Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and fifty seven - Wayne who is not greedy

After the dinner with George Lucas, Wayne called Bruce Rosenblum as soon as possible, briefly expressed what Fox meant, and got the other side Jeff Robinoff to discuss it as soon as possible. After responding, he put the matter aside and continued to work on the post-production of "Wonder Woman".

In fact, in his heart, he is actually more inclined to cooperate with 20th Century Fox. After all, no one knows better than him how terrifying Disney is after gradually ending the civil strife.

Even in Wayne\'s mind, the major Hollywood studios are now far less effective at targeting DreamWorks than by targeting Disney together. After all, no matter how much DreamWorks churns, in the end, the Big Three will be hit by global distribution channels, but Disney, the temporary behemoth, will not.

As for "Star Wars", he believes that as long as the brains of Warner Bros. executives are not broken, they will definitely not want to touch it.

Not to mention Jeff Robinoff, the current head of Warner Bros., as I remember, those executives who made frequent odd moves 20 years later knew that they had nothing to do with "Star Wars", and that was still Disney\'s "Star Wars" after leaving George Lucas.

Speaking of the fate of "Star Wars" and "Wonder Woman", we have to mention "Wonder Woman 1984". Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this movie was an accidental explosion of the previous work, and it was urgently shot to make money. Before its release, it whetted the appetite of fans around the world.

But the result is that this "Wonder Woman 1984" has changed the release schedule several times in a row. Almost every time the change of schedule is announced, the famous female director Patty Jenkins will praise her to the media. Film.

"I really regret delaying the release of "Wonder Woman 1984". God, I shot it so well. When I saw the cut version myself, I couldn\'t stop the excitement!"

It was related to the fact that every time the movie was changed, the female director had to come out and say the same thing again. Later, many ordinary movie fans saw that something was wrong.

There are some smart fans who quickly discovered the problem. The reason for changing the release date of "Wonder Woman 1984" is very simple. The front is hiding from the new "Star Wars", and the latter is hiding from the new "007". Maybe in the end, Warner Bros. himself felt bad about it and put the film first. Changed the file three times to the summer file.

In fact, Hollywood\'s marketing and promotion, and even the means of making money from commercial films, have not changed at all in the past two decades.

"Gene Era"

Today, the "Wonder Woman" in Wayne\'s hands has the guarantee of the success of several popular DC movies, and even if there is no threat of the same type of superhero movies in the market, it can involve promotion and marketing, and he is still keen on Warner Bros. The plan is to rub the heat of "Angel Supermodel" on the Super Bowl.

Just after the front seat exploded, "Wonder Woman 1984", which was urgently produced to make money, also did the same, and did more than he did.

Why Warner Bros. several times this schedule? Obviously, the film was badly viewed by the company. And the reason why they should avoid the popular films of the year again and again and insist on being released in 2020 is because of the content of this film.

It can even be said that the setting of many of the contents of this film is naturally driven by the popularity. If it is not scheduled to be released in that year, let alone making money, there is a high probability that Warner Bros. DC superheroes will be buried on the graves of Warner Bros. More dust.

Just like a movie...

Putting aside the rest, let’s just say that these instincts of Warner Bros. to rub off on hot spots are simply a true portrayal of Hollywood studios.

But Warner Bros. lucked back to grandma\'s house this time...

"Twentieth Century Fox announced to the media this morning that the much-anticipated new "Star Wars" was officially scheduled for June 23 in the summer. work, and announced the title of the film "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace"..."

""Star Wars" is officially scheduled for late June, and the biggest box-office bomb is about to hit the summer season, when..."

""Star Wars Prequel: The Phantom Menace" is coming, 20th Century Fox announced that this new Star Wars is destined to cause a carnival of all movie fans..."

At the end of February, 20th Century Fox suddenly announced the release time of "Star Wars" to the media, and all the topics in North America all turned into heated discussions about Star Wars, even the prediction analysis of various award ceremonies. , were suppressed by the discussion about Star Wars.

Not only the mainstream entertainment media, but even all the mainstream social serious newspapers, the headlines have been replaced with topics related to Nova Wars, which shows how influential this series of movies is in North America.

For a while, celebrities from all walks of life have faced interviews with reporters and expressed that they are full of expectations for the new Star Wars. The sudden release of the new Star Wars news seems to have exploded countless Star Wars fans at once, from politicians, businessmen, to celebrities and celebrities, and expressed their expectations for Star Wars through the media.

