Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and fifty - guaranteed

In Palisades, a traditional wealthy area in western Los Angeles, on the balcony of the master bedroom on the third floor of a hillside villa, a man tilted his head and listened intently to the phone. He held a cigarette in his other hand and took a sip from time to time.

The two women sitting opposite him remained silent subconsciously, and the atmosphere at the scene gradually became more and more solid as the frequency of men smoking increased. In particular, Harry Berry, one of the protagonists, completely lost the joy of buying a new house, and his complexion was extremely complicated.

"I know, let\'s do it first."

Wayne casually threw the mobile phone on the table, turned his head and continued to look at the scenery below the mountain. The cigarette in the corner of his mouth and his slowly narrowing eyes all showed that he was lost in thought at this time. The two women glanced at each other, and both chose not to ask for the first time.

Things are far simpler than expected, and through the report on Jimmy\'s phone, he already has a rough guess about the whole thing. The biggest possibility now is that the smoke bombs released by myself and Bruce Rosenblum have confused some of the people of Warner Bros. while confusing the entire Hollywood.

When The Flash had its first internal preview at Warner Bros., there was a bit of dissonance, but both Wayne and CEO Jeff Robinoff knew it was normal. .

The story of this "The Flash" is relatively simple, and the whole is also biased towards commercial sci-fi popcorn. It is indeed very different from his previous style. These are objective existences, but they are far less than those "grass news" circulating in the circle. Outrageous.

The reason why those news circulated is entirely the smoke bomb released by Bruce Rosenblum, and in order to convince more people that there is indeed a problem with this film, after consulting with Wayne, Warner Bros. released it. Department, simply canceled the scheduled media preview, and naturally there will be no fan preview.

In fact, no matter the core executives of Warner Bros. or Wayne himself, it is very clear that the properties of this film are relatively simple, far less profound than "Batman: The Dark Knight". It\'s better to stay still, keep the mystery of the film, and maximize the curiosity of fans.

The benefits of doing this are very obvious. After being suddenly touched by Universal Pictures the previous year, they have seen a lot about joining "Jurassic Park 2" halfway. Who knows that this year, in addition to "Godzilla", there are other No other opponents are hiding in the dark waiting for the moment to stab them?

The facts are also obvious. In the face of the seemingly controversial "The Flash", Paramount couldn\'t wait to jump out.

One thing both Bruce Rosenblum and Wayne agree on is that the enemies hidden in the dark are far less formidable than the competitors on the surface. in whose hands.

"Jingle Bell."

While Wayne was still stunned, the mobile phone Nina had just put away rang again. The phone ringing on the balcony of the spacious and quiet villa bedroom instantly attracted the attention of three people.

"give it to me."

Shaking his head slightly, Wayne waved at the assistant lady, and suddenly grinned.

Seeing that Paramount Pictures\' "Crash" will be released on a large scale this weekend, "The Flash" will also start intensive publicity across North America, and at the same time, it will have to compete fiercely with "Godzilla." People say that whenever a major event is about to come, at this moment, he feels that most of the storm is coming.

The only thing he didn\'t expect was that it wasn\'t Paramount or Sony Columbia who handed over the knife first, but someone inside Warner Bros., or couldn\'t wait.

"Just at the high-level meeting this morning, Alan Horn, the director of the film and television production department, submitted a project proposal to the company."

The moment the call was connected, it was confirmed that Wayne himself was answering, and the warm greetings and good-natured ridicules of the past were gone, and the voice of Bruce Rosenblum immediately came from inside.

"The content of this project proposal is detailed and can withstand any market research. It not only indicates the production cost, but also includes more than one alternative for the filming location and possible troubles. Including producers, directors, preferred invited actors, alternate invited actors, etc., all have a very amazing degree of completion.

I read the project plan carefully, and at first glance I knew that this thing came from the old fox of Alan Horn. He was a typical producer in the circle back then. The production style is pragmatic, detailed, Known for being well-prepared, and the success rate of the film is extremely high, but it was gradually transformed into management..."

Listening to the low voice that Li kept coming from the phone, Wayne could almost instantly hear the hidden panic in the other party\'s tone. He turned his head slightly, glanced at Black Pearl sitting opposite, but interrupted him with a smile.


"That\'s right."

Although his own narration was interrupted, causing Bruce Rosenblum to pause for a moment, but within two seconds of the phone, his affirmative answer came.

