Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and forty-two - didn't your mother tell you?

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In time for the official screening of the movie, Wayne took Nina to the theater, and when the two stooped into the screening room, the lights on the ceiling surface had gone out.

Harvey Weinstein has been secretly paying attention to the entrance, and at the moment of second entry, he immediately raised his hand and gestured to the reserved position.

"Harvey, the impact of watching the movie is as expected."

After a few simple greetings, Wayne carefully observed the audience behind him while the movie was still playing the opening advertisement. The first one, I noticed its unusualness.

"After all, a year-end film, Wayne." Harvey Weinstein shrugged and whispered, "You can look at a film like this with your own demands, ummm."

"All right......"

Shaking his head gently, there was a helpless wry smile on Wayne\'s face. After hearing the words of the fat man beside him, I first felt that I ordered "He Shi Minced Meat".

In recent years, the premieres that I have participated in, my own projects, Steven Spielberg and other projects, these films lacked attention at all, at least the atmosphere of the scene did not say, all the fans were the most enthusiastic. of.

Just looking back, I found the first one. In addition to the media reporters sitting in the two rows and some film critics with familiar faces, the group of critics sitting in the back can easily tell that there are few "professional fans".

The existence of "professional movie fans" has always been a secret, and even Hollywood has long since become a business. A large part of the group is actually Hollywood dreamcatchers.

Speaking of, the current movie fans are relatively simple, because the "professional movie fans" take the lead to set off the atmosphere, even if the film invites oneself to be seen, and politely, it will keep the premiere with the most basic decency.

In fact, the line of "professional movie fans" is not widely used in Hollywood, and it is a phenomenon in the entertainment industry all over the world.

Perhaps more familiar, the variety shows of domestic entertainment after 20 years, especially some music variety shows, the professionalism and professionalism of the "professional audience" will simply lose to some professional actors who are famous for their acting skills.

"Is the filming of \'Wonder Woman\' going well?"

The movie has officially started showing, except for the sound of some audience members chewing popcorn, the auditorium has gradually become quiet. Harvey Weinstein glanced at Naomi Watts next to Wayne, shaking Shuo\'s head gently, and asked in a low voice.

"yep, the filming progress, relative to Warner Bros.\'s plan, is very smooth."

Like the fat man around him, Wayne didn\'t put all his thoughts into the movie. In fact, due to some Internet rumors in the world, he was born with some prejudice against the movie. "Come on, Harvey, what needs to be done for Shakespeare in Love."

Having said that, Harvey Weinstein was not polite and said without hesitation: "Activate the relationship around you and vote for Shakespeare in Love."

After pondering for a while, he turned his head and looked left and right again. Even though he was sure that he was sitting beside Wayne, he consciously lowered his voice and continued: "The main nominee of "Shakespeare in Love," to guarantee.

It\'s all clear that for every additional Oscar nomination a film has, it can generate a portion of the extra profits. Now that you have prepared so much, if you just play a little bit, try to get as many nominations as possible for the film. "

Dark nodded, Wayne already understood Fatty\'s plan. "I will mobilize my friends to vote for Shakespeare in Love."

The North American awards season generally starts at the end of the year and lasts until the end of February of the year, and the huge show that is performed every year will finally end at the Oscars.

There is no doubt that if you want to join a show that lasts for two or three months, and if you want to show your face at the final Oscar ceremony, you should first let your film be nominated for an Oscar.

To be honest, all kinds of awards ceremonies held in the past have warmed up for the final Oscars, so that\'s why the wind direction standard is said. If the ultimate goal of the warm-up is Oscar, then the expected goal of the warm-up is the Oscar "Nominee Luncheon".

"Tan Independent Film Award, Golden Satellite Award, Annie Award." Harvey Weinstein\'s voice is full of confidence, while counting the awards that "Shakespeare in Love" will participate in, he simply explains his research. plan.

"Producers Guild, Directors Guild, Actors Guild and other film practitioners\' guild association awards. By the way, also New York, Los Angeles and other film critics\' association awards. Finally, the Golden Globe and Academy Awards will end. Wayne, the paragraph has already begun. action..."

"Hey, hey, hey."

