Hollywood Drawing

~: Seventy - Director Style

At the beginning of the post-production work, including John, the production manager, almost never walked out of the post-production studio. Even to solve the problem of eating, they called for pizza burgers.

The editing work of the film is not fast, and the splicing is repeated repeatedly. In this regard, the time of day may not be able to determine how many pictures.

At this time, the importance of Wayne is revealed. He can always find the most suitable editing point among the messy footage, and turn the film in Dawn\'s hand into a picture of the idea in his mind.

The time came to mid-December, and the four of them breathed a sigh of relief at noon. After three rounds of cutting and splicing, they were now presented with a 130-minute film.

This is already infinitely close to the finished film. We just need to make the final decision. After so many days of busyness, the film is finally nearing completion. Although the speed is not fast, it is worth it.

After a few people watched the film, Wayne opened his mouth first. "The final comprehensive editing is coming soon. How do you feel, please tell me your opinion."

In fact, watching this film now, although it is infinitely close to a finished film, the soundtrack has not yet been added, so the viewing experience is not very good.

"I\'ve seen your last video." Editor Dawn touched his chin, stared at the screen and said his thoughts directly. "Compared to the tenderness of the scenes in "Happy Death Day", you have made great progress in this film, but the funny scenes in it are still a little green, and the literary drama is not a big problem.

Compared with the action scenes in the second half, or those large-scale **** scenes, your mastery of literary and humorous scenes is obviously not good enough. I suggest cutting more funny scenes and compressing the film time. "

It\'s always uncomfortable to be told about your shortcomings in person, but even Wayne himself agrees with the other party\'s point of view. He is now like a partial child, trying to cover up his flaws.

"It\'s already very good." John said something to comfort him. "Director Greenberg\'s age, it is impossible to master all the language of the camera, as long as he zooms in on the ones he is good at!"

"Thank you, John!"

"You\'re welcome, I\'m speaking from my heart. What you are good at is exquisite plot design, fast shooting speed, and those large-scale **** scenes and action scenes.

And the most rare thing is that you write the script of the movie you shoot by yourself, and such a script is naturally suitable for you to shoot by yourself. As long as you play what you are good at, it will not be too difficult for the film to succeed. You have to know that no director is an all-rounder, even George Lucas\' Star Wars has always been criticized for his weak story ability! "

There is basically nothing wrong with what he said. Although George Lucas is the father of Star Wars, he will still be criticized by fans for not telling stories, but that does not affect the greatness of Star Wars and George Lucas.

Every director has his own specialties. Even a representative of an era in Hollywood, such as Steven Spielberg, who involves a variety of styles, is no exception.

Successful directors in Hollywood generally have their own production style. Senior movie fans can even guess who made the film when they watch that style of film.

And Wayne is also slowly polishing his style. The completion of each film is Wayne\'s accumulation of himself.

Just like this Hollywood, which is eclectic to the whole world, good study habits have made him never stop training his directing ability.

"Okay, guys, let\'s do it, let\'s cut down on some funny scenes, we have to finish the production as soon as possible, and Warner is still waiting for the film to hold a preview for the media and film critics."

"Wait, Wayne." John suddenly stopped him. "You have to edit a trailer first, which will be used for the announcement of the film!"

"Fifteen seconds? No problem!"

Now, John, who is behind several people, remains silent as always except for the necessary work. He also stared at the picture on the screen. It was the maid played by Mays, who was really smiling and crying at the male protagonist Chris.

The scene gave people a weird twist. No matter how many times I watched this scene, it would make John\'s scalp tingle.

He turned his head to look at the director who kept discussing with the editor. From the first day he joined the group, he felt that the director had a lot of ideas, and his ideas were very special.

Usually the gore scenes in American horror movies, that is, those gushing out those massive ketchup, appear as the main method of scaring.

But this director did not follow this method. Most of the large-scale shots he set up in the end were for venting the previous story, which gave people a very happy feeling of refreshment.

He believes that the final film will surely stun everyone.

At the end of another busy day at work, Wayne walked out of the Warner Building, got into the car tiredly and was about to go home. After the car started, Sergey glanced at the back seat and said:

"Boss, the agent of the car dealership called me. They agreed that the car had arrived and asked me when to pick it up."

