Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and fifty-nine - Oscar is here

Time slowly advanced to March. After attending the internal preview of "Star Wars", Wayne simply said hello to George Lucas, and simply rejected the invitation of 20th Century Fox executives. Once again plunged headlong into the Warners Studios, continue the work at hand unfinished.

The discussion about the Oscars has become more and more intense. With the successive issuance of several "outpost" awards, the most watched blockbuster films of this year\'s Oscars have generally become the object of discussion among the media and the public.

Since entering awards season, Harvey Weinstein has been jumping up and down to great effect. "Shakespeare in Love" and its outstanding trends have been consecutive winners of the BAFTA, SAG Awards, and Critics\' Choice Awards.

However, "Saving Private Ryan", which has been devastated by various rumors and smears throughout the awards season, has successfully moved back to the just-concluded North American TV and film Golden Globe Awards. Successfully won the two most important awards for Best Picture and Best Director.

On the other hand, since the whole awards season, their opponent "Shakespeare in Love" has only won one performance award and one screenwriting award this time.

A rather comical situation occurred after the Golden Globe Awards. Steven Spielberg, who successfully won the award for Best Director, had a very ugly face when interviewed by reporters. And Harvey Weinstein, who was completely suppressed at the Golden Globes, was still in high spirits before leaving the field.

That\'s right, in the eyes of the public, the Golden Globe Awards for North American TV and movies are the proper Oscar outpost awards. But in fact, many people in the circle understand people\'s hearts, and it is very clear that there is basically no relationship between the two. Even the people who participated in the selection were two completely different groups.

The Golden Globes are sponsored and selected by the Hollywood Peripheral Journalists Association. To put it bluntly, the behind-the-scenes who participated in the voting selection were just the group of reporters.

The Academy Awards, the voting members, are thousands of full members of the Academy throughout North America. Whether it is influence or the angle of viewing the film, it is two different things from the former.

However, because of the growing influence of the Golden Globe Awards in recent years, coupled with media publicity and long-term misunderstandings by the public, the Golden Globe Awards have successfully ranked among the British Film Institute Awards, the North American Screen Actors Guild Awards, and the Critics\' Choice Awards. Among the three major awards, it has become one of the "four weather vanes" of the Oscars.

Steven Spielberg doesn\'t seem very happy just because he knows what\'s going on here. "Shakespeare in Love" can be said to have achieved overwhelming victories in the other three weather vane awards, which has to cast a layer of fog that cannot be seen clearly for his upcoming Oscar journey.

The reason is very simple. Whether it is the North American Screen Actors Guild Awards or the Critics\' Choice Awards, the judges behind these two awards almost all have another identity: members of the academy.

Most people have overlapping identities, which means that in the votes cast by these people for Oscar, they are likely to continue their previous choices. It has to be said that it is impossible to be happy just thinking about it.

"The film you invested in, it looks pretty good."

Warner Studios\' post-production studio, in a small drawing room, a beam of light from an old-fashioned projector shines on a small piece of curtain at the front. Jeff Robinoff, CEO of Warner Bros., withdrew his attention from the demo film that was being shown, and murmured at the young man beside him if he meant something.


Hearing the other party\'s words, Wayne also looked back and turned to look at Jeff Robinoff. "What did you hear?"

Jeff Robinoff crossed Erlang\'s legs, leaned back on the chair and nodded lightly. "I was partying with a bunch of old guys yesterday, and the name they mentioned the most was Shakespeare in Love, which made Harvey jump up and down."

"Great news." Wayne whistled softly and joked with a smile, "Looks like I\'m about to make a lot of money, but Jeff, I don\'t have much money right now."

"Before May, at the end of May at the latest." Jeff Robinoff frowned slightly, of course he heard Wayne\'s subtext, so after a little thought, he made a promise. "I guarantee that Warner Bros. and you will get a series of shares and salaries before this time comes."

Shrugging, Wayne smiled and nodded. "Look, it\'s another piece of good news that makes people unable to be unhappy."

After all, he pouted gently towards the demo film that was being shown. "what do you think?"

"It\'s not what I think, it\'s what you think, Wayne."

As if he had no interest in the 200 million dollar giant system, Jeff Robinoff just glanced at the big screen and turned his gaze back to the other party. "Wayne, you know, today\'s audition is exactly a cutscene."