Dark Wayne frowned consciously and interrupted the other party in a low voice. "Harvey, the money has been paid, and the experience of redemption that should be told has already been discussed. As for how to do it, I want to know everything. Well, you should understand what it means, right?"

After writing "Shakespeare in Love", I invested about 20 million US dollars. According to common sense, it is a sum of money whenever I put it, and I must be concerned about the details of my investment and the prospect of making a profit.

With a lot of work, I don’t even have the heart or energy to care about the dazzling awards season. I only stared at the accounts related to the film, and I want to know more about the rest of the work.

"Uh... well, of course I understand, just wait and see the results." After a short pause, Harvey Weinstein shrugged and said, "By the way, I\'ll be back later, I\'ll be participating in "Shakespeare" The premiere of "Love History"?"

"Three at most, and you have to rush back to London to host the filming."

When he mentioned it, Wayne also felt a headache, and he had nothing to hide, and said directly: "You guessed it right, that\'s right, I rushed back to Los Angeles for the second time. In addition to participating in the premiere of "Shakespeare in Love", I also participated in "Super" A little problem with the project needs to be dealt with personally.”

Hearing the mention of the "Super" project, Harvey Weinstein did not continue to talk about the topic, and the two immediately resumed their silence.

In fact, Wayne Shi, really didn\'t watch movies much. If he won the Oscar for the most watery movie in the past 30 years because of "Shakespeare in Love", he would even remember the name of the movie.

Now seriously looking at the famous film, the first thing I noticed is that the screenwriter of the film really saved the trouble, and actually wrote Shakespeare\'s life into a replica of Romeo and Juliet.

This kind of thing is very unbelievable. Only as the film gradually deepens, and after watching half of the film, Wayne suddenly feels that it is not bad to be a screenwriter. At least the film has been seen, and perhaps the drama has been closely related.

As far as the part that has already been shown is said, the lines are very wrong, with a strong Shakespeare flavor. But I didn\'t try another trouble-free point of the screenwriter, because I found that many lines were taken directly from the original.

The dialogue performances starring male and female actors are all very tempting, making them want to fall in love. Just like the same kind of fierce fan love arrangement, the first one is also the protagonist, in the era when the concept of chastity was still very popular.

When the movie came to the end, Harvey Weinstein saw that Wayne was watching seriously, and he didn\'t speak in the screening room near the two, and asked in a low voice, "Wayne, how are you feeling?"

"See what you want to hear."

He turned his head and glanced at the fat face, and laughed and teased: "The movie tells that love has no class distinction, even between the queen and the pitiful tramp, there will be sparks of love."

"Come on, Wayne, let\'s talk about the movie." Harvey Weinstein frowned slightly. "From the perspective of the film market, talk about the market achievements that can be achieved..."

Hearing the other party\'s question, Wayne put away the smile on his face, raised a finger by the light reflected from the screen, and shook it between the two. "Work hard for a better Oscar."

The meaning is quite obvious, such a film, if there is no Oscar bonus, it is basically impossible to rely on the box office to recover the investment. Harvey Weinstein was smart, understood the subtext for the first time, and was silent again.

Wayne makes such a judgment and because the film is good. On the contrary, the prejudices that I felt I watched, and I still carried, were all swept away by the end of the movie.

To a certain extent, the film is much better quality than the rumors the world has heard. At least as a biographical literary film, it is much better than imagined.

First of all, the investment in the film is not high, but the director pays great attention to the details of the picture, such as the feces in the British streets, the ink of Shakespeare\'s hands and so on.

The director shot the film to the extreme within the limits of his ability. As far as the arrangement of the plot is concerned, although it is suspected of being tricky, the technique of the drama series can still make one\'s eyes shine.

The main body of the story above, there is no doubt that "Romeo and Juliet" is applied, so that it runs through the whole film, and it is possible to see the entire creation process of "Romeo and Juliet" from the film.

At the end of the movie, "Twelfth Night" is applied, and it also explains the reason for the creation of "Twelfth Night" and the source of the heroine\'s name, which is called intention.

In the Western society of the 1990s, and also North American society, Wayne believes that he knows less about "Romeo and Juliet", and he must say more. Those who read the script of "Romeo and Juliet" will definitely be able to spot the director\'s intentions at a glance. After all, the whole film can match the plot of "Romeo and Juliet", and the settings are quite clever.

