Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and fifty-five-interest is the foundation of tying up personal relationships.

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"The Great Clash of Heaven and Earth" was released in early May. To say that Paramount did not have some kind of tacit understanding with Sony Columbia, Wayne would not believe it to death. He never hesitated to use the best ideas to look at his competitors. .

Pulling DreamWorks from Paramount\'s distribution system to Warner Bros. by himself has never been a secret in the circle. Paramount\'s iron-fisted female CEO has no idea in his heart, and it is completely impossible. He deeply understands that this year is the beginning of the DreamWorks project, and the continuous success of the project will only make Paramount hate itself more and more.

You know, whether it was "Saving Private Ryan", which was the hot start of DreamWorks, or a series of popular works such as "Shrek", it should have been Paramount\'s money printing machine, but now all of them are Became a cash cow for Warner Bros.

In fact, Steven Spielberg is really not very demanding. As long as he does not exploit DreamWorks like Paramount, he will continue to cooperate with Warner Bros. No one knows this better than Wayne.

"Don\'t worry, Wayne, I know the value of Steven Spielberg too well."

Bruce Rosenblum smiled and nodded. Of course he would not let DreamWorks go easily. Although the ambition of this old man in the circle is great, at least now, the ambition of the other party is the source of his performance. The position of the head of Warner Bros., these achievements are extremely important.

In fact, many people in the circle know that the CEOs of the six giants have had more than one private meeting specifically for the problem of DreamWorks. This also led to the fact that no matter which giant DreamWorks faced, they were in a tacit understanding of being exploited. Perhaps the only less exploited one was Warner Bros.

Being sucked in the project release is only a small part of the situation that DreamWorks needs to face. It can be said that this ambitious company wants to become the seventh largest Hollywood company. At the beginning of any project, it will be suppressed from all sides at any time. After two years of development, the three giants have been helpless to adapt.

For example, after the film production is completed, it must first be sent to MPAA for rating. This is completely the back garden of the six giants. All kinds of difficulties are not uncommon. Every DreamWorks project is sent here, and there is no one that can come out happily. Not shedding a layer of skin is new.


Seeing the young man sitting across from him, intending to end the conversation, Bruce Rosenblum pondered for a while, looked at Nina who was silent, and couldn\'t help but say, "I know it\'s a bit too much to say this now. It\'s early, but... Wayne, I need your support after this period!"

Wayne, who was sitting across from him, raised his eyebrows. Looking at the publishing master who cooperated with him tacitly, he knew clearly that the other party felt the pressure from within.

"We were partners in the past, and we will be in the future, Bruce, let\'s be honest." Wayne asked directly, "What do I need to do?"

"After this is done, I hope you can support me with a clear stand at the high-level meeting and the general meeting of shareholders!"

Hearing Bruce Rosenblum\'s words, Wayne put on a smile on his face. He himself has a huge reputation among the senior management of Warner Bros. These reputations are completely relied on for a few years to bring great importance to everyone. formed by the pen interest.

The board of directors has a better understanding. His representative has only done one thing on the board of directors over the years, and that is to unconditionally approve all the plans proposed by Jeff Robinoff. And the current director of distribution at Warner Bros. obviously wants to get these benefits ahead of time.

"Maybe we shouldn\'t talk about this between us, but, Bruce..." Wayne was also polite, leaning forward slightly with his upper body, staring at the man opposite him with wide eyes. "If I do, you know what it means, so, what can you bring me?"

He can support Bruce Rosenblum, and it\'s the same attitude now. Many people are aware of the relationship between the two sides. There is nothing to hide. However, once the voice is made in a formal and public occasion, such as a shareholders meeting or a high-level meeting, the meaning is completely different.

Jeff Robinoff got these treatments because he was the CEO of Warner Bros., or a CEO who was always on his side.

Bruce Rosenblum has a really high status in Warner Bros., but this is a well-established commercial company. Who knows if there will be other accidents in the future? Some things, after all, can\'t be done until he has a matching status.

"I know you as well as you know me."

Bruce Rosenblum had already prepared the draft and said slowly: "I can promise that at the point in time when you want to increase your share of Warner Bros. shares in the future, I will help you deal with all the objections from the top."

smart people! Wayne nodded with a smile, stood up neatly, and stretched out his right hand.

With a "snack", the two men with a huge age difference slammed their palms together on the top of the desk, and both of them had indescribable smiles on their faces at the same time.

So far, Wayne\'s shares in Warner Bros. are still only more than 7%. Of course, this is enough to ensure that he is still the first natural shareholder of the Warner Bros. giant.

Over the years, no matter how abundant the cash in his hand, he has never tried to increase his shareholding by a large amount. Seeing that the stock price of Warner Bros. is increasing day by day, he has never tried to do this, as if he has completely satisfied his share of shares. .

