Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and eleven - this is crazy

The Hollywood film market, which can also be called the North American film market in another way, is actually a fully mature market. After decades of commercial development, North America, the world\'s largest movie ticket warehouse, has become mature, which actually means that the market has long been divided up.

Even if there are only six major film companies left in Hollywood, it is actually very crowded. With the acquisition of large film companies by media groups, the tacit understanding of the six major Hollywood is that if they can\'t kill each other, they will work together to defend it. This mature market is the soil for the rise of all new forces.

When Steven Spielberg teamed up with two other giants, and with a very high starting point, came out DreamWorks, the company became the existence of the six major joint efforts to suppress.

No one dares to underestimate the ability of Steven Spielberg, not to mention the music mogul David Geffen in DreamWorks, and Jeffrey Katzenberg, the former head of Disney Animation Studios.

In fact, in the top management of the Big Six, and even the top management of the media group behind the Big Six, no one believed that DreamWorks would be able to stand out and become the seventh largest film company in Hollywood. But no one can guarantee that there will be any accidents, everyone just boils frogs in warm water in tacit understanding.

To say who is the biggest beneficiary in the past two years, it is definitely Sony Columbia, which has invested in this book. Since Sony acquired Columbia Pictures, after years of development, it still cannot change the embarrassment of being at the bottom of the top six. But with DreamWorks attracting most of the firepower, it avoided putting them in a more embarrassing situation.

Otherwise, it is really uncertain whether the revenue of DreamWorks, which has just been established by the Big Three, will suppress Sony Columbia in one fell swoop. If such a scene occurs, it is destined to cause shocks in the entire Hollywood industry.

Unlike Sony Columbia, Warner Bros. knows Wayne very well, including executives and shareholder representatives led by Jeff Robinoff, all of whom know clearly that once the Hollywood dark movie master leaves Warner Bros., he will definitely not mind. Create a big scene with your friend Spielberg.

To put it bluntly, this is what they are most worried about. Wayne is not the little guy he used to be, he himself represents a lot of capital.

"The global box office of "X-Men" is approaching 400 million US dollars, Wayne, this time you are going to make more money."

At two o\'clock in the afternoon, Wayne took Nina into the Warner Bros. Building. When he pushed open the door of the CEO\'s office, he saw Bruce Rosenblum throwing down the newspaper in his hand and teasing enthusiastically. he.

"No, no, man, you have to forgive me, I was too one-sided." Before he could sit down to say hello, the Warner Bros. distribution director shrugged and continued to tease with an exaggerated expression.

"Not only "X-Men", but also "Charlie\'s Angels", "The Matrix", "The Flash", man, after a summer break this year, you are definitely the biggest winner in the whole circle!"

"That\'s right, boss, you should have a big party to celebrate." Zach Snyder, who had just walked into the office, hugged Wayne warmly and agreed. "Pool, beauty, alcohol, by the way, don\'t you have a good relationship with Tom Cruise? You can borrow his big yacht for a party."

"Ok, after I\'ve been busy for a while, I\'ll invite you to a yacht party together." Facing everyone\'s ridicule, Wayne shrugged, smiled and nodded in agreement.

Chatting and laughing with a few people, he glanced at the newspaper that Bruce Rosenblum threw on the coffee table. This was a piece of "New York Times". On the open entertainment section, almost the entire page was related to "x". news about the cops.

The situation is obvious, although the North American movie viewing popularity of "X-Men" has gradually passed, but 20th Century Fox\'s propaganda offensive has not diminished at all, and even such an authoritative newspaper, various commentary reports are emerging one after another.

Obviously, 20th Century Fox wants to provoke fans who haven\'t watched the movie as much as possible, and take advantage of the popularity of "X-Men" to enter the theater and completely squeeze the market potential of the movie.

Similar reports not only appear in big media like The New York Times, but basically the print media and TV programs that are related to entertainment are the voices discussing "X-Men".

Sober people know that the leader in the North American theater market is "The Matrix 3: The Matrix Revolution". Those who don\'t know it think that "X-Men" was the box office champion last week. It can be seen that 20th Century Fox invested in Huge resources for publicity.

Inevitably, Wayne\'s name is frequently mentioned in a large number of publicity reports about "X-Men". Twentieth Century Fox knows too well that their cooperation with Wayne is likely to be the only one time, and they have paid a sky-high price. They will definitely take advantage of this cooperation to fully utilize his influence to the extreme.

