Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and eighty-seven - the great grandson chapter shameless chapter shameless.

"Peter, I heard that Weta Special Effects Studio was established by you and your friends. Are you one of the big bosses?"

On a business car heading from the airport to Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, Wayne flipped through the draft floor plans of the props and costumes related to The Lord of the Rings and asked a question casually.

The seemingly casual question made Peter Jackson, who was sitting beside him, instantly tighten his muscles, and his eyes began to flicker and dodge. Especially when he found Wayne, he didn\'t look at himself, just casually flipping through the manuscript, the New Zealand fat man\'s shirt was wet with sweat in just a few seconds.

"Yes, Mr. Greenberg."

Gritting his teeth hard, Peter Jackson glanced at Sergey, who was driving, and Nina, who was in the last row of the car, looking down at the magazine, and finally nodded slowly. "Weta Effects Studio was established in 1993, and it started out doing special effects for my new film, Angel of Sin.

After I established this studio with two friends, I also achieved the original purpose, because "Angel of Sin" used its own special effects studio, which saved a lot of expenses..."

The reason that makes Peter Jackson so nervous is that the Weta Special Effects Studio has undertaken all the special effects work for "The Lord of the Rings" as a whole.

Including the concept maps, props, costumes, sets, models, sculptures, etc. of thousands of characters in "The Lord of the Rings", as well as the design and production of the most used monster models, weapons and armors in the shooting of "The Lord of the Rings".

The first reason why he dared to use his own special effects studio is because he has strong confidence in this special effects work, and fully believes that the studio in his hands will not be inferior to Hollywood legends. Special effects company, Industrial Light & Magic.

Secondly, of course, because of the little selfishness in my heart. Not only does he need "The Lord of the Rings", but Weta Special Effects Studio also needs a chance to prove itself.

What\'s more, the overall special effects, props and so on of "The Lord of the Rings" can make Weta Special Effects Studio obtain a lot of revenue. To put it bluntly, it can make a lot of money.

"Let\'s go back to the hotel first."

Looking back at the bound design draft, he threw it to Nina sitting in the back row. Wayne just smiled at Peter Jackson, raised his hand and patted the front seat twice, making a thud.

After Sergey raised his hand to signal for instructions, he turned his head and stared into the eyes of the big fat New Zealander. One hand scratched the stubble on his chin, and the other hand took out the cigarette in his pocket. Bumped one into the mouth.

"Peter, talk about your special effects studio, you should be able to understand what I mean, ok?"

"Yes, yes, I understand."

The fat New Zealander nodded immediately, thinking in his mind how to speak. "Weta Special Effects Studio was established in 1993. After the production of my new film "Angel of Sin" was completed, we discovered at that time that we have our own special effects studio, which can achieve the effect of spending small money and doing big things on many projects. .

Mr. Greenberg, you know, the total investment in The Lord of the Rings is actually not that much, at least not for an epic, special effects trilogy like this, so, using Weta special effects studio to make the film related Special effects, can save a lot of money than using George Lucas\' Industrial Light and Magic. And all the money saved can be put into the production of the film..."

Since the establishment of this special effects studio in 1993, in fact, Peter Jackson and his two partners and friends have discovered that special effects companies cannot actually make a lot of money in the film industry, or that the special effects companies that make big money are only the ones at the top of the industry. a handful.

Fortunately, the "Angel of Sin" was seen by New Line Pictures in Hollywood. Coupled with the relatively low price of Weta Special Effects Studio, many projects of New Line Pictures were given to them.

You must know that in 1993, New Line Pictures was still in its glory period. Although it was only a subsidiary of Time Warner, if you only look at the box office figures, the total box office of the low-cost films produced by New Line Pictures in large quantities , was able to overwhelm Universal Pictures, the worst-performing Hollywood six, and Twentieth Century Fox.

It is a pity that New Line Pictures unexpectedly began to decline rapidly, and the low-budget horror films that they are best at have become more and more popular. Now they have even sold to Warner Bros., and even President Xie Yin has retired.

"No, Peter."

Wayne leaned comfortably on the car seat, with Erlang\'s legs crossed, raised his cigarette-holding finger at Peter Jackson, and shook it back and forth. "You still don\'t seem to understand what I mean."

As he spoke, his upper body slanted to the left, pulled the distance between him and the big fat man in New Zealand, stared at the other party\'s eyes, and said, "Why do I believe that your Weta special effects studio is fully capable of " All the special effects and props design and production of The Lord of the Rings? You need to give me a reason that can convince me.”