In fact, it is this share that has been hovering above the bottom line in the minds of most shareholders that just ensures the stability of the Warner Bros. board of directors. He never showed his ambitions to further gain greater benefits to shareholders. No matter how high his reputation in the company was and the greater the benefits he could create for the company, he never tried to change it a bit.

Bruce Rosenblum doesn\'t think so. Through the close contact between the two of them for several years, he is very clear about how ambitious this young man is, and it is impossible to always be willing to share the benefits like a fool.

The reason why he has been content with the status quo is that there is only one possibility, and the other party thinks that the right time has not yet come.

Bruce Rosenblum didn\'t know that the specific plans between Jeff Robinoff, Kevin Tesuhara and Wayne could be analyzed just by guesswork. easy.

It\'s true that the two have a great personal relationship, but Bruce Rosenblum knows even more that talking to someone like Wayne is all in vain. Now what I can bring to the other party, others may not be able to. Alan Horn is just the first to jump out. Who knows if there is anyone else waiting for the opportunity?

From a few years ago, he had already felt from Wayne that the young man\'s actual role had long since changed into a capitalist. Talking about friendship with a capitalist is never as good as talking about interest insurance and reliability. This has been proven many times in the circle. Only interests are the foundation of permanently binding personal relationships!

There is a philosophical truth in the ancient East, not all literate people want others to have culture too. This principle also applies to Hollywood. Not all capitalists want to make others rich and capital.

He didn\'t know when Wayne Xiang would increase his stake in one fell swoop and gain the absolute right to speak to Warner Bros. However, based on Bruce Rosenblum\'s understanding of this young man\'s ambitions, this time will definitely come in the not too distant future, when there will definitely be countless people who support Wayne now, trying every means to obstruct, and he , what it can bring to the other party is to firmly become a knife that cuts through resistance.

If you want others to take a clear-cut stand and tie yourself to him, you must stand on the other side\'s position to seek benefits, pay and repay, which has always been Hollywood\'s code of conduct, and this will never change.

And the first thing Bruce Rosenblum did after the conversation was to secretly handed a knife to Paramount.

"The Clash of Heaven and Earth is a sci-fi disaster film? After watching the film, I just want to talk about my most real feelings. This film seems to have all elements, but everything is more than a little bit worse. Watch it hard. The whole movie, I only realized after I walked out of the theater, whether it is special effects, creativity, or those forced sensationalism, it is too old-fashioned!"

Just when "Clash of Heaven and Earth" won the first weekly box office champion and ushered in the test of the first working day, a senior movie fan posted a message under the movie section of the IMDB movie database. "The most unacceptable thing is the black president, who seems to remind me all the time that everything in the movie has nothing to do with reality, everything is fake!"

Once this message was released, it immediately aroused the approval of countless fans, especially the reason at the end, although most people dare not say it explicitly, it actually exists.

For ordinary people in this day and age, it is completely a fantasy for a black person to become the president of the United States, not to mention the white people in the mainstream social group, even those ethnic minorities, feel that this matter is completely unrealistic. Never mind, the black president? That\'s so nonsense.

"That\'s right, the president is actually a black man! This is too much drama!"

"When I was watching the movie, I felt that something was wrong, and now I realize that a black president is really incredible!"

Immediately afterwards, under the main message board of "The Great Clash of Heaven and Earth", there were countless related messages, and almost most fans agreed, UU Reading www.uukanshu. The black president in this movie is a bad one.

The Internet, along with the attention of Warner Bros. in recent years, has also attracted the attention of other film companies. With a large number of bad comments suddenly appearing on IMDB, Paramount has not reacted to this topic, and this topic has spread from the online platform to the real media.

First, those gossip entertainment tabloids, which had no bottom line at all, began to vigorously hype the black president in "The Clash of Heaven and Earth". Later, in the mainstream entertainment media, although they were not as chirpy as the gossip tabloids, they also talked about the setting of this role. , in the end is unreasonable.

Basically, everyone in the circle understands that there is nothing reasonable about the characters in a sci-fi movie? But the heat has already picked up, and the media doesn\'t care about movies or not. The good news media sent reporters to interview a large number of ordinary fans about this issue, but the result cast a deep shadow on the follow-up box office of "The Clash of Heaven and Earth".

"No, my friends and I, don\'t watch a movie with a black president, a black president, that\'s ridiculous."

"I heard that the movie is very boring, so we decided to save our pocket money and wait for other blockbusters!"

"I have a friend who has watched "The Clash of Heaven and Earth", and he regrets it very much now. I am very glad that I didn\'t watch this movie!"


With the film\'s sharp decline in word-of-mouth, after five working days in the controversy, the latest box office statistics report and related data analysis were placed on the desk of Paramount CEO Shirley Lansing.

It was this statistical report and the box office news that made this Iron Lady ceo swear in the office for the first time and smashed his beloved coffee cup.