Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and twenty-three - Hollywood scam

A gray-yellow document bag, in Wayne\'s hand, slowly bypassed the sealing rope. The thickness of the printing paper inside was obviously more than he expected, and the thick stacks were neatly stacked together, causing his brows to wrinkle slightly even if he hadn\'t read it yet.

On the balcony of the bedroom of the main building of Greenberg Manor, both Nina and Naomi Watts watched the man\'s movements curiously. Even the assistant lady who handled the matter herself still didn\'t know what was written in the document. .

You must know that the previous communication with Hollywood Eye Anthony Pellicano has always been carried out by Nina. This is the first time that the other party has solemnly put the investigation results into the document bag and sent it to the manor.

"Talk about what you think of this person."

Seeing that the eyes of the two women were all burning with the fire of gossip, Wayne shook his head amusingly. He didn\'t rush to look at the thick document in his hand. Instead, he lifted Erlang\'s legs and lit a cigarette to look at the two women beside him. .

"A lot of people know him, and in a way, Wayne, he\'s more famous than you are in the circle."

Without any hesitation, Naomi Watts blurted out. "A descendant from a European earl, the grandson of Sophia Roland, no matter what time he makes a shot, it is surprising. He is a frequent visitor to high-end parties in the circle, and he is always surrounded by female stars, and... …”

"Aha, what else?"

"In the eyes of countless people, the two of you have a very similar feeling. You always like to chase female stars. Of course, such a rich man with a lot of money is destined to be surrounded by female stars." Curling her lips, the Australian girl said unceremoniously.

Holding his cigarette fingers, he shook it from side to side in the space between the two of them. Wayne didn\'t care about the other\'s complaints. Anyway, the most powerful talent in his life was to be thick-skinned. "Well, it\'s man\'s nature, Nami."

In fact, it\'s not just Wayne, and it\'s not just that high-profile Christopher Rockencourt. As long as he does well in this circle, who doesn\'t have the same virtue?

It\'s just that some people keep a low profile, some people like to show off, and some people don\'t care about other people\'s opinions at all. This has something to do with the occupation. Generally speaking, the superstars standing in front of the stage will be more adjusted. The executives of the film company, or the powerful behind-the-scenes workers, are not so secretive about this aspect.

Not just for men, this kind of thing goes both ways. Those famous female producers, female film company executives, and even female stars who have already established their status in the circle, all of them will be playing "stamp collecting" one by one.

"Hollywood has been selected by many media as the most famous, personal, and unattainable two cars that cannot be imitated."

Recalling the previous report of the entertainment newspaper, Nina said with an obvious joking tone: "Boss, guess which two are they?"

"That Christopher Rockencourt car?" Wayne looked at the assistant with interest.

"That\'s right."

Nodding her head, Nina continued: "The 16-cylinder black Hummingbird sedan he was driving was the most eye-catching car in the past two years. It is said that it came from Diana\'s lover."

Hearing this, Wayne smiled unceremoniously, and asked in surprise, smoking a cigarette, "Isn\'t anyone really believing it?"

Before Nina could continue, Naomi Watts\' eyes flashed with the fire of gossip, completely ignoring the doubts on the man\'s face. From her point of view, Wayne was sure that he was being careful again. She smiled and hugged the assistant\'s arm, full of gossip attributes.

"What about the other car? Nina, what kind of car is the other car?"

"It\'s downstairs."

Looking at the Australian actress amusingly, the assistant raised her eyebrows and shook her head to indicate that it was directly under the balcony, next to the small fountain in front of the main building. "You sit often, don\'t you?"

"Damn, I thought it was a top-level supercar."

Obviously, Naomi Watts didn\'t get the answer she wanted. At least in her opinion, this kind of elongated and bulletproof car, except for the old man, only those dirty politicians will like it.

"Don\'t underestimate this car, Nami."

Nina glanced at Wayne and explained with a smile: "In the whole world, there are only a few of this Rolls-Royce Phantom sedan, except for the boss\'s one, the other two are all in the royal family of a certain country. In hand. Since this kind of car is specially customized by the royal family, it will not be possible to appear on the market in the future, and the preciousness is definitely much higher than you think."