"You still have time to think about it."

The commercial van had come to the front of the hotel, and Wayne raised his hand and patted Peter Jackson\'s arm, bent over and got out of the car door opened by the doorman.

"Peter." Standing at the door of the hotel, he buttoned his suit jacket and tilted his head, looking at the fat New Zealander sitting in the car. "Forget it today, tomorrow morning, you accompany me to visit the Weta special effects studio, take a good look at your work progress during this period, and also go to see the location that is being built. That\'s it, you go back first. Bar."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, ignoring the embarrassed look on Peter Jackson\'s face, and walked towards the hotel lobby with Sergey and Nina.

The few people checked in smoothly and arrived at the presidential suite with the help of the waiter. Until the waiter bent over to take the tip and left the suite, Nina let the luggage pile up, frowned slightly, looked at her boss, and said. :

"Boss, will this make Peter Jackson feel humiliated and turn his face into anger and anger?"

"Hey, dear Ms. Klein."

Wayne glanced at her, sat down on the sofa, shrugged and said, "When Peter Jackson used Weta special effects studio to prepare everything related to the production of "The Lord of the Rings", you persuaded me to secretly persuade Warner Bros. to agree Come on. You planned this plan too, why? Now you\'re soft-hearted again?"

Nina rolled her eyes unceremoniously, turned around and started to pack her luggage, without saying a word again. In her opinion, her boss is a typical person who faces forward, not backward.

To put it bluntly, it is very simple. It has been several times throughout Hollywood, and there are very few complete special effects studios. Standing at the top of the pyramid is Industrial Light and Magic, and the others are either small workshops, or they are also making money at a loss, picking up leftovers from Industrial Light and Magic to eat.

In fact, if you look at it broadly, Hollywood has no shortage of special effects production companies at all times, such as Sevfx, MPc, etc., which are relatively large. Of course, there are hundreds of other large and small special effects companies, but they can really develop. of a handful.

There is no doubt in the industry that the emergence of film special effects, or the emergence of "Star Wars" produced with cross-era special effects, has directly changed the development pattern of the film industry, and even directly changed the art form of film.

Industrial Light and Magic was the first to become a giant in the special effects industry. It can be said that the source is because of the fame of "Star Wars". Later, relying on George Lucas\'s strong funds and connections, as early as the early 1980s, he invented the "source sequence" computer processing method, and successfully applied it to the science fiction movie "Star Trek", which made the film become a It was the first film in history to be completely computer-generated with special effects scenes.

Subsequent development nodes of Industrial Light and Magic, each stage basically relied on fire movies. "Sherlock Holmes" in 1985 produced the first computer-generated character in history, and "Abyss" in 1989 produced the first in history. Computer three-dimensional characters, "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" in 1991, simply produced the first computer-generated special effect protagonist in history, t1000.

Until the mid-1990s, Industrial Light and Magic gradually became the first choice for all major Hollywood projects with the fire of the film. Movies such as "Jurassic Park", "Forrest Gump", "Grange in Disguise" and so on, and Industrial Light and Magic are all related to each other.

It is worth mentioning that Industrial Light and Magic originally had a "computer animation team", and they developed 3D animation film technology early, but George Lucas, the father of Star Wars, felt that this technology was too childish. In the mid-1990s, the entire "computer animation team" was packaged and sold to Joe Gang.

It is this "computer animation group" that sells for 10 million US dollars, and later has a more famous name, everyone calls them: Pixar! That\'s right, it\'s the Pixar with all the technical staff showing the \'b\' attribute! It\'s the Pixar who turned Joe\'s gang over in one fell swoop! That Hollywood No. 1 Animation Studio: Pixar!

As for Weta Special Effects Studio, it was because Nina had been staring at New Line Cinema that she discovered this potential and dynamic company.

New Line Pictures started in 1993, basically using Weta special effects studio for large and small films. The studio not only has a low price, but its effect exceeds the industry average. The culture of making the film company spend little to do big things has been thoroughly implemented.

Because of this, Wayne secretly called Jeff Robinoff when Peter Jackson wanted to outsource the special effects, props and other preparations for "The Lord of the Rings" to Weta Special Effects Studio. Therefore, things went well beyond imagination at the beginning. The two investors of "The Lord of the Rings", Warner Bros. and Greenberg Studios, were not embarrassed by this matter.

Now that the preparations are almost halfway through, the production of props, armor, costumes, monster models, etc. has begun, and Wayne is the first time he threw a problem to Peter Jackson.