"That\'s George\'s influence, that\'s the Star Wars influence."

In the later studio of Warner Studios, Wayne threw down a few newspapers, whistled helplessly, and sighed to the people in front of him: "Star Wars, it\'s not just a movie, it\'s accurate. It has become a cultural phenomenon in North America, a cultural business card.”

"Wayne, you didn\'t do a bad job."

Looking at the newspaper on the table, Luke Simmons glanced at him and said with a smile: "Maybe in the past two years, when people talk about superheroes, they will also call it a cultural phenomenon, right? ?"

"It\'s hard, Luke, I\'m not dizzy yet."

Wayne shook his head. Although he envied the storm caused by "Star Wars", his mind was still very clear, and he understood that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to make DC superheroes a cultural phenomenon like Star Wars.

However, if it becomes a cultural calling card in North America, it is very possible.

"No, it\'s not difficult at all in my opinion."

Avi Adela on the side put down the newspaper in his hand and looked at the man across the table seriously. "It\'s not hard at all if you want to. You know..."

Looking at Avi Adela who was preparing a long speech with some headaches, Wayne waved helplessly and interrupted the other party\'s next words. "Hey, Avi, put away your wild ideas, you can see how busy I am now.

After the post-work on "Wonder Woman" is over, and the entire crew of "Superman" is waiting for me, I don\'t have time, and I can\'t find time, ok? "

Since Wayne started post-production on "Wonder Woman", Avi Adela has not known how many times he has come to the studio, and his purpose has always been very clear. A heroic movie that can be directed by Wayne himself, even with a name, in order to open up all the markets in the beginning.

More importantly, for the project plan he made himself, Wayne has been delaying it for various reasons, making him eager to figure out when the other party is going to make amazing superheroes.

"Say it straight, Avi."

Seeing that Avi-Adela wanted to continue to persuade, Wayne shrugged and said directly: "Greenberg\'s work is all the money above, and priority must be given to ensuring the operation of the projects that have already been opened, Avi. You should know that if Now to start preparing for your Iron Man submission, the only way for us is to raise money.”

"I heard..."

Avi-Adela hesitated for a while, so as to observe the face of the man opposite, and said cautiously: "I heard that there is an investor in the circle who is very interested in all the projects of Greenberg Studio. Since he\'s already invested in the studio\'s other projects, why not..."

"No, Avi." Facing Avi Adela\'s suggestion, Wayne shook his head directly. "I originally had this idea, but after careful consideration, I decided not to accept any form of foreign funding in the superhero project. You should be able to think clearly about the reasons for my decision."

Of course he can think clearly, there is no other complicated reason, it is purely due to the confidence in his superheroes.

Once a superhero movie succeeds, the benefits reaped simply make the entire Hollywood studio jealous. Not only has explosive potential at the box office, but more importantly, offline revenue, copyright authorization and trading of various peripheral products, the other party has proven its explosive profitability countless times on DC superheroes.

No matter who holds such a project in their hands, I am afraid they are unwilling to let others get involved. Look at Warner Bros. today, as long as it is a DC series project, even if the production cost is as high as 200 million US dollars, they have never accepted any external financing.

"May at the latest, Avi."

Wayne secretly calculated in his heart, and this time gave a relatively positive answer. "Whether it\'s the box-office share of The Flash or the proceeds from Charlie\'s Angels and the third installment of The Matrix, Warner Bros. will be paying the studio account on time until May.

Of course, 20th Century Fox will also divide the part I deserve in "X-Men" and enter it all at once. so, you have to wait a few more months. "

"All right......"

After sending Avi Adela away, Wayne stretched out a hand and kept rubbing the sides of his forehead. He has regretted it a little now, maybe he shouldn\'t put everything into this one or two years.

Greenberg Studios has produced a number of film projects, such as The Lord of the Rings, which was filmed as far away as New Zealand, and King Kong, which also went to New Zealand, and Fast Track, which finished filming in New York. After the filming of "Wonder Woman", Angelina Jolie basically has no time to rest. She will start training related to "Tomb Raider" before April...

There is also another game adaptation project "Resident Evil" that has been planned, and another feature film about dogs. Basically, he can\'t ignore these jobs.