"Only an old man like Wayne would like this kind of car."

Naomi Watts rolled her eyes, but still didn\'t change her opinion. Immediately, he no longer cared about the things in Wayne\'s hands, picked up a novel on the table, lowered his head and started flipping.

The conversation between the two women did not affect Wayne. He was also looking at the things sent by the Hollywood Eye, but as time passed by, Nina turned to the constantly changing expression on his face. , aroused intense curiosity.

"Interesting, interesting, tsk tsk tsk..."

About half an hour later, Wayne threw a dozen documents that were bound together by printer paper on the table. He lit a cigarette again, groping with one hand on the stubble of his chin, his eyes flashing with a look of quick thinking.

This investigation report is very detailed, down to the childhood past of the "rich man". What made him interesting was that many of the things in it did not match the rumors and what the "rich man" said in person, and it could even be said to be completely different.

In fact, the two completely different statements are what makes people puzzled. Wayne is sure that the guy is indeed wealthy, otherwise it would be impossible for so many big stars in the circle to treat him as a guest.

Don\'t think that the big stars are not enough brains. The reality is, as long as all the stars who can succeed in this circle, none of them are really stupid. Even if the star\'s own brain is not enough, there is often an extremely shrewd agent by his side.

So, those big stars are definitely not easy to deceive. At the very least, it can prove that Christopher Rockencourt is indeed very rich. Otherwise, the female stars in the circle do not show eagles when they don\'t see rabbits, and they have extremely realistic characters. It is never a part of it to ask them to take the initiative to take off their clothes obediently. low cost investment.

"Look, Nina, trust me, it\'s very interesting."

In a trance, Wayne woke up from his stupor. He glanced at Naomi Watts, who was holding the novel. He reached out and clicked on the investigation report on the table, signaling the assistant to read it for herself.

Silence was restored on the balcony again, except for the sound of turning pages from time to time in the hands of the two women, there was only the sound of a man sipping black tea from time to time.

Nina\'s reading speed was very fast, less than 20 minutes had passed. The top student who graduated from New York University also had a strong thinking mood on her face.

"Two possibilities, boss."

The assistant also glanced at Naomi Watts, put the investigation report into the dusty file bag without a trace, and wrapped the sealing rope patiently. Then he looked into Wayne\'s eyes and whispered his analysis.

"Number one, everything on this is fake, the so-called \'Hollywood Eye\' is no longer reliable, but I don\'t think it should be, Anthony Pellicano is very clear about the consequences of fooling us. He is a smart People, I\'d rather tell us that we didn\'t find anything than to think about it for tens of thousands of dollars."

Recalling the contact with each other over the years, Nina\'s tone became more and more certain. Speaking of this, her eyes also glowed with "interesting" light, watching Wayne continue to analyze: "If all the above things are true, I suggest simply cancel the relationship with Christopher Rockencourt. date, we can\'t afford to take such a risk.

Boss, even if the possibility of this thing is real, it\'s only less than one percent! There is absolutely no need for us to seek the truth. He continues to be his Hollywood billionaire, banker, businessman, movie investor, and continues to go to high-end cocktail parties in the upper class. Everything has nothing to do with us. "

"I think about it, let me think about it..."

After listening to Nina\'s suggestion, Wayne\'s upper body leaned back into the reclining chair. He didn\'t even look at the file bag that was pressed by the assistant\'s hand, and turned his head to the garden downstairs. There were several gardeners diligently trimming the garden, and further afield, two security guards could be seen patrolling along the woods inside the manor.

Even he still has things he doesn\'t remember or understand. After all, in his last life, he was just a projectionist in a movie theater. He was one of the most inconspicuous among the ordinary people. Years of Hollywood, it is normal to know little.

In fact, Wayne was trying his best to search his memory for some hints. Sometimes he himself felt that the 1990s was not as good as the 2000s, at least the further back in time, the deeper his memory of relevant information. Unfortunately, this kind of thing is out of his control.

