Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and thirty-eight - lazy girl out of the house! ?

Jonathan Keller\'s worries are normal. It can be seen from the first cut samples. All the scenes in this film are full of seriousness, darkness and depression.

This is a rare film that abandons all comedy elements. It is quite rare in this era. Now that mainstream commercial productions are made, the most popular action films by audiences are also mixed with comedy elements, which is also a feature of the 1990s.

"Jonathan, I didn\'t make this film with humor in mind, what I defined for him was a dark and serious core. I\'ve never been a comic book fan since I was a kid, and I just watched some of the most famous ones.

Of course I understand your concerns about the market outlook, but I still have some personal understandings. I have read all the DC comics I have seen since I was a child, Wonder Woman, Superman, especially Batman and the Justice League. The stories in these comics , the last thing you need to care about is a **** sense of humor. "

This was not only said to Jonathan Keller, but even Zach Snyder, John Gray and Dwayne Scott, who was about to start editing, silently recalled the comics they had read.

Yes, there is nothing wrong. The characters or heroes that appear in DC comics are almost all of the type of bitterness and hatred, and the funny elements are basically not next to them.

"Is this why you shot the film with a bit of a comic quality?" Zach Snyder was shaking with excitement. Maybe in this room, only Wayne knew why he was so excited.

He is a complete fan of DC comics, and even the films shot by him later have a strong comic style. This is a carnival for comic fans, and it is also irresponsible for passers-by audiences.

It\'s not impossible for fans to have movies, such as those youth campus movies, or the most typical Mary Sue "Twilight", these movies have achieved good box office results, and fans will also pay for the movies.

However, the investment in DC comic blockbusters cannot be made into a collective carnival of fans. The kind of film with particularly poor popularity has lost too many passers-by audiences. It is far from being able to recover the investment only by fans paying for the movie.

With the reputation of the three giants of justice in the world, the reason why they were later suppressed by Marvel was related to the obsessive operation of Warner Bros. executives, and also because Zack Snyder did not have a long-term plan, and the film produced was too fan-oriented. , has a lot to do with it.

After the film officially started the second cut, Jonathan Keller once again resumed his taciturnity. Sometimes he would not be like an executive of a large company. He would spend the whole day in the editing room watching, and sometimes he would not be seen for two or three days. silhouette.

"Here, stop!" This footage on the screen is exactly the long shot at the end of the film, where Robert DeRoney and Nicolas Cage performed extremely well. "Except for the editing points I saved, all the rest must be kept!"

This scene is the one that Wayne is most satisfied with the whole film. In his opinion, this long shot exceeds the original picture in his mind.

"Wayne, keep this long shot, is it a little too long!" John raised an objection for the first time, which was closely related to his responsibilities as a production manager.

If this film was edited exactly as Wayne intended, how long would it be after it was finished? This makes John feel that the director has too much power, and some of them are starting to let themselves go?

As we all know, the length of a film determines the number of times it can be shown in the theater every day. The producer must hope that the shorter the better, under the condition of reasonable guarantee.

On the contrary, a film is a continuation of the director\'s thinking. If the director is allowed to make his own decisions, it will not be surprising how long it takes to cut.

This is why Hollywood generally excludes directors from post-production work. Even if the director has the right to participate in editing and suggestions, the final decision is still made by the film\'s producers. After all, they have always kept a clear head and decisions are made for the market.

Looking up at the production manager\'s worried look, Wayne gave him a reassuring smile. "John, don\'t worry, I haven\'t been carried away by those **** obsessions. You should trust me to find that balance between business and artistry."

Originally, this matter should have passed here, but after John thought for a while, he still uneasy pulled Wayne out of the studio and sat together on the chair outside the door.

After taking a sip of the coffee in his hand, he asked hesitantly: "Wayne, how long will the final film be? This is related to Warner Bros.\' overall strategy for publicity and distribution. Now that the first editing has passed, you must give it to me. An accurate estimated duration."

"You know post-production is impossible..."

"Director Greenberg, don\'t make me embarrassed, we have always cooperated very well!"

The rare seriousness of the production manager squeezed Wayne into a corner, so that he could no longer be vague. After thinking about it for a while, he said cautiously: "The final length of the film will be between 115 and 125 minutes, and if it is shorter than this, it will basically hurt the main body of the story.

Of course, I will try to compress this time as much as possible, and I will cut off many unnecessary shots. However, I don\'t expect that even after two or three rounds of fine trimming, the final retention time will be no less than this number. "

This is already the most conservative number in his mind. If it is less, it will really affect the integrity of the film. In fact, he cares more about commercial results than anyone else, because only as he expected, the film will become a crushing Only by suppressing the box office bomb in the same period is it possible to support him in continuing to execute the next plan.

"It\'s still a little long. Is it possible to compress it to about 100 minutes? This is the most ideal state!"

This obviously didn\'t meet John\'s expectations, and it didn\'t meet the expectations of Warner Bros., 120 minutes or so is two hours long, which has a huge impact on the screening of the film.

"Impossible, John." When it came to the fundamental issue, Wayne would definitely not budge. "You can communicate with the company first, and when I finish all the post-production, invite company executives to watch the preview together. If you are not satisfied with the result at that time, you can preside over the editing again."

There is no way out. With the quality of the film and the projection effect, he is confident that he can conquer everyone with these.

After confirming his partner\'s determination again, John also stopped discouraging. "Well, Wayne, the fate of both of us is tied to this project, I hope you can be careful before making a decision!"

Wayne shrugged, stood up and walked back to the post-production studio. This episode did not affect his decision. The most important thing at present is to finish the film as soon as possible. There are too many things waiting to be proved by this film.

After nearly a month in the Warner Bros. post-production studio, Wayne had to pull out his energies and temporarily hand over the post-production work to Zach Snyder.

Warner Bros. sent him an invitation to the Golden Globes, where "Get Out" was nominated for multiple nominations.

Probably the only difficulty for Wayne is that such an important occasion requires a formal female companion. After thinking about it, I seem to have a lot of choices, but it seems that nothing is too suitable.

In fact, Naomi Watts is the most suitable candidate, but after calling her, it was very unfortunate that Naomi Watts went to Australia to shoot with the crew of "Skinny Daddy", and it was impossible to leave work and come back .

It\'s not his style to bother about this kind of thing, so he simply said to the little assistant who was hiding in the corner of the sofa and flipping through magazines: "Nina~www.novelhall.com~ Why don\'t you come and be my girlfriend? Let\'s go to the Golden Globes together. How about playing around?"

After she put down the magazine in her hand, she rolled her eyes. "I don\'t want it! So many women can\'t ask for this red carpet opportunity. You can go to Kami or Harry. Trust me, if they get this opportunity, they will definitely be grateful to you."

"Okay, look back and see who has time." Wayne shook his head with emotion when he looked at the assistant who didn\'t even bother to change his clothes without going out.

"You\'re about to become a house girl, Ms. Nina Klein! I\'m busy with the post-production of the film during this time, haven\'t I given you a vacation? Why are you still living in the manor all day? You should find someone Boy friend!"

The mention of this Nina makes me a little **** off. "I quit the apartment I rented, and besides, I have everything in the manor, why should I go out? Forget about my boyfriend, the men who asked me for a phone number were all very handsome, but they were close My purpose, only because my boss is called Wayne Greenberg!"

"By the way, boss, what does otaku mean?"

"Uh...a lazy girl out of the house!?"