he put on a smile. "Personally, I also very much agree with this point of view, but if I put it on today\'s topic, I will tell you that what belongs to the nation has never belonged to the world. Of course, what I\'m talking about is only about the film industry."

After pondering for a while, he continued: "For a market that is still in its early stages of development, if you want to make great strides from the beginning, or even go international, you will definitely face this problem. Hollywood was like this in the past, and now it is like this. The same is true of this land.

From a friend\'s point of view, I personally recommend that the modern film industry system be the mainstay to develop the market, but it should be noted that I did not say that the traditional national culture is completely abandoned. The main reason why Hollywood movies can be marketed around the world is that they are inclusive, and no one clings to the so-called tradition..."

"Nonsense, this is Chi Luoluo\'s capitalist thinking."

Inside a tube building in the capital, a young man with small eyes and an old-fashioned appearance threw his glass in anger when he saw what Wayne said on TV.

As a film director, and an already well-known film director, Lai Lai felt that the foreigner on TV, just like the event at the Film Academy, was still in grandstanding. To mislead the filmmakers here.

"Well, no, I said what the **** are you mad at?"

The young master who was sitting on the sofa watching TV with him stretched out his hand and pushed him, bent down and picked up the big tea jar from the ground. "I think what this foreigner said is very interesting. Besides, they will leave in two days. If you don\'t like to listen to it, just treat it as a pleasure and it\'s over."

"This guy is uneasy and kind..."

"Hey, hey, hey, come on, even if you curse at home, people won\'t hear you."

The young master shook his head, turned his head and ignored the friends beside him, and continued to stare at the TV show that was about to end, enjoying it.

In another Tongzilou living room, also in the capital, Feng trousers, who was smoking with rotten teeth, watched TV and laughed, picked up the big tea jar on the coffee table, and took a big sip.

"Now it\'s time to talk about the pain of some people, huh, whoever jumps in pain is uncomfortable..."

Wayne\'s remarks on TV are quite polite. The whole thing is just around the film industry, talking about how to learn from the successful experience of Hollywood, how to make movies that people love in a short period of time, and explain the importance of audiences\' likes. In fact, the ultimate goal That is to quickly expand their local market.

However, the meaning behind these words, hearing some sensitive people\'s ears, felt a different subtext. It will not work to cling to the so-called traditional national culture. Apart from winning awards, such films are of no use to the development of the film market, and no one likes to watch them.

Think about some of the so-called national films that have won awards. They deliberately expose the bad habits of the national culture, and such delusional delusions of ugliness go to the world. Are such films really useful for the development of marketization? Except for those foreigners who grinned at the film festival and watched jokes, can they be loved by the local public?

In the same way, it doesn\'t mean the same thing when it is passed into the ears of people who leave the arena. This person, I am afraid of thinking too much, afraid of being said to the pain point.

In the eyes of ordinary viewers, they all feel that this foreigner on TV is very down-to-earth, and his ideas are sincere. Who doesn\'t want to make movies that everyone likes in their own country?

The show on TV has come to an end, and the directors in the studio are also choking. No one knows now, whether Wayne finally talks about the ethnic topic in the movie will be a lot of controversy afterwards, but at least from their point of view Look, what this foreigner said is not too out of the ordinary.

Apart from the introduction and the end of the show, there was actually only about ten minutes in the middle. When the interview was officially over, Bai Wensa secretly glanced at Wayne beside him while arranging the manuscripts on the table.

After hesitating for a while, he chose to stand up, moved to the man who was being helped by the staff to remove the recording equipment, and said politely, "Director Greenberg, can\'t films that express national culture really go to the world? "

"Hi, Bai."

Hearing the host\'s voice, Wayne raised his head in surprise and said with a smile: "I personally see it this way, how do I put it, this way, it\'s like the difference between Eastern and Western food culture, except for a very special few people , most people can\'t adapt to each other\'s food."

The reason is very simple. Eating a meal may be regarded as an early adopter, and it may be delicious, but if you let a person here eat meat three times a day, or let a North American eat rice and stir-fry vegetables, then it’s not Enjoy the food, but the horror movie scene too.

Bai Wensa nodded in agreement. As a senior media reporter and host, he has a very thorough understanding of this aspect. Diet is also an indispensable part of their respective national cultures, not to mention letting foreigners eat Chinese food for a long time. , Even here in Guangdong and Guangxi, there are a lot of differences in eating habits.

"So, my point of view is to keep the national elements that can be accepted by most people in the world, such as kung fu." Saying that, Wayne also gestured a signature move of Bruce Lee with both hands. His performance made a lot of work in the studio. The staff all laughed.

"Then, through continuous learning and reference, we can add the successful elements of modern commercial films. I personally think that this is the best way to bring national culture into line with the world. Of course, this is just my family\'s words."

He didn\'t say these words on the official program just now. Talking about the film industry from a general direction, no matter how to explain it, but if it involves specific methods, it is another matter.

And there is one thing Wayne is very sure, that is, if you want to make his film industry bigger, you must embark on the road of commercialization~www.novelhall.com~ Don\'t worry about overseas affairs, and make a large number of local productions. Movies that fans love to watch are the right way.

Eastern culture itself has the same chasm as the West, especially in movies, the way of expressing some things is completely opposite.

For example, Zhou Xingxing\'s movie "The God of Cookery", this film won more than 40 million box office in Xiangjiang in 1996. It can be said that it was a mess. After a while, he turned over immediately.

But many people don\'t know that this movie was also released in North America at the end of 1996, but the box office was only a measly hundreds of thousands. The main contributor to this box office was the theaters around the Chinese community.

However, compared to the bleak North American box office, the wild ideas and expressions in the film "God of Cookery" have successfully attracted the attention of many Hollywood filmmakers. At the beginning of 1997, 20th Century Fox also specifically found Zhou Xingxing, hoping to produce The North American version of God of Cookery.

It\'s just a pity that there are still huge differences in food culture involved, and in the end, the cooperation between the two sides did not work because of these differences.

The same difference is also found in "Infernal Affairs". Orientals can\'t understand the f**k to f**k of the American version, the brutal and **** scenes, and the absurd ending. Westerners also cannot understand the so-called Chinese romance in the original movie.

Therefore, what belongs to the nation has never belonged to the world.


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