Indeed, he had absolutely no memory of this Christopher Rockencourt, and was even very unfamiliar with the name. But this is completely normal. There are a lot of Hollywood behind-the-scenes bigwigs who are not known. Who makes them not big stars.

But there is a similar thing, but it keeps giving him a warning, that is, the thing that made the earth ball grass and the little plum fall to the ground. This incident caused a stir all over the world because Leonardo DiCaprio returned to the Oscar statuette.

The protagonist of the incident is Mr. Tezuo-liu. This guy spent a lot of money to propose to Xiao Yaxuan and was rejected, but in the image of a little fat man, he slept with most of the female stars in Hollywood. The two well-known heirs of the Hilton Hotel are proud to date him, Lindsay Lohan is his ex, and even Miranda Kerr almost dressed him in a wedding dress!

When he saw this news back then, Wayne once suspected that foreign girls all like "Tu Fei Yuan". In fact, to put it bluntly, it is because this "Tu Fei Yuan" has a huge "super power"!

When this guy first arrived in Hollywood, he spent a lot of money. In a few months, he spent more than 80 million US dollars, and he successfully entered the upper class of Hollywood. Within a few months, he kept holding carnival parties, buying multiple mansions without blinking an eye, and using high-profile money to "smash" female stars.

So far, the sports car driven by a certain Kardashian is given by this "Fat Yuan", and the million-dollar pigeon egg diamond ring in Miranda Kerr\'s hand also comes from his generous wallet.

Why do you say that Miranda Kerr almost put on a wedding dress for him, because he not only gave him a "pigeon egg". What is the sky-high price of a piano of more than one million US dollars, a large toy luxury yacht of 250 million US dollars, not to mention a world supermodel, but who can withstand this kind of offensive as a woman?

Not only women, he often acts as a checkbook in his interactions with Hollywood male stars. This guy is a die-hard fan of Xiao Lizi. When he learned that his idol was short of money to make a new film, he waved his hand to make up all the funding gap for "The Wolf of Wall Street".

Investing in movies is like a stepping stone, like a famous Picasso painting worth 3.2 million US dollars. As long as Xiao Lizi likes him, he will buy it and give it to the other party as long as he takes out his wallet.

More than just a famous painting, he was very disappointed to learn that Xiao Lizi couldn\'t win the Oscar statue again and again. In order to comfort his idol, he directly bought the Oscar statuette of Marlon Brando with huge sums of money and sent it to his idol.

And when he did these things, the top Chinese rich man was only in his early thirties. Many people have wondered, where did he get such a rich net worth, and this guy didn\'t hold on to it, and finally leaked the bottom. He not only has the identities of "businessman", "rich man", "film investor" and "financial tycoon", but behind him is a century-old deceit.

At that time, the news was very big, and all kinds of gossip were continuously spread on the Internet, but the big Hollywood stars who were related to him had different reactions.

The worst here is undoubtedly Leonardo DiCaprio. Not only did he take the initiative to return the "Little Golden Man", but the "Wolf of Wall Street" starring was also controversial.

Speaking of Hollywood in the 21st century, this Chinese-American Hollywood cheat of the century is definitely an existence that cannot be bypassed. At this time, Wayne saw the character and deeds of Christopher Rockencourt in the circle, and he felt familiar at the first time, and naturally linked the two together.

No way, the way these two people entered Hollywood, even their choice of spending money and making female stars, are so very consistent.

Coupled with the investigative report sent by the Hollywood Eye, it is hard not to connect the two together, which is why Wayne said it was interesting.

He was never afraid of what was exposed, just like he was not afraid of Harvey Weinstein from the beginning, as long as it was exposed in front of his eyes, he had a way to deal with it. It is precisely because of his ignorance that he does not understand, that makes Wayne more cautious.

Therefore, what he has been thinking about is the process of getting to know the other party and himself. After knowing the identity of Christopher Rockencourt, Wayne had a strong hunch that this "well-known billionaire" in the circle was deliberately approaching him. From the Oscar Vanity Fair reception where they met for the first time, to the kindness that was released constantly, it all showed that there was something the other party liked about him.

Looking at the diligent gardeners in the garden, Wayne muttered to himself. "Tsk, dear Mr. Rockencourt, you say, will you give me a chance?"

