Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and sixty-four - Respect the **** success

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According to the practice of the Academy over the years, unless a movie like "Forrest Gump" or "Schindler\'s List" has too much influence, the Academy will never give it lightly on the Oscars. Too many awards for a movie.

Just like the fairness and justice that the college has always advocated, it can be found from the public relations lobbying that these so-called fairness and justice are only relative terms. In fact, the philosophy that the college has always followed is to divide the cake and balance it.

Practitioners who are basically invited to walk into Chandler Hall are very clear about this, and this has almost become Oscar common sense.

It is against this background that those who belong to the crew of "Saving Private Ryan" will inevitably have better expectations.

So far tonight, the Oscar ceremony has reached its final and most important stage. Before the best director was given to Steven Spielberg, the biggest winner was undoubtedly "Shakespeare in Love", but when Steven Spielberg held the golden statue and stood on the stage to announce the award In the testimonials, it is not certain who will be the big winner tonight.

Generally speaking, if the academy is still in the balance this year, then it is very likely that they will find supplies for "Saving Private Ryan" at the final grand prize. This is the true opinion of most people on the scene.

"DreamWorks, soon to be the seventh Hollywood giant."

Looking at Steven Spielberg on the stage, Wayne muttered softly.

If he remembers correctly, from the beginning of the past two years, DreamWorks movies will not only overcome difficulties in the theater market, but also achieve unexpectedly good results in a row. It will continue to bloom with dazzling brilliance on a stage like the Oscars.

In the following years, DreamWorks\' limelight was extremely strong. Whether it is in terms of box office, awards, or even revenue figures, it still exceeds the one or two of the bottom six. In the eyes of most ordinary people who don\'t know the situation, it seems that DreamWorks has really become the seventh largest Hollywood giant.

Turning his head, Wayne glanced at the crowd around him, and the corners of his mouth slowly lifted up, revealing a meaningful smile.

Some things will still happen as usual, but some things have been fundamentally changed by him. If there is any old-fashioned force representing film capital in the whole of Hollywood who hopes that DreamWorks will develop better and better, then it must be Wayne himself.

"Will you go up to receive the award?"

As a woman who knows Wayne very well, Cameron Diaz is contrary to the ideas of everyone around him. In her opinion, the golden man of the best picture will definitely be given to "Shakespeare in Love" in the end. To Shakespeare in Love.

Of course, she didn\'t know the rules of the Oscars, and she never knew which film was more favored by the judges, but she only believed that the man beside her had paid, and he still paid a lot of money.

As a woman who has been fooling around with the other party for several years, she knows better than anyone that the reason why this man is willing to pay a lot of money can never be to fulfill the dream of the Australian bi**h. After all, Nao M. Watts didn\'t even touch the statue.

Then there is only one reason left. With the selfish nature under the tough and sunny appearance of this man, he will make a lot of money, and it may only be because he can make more money. …

"No, moments like this should be given to those who work hard." Glancing at Cameron Diaz next to him, Wayne grinned.

Just after his voice fell, the old cowboy on the stage happily announced the result of the best picture to the microphone. "Shakespeare in Love, Harvey Weinstein, Wayne Greenberg."

The moment the sound fell on the stage, all the crew of "Shakespeare in Love" stood up and hugged each other wildly to celebrate. Yes, this best picture is theoretically awarded to the producer, but under normal circumstances, this is also a commendation for all the staff of the entire crew.

If you have watched the Oscars, you will find that whenever the most important award is awarded at the end, it is not just the producer who walks on the stage to accept the award, but the entire crew.

The whole theater was jubilant, and the guests around Wayne, whether familiar or unfamiliar, were sending orders to him from a distance.

However, he just smiled and kept nodding to these people, and he had no intention of getting up on stage to accept the award.

As he said, this film is better, and the producer column has two names on it. To put it nasty, all the work is done by Harvey Weinstein, who is just a dumping shopkeeper who pays and waits for a cent.

With the pride of Wayne today, he wouldn\'t even go to the stage to rub this honor.

Besides, since the "Blair Witch" that year, his plans have not changed. As long as it is a project with that big fat man, he will never come forward, and his proposition is to play down his influence. Is it in silence? Isn\'t it bad to make money?

On the stage, the crowd booed, took photos, and was interviewed. The 71st Academy Awards ceremony also ended with a lot of discussion.

But this does not mean the complete end. As another continuation of the Oscars ceremony, the celebration reception held by "Vanity Fair" has become the next gathering place for everyone on the scene.

In recent years, this wine party has become more and more influential in the hands of Tina Brown. It can be said that basically Oscar nominated guests will attend. Here, no matter whether you are the big winner tonight or the bystanders who have been standing in the audience, you will always show up.