But it also means that it further increases the viewing threshold for the audience group of the literary film itself. Don\'t be superstitious about the average education level in North America, even some so-called graduate elites can still specialize in the script of "Romeo and Juliet".

There are many scenes of the film trying to restore the details of the year. For example, what the British theater in the 16th century looked like, you can see it clearly from the film. For example, in the 16th century, the British "allowing women to perform on stage" regulations, as well as the degree of love for the Queen in ordinary Britain, and so on.

Watching the whole film, all the details and arrangements, did not remind Wayne, a literary film with prejudiced cognition.

And just like a literary film that I think is wrong, if you look at it from a normal market perspective, the box office performance is destined to be good. Of course, things such as movie viewing thresholds do exist, which further blocks the already many fans of genre films from the theater.

The quality of a movie is completely different from the market performance it can achieve. It has been deeply understood since entering Hollywood.

Even the type and quality of a movie are ranked third in the box office influence. Regardless of factors such as publicity, marketing, and celebrity coffee, the influence on the box office of a movie is higher than its own quality.


A burst of warm applause suddenly broke out, interrupting Wayne\'s contemplation, sitting in the chair without getting up, watching Harvey Weinstein leading the main creator of the crew, standing on the screen to the audience who applauded the curtain call. In fact, I really look forward to it, Fatty will bring down the splendid Oscar bottom line to the lowest level at one time.

From the unsuccessful attempt to operate "Reservoir Dogs" in the early 1990s, and then "Pulp Talk" gained a little bit later, Fatty seems to be suitable for playing games.

In a special year, Wayne\'s gold-dollar offensive further allowed Harvey Weinstein to see the essence of the game. Coupled with the guy\'s daring style of behavior, and the most important point, Jewish blood, he is destined to only be willing to pull his face, and he will naturally lean towards the project of operation.

"Will Kate win Oscar gold for this movie?"

Naomi Watts, who had been gagging all the time, suddenly turned her head close to the man\'s ear and asked softly. "Don\'t deny it, Wayne, Zhi Duanjian gave that fat man millions of dollars in lobbying funds."

"Who knows." Wayne shrugged and said casually, "It depends on how strong Harvey Weinstein\'s public relations skills are. Also, Nami, the lobbying funds given, the main lobbying direction for the best picture, as for the Oscars. A good heroine, just by the way."

During the conversation, he was very keen to discover that Naomi Watts looked at her "compatriot" with envy, and a trace of jealousy that was not deliberately hidden at all.

"I heard, Nami." He raised his hand and slapped his forehead, Wayne sighed secretly, turned his head close to Naomi Watts\' ear, and said, "Promise, that **** Kim will definitely, Be more patient, Nami, it should be clear that this year and next year, it will be smoked at all..."


A snow-white hand suddenly covered the man\'s mouth, and Naomi Watts nodded with a smile, obviously wishing to continue. "The main creator of the crew attends the press conference, first the reception scene?"

"Ok, let\'s go."

Ninety percent of the media reporters went to the press room on the second floor of the Kodak Theater to attend the premiere conference of the new film created by the crew. A considerable number of reporters also guarded the door of the Four Seasons Hotel half a block away, knowing that the guests on the platform would all attend the reception at the end.

And the first fish caught by these reporters was undoubtedly the main purpose of Wayne and Naomi Watts.

Facing reporters\' questions, Wayne was stingy in his praise of "Shakespeare in Love". After all, half of the film\'s revenue belongs to it. As for the reporter\'s questions other than "Shakespeare in Love", the Australian actress has something to say.

The relatively chaotic interview lasted for more than ten minutes, and it was not until Quentin Tarantino Robert Rodriguez found out that the reporters shifted their attention and allowed Wayne Er to escape smoothly.

Regardless of the number of fans who participated in the film, Harvey Weinstein, relying on his own connections, invited very few insiders. It is very clear that this kind of film is insulative to the fans, and if you expect a relatively dazzling box office figure, you can only start with the announcement.

In this banquet hall where the reception is held, there are one or two women standing near the elevator. In that formal female business attire, she was bowing her head and admonishing the girl beside her.

