Hollywood Drawing

~: One Hundred and Sixty Three - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

The sun is gradually starting to blaze. In fact, playing golf in Los Angeles, Wayne does not think it is a kind of enjoyment, but most elites and upper-class people like it.

Led by T-shirts, golf shoes, golf caps, golf gloves, George Lucas and Wayne are both dressed the same, except for the color of the T-shirts.


With a sharp swing, George Lucas glanced at the pergola with his hand, handed the club in his hand to the caddie beside him, and did not get on the battery car, and the two walked along the wide grass.

There were only two people around, and even the caddie and Nina were more than twenty meters away, and the father of Star Wars stepped on the grass under his feet. "You know why everyone loves to talk about things on the golf course? Wayne."

"Because of being big?" Since he asked about his parents\' past, George Lucas got up and took him to play ball. Wayne still has some patience for this, so he didn\'t do anything, just accompanied the bearded The old man plays ball.

Pointing to the empty field, George Lucas nodded and shook his head. "That\'s right, it\'s because it\'s big. What\'s more important is that it\'s basically impossible for others to hear when talking about things in this environment. Everyone\'s situation is clear at a glance."

After he finished speaking, he didn\'t need Wayne to answer, just like talking to himself, he continued to walk forward slowly.

Hey, Wayne almost burst out laughing at the reason. This is the same as the so-called big brothers in the society in the previous life, who have to go to the bathroom to talk about things. Everyone met each other frankly, and the two sat in the pool chatting without fear of being heard by others.

Therefore, there is a reason why there is an inexplicable connection across the huge Pacific Ocean.

"Probably in the 1960s." Suddenly George Lucas\'s voice sounded slowly, as if he was reminiscing and narrating slowly. "Reuben Greenberg, together with a few friends, co-founded a small film company with only a few people. I can\'t even remember the name now, but it doesn\'t matter."

coming! Wayne has been waiting patiently. He knows the old acquaintance of the father of Star Wars, who is called his father, and he must have a general understanding of the past.

Walking to a small sand pit, he suddenly squatted down and grabbed a handful of sand, and watched the sand flow down in his hands. "About five or six years, some young people quit, and some persisted. They began to make the company better and better by producing, trading, and distributing low-cost campus horror films."

Speaking of which, George Lucas opened his hand, letting all the sand flow out, turning to look at Wayne and shaking his head. "You look a lot like your father when you were young, I mean private life, but you don\'t have the **** character of him!"

Wayne shrugged at the matter of his private life, and didn\'t interrupt the other party\'s narrative, he knew the point was coming.

"There were only two of those young people left. They were in high spirits and took a new name after reintegrating the company." He reached out and patted Wayne\'s shoulder, and George Lucas said a word to let him Very surprising name.

"New Line Cinema!"


A **** came out of his mouth in an instant, but Wayne reacted immediately and said apologetically, "I\'m sorry, George, you continue."

The father of Star Wars was not unhappy, looking at the young man whose expression changed cheerfully, he had long known that this child would be very surprised. "It seems that in the early 1970s, Ruben and Shay were not satisfied with the release of North American horror films, and began to buy out and distribute European low-budget films, mainly for the target market is the students in colleges and universities."

If it had been in the early seventies, it was clear that the strategy was the right one, and even Wayne felt they were on the right track. Through the small-budget horror movies that young people like to accumulate the first pot of gold in the small company period, many production companies have proved the correctness of this road.

In those years when Hollywood was still in the Big Eight, or the Big Seven, the giants were not as severe in squeezing the market as they are now, and some small distribution companies could indeed develop slowly.

"I forgot that it was a few years ago that the strong personalities of the two young men began to collide." George Lucas scratched his hair. "The main reason seems to be that Ruben wants to get involved in the production industry, not the kind of petty slapstick before, but a mainstream movie facing the theatrical market.

Shea did not agree with him. In the midst of the noise, Shea slowly gained control of the company and began to squeeze your father\'s right to speak. When you find that your company has almost no people of your own..."

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the land of North America. The founder of the company is kicked out, and it happens every day. Even the gang leader Joe came to Hollywood and started to play Pixar. .

"The last two partners had a big fight, and one person sold all the shares in frustration. The other person started to lead the company to start rapid development."

Hearing these, Wayne nodded. It was impossible to say who was right or wrong in this kind of thing. It could only be said that Shay had a chance to prove his idea, and Ruben was inferior to the other in terms of competition methods.