More importantly, as soon as "Wonder Woman", which he is working on in post-production, is over, he has to immediately host the shooting of "Superman". According to Warner Bros. and his plan, both films must be released within this year. , in order to set everything up for next year\'s blockbuster.

In fact, after the arrival of the summer vacation in previous years, although Wayne was also responsible for leading the crew to carry out publicity activities, he still managed to squeeze some time to rest.

But this year, if he works according to plan, he basically won\'t have any time off. Even after "Superman" is officially released, the "Justice League" will be waiting for him.

You know, while busy with his own work, he also cares about the projects invested and produced by his studio. Even if these projects are basically co-produced with Warner Bros., and there are producers sent by Warner Bros. to control the direction, he has never overestimated the bottom line of Warner Bros.

In fact, the sudden acceleration of his own customized development plan was not actually Wayne\'s original intention. It is his forward-looking, too clear that the best chance is this year and next year, the reality forces him to do this.

Once these plans are delayed until one or two years after the arrival of the new century, then the meticulous plans and complete preparations will be disrupted by force majeure external factors.

The first is the merger of America Online and Warner Bros. He knows better than anyone that it seems that two world-class giants merge into one. In fact, Warner Bros., the world\'s largest film and TV entertainment production company, is moving towards The beginning of decline.

The second factor is even more powerless to intervene. When two winged iron birds collided with the Twin Towers and disappeared, the Hollywood film industry inevitably ushered in a two-year winter period. At that time, ordinary people throughout North America will resist the entertainment industry from their hearts, and the number of movie fans entering the cinema will plummet.

Faced with these two major difficulties, all Wayne can do is to complete all his plans as soon as possible before these two nodes arrive.

Especially the disappearance of the Twin Towers, if he wants to make full use of its influence, he must completely smash the superhero brand into the hearts of all ordinary people in North America before it happens.

Everyone knows that when all Hollywood movies are left out because of this, there is only one type of movie that can make a lot of money, and that is superheroes. The spirit of the North American people needs these superheroes to save them. As for their economy and body, what does it have to do with Wayne?

Even the dead in Hollywood are trying their hardest to market, and he will use the pain of the North American people to market it, which is not out of the ordinary.

And to put it bluntly, Wayne never worried about the two iron birds, but more worried that they would not arrive as promised. After all, as long as this world-shaking thing happens, the DC superheroes and some of the amazing superheroes in his hands will usher in an unprecedented period of huge development dividends.

Seeing Wayne pondering, not even realizing that the cigarette in his hand was burning to the point of his fingers, Nina carefully removed the cigarette **** from between his fingers and pressed it into the ashtray on the table.

"I lost my mind." The assistant\'s actions still woke the contemplative Wayne, he smiled and shook his head and said.

"Actually, boss..."

Seeing that he did not intend to continue to be distracted, Nina hesitated for a while, but still suggested: "Maybe we should accept the investment from Christopher Rockencourt. Since we have accepted his previous investment, why can\'t we use it? The heavy bait of superheroes, squeeze him dry at one time."

In fact, in the beginning, Wayne and Nina\'s plan was to rely on superheroes to drain the "movie investor" all at once. But then Wayne changed his mind again for the sake of insurance, and only accepted the investment of 50 million US dollars from the other party.

"I see what you mean, Nina."

Wayne licked his lips, resisting the temptation of money in it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "But, have you ever thought about it, if that guy continues to invest in "Iron Man", he will have to continue to absorb more money in the circle, and once the stall is too big, I am afraid we will also have to Sticky smell.

Moreover, if "Iron Man" is too successful, I am afraid that there will be countless lawsuits waiting for us. "

"Make money." Nina grunted softly. "Anyway, there are countless law firms on Wall Street that are willing to accept our entrustment..."

"Forget it, these two years are too important to us, so try not to cause too much trouble."

In fact, Nina and Wayne knew in their hearts that no matter how much Christopher Rockencourt invested in the studio\'s projects, he wouldn\'t get a cent in the end. This has a lot to do with what the "Hollywood Eye" investigated.

Wayne is not greedy at all, and has no intention of moving the other party\'s principal. At most, it is to borrow chickens to lay eggs, and finally return those investment principals in the image of "justice". As he said, he is unwilling to cause himself too much trouble during his most important two years.


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