"Wayne Greenberg and his party will be there soon, watch the crowd and seize the opportunity, Boob, I think you should have seen the entertainment newspaper, the story between Amanda Seyfried and Wayne, won the Pretty wrong influence..."

Listening to the agent\'s advice, the girl nodded slightly. It is also a star-making system for Disney\'s draft, only much older than Amanda Seyfried, and it is much smoother than that girl to gain stardom after self-confidence.

To be precise, although the two go the same way, how can the influence of Wayne Greenberg limit the film circle? Thinking of the upcoming release of the first album, I secretly cheered myself up.

"Hi, we meet again, can I have a drink?"

Just as the two of them focused their attention in the direction of the elevator, a slightly immature male voice sounded from behind.

"What would you like to drink? Milk?" The girl heard the voice, and the manager watched, frowning tightly, her face showing obvious patience. "Damn, not interested in children, stop harassing, ok?"

The white boy standing behind him was about twelve or thirteen years old. There was no embarrassment on the boy\'s face. Instead, he looked into the girl\'s eyes with a strong desire.

In North America, the age of adulthood is 22 years old. In fact, boys and girls develop very early, and those who receive "that" education are also very early. As for the boy with eyes, it is obvious that he has grown up in the Hollywood circle. As you can imagine, the things between men and women are absolutely mysterious.

"Who is the father you know?" Shia LaBeouf rolled her eyes and used an unprofitable trick. She looked at the girl who was a few years older than herself, and said proudly, "Steven, Steven- Spielberg, if he accepts the invitation, perhaps by introducing..."

"Yes, Boob."

Before the boy could finish speaking with a proud expression, the manager raised his hand and patted the **** the shoulder, and said something in a low voice. "Yes."

For the first time, Shia LaBeouf met a girl who was immune to her own tricks and opened her mouth in surprise. "hat? Didn\'t hear..."

"Go away and stop pestering, ok?"

The girl dropped a word in a patient tone, nodded to the manager, picked up the corner of her skirt, and walked towards the group who had just taken the elevator.

The girl who was walking in front of her was the first one that caught the idea of ​​Wayne and others. The girl\'s goal was quite obvious, and there was nothing around.

Despite the age of the other party and the delicate makeup on his face, Wayne was still amazed when he saw the girl\'s face.

During the difficult period, I had a special relationship with Disney, and I also stabbed the nest of Disney\'s star-making factory? In a short period of time, I have seen the third Disney child star.

"Good evening, Mr. Greenberg, my name is Britney Spears, a singer." The girl with a sweet smile, without looking around Wayne, stared at him warmly and said hello. "A **** movie fan, uh... albeit abruptly, can you get an autograph?"

The girl tilted her head and looked at him, and the corners of Wayne\'s mouth began to pick up gradually. Instead of talking in a hurry, he looked at Britney Spears recklessly.

There is no clearer than how successful and lucky girls will be in the future. Hollywood, or rather the example of the self-degeneration of the North American entertainment industry.

"Okay, Ms. Spears..."

"Call it Boob, all my friends call it the same."

The girl\'s smile is quite sweet, just like a sweet smile, it is easy to be ignored and it is difficult to make people feel disgusted.

Wayne looked at the girl and shrugged. "Okay, Boob, with a notebook or a postcard or something? Eon, would you like to write something?"

Halfway through the conversation, seeing that the other party took the postcard signature pen directly from the handbag, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Wayne took it and asked with great interest.

"Can I write a wish for Bubu\'s new album to sell? If so, then let..."

"Ok, I wish Britney Spears\' new album to sell." Wayne shook his head, wrote a sentence on the postcard, and then signed his name.

Just as the girl happily took the signature pen and wanted to say something else, the irritable male voice rang from behind again.

"Hey, did you know that what you just did was rude?" The boy\'s tone was full of anger, and there was only a girl with a sweet smile in his eyes. He didn\'t care about Wayne, who was standing aside, and said angrily after he left. :

"Do you know who your father is..."

"What\'s wrong? Didn\'t mom tell me?"

Wayne with a funny look, waited for the boy to finish, and asked the boy directly.

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