Don\'t say he is too grandson, shameless, shameless, this is Hollywood, Hollywood has always been a commercial society, a melting pot composed of capital. If there is no intrigue here, all film-related practitioners are pure little sheep, and no one will believe it.

More importantly, Wayne is very clear that what Weta special effects studio lacks is the opportunity of "The Lord of the Rings". In his memory, it is also because of "The Lord of the Rings" that the New Zealand-based special effects studio is allowed to work. , became one of the three major special effects studios in Hollywood.

Besides, the behind-the-scenes team around him, or the circle of people around him, Peter Jackson has never entered this category. Since it is not his own person in his mind, then his principles of conduct will not change at all.

In fact, many people in the circle know that Wayne Greenberg\'s code of conduct has always been to shake hands with you with a sunny and tough exterior, but the left hand hidden behind his back is always holding a hard rock.

In the suite of Hilton Wellington, New Zealand, Wayne and his party were relaxing and enjoying a dinner with New Zealand characteristics. In an office of Weta\'s special effects studio in Wellington, three men were holding cold coffee with serious expressions on their faces.

"Stop thinking about other flukes."

Peter Jackson has been in Los Angeles for a long time and knows the Hollywood tycoon very well from the outside. He threw the coffee cup on the table, ignoring the spilled liquid, punched the table with a fist, and said in a low voice, "Give him shares, give him shares to satisfy his appetite!"

As a partner of Weta\'s special effects studio, Richard Taylor\'s face is very ugly, especially when he thinks of the large number of things made for "The Lord of the Rings" in the workshop, it feels like he has been stabbed with a knife.

"Peter, maybe we should be more patient and wait for Wayne Greenberg to check the progress before making a decision..."

"That\'s right."

Another partner, Jimmy Selkirk, nodded, looked at the big fat New Zealander and said: "Wayne Greenberg is a film director after all, I don\'t believe it, when he sees those made for "The Lord of the Rings" The props and models will really tear the face and change the special effects company!"

All three actually have confidence in their work, confidence in the design of the studio, especially Jimmy Selkirk and Richard Taylor. They believe that those work achievements that are so refined that they are not inferior to Industrial Light and Magic are their capital against that vampire.

Yes, vampires, and when Peter Jackson talked about Wayne on the road, the three of them figured it all out in an instant. Now this time point is too good, it is impossible for Weta Special Effects Studio not to give in, otherwise the dust will be wiped out waiting for them.

"Damn, don\'t think of him as a movie director, never!"

No one expected that the fat man from New Zealand almost jumped up when he heard the words of his two friends. Under the surprised eyes of the two of them, he gasped in exasperation, took the coffee he just threw out and drank it, and said again in a low and hoarse voice:

"You haven\'t been in Hollywood, so it\'s normal that you don\'t know him. Even in Hollywood, no one ever regards him as a mere film director."

Glancing at the two friends, Peter Jackson seemed to be suddenly deflated, his upper body was completely sunk into the sofa, and he continued to explain weakly: "The name Wayne Greenberg, in Hollywood, represents energy! In the eyes of senior filmmakers in the circle, he actually has three identities.

The first is the capitalist! Yes, he is a capitalist, he is the major shareholder of Warner Bros., the largest natural shareholder of the entire Warner Bros.! A conservative estimate of his net worth is not less than one billion US dollars. Note that it is the most conservative estimate. His Greenberg studio has been making great strides in Hollywood in the past two years. According to the analysis of financial experts of Fortune magazine, he still has money in his hands. Own a lot of stock in Internet companies!

The second identity is the producer, and the last one is the film director in the eyes of people. First of all, let’s talk about capitalists. We must know that in North American society, capitalists are the most powerful members of society. A capitalist in North American society refers to someone like him who has a lot of resources that can be allocated. It can also be understood as someone who can mobilize resources and energy far beyond their own wealth.

Wayne Greenberg is definitely one of the best in Hollywood in this regard. He is the master of dark-style cinema and the invisible leader of filmmakers in this area. He is the default leader of the new generation of Jewish gangs, and he is the default leader of the next generation of Jewish elders in the entertainment industry!

At the same time, after so many years of work and investment, the stars he has won, the movie giants who have made profits because of him, the industry leaders who closely surround him, and the industry friends who exist because of the above reasons can make him willing to Under the circumstances, the resources that are assembled and affected are so large that it is difficult for outsiders to imagine. "

Under Peter Jackson\'s hoarse narration, Wayne\'s true face unfolded for the first time in front of Jimmy Selkirk and Richard Taylor.

