Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and forty - future trends

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Michael Bay, no matter how much critics put him down, can\'t deny that he\'s been one of Hollywood\'s highest-grossing directors for the past two years.

Compared with the evaluation of him by professional film critics, the film companies and practitioners in the circle have a completely different view. This circle has always been very real. Whoever can bring benefits to the capital and make money for the capital is the darling of all capital.

Undoubtedly, Michael Bay has made outstanding achievements in this regard. It doesn\'t matter if he really only explodes, even if his movies are always explosive, and the logic of the story before and after is nonsense, as long as a large number of fans pay for it, then he is recognized as a top director.

It\'s like John Gray asking Wayne if he thinks there will be a problem with this "Pearl Harbor". Seeing the other party\'s nodding with Lake Han, his expression is naturally incredible.

The ideas of the producers represent the general cognition of practitioners in the circle, as if in people\'s impression, as long as there is no shortage of explosions in Michael Bay\'s works, there is absolutely no shortage of audiences.

No way, his films are the top and safest projects in the circle in terms of success rate, rate of return, and ability to hold people.

The topic didn\'t go on, and Wayne couldn\'t give a definite answer. He couldn\'t tell John Gray that, starting from "Pearl Harbor", the bombshell made the film critics lame, right?

So far, he has almost forgotten the details of "Pearl Harbor", but he clearly remembers that this epic war work named "Pearl Harbor" was criticized as soon as it was released. The important thing is that the critics are not only professional ratings from film critics and other representatives, but also a large number of fans who are looking forward to the film.

In fact, even if he only remembers the general story of the film, Wayne has not forgotten it. This is a dog-blood love story that uses a book to attack Pearl Harbor as a gimmick to tell an American-style love triangle.

Could it be that when the script for "Pearl Harbor" was just created, the film company didn\'t find it? No, if such a script is put into the hands of a novice, whether it is a novice producer or a novice director, it will be thrown into the trash by Disney for the first time.

But there have been too many in Hollywood, this is obviously a **** script, but it has been made into an extremely popular movie. The reason for deciding whether to invest in a film company mainly depends on who has come up with the script.

With the status of Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay as the top golden partners in the circle, even if they took out a mess of shit, Disney would be very confident and slammed into this shit. Billion dollars, this is the most real underlying logic of Hollywood.

"I have watched "Jedi Men", and this year\'s "Peerless Catastrophe"."

On the way back to the hotel, Nina, who knew Wayne best, couldn\'t help but said, "Michael Bay has a kind of magic, I even think that there is no other director in this circle who can be like him. Find out what most fans want to see.

Boss, I believe that you must have your own reasons for judging that there will be problems in "Pearl Harbor". However, it is best not to underestimate Michael Bay. He has never received such a huge investment in his previous films. This time, Disney\'s arrogant investment has completely let him go. The result is really hard to say. "

Hearing the assistant lady\'s words, Wayne shook his head and asked with a smile: "Nina, you said that a person who has been madly criticized by film critics all the year round, after achieving great success, would he want to use huge investment , completely slapped the thoughts of all film critics?"

"You mean..." Nina was stunned for a moment. As a highly intelligent woman who graduated from New York University, she immediately thought of the meaning of her boss\'s words.

"Success comes with unwitting inflation."

Looking at the street scene in the small town in the early morning, Wayne said sternly: "If Disney didn\'t give Michael Bay so much money, this film might still be like his previous works, at least the box office results can still be guaranteed.

Think about it, Nina, a director who is unknowingly expanding because of his huge success, will he have more ideas once he suddenly gets more investment than he expected? "

Why is Hollywood Producer-Centric? A very important reason for this is to allow the producer to suppress the director\'s creative desire at any time in the crew, and to ensure that the film is executed in the film company\'s plan from the beginning to the end of the filming.

It is precisely the great success of Michael Bay this year that not only brought him huge investment from Disney, but also brought him the confidence to ignore the producers to a certain extent.

"These are just my guesses, and they can only be talked about in private by the two of us." Shaking his head lightly, Wayne said casually, "Actually, it is more likely that Jerry Brooksea Under the silent supervision and restraint, Michael Bay did not have the opportunity to add more personal ideas to the film."

A light flashed in the eyes hidden behind the glasses, and Nina whispered: "I heard that Disney also started another project called "The Sixth Sense" at the same time, and the project sponsor and producer is Jay Ray Bruckheimer..."

Her meaning is obvious, everyone is very sure that the explosive shells that are constantly succeeding will continue to succeed. Even the producer, who has always been known as one of the golden partners, is now focusing his energy on new projects initiated by himself.

So looking at it this way, no one knows if Wayne\'s speculation about Michael Bay will actually happen. At least the director\'s freedom, which is rare in Hollywood circles, is being held by the explosive shell.

"Hmm." Wayne shrugged and said casually, "I instead hope that his "Pearl Harbor" can give me some surprises. I like the feeling of moving forward in the competition..."

Nina rolled her eyes and remained silent, and did not continue to talk about this topic, because she really knew the man beside her too well.

Yes, Wayne has never been afraid of competition, and he has never lost competition, at least not in terms of market performance. Among the directors who have been defeated by him over the years, there has never been a shortage of dark horse-making machines at the box office, and there has never been a shortage of top bigwigs in the circle.

As you can tell from Nina\'s understanding of him, his boss is definitely an exquisite egoist. If there is a way to avoid competition, and a way to make his own movies exclusive for a weekend or two, he will definitely not mind blackmailing anything. , Bai\'s means, all of a sudden smashed to competitors.

The general evaluation of Wayne from the outside world has always been positive. It seems that when the name Wayne Greenberg appears together, it is always labeled with adjectives such as "gentleman", "sunshine", "charity", "genius" and "American dream".

