Hollywood Drawing

~: One hundred and ninety-five - handsome guys

Under normal circumstances, Wayne is not very willing to participate in the first few rounds of auditions. Even if there is an actor he likes early in the morning, he will wait until Schwartz does the screening first.

If he can\'t even pass the first few rounds of auditions, then even if he likes him early in the morning, it can only mean that the actor himself is unsuitable and flawed.

This circle is so realistic, no matter what means or method you use, as long as you can pass the previous audition, at least you have the qualifications to compete.

This "Batman" has invested hundreds of millions of dollars. It\'s okay to say other roles, especially the actor Bruce Wayne, if he can\'t show surprising characteristics or convincing audition performance, even Warners Brother\'s Jeff Robinoff is here, and it\'s still impossible to beat his head to decide how far away he is.

Because of Wayne\'s special request for this role, Schwartz, together with Tim Burton, used the most common method in the circle, casting a net to catch fish.

As long as an agent brings qualified actors and passes the preliminary review of Schwartz\'s assistant, they can participate in the first round of large-scale auditions.

This also caused Schwartz, who was in charge of the first round of auditions, to be chased and intercepted by the agents of various companies.

The Hollywood crew has never been able to avoid human affection, but this time was different. The casting director understood that Wayne was interested in the male lead, and even the three assistants who assisted him were specially warned by him not to take too much opportunity to find trouble.

In fact, the requirements for those who can pass the first round of audition are really not high, as long as they are under the age of 30, their body is stronger than ordinary people, or they can be trained in a short time, and their appearance conforms to the aesthetics of most people.

No one will consider whether you have acting experience, or your line skills, and most of the attention will still be on height, appearance, and body shape.

Actors and agents, big or small, all understand that this is definitely the fastest way to become famous. As long as you can get this role, it basically means career progress.

In this circle, whether it is big or small, the relationship between various agents, production companies, and crew members is quite complicated, and no one can guarantee that they will not be affected by off-site factors.

When Tim Burton participated in the second round, he found a lot of actors who were stuffed in for inexplicable reasons. He didn\'t mean to blame Schwartz in any way, and being able to be stuffed in, at least the appearance was qualified.

So he basically just observed the audition silently, and did not mean to intervene. As Tim Burton expected, in a relatively fair environment, Schwartz and his assistant screened these people again, until this time Wei En is also present here.

Strictly speaking, there are still dozens of candidates, and it is impossible for Wayne to audition for a long time. This time, he is just with Tim Burton to see everyone and decide to audition for the next round. candidate.

These people, regardless of your qualifications or not, all lined up in groups of 6 without discrimination, and entered the audition room again and again to be inspected by Tim Burton and the other three.

There is basically no personal performance in this process, and only those with suitable appearance will be selected again. The meaning of beauty pageants is definitely greater than selecting actors.

"I always thought Hollywood beauties gathered together, but I didn\'t expect so many handsome guys!"

When the first group of people was brought in by the assistant pushing the door, even Wayne sighed unconsciously. The group of people who came in, although each person\'s appearance is different, without exception are all handsome guys in the eyes of the public.

Tim Burton shrugged and said softly: "It will be much harder for an actor to succeed than an actress, but there has always been no shortage of good guys here. This is Hollywood."

Looking at the six men in front of him, Wayne picked up the resumes prepared by Schwartz and compared them with the real people in front of them.

The casting director was still in charge of this audition. He saw that the two bosses didn’t say anything, so he looked at his resume and said directly to the actors:

"Gentlemen, I believe that the assistant has told you the process just now, please take off your shirt now."

This has been communicated in advance, and the actors did not hesitate. Those who can appear in this room are ready to show their muscles.

It\'s not all unnamed people here, or the unnamed people in the future. The first time Wayne looked up, he saw two familiar faces, so he looked at his resume while thinking about it.

"The two on the far left don\'t work, they don\'t meet the basic conditions." Tim Burton discussed with him softly, tilting his head slightly to Wayne\'s side. "The physical foundation of these two people is the standard of ordinary people. We don\'t need sex, so even after training, it is difficult to become a muscular man!"

Wayne glanced up and nodded, and drew a line on the resumes of the two.

Different from the aesthetics of the East, even if you are a high-quality idol here, you will definitely not be a handsome man. For example, these two have a good face, but their bodies are not much different from normal thin young people. .