If Wayne was there, he would definitely embrace the big fat New Zealander. He probably never dreamed that the person who really knew him was not a rival, not a friend, not a woman who was rolling around him, but the fat New Zealander who had always been inconspicuous.

"Let\'s give an example." Peter Jackson continued weakly. "For example, George Lucas, who is known as the richest man in Hollywood. However, if anyone can mobilize more capital and resources in the circle, I think it is still Wayne Greenberg.

Therefore, his role as a capitalist is very powerful, especially a capitalist like him who knows how to share benefits! Warner Bros. is his base, and the world\'s top media industry represented by Time Warner is a giant beast standing behind him. And he doesn\'t have many friends, but he is either a first-line superstar in the circle or a top director in the circle. Otherwise, why would a superstar as arrogant as Tom Cruise take the initiative to move closer to him?

There is also the role of a producer in the back. Just wait and see. After this summer, 20th Century Fox will most likely become his invisible collaborator. As long as he wants, he can even use the role of producer to win the friendship of more than half of Hollywood\'s giant capital!

So, this is the real Wayne Greenberg. The gentleness, politeness, philanthropy, and gentleman\'s demeanor on the surface are all packaged by Times Group with the power of the media! Guys, that\'s the main reason why I say don\'t take the idea of ​​a fluke, if he wants to, I\'ll get out of the Lord of the Rings prep tomorrow!

Of course, as long as he thought about it, even if the Weta special effects studio did half of the work, and the work was outstanding, it would still be replaced by other special effects companies! "

A lifelike image of the Hollywood industry boss appeared from Peter Jackson\'s description. His two friends also clearly recognized the "Hollywood boss" for the first time. The term is rich in significance.

"If so, Peter."

Richard Taylor, who usually presides over Weta\'s special effects studio, frowned and slowly dispersed. He looked at his friend thoughtfully and said in a low voice, "The introduction of Wayne Greenberg will still be of great benefit to us, right?"

"In a way, it does." Peter Jackson nodded. "Once he becomes the major shareholder of Weta Special Effects Studio, as long as the big single studio "The Lord of the Rings" has completed well, there will never be a shortage of development funds, and there will never be a shortage of special effects outsourcing projects."

The reason is very simple, Greenberg Studio is constantly opening film projects, and Warner Bros. will also have a steady stream of outsourced special effects projects to Weta Special Effects Studio for his sake. The premise is that the special effects of "The Lord of the Rings" must be done well. As long as there are no technical problems, and Hollywood\'s unspoken rules of taking care of its own people, it is impossible for Witt\'s special effects studio to lack work.


Peter Jackson thought of some rumors in the Hollywood circle, and said hesitantly: "It\'s just that no one knows how big his appetite is. Since he has deliberated about Witt Studios, his appetite must not be small."

Everyone wanted the benefits, and all three of them thought of it at the same time. If Wayne Greenberg opened his mouth and wanted to swallow most of the studio\'s share, the three of them would really become freelancers.

Commercial companies were infiltrated by capital, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com frequently broke out the rumors that the founder was kicked out of the company, and none of the three people had heard less. Wayne Greenberg, in particular, is perfectly capable of investing first and then slowly kicking them all away.

For a while, the three fell into silence again.

"Forget it, when I take him on a tour tomorrow, I will take the initiative to give the negotiated share." Peter Jackson shook his head helplessly and said, "I\'ll talk about it tomorrow... ..."

The other two looked at each other and nodded helplessly at the same time. That\'s all they can do now. Apart from this, there\'s not much they could have done.

At nine o\'clock the next morning, Wayne and Nina showed up at the door of Weta\'s special effects studio on time. Peter Jackson and his friend Richard Taylor, who hadn\'t slept all night, greeted him while welcoming him into the studio to visit the related items that have been made in "The Lord of the Rings".

"This thing is much heavier than I thought, well, much more delicate."

With a pair of medieval armor in his hand, Wayne lifted it curiously, nodding his approval from time to time with satisfaction.

At first glance, this armor belongs to the emperor Aragorn, and now it is just a sample. After the actors are in place, they will be modified according to the actors\' body shapes, and multiple sets will be mass-produced.

"Actors need training." Peter Jackson stretched out his hand, knocked on the armor a few times, and explained: "My earliest plan was to use polyethylene or Kevlar, but after experiments, I found that the main part is still made of copper. The most realistic, the best effect. So if the actor wants to wear this kind of guy to move freely, he must train in advance.”

"well done..."

Wayne patted Peter Jackson on the shoulder and praised with a smile.

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