"Look at this, boss."

Seeing Wayne tilting his head to read the newspaper on the coffee table, Zach Snyder and the others were not in a hurry to get down to business, and he handed over a copy of "Premier" magazine.

The moment he took the magazine with a smile, he immediately looked at the title on the cover of the magazine and shook his head. \'A textbook success, Wayne Greenberg, this time to change the superhero movies he ruled by himself! ’

On the cover of the entire "Premier", there is only this huge headline, and the cover photo of the magazine is a photo of Wayne on the set, holding the director\'s viewfinder in one hand. This photo is obviously a certain crew. Staff secretly filmed.

Even if he thought about it, he didn\'t remember when the photo on the cover was taken secretly. But these are not important, he opened the magazine and a report written in a professional tone came into his eyes.

\'If you only know George Lucas, the father of Star Wars, but don\'t know the man called "The Lord of Darkness", then I must suggest that you consciously find a Blockbuster store and rent Wayne Greenberg\'s. All videos to watch. Or patiently read this report, then go to stand for two minutes and reflect on what you missed in the past!

Steven Spielberg sees him as his best friend, Will Smith and Nicolas Cage ask him how to act, Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez are actually his Loyal fans, since he plunged into Hollywood, he has created countless brilliant and popular stars!

Unlike traditional noir film directors, although Wayne Greenberg\'s works still contain violence, death, crime and large-scale shots, themes of greed and deception, as well as anxiety and anxiety, he guides these Traditional black elements are perfectly balanced with business.

So far, he is the only special director in Hollywood who can attract a large number of moviegoers into the theater while maintaining a strong style of his own. Because of his special film style, both Hollywood film professionals and enthusiastic North American film fans call him the "King of Darkness".

In the summer of 1993, Wayne Greenberg put DC comic characters on the big screen for the first time. Once "Joker" was released, it immediately caused a big discussion in the whole society. I think fans who have seen "Joker" know how impressive this movie is in a special social context. Almost every audience found their own shadow in Arthur.

This attempt to change the movie from DC\'s comics completely let Wayne Greenberg put down his worries. He clearly knows that countless fans are deeply in love with this series. In the following years, he successively filmed and produced a series of DC comic superheroes such as "Batman: Hour of War", "Batman: The Dark Knight" and "The Flash".

There is no doubt that the annual DC superhero movie has become an annual sweet date between countless fans and Wayne Greenberg. No one can deny the great success of superhero movies! With the passage of time, the appetite of movie fans is also increasing, and they are gradually no longer satisfied with the status quo of only seeing one superhero movie a year.

So, just this summer, 20th Century Fox made a bold decision to team up with Wayne Greenberg to create amazing superheroes in addition to DC superhero movies. No accident happened. This "X-Men", written and produced by Wayne Greenberg, has since landed on the North American theater market in early August, and has been sought after by countless fans!

At the same time, Wayne Greenberg is also invisible, personally changing the scene where he dominates the superhero movies alone! This is like a perfect teaching for the entire Hollywood film industry. Wayne Greenberg personally told all practitioners how to shoot and make superhero movies other than DC in order to gain the recognition of fans!

Since the early 1990s, Hollywood producers have been terrified of adapting superheroes because they thought it was difficult to film heroes other than DC Comics. But Wayne Greenberg and Brian Singer proved this idea wrong. Not only can superheroes other than DC be filmed, but they also proved that as long as the quality of the film is up to standard, it will gain fans from fans.

From this year\'s "The Flash" to the "X-Men" that is currently in theaters, Wayne Greenberg has broken people\'s cognition again and again.

The former is the first movie in Hollywood to use motion capture extensively, and it is also the first work that uses a combination of CG special effects, digital special effects, and models. This application method based on the Hollywood film industry is worth learning by all practitioners.

Needless to say the latter, "X-Men" is still popular in the North American theater market. This work belongs to Marvel Comics, and it is completely different from the style of DC superheroes...\'

Throughout the report, the core theme is naturally Wayne, and the changes and promotion of Hollywood movies by his works. But as long as you watch it carefully, even ordinary readers can find that the entire article is still promoting "X-Men".