This kind of training takes years and months, otherwise, let alone the crew of "Batman", even some low-cost commercial films will not use them.

Hollywood\'s high-quality idols can only be idols with sufficient masculinity. Even handsome guys like Xiao Lizi and Tom Cruise will have muscles when they take off their clothes. This is a big difference in the aesthetics of Eastern and Western audiences. .

"Mr. Affleck." Taking his eyes off his resume, Wayne raised his head and called out, interrupting Schwartz\'s intention to let them continue. "It says on your resume that you worked in two feature films in 1992, right?"

The director, who has been silent all the time, is definitely the key observation object of these six people after entering the room, and also the focus of their attention.

The third actor on the left was stunned when he heard his voice calling him, and then showed a look of surprise. He noticed his gaffe, and immediately nodded with a sullen face.

"Yes, Mr. Greenberg, I was in the drama "School of Life" in 1992, and the fantasy comedy "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", both of which were released in theaters. In "School of Fire" I play..."


Without letting the other party continue to introduce, Wayne raised his hand to signal that he could do it, and lowered his head to draw a circle on the other party\'s resume to represent the focus of attention.

Curiously glanced at the actor who stopped, Tim Burton noticed his movements and asked softly. "this is not bad?"

Wayne nodded casually, but also weighed in his heart, if using this performer Bruce Wayne, how likely would it be, and whether it would have other effects.

In terms of appearance and body, the actor\'s advantages are not obvious, but at first glance, the body can be trained, which is more in line with Wayne\'s setting.

In any case, these people who can prove themselves in the future will definitely be the focus of Wayne. If he can surprise him in subsequent auditions, he doesn\'t mind letting the other party become famous in advance, and he doesn\'t have to wait for "Soul Hunter" in a few years.

After the group went out, after a pause for a few minutes, Schwartz turned back and said, "How about these guys? I think you\'re very interested in that Mr. Affleck."

Picking out the two resumes he had just drawn, Wayne handed them to the casting director. "Fortunately, you go back and inform these two agents that they don\'t have to participate in the audition in the future."

Then he reached out and lightly touched the stubble on his chin, yes, of course he was interested in the actor. This is also a very malleable actor, born Batman?

He still has impressions of "Gone Lover", "Pearl Harbor" and "Escape from Tehran". Especially "Justice League" and "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", it is impossible for Wayne not to be moved.

"Go ahead and focus on this Mr. Affleck, Schwartz, I need more details on him."

The casting director nodded. "No problem, the materials will be handed over to you in the next round of audition."

After speaking, he raised his hand and signaled to the assistant, asking him to bring the next group in.

Taking advantage of his free time, Tim Burton said curiously: "I heard that your assistant director Zach, his production style is almost the same as yours. Now he is hosting the post-production of "The Clown\'s Soul", right? It should be right away It\'s almost finished."

"It\'s very similar." Wayne breathed a sigh of relief and slowly frowned. "But that\'s because he made two films with me, and he learned some things deliberately. Now it can only be said that it is closer on the surface, after all, some things are different! There is basically not much in "The Clown\'s Soul" problem."

Speaking of this Wayne, his head hurts a bit. Zach Snyder is different from him after all. From this later work, he discovered that Zach is deliberately learning himself in all directions.

Now he is not sure whether this is a good thing or not. You know, Zach Snyder himself is good at large-scale things, and is very sensitive to heavy-colored pictures.

Wayne let him get in touch with these things in advance~www.novelhall.com~ What will this person become in the future, and now even he is starting to murmur.

"There\'s nothing to worry about, it\'s a good thing after all." Tim Burton frowned slightly and said suspiciously. "I learned some of your plans for DC comics. Isn\'t this kind of assistant director your best helper?"

"That\'s the best..." He shook his head slightly.

The six boys in the second group, also under the command of Schwartz, began to take off their shirts and put on a movement to show their muscles one by one.

But Wayne almost laughed when he took a closer look. The actor on the far left is definitely not handsome, but this face is definitely the kind of audience.

He turned out the actor\'s resume, but didn\'t ask as he just did. This young man named Matt Damon, although he likes it, doesn\'t pay much attention to it.

Just didn\'t cross him out, everything was handed over to the audition performance that followed.