Actually? Including the two most important women in his life, Nina and Naomi Watts\' evaluation of him, but they have always been "narrow-minded", "small-minded", "excessive hormone secretion", "extremely possessive", etc. , and the essential "old-school machismo".

It is precisely such a person who can expect strong opponents to constantly challenge his dominance in certain aspects? Anyway, in Nina\'s eyes, she has already adapted to the hypocrisy of her own boss.

In fact, the assistant miss really guessed wrong this time. When it comes to the explosive shell, Wayne is really looking forward to this "Pearl Harbor", whether there will be any changes.

In fact, according to his analysis, Michael Bay is likely to follow the old path in his memory. Just as he said, after a person has achieved great success, someone has sent sufficient funds and at the same time given sufficient creative freedom. I am afraid that no director can resist such a temptation.

The only thing that made him feel a pity was the toy adaptation series that made Bang Bei turn over in his memory, and there was no way to get the copyright in advance.

If the other party is still as he imagined, there have been successive failures from this film, so that he was almost abandoned by the entire Hollywood, this may be the only regret. He has no interest in bottom-hunting in the stock market, because those things, although quick to make money, are not his area of ​​expertise.

But in Hollywood, Wayne was very interested.

Anyone who can succeed will never be afraid of a temporary failure. No one knows better than him that these two consecutive huge failures have taught Michael Bay enough lessons.

It is precisely because of the frustration of the past few years that the other party wants to understand what he is good at, what he is suitable for, whether he should care about the opinions of professional film critics, and how to turn over.

There is no doubt that only the brainless popcorn masterpiece with huge scenes can, to a certain extent, fully exert the talents of exploding shellfish. And that toy series, it can be said that it fully meets all the characteristics.

Don\'t worry about the plot logic or the artistic elements. The biggest attraction of Transformers to movie fans is that Brother Zhuzi and Megatron fall in love and kill each other.

In front of this pair of enemies who have been pinched from Cybertron all the way to the earth, the plot of the story is not important, as long as the scene is good, it can continuously arouse the feelings of fans born in the 80s and 90s again and again, that is, a movie that has gained market recognition good movie.

Wayne himself had an occasional idea for the series a few years earlier, probably in college. The main thing is this series, which is too suitable for the future film market.

In the cinema market where superheroes can run everywhere, it is one of the few series of movies with stable results, and it is also one of the most profitable series around the movie line.

But as long as he thinks about what he is best at, he will laugh unnaturally. If this IP got into Wayne\'s hands, he would definitely kick Brother Zhuzi into the dark abyss, and then let Brother Zhuzi struggle in the darkness to find himself again.

No matter how dark it comes, how cruel it comes, I can\'t help it, and I give these Autobots enough humanity to let them play a game of mutual redemption. But such Transformers, will there be fans willing to watch it? Even he himself knew it was impossible, absolutely impossible.

In fact, the easiest way is to deal with Michael Bay. As long as the appearance of Brother Zhuzi and Megatron is sufficient, then not only will there be countless people in North America who will willingly pay for their feelings, and other countries and regions in the world. , and there will never be a shortage of fans who pay for it.

You know, this toy series was first popular not only in North America. Even in this land across the Pacific Ocean, many children grew up watching this cartoon, although many of them did not play with those toys themselves.

Thinking of Transformers, Wayne immediately thinks of more. The routine of Transformers in my memory was completely turned into a large-scale advertising film in the later stage.

The characters who can be called by their names can be pulled out to show their faces and fight. Even if some characters hang up, they can change their appearance and appear in the next episode. There is only one purpose, to promote the sales of truly profitable peripheral products.

This approach is actually the foundation of Disney. When it comes to this aspect of gameplay, all Hollywood studios combined are not as crazy as one Disney.

They are too embarrassed to make the heroine of an animated feature film change clothes for two hours of screen time. Facts have also proved that they were right. After the animated feature film was released around the world, all kinds of skirts of the heroine were sold like crazy offline.

To put it bluntly, this is inevitably the development trend of DC superhero movies, and even the future trend of all superhero movies. He wrote it down secretly, and he had to talk to the executives at Warner Bros.

Well, take Disney\'s path first. As for whether Disney will continue to do this in the future, then he can\'t control it. It\'s also a good idea to help Michael Eisner when necessary to make Disney\'s chaos last a little bit, and it\'s not a loss for him anyway.

In Wayne\'s mind, there is nothing irreplaceable in Hollywood, including the most successful movie giants in memory.

In a highly commercialized structure like Hollywood, there is nothing that cannot be copied. The Disney in memory can do it, and he believes that as long as Warner Bros. don’t go the same way and avoid those important decay nodes, it can still be done.

And at the same time of development, we must pay attention to one point, that is, to set higher and higher thresholds for people and companies that have the ability to replace or even surpass themselves. In fact, the Hollywood Six has been doing this all the time. How brilliant DreamWorks will be in the next few years, how sad it will be when it is lonely.

Filming in Italy is over, and with that in mind, Wayne can\'t wait to get started as soon as possible. As long as "Wonder Woman" and "Superman" finish work this year and achieve the expected results, there will be only one hurdle in front of him, the Justice League.

"ifyoussedthetrainian, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com






Early in the morning, the noise of the motorcade continued to appear in the small town. Wayne, who was obsessed with the lake, listened to the singing of "Fivehundredles" on the radio, and led the crew to leave the small town and rushed to the nearest airport, ready to fly to the British Isles. London.

In the hotel in this small town, the only thing left was Monica Bellucci, who stood in front of the window and looked at the team. There was determination and hope in her eyes.

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