"Alan Horn, I remember..." Wayne stood up in a clean white bathrobe, holding his mobile phone in one hand, walking slowly towards the edge guardrail of the balcony, and said:

"He made frequent appointments with me some time ago, but he was rejected by Nina. It seems that this executive wants to prove that even without my support, he can join the DC series and accumulate dazzling performance!"

"Yes." Bruce Rosenblum\'s voice on the phone was still full of deepness. "What surprised me and Jeff was that someone actually raised their hand in support of his proposal for "Catwoman" at the high-level meeting! Jeff is still in control now, and the atmosphere at the high-level meeting today was terrible. "

Listening to the other party\'s words, Wayne\'s mouth twitched twice. Both knew that if enough executives and shareholders expressed their support, Aaron Horn\'s plan might actually work.

Don\'t look at submitting this project proposal, it\'s like using a **** stick to disgust yourself, but as long as Alan Horn does things according to the company\'s procedures and gets enough support in high-level meetings, even Jeff can\'t Forcibly shut down a project that makes money for all shareholders.

This is the operating rule of a big company. Everyone works with restricted rights. Even if you are the CEO, you cannot let go of your hands and feet at will. Every movie project, even the smallest investment, is in the millions. This money is a lot of money no matter where it is, and it will definitely not work without the shackles of rights.

"What did Jeff say?"

"Jeff let me tell you." Bruce Rosenblum\'s voice came out of the phone, with a little helplessness. "He said that you should take care of the things in front of you first. The so-called "Catwoman" is definitely not something that can be done in a short time. In the end, you will not be able to escape from you."


Obviously, Jeff Robinoff has always been very awake, and his reminder is undoubtedly the most correct choice. Wayne\'s voice suddenly brought ridicule, saying: "It seems that the success or failure of "The Flash" is still a matter of course. It\'s really related to a lot of issues.

Bruce, what Jeff said is not wrong, now we have to face first and foremost the siege of Paramount Pictures\' "Crash" and Sony Columbia\'s "Godzilla". In the end, everything still depends on the box office, or on success to shut up many people, doesn\'t it? "


Unlike the duo of Jeff Robinoff and Wayne, Bruce Rosenblum stood his ground and certainly had other ideas. "However, during this period of time, I took the opportunity to find more supporters by taking the old name of Alan Horn!"

"Relax, no one knows DC better than me, and even the outline of the entire universe was made by me! Without me, I dare to say that even if he worked hard to make the project, he would definitely There will be no success!"

At this time, the interests of Warner Bros. are no longer the first priority. This is an inevitable product of internal struggles, and both of them are well aware of this. After receiving assurances from Wayne, Bruce Rosenblum hung up the phone with confidence.

This has been the case since ancient times. When a struggle begins to occur internally, it is natural to take into account its own interests first. As for whether Warner Bros. will suffer losses due to the struggle, no one will care.

The subtext of Wayne\'s final assurance to the other end of the phone is also this. Everyone is an adult, so naturally some things don\'t need to be said too clearly. Even if "Catwoman" really spends a lot of money to pass the high-level review and enter the actual production, the final outcome is a failure! This is his greatest guarantee.

As for whether the failure of "Catwoman" will make Warner Bros. lose money, and whether it will affect the subsequent DC movie universe, it is not what they have to consider. After all, the first principle of internal struggle is always to find a way to fight. Opponents, the rest are innocuous little things. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Of course, Wayne, who holds a large stake in Warner Bros., certainly doesn\'t want things to come this far. Just like Jeff said, get busy with the more important things at hand first, and then when you are free, it is time to solve other problems.

"It\'s weird, Harry."

Playing with the phone in his hand, Wayne turned around and walked back to the seat, bent down slightly, looked down at Black Pearl with a sense of oppression, and said in an awkward mocking tone: "Tell me, why is such an important role, Would you invite an African-American actor to join you?"

"Honey, listen to me."

Here, Harry-Berry knew in his heart that there must be such a thing, and everyone would be suspicious. For a plan against him, he chose a woman who has a relationship with him, and this woman is also an abnormal African-American, which is very suspicious.

In this circle, actors of African descent who can get the absolute protagonist of the film can be said to be rare. Although Halle Berry frequently appears in commercial productions, they are basically the main supporting roles. The identity of the American actress is the mainstay, and her current box office appeal is obviously not qualified.

"I swear to God, I never heard anything about this until I got the call from Jimmy..."

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