If it is another commercial film produced by Warner Bros., not to mention the investment of 200 million US dollars, even if the production cost is only 50 million US dollars, Jeff Robinoff will not take it lightly when the sample is edited and tested.

However, the young man beside him has proven his ability to control movies with countless successes. Even the CEO of Warner Bros. believes in his heart that he, a producer who has been in the industry for more than 30 years, does not necessarily have the accurate vision of Wayne in the face of today\'s market.

"All right."

The "Wonder Woman" that is being shown on the big screen can be said to be all planned and produced by Wayne from shooting to editing. The final film is the current version.

Jeff, within a week at the latest, I will add the soundtrack and some dubbing to the film as soon as possible. After you go back, prepare for the internal audition meeting as soon as possible. "

The post-production work on "Wonder Woman" has basically come to an end. For the demo they are watching now, Wayne will only add some key soundtracks. Unless there is an accident, he will not make any further changes to the main body of the film.

Just like what Jeff Robinoff said, whether it is the trial editing of this time, or the trial meeting of the company\'s internal executives that will be held later, it tends to be a process.

To put it horribly, even if some executives and shareholders had some doubts about the film during the preview, it would be difficult for them to find a sufficient reason for Wayne to start revising it according to their intentions.

DC Comics Superheroes is the most important movie series of Warner Bros. in the past ten years, and many development plans in the next few years are revolving around this movie series. Except for Wayne, the leader of the series, even Warner Bros. Brothers\' executives will be very cautious when they have opinions on the film.

At least no one dared to pat his chest and say that it would be better to listen to his own opinion than to follow Wayne\'s.

Let\'s not talk about whether they can pass the high-level and Wayne\'s side even if they have opinions. Even if they pass, the film will achieve the predetermined results after the fact. If there is any unexpected situation, no one can bear such a **** pot. rise.

After a simple trial session, Wayne found Angelina Jolie again in the next week, added some dubbing, plus back music, and the full version of "Wonder Woman" was a copy of the film. For two, one was sent to the Warner Bros. vault, and the other was deposited in the underground vault of a bank in Los Angeles.

In mid-March, without any rest, the "Wonder Woman" here had just completed all the work, and Wayne led his core team and plunged into the "Superman" crew again. After the Oscars at the latest, "Superman" will be officially filmed.

"In the past two months, I have traveled to all the locations you mentioned, and every one of them has been carefully inspected by me."

Standing in the corner of the "Superman" prep studio, Wayne folded his arms across his chest, staring at Ben Affleck who was training not far away. Producer Charles Rowan stood beside him, eloquently reporting on the preparations in recent months.

"The filming location of Clark\'s youth, the small town of Plano, Yinlinuo, to the back of Chicago." Seeing that the man beside him did not say anything, Charles Rowan continued to say.

"British Columbia Glacier, Vancouver Island, the Mojave Desert in California, every location where the crew will stop to shoot, has signed a shooting contract with the local municipal government. Once the "Superman" project officially starts filming, these location In the end, there will never be a situation that hinders the crew, I promise."

Nodding with satisfaction, Wayne finally showed a satisfied smile on his slightly tired face. However, no one knows whether his satisfied smile is because of Ben Affleck, who is getting stronger and stronger not far away, or because of the producer\'s proper preparations.

One thing no one can deny, due to the ample preparation time, Zach Snyder and Charles Rowan have almost done all the preparations, waiting for Wayne to enter the crew to announce the official shooting.

Glancing at Ben Affleck in training again, Wayne turned and walked towards his office. In fact, he also wanted to start filming as soon as possible, but for one thing, he had to be there in person, and that was the upcoming 71st Academy Awards ceremony.

"Charles, I heard that Guillermo del Toro, the Mexican assistant director, has received a commitment from Wayne for the guide tube of "Resident Evil". I heard that the investment of "Resident Evil" is expected to exceed 80 million. dollars."

Watching Wayne leave, Zach Snyder slowly approached Charles Rowan, shook his head gently, and said with a bitter self-joking tone:

"He gave me the opportunity to pick up the "Superman" guide tube, but I gave up like a fool because I cared about some eyes from Warner Bros. and the enormous pressure."