He was leaning on the back seat and closed his eyes, and when he heard the arrival of the new car, he didn\'t let him open his eyes. "Tomorrow you drive back, go back and tell Nina to make her pay the balance."

After Luke complained about the car that day, he came back and asked Sergey to order a new car. Considering the back seat space, he wanted to order a Rolls-Royce Phantom series.

But after seeing the pictures of the prototype car, I gave up the idea. The current Phantom is not what he remembered, just like a classic car. Finally, under the recommendation of the dealer\'s agent, I ordered a Rolls-Royce Silver Spur Extended Edition.

This car is very close to what he has in mind. The large and comfortable rear seat space can also allow him to do simple office work on the road.

After returning to the manor, he took a bath first, and then sat on the balcony on the third floor watching the garden to relax.

Wayne has his own considerations. This time, "Get Out" must be an unexpected success for Warners, so that they can take him fully.

Only with interests and continuous creation of more interests can this giant company do everything possible to tie itself and Warner together.

Through a cooperation with 20th Century Fox, Wayne realized the fact that in Hollywood, a negotiation due to serious differences of interests would break down the relationship between the two parties.

And the best way to solve these problems is to create huge benefits for both parties every time, so that the two parties can be completely bound together because of their interests. This is what he is going to do.

"Wang! Wang!"

The two golden retrievers should have been pulled out for a walk by Hela just now. They pushed them away very cleverly, and ran in after shouting twice.

According to the habit on the farm, he made two cushions for the two little guys at the foot of his bed as their nests.

"I knew it was you who came back!" Harry-Berry, who came in later, held a leash in his hand. It seemed that Hela was not walking the dog.

"I took them to Beverly Park for a spin, you can\'t guess who I saw?"

Looking at the leash in this black beauty\'s hand, he thought of those little games with Naomi, but he didn\'t pay attention to what she said.

"Hey!" Harry-Berry looked at him distracted, a little dissatisfied.

"Ah? Who did you see?"

"Tom Cruise! I saw Tom, and it turns out that he also lives on this street." When she mentioned the name, her face was full of yearning.

Wayne rubbed the two dogs, turned around and looked out the window, ignoring her yearning to become a big star. "You will have a chance in the future too."

Looking at the Gundam\'s back, Harry-Berry wanted to wrap the rope around his neck. He obviously misunderstood what he meant. It wasn\'t Tom Cruise that he envied. She knew how far she was from that kind of superstar.

What she really envies is the woman next to Tom Cruise, the Australian woman who, with the role of Mrs. Cruise, gained countless resources as soon as she entered Hollywood.

Even the manager is the same person used by the husband. It was a huge shortcut, and she certainly wanted to try it.

From the day she lived in Greenberg Manor, she had countless fantasies about being the hostess here. Most importantly, Wayne Greenberg is a director. As long as his film can be as successful as the last one, his status in the circle will be greatly improved.

The success of a film can be a fluke~www.novelhall.com~ and continuous success is another matter, so she is not in a hurry, as long as she slowly waits for the film to be released, you can see the quality of the director.

Sometimes when she sees the promotional news about "Get Out", she thinks about the woman Naomi Watts, that **** only slept with him a few times. You can play the main role twice in a row, where is he worse than her?

"Is the post-production work going well?" Halle Berry came to him and stroked the two dogs as well.

Wayne looked at Los Angeles in the distance, trying to empty his mind. "Very smooth, it will be finished soon, and the final soundtrack will be added."

"Really? So I\'ll be able to see your work right away!"

"Well, in mid-January, Warner Bros. will organize a preview of film critics for the media, and you will accompany me there." Wayne could see some of her thoughts, he had no special feelings for this woman, everything between them was just trade.

He considers himself to be a decent person. If this black pearl doesn\'t have any mischief, then what he promised her earlier is easy to say.

In his next planned project, there really is a small role suitable for her, which is also her luck.

Seeing the traction rope in the woman\'s hand, he suddenly asked.

"Harry, do you want to play a game?"

"what game?"

Wayne took her hand and walked into the huge cloakroom. In addition to his clothes, there were some props left by Naomi in recent years.

He opened the cabinet that Naomi usually used, and ignored the ladies\' pajamas. He pointed to the black tight leather jacket underneath.

"Put it on, yes, and that collar!"

"Is that so?"

"Don\'t worry, we can take your time and put on the leash!"