"How is it? Boss. To a certain extent, this report is right. You have indeed set a successful example for everyone in Hollywood this time."

Seeing him halfway through, he closed the magazine, raised his head and smiled and touched the cigarette, Zach Snyder took the magazine and threw it on the coffee table, spread his hands and said, "But 20th Century Fox\'s careful thinking is too obvious, they Obviously trying to drain all your appeal!"

"Zach, they paid for it."

With a wave of his hand, Wayne rejected Jeff Robinoff\'s cigar, tilted his head and lit a cigarette of his own.

His words made several people in the entire office laugh unconsciously. That\'s right, people paid, and they paid a lot of money.

To put it mildly, the top executives of Warner Bros. did not pay attention to the film "X-Men" at all. In the eyes of Warner Bros., which holds the full copyright of DC Comics, in the past ten years, there has been only one enemy of DC superhero movies, and that is himself.

"Okay, let\'s talk about business."

After chatting, Wayne looked around a few people in the office, from Bruce Rosenblum to Jeff Robinoff, and finally to Zach Snyder\'s face.

Following his words, several men on the scene tacitly put away their smiles and focused their attention on him.

"Zach, I remember you joined my crew from the end of 1992, right?"

"That\'s right."

Hearing this sentence, Zach Snyder was obviously stunned for a moment, and then quickly nodded. "Then the assistant director Luke Simmons left the team, and I ran from New York to Los Angeles to get a valuable opportunity to be on the set of \'Joker\'."

It is rude to say that Zach Snyder\'s career as a film director was deeply influenced by Wayne. Although in terms of directing style, he is indeed close to Wayne\'s philosophy, but one thing everyone has to admit, Zha Dao is a genius, and he is also a genius who is good at learning.

From these three "The Matrix" alone, you can find the growth of Zack Snyder. The achievements of the "Matrix" trilogy have already explained everything.

"Ok, Zach, as far as I\'m concerned, I have absolutely no objection to your ability."

Wayne stretched out his fingers holding the cigarette and tapped on the back of the sofa beside him, his eyes fixed on Zach Snyder, and while thinking carefully in his mind, he slowly said:

"Bruce and I have mentioned it many times, hoping to give you a chance to take charge of the director of the latest "Superman". Let\'s put aside other external factors and tell me, Zach, what do you think yourself?"

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire office fell silent.

Including two Warner Bros. executives, and even John Gray and Nina sitting in the corner, all turned their attention to Zach Snyder to see what he had to say.

Everyone could see that Zach Snyder\'s face was obviously struggling. He wanted to open his mouth to say something a few times, but then he held back all of it. Undoubtedly, this question also has many concerns for him.

Wayne wasn\'t in a hurry at all, he just lay relaxed on the sofa and smoked silently with Erlang\'s legs crossed. In fact, in the entire office, he is the person who knows Zach Snyder best. To put it bluntly, this level of understanding is better than that of Zach Snyder himself.

From God\'s perspective, Zach Snyder is one of the most successful Hollywood directors of his generation. His film work varies from historical epics to dystopian futures. However, each of his works displays a distinct visual style of opera, which is also called by some people like magnificent oil paintings.

Arguably the most obvious element of Zach Snyder\'s style is his penchant for slow motion. Like many directors, he uses it to heighten the intended mood of the shot. The benefits are obvious. Under a lot of high-speed and slow-motion footage, the tragedy becomes more tragic and the romance becomes more romantic.

If fans are careful, they will find that there are usually a lot of motion and slow-motion scenes in his films. However! That\'s what worries Wayne the most.

The crazy obsession with high-speed and slow-motion seems to have been deeply imprinted in Zach Snyder\'s blood, regardless of whether it is the conventional way of using it or his signature curve shifting, it\'s like leaving these emotional slow-motion, he It\'s not like doing action scenes.

On the Internet in later generations, this is probably the most powerful point that has been complained about by movie fans. No one denies the shocking nature of Zha Dao\'s filming, but the frequent abuse of various slow-motion motions is constantly eroding fans\' goodwill towards the movie.

Looking at his most successful early work "Three Hundred Spartans", fans can clearly see the transition between fast motion and slow motion in various war scenes. The shots that closely followed Leonidas to cut people were all shot at a speed of 100-360 frames per second. The purpose was to facilitate the editing of fast and slow motion nodes at will in post-editing.