Compared with the winner of the Oscar statuette, more practitioners in the circle should pay more attention to this reception.

The name of the guests invited by Vanity Fair is usually to reward the practitioners for their busy year, but it still does not change the social nature of this reception. And besides this "Vanity Fair" cocktail party, it is difficult to find another occasion where all the big names in the circle can be gathered.

Nothing at the Oscars? It doesn\'t matter, "Vanity Fair" has solemnly rolled out a red carpet in front of the Hilton Hotel. As long as you receive the invitation, no matter whether you are successful or not, you can walk on this red carpet surrounded by many media.

More importantly, the reason why everyone is reluctant to miss this reception is because on this occasion, no one knows whether they will find another opportunity for fame and fortune.

"There are many people who want to enter this celebrity reception. I heard that the admission opportunity of a "Vanity Fair" reception has been privately fired to five figures."…

Cameron Diaz followed Wayne and walked out of the elevator, laughing and whispering: "You know, I\'m not talking about the opportunity to come in from the red carpet at the front of the hotel."

"I\'m afraid you\'ll have to ask the host of the reception in person. Well, it\'s coming."

In response, Wayne just walked out of the elevator when he saw Tina Brown walking towards him.

"God, what an unexpected surprise, Wayne, it\'s such a surprise that you can come!" Tina Brown, editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair, extended her right hand enthusiastically with a smile on her face.

"Hi, Tina."

Wayne also politely stretched out his hand, shook it with the other party, and laughed and teased: "Kami was telling me just now how precious a reception ticket is for me, how could I easily miss it."

"Good evening, Ms. Diaz, and good evening, Ms. Klein."

Being able to sell the magazine "Vanity Fair" to the whole of North America, and to be able to deeply bind this reception to Oscar, of course, Tina Brown\'s brain is far smarter than the average person. Facing Wayne\'s ridicule, she just smiled, looked at the two women behind the other party, and greeted politely.

"Do you need me to take you around?"

After a simple greeting, Tina Brown looked at the man in front of her and asked.

Wayne shook his head. "I\'ll just turn it around myself, Tina, you\'re too kind."

"Ok, if you need anything, you can call me through the waiter at any time."

Because they came early, many of the guests who won the Oscars were still being interviewed by the media, so there were not many people in the hotel banquet hall.

Wayne greeted people all the way, found a seat near the balcony and sat down. Looking at the celebrities who kept coming to the banquet hall, he leaned on the chair and lit a cigarette.

"As far as I know, the list of people who can enter this reception is divided into two types within Vanity Fair."

Behind him, Nina continued the topic just now, chatting with Cameron Diaz next to him. "The kind of money you\'ve heard about comes in. Strictly speaking, it\'s not among these two invitations. It can only be regarded as exploiting some loopholes that Vanity Fair has acquiesced in."


"That\'s right."

The assistant shrugged and explained: "The first type is the people who are actively invited by Vanity Fair magazine, such as those nominated for Oscars, who have been invited to the "Vanity Fair" cocktail party since they were nominated for the nomination. list.

The latter, like bosses, they don\'t need any invitations at all. "

The reason is very simple, people like Wayne, Spielberg, Tom and Jerry, their faces are the most tough pass. Even if the top celebrities in the circle like this did not get any nominations at the Oscars, they were still the guests of honor at this reception.

The essence of Hollywood reception is social, but what is the purpose of socializing?

No doubt, of course, to look for opportunities. Actors are looking for opportunities to join big projects, producers and film company executives are looking for opportunities to cooperate with each other, and even those handsome and beautiful models who always have a way to appear are undoubtedly looking for opportunities to take shortcuts. . …

For example, there is a phenomenon that happens frequently. After Oscar night, some little-known people suddenly appeared on the covers of some well-known magazines, or appeared in a certain big production list.

Such a lucky person undoubtedly found his opportunity in such an occasion. Of course, some suddenly announced projects and cooperation, in fact, many are achieved at such receptions, which is why people love to socialize.

After all, no one knows whether the next project of fame and fortune will be met by him.

More obviously, when Wayne sat down with the two ladies, he naturally became the target of many people\'s socializing.

Although Nina will always signal to the people who come over from time to time, Mr. Greenberg does not want to be disturbed, but when Harvey Weinstein led the crew over, the assistant had already collected a thick pile of business card.

"Sorry, may I have a few words with Mr. Greenberg, I swear, I only need five minutes."

When another young man in a suit and leather shoes was blocked by Nina who got up early, Wayne was smoking a cigarette in a trance, with a rare expression of extremely obvious interest in his eyes.