From the personal experience of a very famous mountaineer, Mr. Zhang Dongsheng, when a person asks if you can give him a chance, he is not just asking for a chance, he is also giving you a chance!

However, Christopher Rockencourt is destined to not know the story of this mountaineer. Also in Beverly Hills, a small private social wine tasting is going on in a business club. Undoubtedly, Christopher Rockencourt was the initiator of this reception.

"I\'m sorry, everyone."

Putting away the mobile phone in his hand, Christopher Rockencourt picked up the red wine on the table, apologized and sat back on the sofa. "Just received a call from Ms. Nina Klein, inviting me to be a guest at Greenberg Manor tomorrow."

"Wayne invited you to his house?" asked Jean-Winton, who was sitting opposite.

Nodding indifferently, Christopher Rockencourt took a sip of red wine. "Yes, you know, I\'ve always had a good personal relationship with Wayne."

Hearing his answer, the expressions of several people present remained unchanged, but looking at his eyes, no doubt all of them involuntarily paid more attention.

There is no doubt that the entire Hollywood circle, who can be invited by Wayne Greenberg to be a guest at home, can count on both hands. Countless people want to climb his path, but even if they are familiar with each other, there is basically no chance.

This is a gentleman and sunshine on the surface, but he is extremely difficult to get along with in private. This is a recognized thing in Hollywood.

Think about it, who can be called good friends by Wayne Greenberg? Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Bruce Rosenblum, Townsend Rothman, Tim Burton, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, no matter what Whichever name comes out, they are the top power beasts in their respective industries.

Mickey Locke, who was sitting next to him, was much more direct than Jean-Winton. He looked at the man holding the red wine and said seemingly unintentionally: "There have been rumors in the circle, Wayne Greenberg. Its film studio will start a series of cooperation projects with Warner Bros. this year, it will not be…”

"That\'s right."

Waving to the crowd, Christopher Rockencourt nodded casually and said, "You know, Wayne and I have always had a good personal relationship. He may have encountered some difficulties with funds now, and it happened that I recently There are no good investment channels, so he is going to invite me over to chat."

Several people present looked at each other, and they all felt their eyes lit up.

The success rate of Wayne Greenberg\'s production projects, "The Matrix" trilogy, "Charlie\'s Angels", etc., has long been proven countless times. Investing in such a project is completely the first choice for people in the circle. It is a pity that it is too difficult to catch up with the young Jewish boss.

Everyone knows that as long as Wayne Greenberg nods, there will be countless people in the circle lining up to give him money. But Christopher Rockencourt became the first choice for financing, which has fully proved the relationship between the two. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Chris, I don\'t know if Wayne Greenberg\'s funding gap is big."

As Christopher Rockencourt\'s current girlfriend, the latest Oscar winner Helen Hunt, asked with wide eyes. "As far as I know, the project Wayne Greenberg has invested in is Tolkien\'s epic The Lord of the Rings, which is quite familiar.

There are also "Fast Pursuit" and "King Kong" which were reported some time ago. The investment of the former seems to be not high, but the latter claims to have exceeded 150 million US dollars! Who doesn\'t know that Wayne Greenberg likes to play big projects, Chris, the projects that can be valued by him must not be small things. "

"Who knows, you can accompany me as a guest tomorrow." With a friendly reminder from the girl, he shrugged at the crowd and joked to himself, "I hope Wayne\'s funding gap is not too big, otherwise, even if it is me There is some money on hand, and there is no way to help him."

"Really? My dear."

Helen Hunt obviously ignored her boyfriend\'s self-joking, and focused on the previous sentence. She widened her eyes and said, "Haney, will I go to Greenberg Manor with you tomorrow?"

Looking at his girlfriend, Christopher Rockencourt rolled his eyes slightly and said cheerfully: "Of course, this is not a big deal. If things go well, I will chat with Wayne privately and let him in A great character for you in the project, you know, Wayne has always been very nice to his people..."

The conversation between the two was heard very clearly by everyone present, including Shange Winton and Mickey Locke, all raised their glasses thoughtfully.