Therefore, in the eyes of movie fans, it is the blood flower that shocked the enemy with every sword of Leonidas. Then there is the alternation of fast and slow motion, sword after sword.

This is not without its advantages. The gorgeous shots like commercials, the shocking visual effects like oil paintings, and the epic space layout can stimulate the emotions of the viewers to the greatest extent. It is also because of this reason that Zack Snyder is the most suitable for R-rated films that are full of blood. The larger the scale of the lens, the more Zack Snyder\'s style can be played.

The point is, if you like various poses and abuse slow motion, the benefits will definitely outweigh the disadvantages if you put them in other commercial action movies.

But this guy is still a die-hard DC fan. The DC superhero movies he shot are the best way to restore the world of comics, and the ugly ones are the world\'s top budget, which is specially made for DC fans to watch. Niche genre movie!

Coupled with his uncontrollable slow-motion desire, there are various slow-motion renderings that can\'t be stopped once Superman enters the fight scene!

"Boss, I\'m under a lot of pressure."

The silence in the office was finally broken by Zach Snyder himself, he smiled wryly, looked at Wayne and said directly: "The pressure is so overwhelming that I can\'t breathe, you know, directing the DC series is my dream , but it\'s not like The Matrix where you arrange everything..."

Nodding silently, Wayne looked at Zack Snyder with deep appreciation. Clearly, this guy isn\'t getting carried away by the success of the streak.

It is not clear to outsiders, but the two of them know best that the great success of "The Matrix" is inseparable from the excellent performance of Zack Snyder.

But it can\'t be ignored, since before the first filming of "The Matrix", Wayne has perfectly planned everything about "The Matrix". Including the script, the direction of the film, etc., and even the shooting sequence of the scenes, and even the camera position and lighting requirements, were all done when shooting the first part.

To put it horribly, Zach Snyder was more of a traditional filming machine when filming the first film of The Matrix. From the second to the third, although Wayne did not continue to make such perfect preparations for the film, the general direction remains the same. It seems that the crew is all under the control of Zach Snyder, but in fact it is still working according to his plan.

"Zach, the importance of the opening of Superman, I believe I don\'t need to continue to emphasize it with you..."

Following Wayne\'s words, several people nodded slowly. They are all senior people in the circle. Everyone knows that every Hollywood director faces unprecedented pressure when he takes over a big project. Directors who are overwhelmed by pressure in the circle are not only not uncommon, but are everywhere.

You know, from the moment he signed his name on the director\'s contract, the director was under pressure of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars. This is also the reason why many directors in the crew are generally a powder keg that explodes at one point. It is really too much work pressure. This stress is not a day or two, but can last from months to years.

"So, Zach, I\'ll give you two choices."

Wayne looked at Zach Snyder, took a big mouthful of his cigarette, stretched out a finger, and said slowly, "First, I can fully support you in directing the opening chapter of Superman. Don\'t be happy, now I can tell you in advance that in my plan, the investment scale of Superman\'s opening chapter should be around $180-200 million.

This is one of the central characters of the DC series of films, and you have to make the film as I want it to be. Zach, there is no friendship to talk about in this regard. If you want to take over the opening of Superman, you will definitely prepare for the shooting under the eyes of me and the producer. If you make a mistake, I will replace you without hesitation. "

Zach Snyder nodded, he fully understood the meaning of what Wayne said. There is no doubt that Superman is too important. In such a top Hollywood project, not to mention the friendship between them, even a father and son would not risk 200 million US dollars.

"the second."

Seeing Zach Snyder nodding, Wayne stretched out a finger again. "Most of the opening shots of Superman, and even the preparatory work for the entire movie, are still shot by you, but you don\'t have to carry a lot of pressure work. Just like you did in "Joker", you are only responsible for shooting the footage , the success or failure of the film has nothing to do with you, just do the work I gave you."

Zach Snyder asked in astonishment, "Associate director?"

"Deputy director!"

"No, no, no." Unexpectedly, before Zach Schneider could say anything, Jeff Robinoff took the lead and shook his head and said, "Wayne, this can\'t be done, you can\'t come here in a hurry, you will. Those who are dragged down by work are likely to delay everything in the end..."

Bruce Rosenblum also grew his mouth and murmured, "This is crazy, Wayne..."