He glanced at the "Shakespeare in Love" crew surrounded by the crowd, and instead of rushing over to say hello, he waved his hand not far away. "Nina, let him come."

"Well, you\'re lucky."

The assistant lady shrugged, turned around to get out of the way, and took the lead in walking towards her boss.

"Hello, Director Greenberg, I\'m your fan."

The young man who came over was about the same age as Wayne. It could be seen that he was very nervous and excited. While saying hello, he was rubbing his hands constantly.

"Hey, do you have anything to do with me?"

Seeing this very familiar face, Wayne had a warm smile on his face and motioned for the other party to sit down and chat. "Dude, don\'t tell me, you spent a long time just to ask me for an autograph."

"Uh, it\'s like this, I have a script in my hand, I want you to read it"

The first time she heard the man\'s explanation, Nina raised her hand and patted her forehead helplessly. That\'s right, this is probably another self-righteous screenwriter or director who naively thought that with a script, he could get investment from them.

For the past two years, she did not know how many times she had to reject similar things and people every day.

I\'m afraid these people are sad that even if Nina accepts the so-called script or idea, 99% of these things will not make it to Wayne\'s desk.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?"

An unexpected thing happened. Wayne, who has always been indifferent to similar things, did not express his desire to read the script of the other party, but rarely wanted to continue the conversation. Nina could see that her boss\'s tone was not perfunctory, but really wanted to continue chatting with the other party.

"Of course, I\'m Christopher Nolan, from London, and just arrived in Hollywood"

There was an obvious surprise on the man\'s face, and he quickly introduced himself, but before he said a word, he shifted the topic to the so-called script again. "Memento is a script I adapted from my brother\'s short story "Death Symbol"."…

"Mr. Nolan, this occasion may not be appropriate now."

Wayne waved his hand and interrupted the other party\'s desire to continue the introduction. After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, I don\'t care if you want to attract investment or if you want me to help introduce a production platform. Tomorrow morning, If you don\'t change your mind, you can come to Greenberg Manor with the script, and then we can have a good chat, ok?"

"Ok, of course, I mean of course it\'s fine, I\'ll go with the script tomorrow morning."

Christopher Nolan was stunned after being interrupted, thinking that his promotion would face impatient rejection again. But when he heard Wayne\'s words, he immediately nodded gratefully. He knew that he had tried his best to get into this party, and that this was definitely the right bet.

"Well, let\'s do it today, see you tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mr. Greenberg."

Watching the man leave excitedly, Nina turned to look at her boss, her face full of incredulity.

In recent years, she has no idea how many self-righteous young people she has helped Wayne reject. At least a situation like today has never happened. Is there anything special about that Brit from London? Nina didn\'t notice it anyway.

"We won, Wayne."

Without waiting for Nina\'s doubts to be resolved, Harvey Weinstein finally finished dealing with the people who came to say hello. After coming over with a glass of wine, he directly touched Wayne. "We\'re the biggest winners of the year, Wayne."

"That\'s right, Harvey."

Drank all the champagne in the glass, and Wayne looked at the big fat man in front of him with a smile on his face.

Harvey Weinstein asked suddenly, "Who was that kid just now?"

"A director from London, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com should want to get my investment." Wayne shrugged and said casually.

Harvey Weinstein said in a frivolous tone, spread his hands and smiled: "Ha, that\'s not an easy task."

When they were talking, several key members of the "Shakespeare Things" crew also came over at the same time, including Cate Blanchett, who was holding the golden statuette in her hand. As they gathered around, they happened to overhear an interesting conversation between the two.

"Harvey, do you know why so many people want to be successful in Hollywood and want to be a big director here?"

"Oh, because of Hollywood directors, can you sleep with female stars?"


Wayne held up his cigarette fingers and swung back and forth between the two of them. "That\'s just why you want to keep being successful."


"Those people came to Hollywood because they were chasing their dreams, their movie dreams."

Harvey Weinstein waved in disgust. "Come on, Wayne."

"Ok." Wayne sneered as well, and then quickly put away the smile on his face, staring at Harvey Weinstein\'s eyes quite seriously. "Harvey, how much did they (capital) use for the first time to make you give up your ideals?"

"Seventy-five thousand dollars."

"You deserve the higher price."

"So, I\'ll sell Shakespeare in Love for a good price, a price enough to make up for my movie dreams!" Harvey Weinstein said, looking at Wayne and laughing together. "Aha, it\'s a big deal, and it\'s getting busy again, Wayne."

Saying that, he raised his glass. "Let\'s honor the **** success."

"Cheers to the **** success."


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