Therefore, it should be Xie Yi of Xinxian who accidentally knew about his former partner\'s child, and sent someone to investigate his information. It seems that this matter is just like what his parents thought, and he thinks too much.

"Thank you, George!" Although he didn\'t find out the specific reasons for his frustration, it was enough to know that, from which Wayne could analyze the general findings.

He waved to the caddie and assistant who were following in the distance, and the two got into the battery car. After playing a hole with George Lucas, they sat back under the umbrellas in the lounge area.

Picking up a bottle of water and taking two sips, George Lucas asked, "How are you thinking about Star Wars? Are you interested in directing a movie?"

Wayne pondered the issue for a while, and in his mind he was inclined not to take the risk. "George, I don\'t think I\'m suitable to direct Star Wars. It\'s George Lucas\' Star Wars, and a North American audience won\'t necessarily pay for it."

Although a little embarrassed, when it came to business matters, he decided to directly and euphemistically refuse.

"It\'s okay, we have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

Although it\'s a pity, George Lucas didn\'t force too much on this. From the social influence caused by "Joker" to the box office surpassing 300 million US dollars and climbing to No. 1 in North America, it can be said that in Hollywood, no one can force this child to do anything.

Wayne was silent on the way back. His rejection of "Star Wars" was by no means a decision made by his head, it was a deliberate decision.

Even if he doesn\'t get involved in this series, George Lucas will start "The Phantom Menace" soon. It is possible that the script has already taken shape. This is a special effects blockbuster, and two years of preparation is definitely not too much.

Although the story is a bit nonsense, it is destined to disappoint ardent Star Wars fans, and some die-hard movie fans will feel that George Lucas personally ruined the series, and they have a beautiful fantasy feeling in their hearts.

But no matter how disappointed fans may feel, this is a Star Wars series, and the Jewish old man has never been good at storytelling, saying that technical flow is what makes him stand out.

The next "Phantom Menace" only talks about the technology and special effects used, and it absolutely blows the Hollywood of the 1990s. Don\'t look at the fact that special effects companies have never made money, but Industrial Light and Magic has really promoted the development of the Hollywood film industry.

This series can only be started by George Lucas, and Wayne decided to think about the next project. There is also a new line factor. If possible, he is even willing to give up the original plan and make a good calculation for New Line Pictures.

"Nina, help me ask Jimmy to come to the manor in the afternoon, and say there are some things for him to do." Thinking of this, he instructed his assistant, and after that, he got out of the car and took the two dogs to the garden.

He has seen his own father\'s affairs, and he definitely doesn\'t need Wayne to stretch out his hand. But there is one thing Wayne can do at will. Shay\'s new line has always been independently operated, and even after more than ten years, it is still producing box office hits.

It will take 10 years or so to fully integrate with Warner Bros., which will lay the foundation for the rapid development of the new line, and also the foundation for the expansion of Shay\'s net worth. Wayne is familiar with this thing, who made most of the films made by New Line obviously have a cult attribute.

Jimmy, who came in a hurry, found Wayne and his two dogs under the awning in front of the garden, and looked at the customers lying leisurely on the deck chairs. At this moment, he suddenly felt that some people were born capitalists.

"What\'s wrong?" Without Wayne\'s greeting, he took a bottle of juice from the ice bucket, inserted a straw, and sat aside. The agent\'s suit has made him suffer in the outdoors in Los Angeles this season.

Sitting up cross-legged~www.novelhall.com~ Wayne took off his sunglasses and looked at the dedicated agent. "Help me investigate one thing, and if it goes well, you\'ll have to fly to the UK!"

"What\'s up?"

"You go and investigate Tolkien\'s descendants first and see if the copyright of "The Lord of the Rings" is still in their hands!" At this moment, Wayne had an obvious smile on his face, but this kind of smile made Jimmy The more I look at it, the more gloomy it becomes.

"If nothing else, they and the publishing house are still in the hands of them. My director\'s remuneration on the Greenberg Studios account has not been moved, so I will buy the film and television adaptation rights!"

"The film and television adaptation rights of "The Lord of the Rings"?" Hearing this, Jimmy naturally began to persuade him. "Hollywood\'s consensus, this is the most difficult series to film and television. Everyone knows the allure of Middle-earth, but no one has tried it. The difficulty is too great, Wayne!"

"No!" The difficulty of filming this film is of course high, so high that it is impossible to make the required props and costumes without two or three years of preparation time. "Did I say I want to shoot it myself? You have $10 million, and even if you only get a part of the copyright, you have to buy it for me!"