"Zach, don\'t think too much."

As a producer who worked with Wayne once before, Charles Rowan sees some things very well. Of course he could hear a hint of sourness in Zack Snyder\'s tone, but he knew better that even if he were to turn back time a hundred times, the director from the New York advertising industry would make the same choice.

"Don\'t forget Wayne\'s care for your own people, trust me, you made the right choice this time."

Reaching out his hand and patted Zach Snyder\'s shoulder deeply, Charles Rowan thought for a moment before continuing:

"Zach, it\'s just the two of us here, I can tell you clearly, now we\'ve been preparing for this "Superman" for a few months, and the next major drama "Justice League", the director and producer positions, except With the exception of Wayne Greenberg, Warner Bros. would simply reject it.

Let me tell you what reality is. The reality is that even if Wayne uses his influence at Warner Bros. to support you in the helm of Superman, the final result may not be what you want. Zach, your shoulders are still too young and too narrow, and they won\'t believe you can withstand so much pressure. "

Seeing Zach Snyder\'s face still showing a hint of stubbornness, Charles Rowan shook his head and sighed to himself. For the sake of the pleasant cooperation between the two of them in the past few months, he still couldn\'t help it. Said a few words.

"Look, Zach, I can tell you something right now, but out of this studio, I\'m definitely not going to admit to saying that.

In fact, when you finished filming the "Matrix" trilogy, including CEO Jeff Robinoff and powerful executive Bruce Rosenblum, they all deliberately let you take charge of the "Superman" guide tube. The reason is very simple, think about the way you made Neo in "The Matrix", the sense of invincibility that goes above and beyond is just too fitting for Superman Clark Kent.

But, mind you, inside Warner Bros., no matter how strong Jeff Robinoff and Bruce Rosenblum are, they are just two executives after all, you understand? Just because they figured this out, they decisively gave up their ideas when shareholders expressed distrust.

I can also tell you that even with Wayne\'s backing, you still won\'t get the Superman director\'s seat. On the board of Warner Bros., they have even discussed how to deal with it. They would rather delay the "Superman" project for a year and wait for Wayne to come free! "

After he finished speaking, he patted Zach Snyder on the shoulder again, turned and walked towards his office. In fact, Charles Rowan saw very clearly that people are complex animals, and they also came out of Wayne\'s team. In the past, the whole circle praised Zach Snyder, but in the future, it may not be so.

Especially when the Mexican director Gilmour made it through and got a commitment from the director of Wayne\'s project "Resident Evil".

In Charles Rowan\'s view, the reason why Zach Snyder has some hypocritical ideas is entirely because the road to Hollywood has gone too smoothly. Compared with those directors who have struggled for many years before trying their best to direct their first feature film, he has never experienced the real cruelty of Hollywood.

When shooting commercials in New York, he had already gained some fame for a short time, and then he came to Wayne\'s team and got the best learning environment in the circle.

Think about the filming of "Joker\'s Soul" and other films, many of the footage, Wayne is completely deliberately delegating authority, let Zach - Snyder learn how to control a large crew of several hundred people, learn how to coordinate the work of various departments.

I am afraid that in addition to Zach Snyder himself, many people have already seen that Wayne is deliberately cultivating his directing ability. The purpose is not difficult to guess. When the first phase of the DC movie universe is finished, UU reading www.uukanshu. The second stage of com is bound to be a blowout of a large number of projects, and Wayne certainly hopes that those who direct these projects will not deviate from their own production philosophy.

In fact, Charles Rowan really wanted to remind Zach Snyder that all he had to do now was to wait and not be anxious to see another director coming out of Wayne\'s team.

After one or two years at most, Zack Snyder will definitely usher in a stage for him to show his talents. At that time, there will be a DC comic universe with Wayne Todd, Zack Snyder and Wayne\'s shooting style. Are extremely similar directors afraid that they won\'t have the chance to take the center stage?

"Zach! Zach."

Wayne\'s shout sounded, Zach Snyder shook his head vigorously, ran all the messy thoughts to the back of his head, and trotted to the director\'s office. "I\'m here, boss."

"Leave some of the daily work of the crew to Charles, and the day after tomorrow you will go to the Oscars like **** with me!"

"No problem, boss."


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